Greasy Fork is available in English.

1. Greasemonkey Emulation

Emulate the Greasemonkey GM_* functions for other browsers.

Script này sẽ không được không được cài đặt trực tiếp. Nó là một thư viện cho các script khác để bao gồm các chỉ thị meta // @require

// ==UserScript==
// @run-at           document-start
// @name             1. Greasemonkey Emulation
// @description      Emulate the Greasemonkey GM_* functions for other browsers.
// @version          2.0.1c
// @author           Lil Devil
// @attribution      based on version 1.4.5 by ale5000
// @namespace
// @include          http://*
// @include          https://*
// @filename         aab-greasemonkey-emulation.user.js
// @filename-IE      aab-greasemonkey-emulation.ieuser.js
// @filename-opera   aab-greasemonkey-emulation.js
// @uniquescriptname greasemonkey_emulation
// @license          GPL version 3 or any later version;
// ==/UserScript==

	// Settings, can be changed
	var enable_GM_registerMenuCommand = true,
		override_GM_registerMenuCommand = false,
		show_global_config_menu_item = false,
		enable_opera_scriptStorage = true,
		use_alert_as_fallback = true;

	// Internal variables, do not change
	var version = "2.0";
	var unique_script_name = "greasemonkey_emulation";

	var opera_obj = window.opera, hostname = location.hostname;
	var rnd = ( Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1 );
	var chrome = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") != -1), midori = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Midori") != -1);
	var unsfw = null, storage = null, storage_used = false, cross_domain_values = false, opera_script_storage_active = false;
	if(opera_obj && enable_opera_scriptStorage) //
		try { storage = opera_obj.scriptStorage; opera_script_storage_active = true; } catch(e) {}
		opera_script_storage_active = false;

			storage = localStorage;
			if(opera_obj) opera_obj.postError("Go on \"opera:config#PersistentStorage|UserJSStorageQuota\" and set a quota different from 0 like for example 5120 to enable window.opera.scriptStorage");
		else if(window.globalStorage)
			storage = globalStorage[hostname];
	if((typeof unsafeWindow) != "undefined") unsfw = unsafeWindow; else { unsfw = window; unsafeWindow = unsfw; }

	var base_obj, userscripts;
	var default_toString = function(){ return undefined; };
	if(opera_obj) base_obj = opera_obj; else base_obj = window;

	if((typeof base_obj.userscripts) == "undefined")
		userscripts = new Object();
		userscripts.toString = default_toString;
		base_obj.userscripts = userscripts;
		if(!opera_obj && !unsfw.userscripts) unsfw.userscripts = userscripts;
		userscripts = base_obj.userscripts;

	if(userscripts.GME) { userscripts.GME.GM_log("Double execution. Browser bug!!!"); return; }

	userscripts.GME = new Object();
	var gm_extensions = userscripts.GME;

	if((typeof GM_log) != "undefined")		// Firefox
		gm_extensions.GM_log = GM_log;
		var opera_postError = null, pro_log_present = false, console_enabled = false;
		if(opera_obj) opera_postError = opera_obj.postError;
		else if((typeof PRO_log) != "undefined") pro_log_present = true;
		else if((typeof console) == "object") console_enabled = true;

		gm_extensions.GM_log = function(message, displayed_script_name)
			if(displayed_script_name != undefined)	message = displayed_script_name + ":\n" + message;

			if(opera_postError)				// Opera
			else if(pro_log_present)		// Internet Explorer
			else if(console_enabled)		// Google Chrome - Midori
				try{ console.log(message); } catch(e){ if(use_alert_as_fallback) alert(message); }
			else if(use_alert_as_fallback)	// Fallback to an alert if other methods fail

