The script seems to be working 100% fine
He just forgot to add
// @grant GM_listValues
Add that line anywhere before the line
// ==/UserScript==
and the script will probably be able to create lists
Thanks, but not seems good:
I added this @grant without effect...
Tested on 2 different profiles,
with Greasemonkey 3.17 (which i use for it normally) and Tampermonkey .
The script worked fine the last week without // @grant GM_listValues
Actually it change only the Greasyfork site icon...
You have a problem on your browser,or some other script is making that script not work,because the script is making greasyfork yellow to me.
I'm 100% sure that he forgot to add @grant, and this is giving some kind of error on the script.
What are the bugs that you want to be fixed? Is there multiple bugs or only one?
But i don't speak about the color yellow, yes that thing work.
It's about the most important function:
Organization in listings with header to change the order of the list:
Redd the description in the script page (my English is ...)
If it work for you, can you make a screenshot on the script page ?
this one by example:
Normally that should be like that (but now not for me):
I see, that isn't working for me either.
That seems to be a bit complex and too time consuming to fix...
Fixed a little
ha thanks but, the link don't open :
say it's a private etc.....
Fixed a little
The link is also private to me
Oops, sorry. It is opened now
Thanks Konf !
It seems fixed by you.
I have noticed your fix in the script comments pages:
If you want a temporary fix (before its author come back to us), try : Unofficial fix of the "Citrus GFork" script
Just by curiosity, where you make changes ?
Can you fix too :
1 - It miss the .list-option-group:
The menu to have the choice between CSS / JavaScript / All
see my screenshot.
I have find a way, but i am not coder, by commenting, line 701:// TSL.removeNode("script-list-option-groups");
It work for me with my userstyle (which remove unnecessary options like sort by etc... but left the list options group visible and usable :
Userstyles / Greasy Fork Enhancer Dark-Grey
or better because more usable and faster that
Userstyles / Greasy Fork Enhancer Dark-Grey [in USO Archives]
2 - When i use Super_preloaderPlus_one_New, which provide auto loading function, i have a problem because it load twice the same list?
By example, here:
I had made a request to Super_preloaderPlus_one_New, but without chance...
Here my post with my tests:
ADD a new rule for Greasyfork forum ?
Just by curiosity, where you make changes ?
You can figure it out by using any text compairing-service
Can you fix another bugs too
No, I am not interested in this script. It's a huge and for it's proper work it should be supported all the time
I understand.
Anyway thanks for the help!
One more time, the script is broken after some change on GreasyFork:
maybe the suppression of the Set function.
Can you drop an eye on it?
Yes, that's not your job and it's an huge script.
But maybe a quick fix is possible?
I hope, because i don't know another userscript which do the same thing.
Forget it:
Your fix work always (seems i need to be logged...for that ?)
Did you know a similar script which make the same job?
Hooo, your Pastebin with the Fix is hidden or deleted....
Can you see that ?
This script:
[TS] Citrus GFork
It stop working totally (don't create scrip list), maybe due a change in Greasyfork....
I appreciate and use it a lot.
But it can't be actually maintained by its author:
Development has been halted till further notice, due to personal issues. Thank you for your understanding.
So, someone can fix it (i hope a temporary fix, before its author comeback to us)?