	var native_getsetvalues_functions = false, is_GM_deleteValue_bultin = false, is_GM_listValues_bultin = false;
	gm_extensions.GM_deleteValue = function(name, unique_script_name) { if(!name) return false; if(gm_extensions.GM_getValue(name, undefined, unique_script_name) === undefined) return; gm_extensions.GM_setValue(name, "", unique_script_name); try{ gm_extensions.GM_setValue(name, undefined, unique_script_name); } catch(e){} };
	gm_extensions.GM_listValues = function() { return []; }; // Dummy
	var get_full_name = function(name, unique_script_name) // unique_script_name is optional but recommended
		if(unique_script_name != undefined)
			return "UserJS_" + unique_script_name + "_" + name;
			return "UserJS__" + name;
	if((typeof GM_setValue) != "undefined" && GM_setValue.toString().indexOf("not supported") == -1) // Firefox
		cross_domain_values = true;
		native_getsetvalues_functions = true;
		var _GM_getValue = GM_getValue, _GM_setValue = GM_setValue, _GM_deleteValue = null, _GM_listValues = null;
		gm_extensions.GM_getValue = function(name, default_value, unique_script_name)
			if(!name) return; return _GM_getValue(get_full_name(name, unique_script_name), default_value);
		gm_extensions.GM_setValue = function(name, value, unique_script_name)
			if(!name) return false; _GM_setValue(get_full_name(name, unique_script_name), value);
		if((typeof GM_deleteValue) != "undefined")
			is_GM_deleteValue_bultin = true;
			_GM_deleteValue = GM_deleteValue;
			gm_extensions.GM_deleteValue = function(name, unique_script_name)
				if(!name) return false; _GM_deleteValue(get_full_name(name, unique_script_name));
		if((typeof GM_listValues) != "undefined")
			is_GM_listValues_bultin = true;
			_GM_listValues = GM_listValues;
			gm_extensions.GM_listValues = _GM_listValues; // ToDO
		var get_recoverable_string = function(value)
			var type = (typeof value);
			if(type == "boolean")
				return "" + value;
			if(type == "number")
				if(isNaN(value)) return "Number.NaN";
				if(value == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) return "Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY";
				if(value == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) return "Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY";
				return "" + value;
			if(type == "string")
				var tmp = escape(value);
				if(value == tmp) return "'" + value + "'";
				return "unescape('" + tmp + "')";
			if(type == "null" || (type == "object" && value == null))
				return "null";
			if(type == "date")
				return "new Date(" + value.getTime() + ")";

			alert("Unsupported value in GM_set: " + value);
			return "{error: 'Unsupported value.'}";

		if((typeof PRO_setValue) != "undefined") // Internet Explorer
			cross_domain_values = true;
			gm_extensions.GM_getValue = function(name, default_value, unique_script_name)
				if(!name) return;
				var value = PRO_getValue(get_full_name(name, unique_script_name), default_value);
				if(value == default_value) return default_value;

				try { eval("value = " + unescape(value)); } catch(e) { return default_value; }

				// If the value is equal to default, delete it so it won't waste space
				if(value == default_value) gm_extensions.GM_deleteValue(name, unique_script_name);

				return value;
			gm_extensions.GM_setValue = function(name, value, unique_script_name)
				if(!name) return false;
				PRO_setValue(get_full_name(name, unique_script_name), escape(get_recoverable_string(value)));
			gm_extensions.GM_deleteValue = function(name, unique_script_name)
				if(!name) return false;
				if((typeof PRO_deleteValue) != "undefined")
					PRO_deleteValue(get_full_name(name, unique_script_name));
					PRO_setValue(get_full_name(name, unique_script_name), "");
			if((typeof PRO_listValues) != "undefined") gm_extensions.GM_listValues = PRO_listValues; // ToDO
		else if(storage)
			storage_used = true;
			if(opera_script_storage_active) cross_domain_values = true;
			gm_extensions.GM_getValue = function(name, default_value, unique_script_name)
				if(!name) return;
				var value = storage.getItem(get_full_name(name, unique_script_name));
				if(value == null) return default_value;

				try { eval("value = " + unescape(value)); } catch(e) { return default_value; }

				// If the value is equal to default, delete it so it won't waste space
				if(value == default_value) gm_extensions.GM_deleteValue(name, unique_script_name);

				return value;
			gm_extensions.GM_setValue = function(name, value, unique_script_name)
				if(!name) return false;
				storage.setItem(get_full_name(name, unique_script_name), escape(get_recoverable_string(value)));
			gm_extensions.GM_deleteValue = function(name, unique_script_name)
				if(!name) return false;
				storage.removeItem(get_full_name(name, unique_script_name));
			gm_extensions.GM_listValues = function(unique_script_name)
				var list = [], count = 0, storage_length = storage.length, search = null, skip_length = 0; if(storage_length == undefined) return [];

				if(unique_script_name != undefined) search = "UserJS_" + unique_script_name + "_";
				else { search = "UserJS__"; gm_extensions.GM_log("You should avoid using GM_listValues without unique_script_name."); }
				skip_length = search.length;

				for(var i = 0; i < storage_length; i++)
					name = storage.key(i);
					if(name.indexOf(search) == 0) { list[count] = name.substring(skip_length); count++; }

				return list;
		/*else if( && google.gears){ google.gears.factory.create('beta.database'); }*/
			gm_extensions.GM_getValue = function(name, default_value, unique_script_name)
				if(!name) return;
				var full_name = escape(get_full_name(name, unique_script_name));
				var cookies = document.cookie.split("; ");
				var cookies_length = cookies.length, one_cookie;
				for(var i = 0; i < cookies_length; i++)
					one_cookie = cookies[i].split("=");
					if(one_cookie[0] == full_name)
						var value;
						try { eval("value = "+unescape(one_cookie[1])); } catch(e) { return default_value; }

						// If the value is equal to default, delete it so it won't waste space
						if(value == default_value) gm_extensions.GM_deleteValue(name, unique_script_name);

						return value;
				return default_value;
			var life_time = 157680000000; // 31536000 * 5 * 1000
			gm_extensions.GM_setValue = function(name, value, unique_script_name, action)
				if(!name) return false;
				if(action == "delete") action = -10; else action = life_time;
				document.cookie = escape(get_full_name(name, unique_script_name))+"="+escape(get_recoverable_string(value))+";expires="+( new Date( (new Date()).getTime() + action ) ).toGMTString()+";path=/";
			gm_extensions.GM_deleteValue = function(name, unique_script_name) { return gm_extensions.GM_setValue(name, "", unique_script_name, "delete"); };
			gm_extensions.GM_listValues = function() { return []; }; // ToDO
	gm_extensions.GM_areStoredValuesCrossDomain = function()
		return cross_domain_values;

	if((typeof GM_addStyle) != "undefined") // Firefox
		gm_extensions.GM_addStyle = GM_addStyle;
	else if((typeof PRO_addStyle) != "undefined") // Internet Explorer
		gm_extensions.GM_addStyle = PRO_addStyle;
		gm_extensions.GM_addStyle = function(css_string)
			var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head"),
				stylesheet = document.createElement("style");
		    stylesheet.type = "text/css";
				document.documentElement.insertBefore(stylesheet, document.documentElement.firstChild);

	gm_extensions.GM_renameMenuCommand = function(){}; // Dummy
	if((typeof GM_registerMenuCommand) != "undefined" && GM_registerMenuCommand.toString().indexOf("not supported") == -1 && !override_GM_registerMenuCommand) // Firefox
		gm_extensions.GM_registerMenuCommand = GM_registerMenuCommand;
	else if((typeof PRO_registerMenuCommand) != "undefined" && !override_GM_registerMenuCommand) // Internet Explorer
		gm_extensions.GM_registerMenuCommand = PRO_registerMenuCommand;
	else if(!enable_GM_registerMenuCommand)
		gm_extensions.GM_registerMenuCommand = function(){}; // Dummy
		gm_extensions.GM_registerMenuCommand = function(caption, command_func, access_key)
			if (arguments.length === 5) {
				// GM 0.9.1 & earlier -
				access_key = arguments[4];
			gm_menu.add_item(caption, command_func, access_key);
		gm_extensions.GM_renameMenuCommand = function(old_caption, new_caption, new_access_key) {
			var gm_menu_list = document.getElementById("gme_menu"),
				re = new RegExp("^" + old_caption + "(\\s\\(.\\))?$", "i");

			// find menu item with old_caption
			for (var i=0, len=gm_menu_list.childNodes.length; i<len; i++) {
				var this_caption = gm_menu_list.childNodes[i].textContent || gm_menu_list.childNodes[i].innerText;
				if (re.test(this_caption)) {
					matching_menu_item = gm_menu_list.childNodes[i];
			if (matching_menu_item) {
				gm_menu.add_access_key(matching_menu_item, new_caption, new_access_key, i);
				return true;
			} else {
				gm_extensions.GM_log('caption: "' + old_caption +'" not found in GM_renameMenuCommand.');
				return false;

		var gm_menu = {};
		gm_menu.add_access_key = function(obj, menu_text, access_char, skip) {
			var menu_updated = false;
			if ((typeof access_char == "string") && (access_char.length > 0)) {
				access_char = access_char.substr(0,1).toUpperCase();
				var gm_menu_list = obj.parentNode,
					keycode = access_char.charCodeAt(0),
					keycode_in_use = false,
					menu_label = menu_text;

				// see if another menu item uses the same keycode
				for (var i=0, len=gm_menu_list.childNodes.length; i<len; i++) {
					if ((i !== skip) &&
					    (gm_menu_list.childNodes[i].getAttribute("accesskeycode") == keycode)) {
						keycode_in_use = true;

				if (!keycode_in_use) {
					var reg_exp = new RegExp("(" + access_char + ")", "i");
					menu_label = menu_text.replace(reg_exp, "<u>$1</u>");
					if (menu_label == menu_text) {
						menu_label += " (<u>" + access_char + "</u>)";
					obj.innerHTML = menu_label;
					obj.setAttribute("accesskeycode", keycode);
					menu_updated = true;
			if (!menu_updated) {
				obj.innerHTML = menu_text;

		var node_contains = function(outer, innie) {
			if (outer.contains) {
				return outer.contains(innie); // a node is considered to contain itself
			} else if (outer.compareDocumentPosition) {
				var bitmask = outer.compareDocumentPosition(innie);
				return ((bitmask === 0) ||  // innie "is equal to" outer
				        !!(bitmask & 16));  // innie "is contained by" outer
			return false; // unknown
		gm_menu.create = function() {
			gm_menu.icon = document.getElementById("gme_menu_icon");
			if (gm_menu.icon) return; // another extension has already created the menu

			var menu_icon = 'data:image/png;base64,' +
				'gr+QOU6EJneU7X5Y6Obz09Pd+e7/v7/Xzqm+Xz+Yo/RDuEELJWimOMlba/dP+aoI7aiW0sYQQ5POIchRD' +
				'CfVMADrGMV0ym3B7WMIWxhoAYY2/qDF0JUkyTwNtPEgZR9SXDDmYxgA5c1wPqTbzDGcrpvYgHlHCBmxjj' +
				'RMMJQgjvWKiRlMNq8iXDKDaw3siDeRQwjGecYBO76EvfPppJOMI4utGPuRBCJUmoRqkZoJjuFxxgOsbYg' +
				"#gme_menu_icon { z-index:900000;" +
				"  height:16px; width:16px; position:fixed; right:0; bottom:0;" +
				"  background-color:transparent; }" +

				"#gme_menu_icon { cursor:pointer; }" +
				", #gme_menu_icon.closed {" +
				"  background:url('" + menu_icon + "') no-repeat center center; }" +
				" { background-color:Highlight; }" +
				"#gme_menu_icon.closed:hover { background-color:Highlight; }" +
				" ul { display:block; }" +

				"#gme_menu { display:none; width:auto; padding:2px; margin:0; position:fixed;" +
				"  background-color:Menu; right:0; bottom:15px; border:1px solid ThreeDShadow;" +
				"  -moz-box-shadow:0px 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);" +
				"  -webkit-box-shadow:0px 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);" +
				"  box-shadow:0px 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.5); }" +

				".gme_menu_item { background-color:Menu; color:MenuText;" +
				"  list-style-type:none; padding:0 10px; white-space:pre;" +
				"  font:11px sans-serif; text-align:left; }" +

				"#gme_menu li.hover { background-color:Highlight; color:HighlightText; }");

			gm_menu.icon = document.createElement("div"); = "gme_menu_icon";

			var gm_menu_list = document.createElement("ul"); = "gme_menu";
			var doc_body = document.body || document.documentElement.lastChild || document.documentElement; // HTML.body || HTML.body || HTML

			var is_open_query = function() {
				return (gm_menu.icon.className == "open");
			var simulate_click = function(obj) {
				// the menu item may have been added by another invocation of this script
				// so when an access_key or enter is pressed, the only way to call the
				// command_func is to trigger the click event on the menu item.
				if (obj.dispatchEvent) {
					var evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
					evt.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window,
						0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
				} else if (obj.fireEvent) {
			var window_mousedown_event = function(e) {
				if (!e) e = window.event;
				var targ = ( || e.srcElement);
				if (targ.nodeType == 3) targ = targ.parentNode; // Safari

				if (!node_contains(gm_menu.icon, targ)) {
					// not over menu
					if (is_open_query()) gm_menu.close();
				} else //if (targ.className.indexOf("gme_menu_item") >= 0) {
				if (targ.nodeName == "LI") {
					// over a menu item - prevent text selection within menu
					if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
					e.returnValue = false;
				} else {
					// over some other part of the menu
					if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
					e.cancelBubble = true;
					if (is_open_query()) gm_menu.close();
			var window_blur_event = function() {
				if (is_open_query()) gm_menu.close();
			var window_key_event = function(e) {
				// Note: In the keydown and keyup events you will get the keycode of the letters
				// always in uppercase
				// but in the keypress events you will get them in the same case the user typed them.
				if (!e) e = window.event;
				var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which;
				if (keyCode == 0) return; // Unknown key

				if (is_open_query()) {
					// while the menu is open, prevent all keypresses from doing anything else
					if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
					e.returnValue = false;

					var gm_menu_list = document.getElementById("gme_menu"),
						numItems = gm_menu_list.childNodes.length,
					if (keyCode == 38) {	// up arrow
						// find which item is currently highlighted
						menu_item = gm_menu.highlighted_item_query();

						// un-highlight the item
						gm_menu.highlight_item(menu_item, false);

						// get the next item up
						if (menu_item && menu_item.previousSibling) {
							menu_item = menu_item.previousSibling;
						} else {
							menu_item = gm_menu_list.lastChild;

						// highlight the new item
						gm_menu.highlight_item(menu_item, true);

					} else if (keyCode == 40) {	// down arrow
						// find which item is currently highlighted
						menu_item = gm_menu.highlighted_item_query();

						// un-highlight the item
						gm_menu.highlight_item(menu_item, false);

						// get the next item down
						if (menu_item && menu_item.nextSibling) {
							menu_item = menu_item.nextSibling;
						} else {
							menu_item = gm_menu_list.firstChild;

						// highlight the new item
						gm_menu.highlight_item(menu_item, true);

					} else if (keyCode == 27) {	// esc
					} else if (keyCode == 13) {	// enter
						menu_item = gm_menu.highlighted_item_query();
					} else {
						// see if one of the menu items uses this keycode
						var menu_item_to_handle;
						for (var i=0; i<numItems; i++) {
							if (gm_menu_list.childNodes[i].hasAttribute("accesskeycode") &&
								gm_menu_list.childNodes[i].getAttribute("accesskeycode") == keyCode) {
								menu_item_to_handle = gm_menu_list.childNodes[i];
						if (menu_item_to_handle) {
							gm_menu.highlight_item(gm_menu.highlighted_item_query(), false);
							gm_menu.highlight_item(menu_item_to_handle, true);
							window.setTimeout(function() {
							}, 100);
				} else {	// menu is not open
					if ((keyCode == 220) && e.ctrlKey) {	// ctrl+\;
						if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
						else e.returnValue = false;
			var prevent_selection = function(e) {
				if (!e) e = window.event;
				if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
				e.returnValue = false;
			if (document.addEventListener) {
				document.addEventListener("mousedown",	window_mousedown_event,	false);
				document.addEventListener("keydown",	window_key_event,		false);
				window.addEventListener  ("blur",		window_blur_event,		false);
			} else {
				gm_menu.icon.attachEvent("onselectstart",	gm_menu.prevent_selection);
				document.attachEvent	("onmousedown",		window_mousedown_event);
				document.attachEvent	("onkeydown",		window_key_event);
				window.attachEvent		("onblur",			window_blur_event);

		gm_menu.add_item = function(caption, command_func, access_key) {
			var gm_menu_list = document.getElementById("gme_menu"),
				gm_menu_item = document.createElement("li");
			gm_menu_item.innerHTML = caption;
			gm_menu_item.className = "gme_menu_item";
			gm_menu.add_access_key(gm_menu_item, caption, access_key);

			var click_event = function(e) {
				if (!e) e = window.event;
				if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
				e.cancelBubble = true;

				if ("function" == typeof command_func) command_func();
			var mouseover_event = function(e) {
				// find which item is currently highlighted (in case highlighted via keyboard)
				var item = gm_menu.highlighted_item_query();

				// un-highlight that item
				gm_menu.highlight_item(item, false);

				// highlight this item
				if (!e) e = window.event;
				var targ = ( || e.srcElement);
				if (targ.nodeType == 3) targ = targ.parentNode; // Safari
				if (targ.nodeName != "LI") targ = targ.parentNode; // underlined access_key
				gm_menu.highlight_item(targ, true);

			var mouseout_event = function(e) {
				if (!e) e = window.event;
				var targ = ( || e.srcElement);
				if (targ.nodeType == 3) targ = targ.parentNode; // Safari
				if (targ.nodeName != "LI") targ = targ.parentNode; // underlined access_key
				gm_menu.highlight_item(targ, false);

			if (document.addEventListener) {
				gm_menu_item.addEventListener("mouseover", mouseover_event, false);
				gm_menu_item.addEventListener("mouseout",  mouseout_event, false);
				gm_menu_item.addEventListener("click",     click_event, false);
			} else {
				gm_menu_item.attachEvent("onmouseenter", mouseover_event);
				gm_menu_item.attachEvent("onmouseleave", mouseout_event);
				gm_menu_item.attachEvent("onclick",      click_event);
		gm_menu.close = function(e) {
			// find which item is currently highlighted
			var obj = gm_menu.highlighted_item_query();

			// close the menu
			var gm_menu_icon = document.getElementById("gme_menu_icon");
			if (gm_menu_icon) {
				gm_menu_icon.className = "closed";

			// un-highlight the item
			gm_menu.highlight_item(obj, false);

			return obj;
		}; = function(e) {
			var gm_menu_icon = document.getElementById("gme_menu_icon");
			if (gm_menu_icon) {
				gm_menu_icon.className = "open";
		gm_menu.highlight_item = function(obj, state) {
			if (obj) {
				obj.className = (state ? "gme_menu_item hover" : "gme_menu_item");
		gm_menu.highlighted_item_query = function() {
			var gm_menu_list = document.getElementById("gme_menu");
			for (var i=0, len=gm_menu_list.childNodes.length; i<len; i++) {
				if (gm_menu_list.childNodes[i].className.indexOf(" hover") > 0) {
					return gm_menu_list.childNodes[i];
	var GlobalConfiguration = function()
		var global_variables = {"Script managment":[], "Unknown script":[], "Web page":[]};
		var output = "";

			var storage_length = storage.length, name, value, pos;
			if(storage_length != undefined)
				for(var i = 0; i < storage_length; i++)
					name = storage.key(i);
					value = storage.getItem(name);
					if(name.indexOf("UserJS_") != 0)
						global_variables["Web page"][(global_variables["Web page"].length)] = [name, value];
						name = name.substring(7);
						if(name.indexOf("Script_managment-") == 0)
							global_variables["Script managment"][(global_variables["Script managment"].length)] = [name.substring(17), value];
							pos = name.indexOf("_");
							if(pos == 0)
								global_variables["Unknown script"][(global_variables["Unknown script"].length)] = [name.substring(1), value];
								var temp = name.substring(0, pos);
								if(!global_variables[temp]) global_variables[temp] = [];
								global_variables[temp][(global_variables[temp].length)] = [name.substring(pos+1), value];

			output += "Cross-domain values => " + cross_domain_values + "<br>";
			output += "opera.scriptStorage active => " + opera_script_storage_active + "<br>";
			output += "window.localStorage => " + (!!window.localStorage) + "<br><br>";
			if(storage_length == undefined) output += "Warning: Missing length property in the storage array.<br><br>";
			var value, i, global_variables_script_length;
			for(var script_name in global_variables)
				if(script_name == "Script managment") continue;
				for(i = 0, global_variables_script_length = global_variables[script_name].length; i < global_variables_script_length; i++)
					if(script_name != "Web page")
						try { eval("value = " + unescape(global_variables[script_name][i][1])); } catch(e) { value = {error: "Failed."}; }
						value = global_variables[script_name][i][1];
					output += script_name + " => " + global_variables[script_name][i][0] + " = " + value + "<br>";
				if(global_variables_script_length > 0) output += "<br>";
			global_variables = null;
			output = null;
			alert("Not yet implemented.");

	if (show_global_config_menu_item && storage_used) {
		// In Opera, this script runs at document-start, before the DOM is fully created.
		// Attempting to add the GM_menu to the DOM would fail.
		// This delays the menu creation until the DOM is loaded.
		if (opera_obj && document.addEventListener) {
			document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
				gm_extensions.GM_registerMenuCommand("Global configuration", GlobalConfiguration, "G");
			}, false);
		} else {
			gm_extensions.GM_registerMenuCommand("Global configuration", GlobalConfiguration, "G");

	gm_extensions.unsafeWindow = unsfw;
	if(!window.wrappedJSObject) window.wrappedJSObject = unsfw;
	if(!window.content) window.content =; //
	if(!unsfw.content) unsfw.content =;
	if(!unsfw._content) unsfw._content = unsfw.content;

	if((typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest) != "undefined") // Firefox
		gm_extensions.GM_xmlhttpRequest = GM_xmlhttpRequest;
		var error_text = "GM_xmlhttpRequest failed, URL: ";
		var cross_domain_note = "\nNote: Cross-domain GM_xmlhttpRequest is disabled, if you are using Opera you must install the \"Cross-domain XMLHttpRequest\" userscript to enable it.";
		var cross_domain_opera_xmlhttprequest = (opera_obj ? opera_obj.XMLHttpRequest : null);
		var iepro_xmlhttprequest_exist = ((typeof PRO_xmlhttpRequest) != "undefined" ? true : false);
		var is_cross_domain_http_request = function(url_req)
			//gm_extensions.GM_log("is_cross_domain_http_request(" + url_req + ");");
			var pos = url_req.indexOf("://");
			if( url_req.substring(0, pos + 1) != location.protocol ) return true;

			url_req = url_req.substring(pos + 3);
			pos = url_req.indexOf("/");
			if(pos != -1) url_req = url_req.substring(0, pos);
			if( url_req != ) return true;

			return false;

		gm_extensions.GM_xmlhttpRequest = function(details) //
			//gm_extensions.GM_log("XMLHttpRequest of: " + details.url);
			var xml_http = null, cross_domain_used = true, cross_domain_req = is_cross_domain_http_request(details.url);
			//gm_extensions.GM_log("cross_domain_req => " + cross_domain_req);

			if(cross_domain_req && cross_domain_opera_xmlhttprequest)	// Opera (cross-domain requests only)
				xml_http = new cross_domain_opera_xmlhttprequest();
			else if(iepro_xmlhttprequest_exist)					// Internet Explorer + IEPro
				xml_http = PRO_xmlhttpRequest();
				cross_domain_used = false;
				if(window.XMLHttpRequest)		// The standard
					xml_http = new XMLHttpRequest();
				else if(window.createRequest)	// IceBrowser
					xml_http = window.createRequest();
			{	// Simulate a real error
				if(details.onerror) details.onerror({ responseText: "", readyState: 4, responseHeaders: "", status: 0, statusText: "GM_xmlhttpRequest failed (missing xml_http object)", finalUrl: details.url });
				else gm_extensions.GM_log("GM_xmlhttpRequest failed (missing xml_http object), URL: " + details.url);

			xml_http.onreadystatechange = function()
				var ready_state = xml_http.readyState;
				var status3or4 = (ready_state == 3 || ready_state == 4);
				var response =
					responseText: (status3or4 ? xml_http.responseText : ""),
					readyState: ready_state,
					responseHeaders: (status3or4 ? xml_http.getAllResponseHeaders() : null),
					status: (status3or4 ?  xml_http.status : null),
					statusText: (status3or4 ? xml_http.statusText : null),
					finalUrl: (ready_state == 4 ? details.url : null)

				if(details.onreadystatechange) details.onreadystatechange(response);
				if(ready_state == 4)
					if(xml_http.status >= 200 && xml_http.status < 300) { if(details.onload) details.onload(response); }
					else { if(details.onerror) details.onerror(response); }
			};, details.url, true);
				for(var this_header in details.headers) xml_http.setRequestHeader(this_header, details.headers[this_header]);

			try { xml_http.send(; }
			{	// Simulate a real error
				if(details.onerror) details.onerror({ responseText: "", readyState: 4, responseHeaders: "", status: 403, statusText: "Forbidden", finalUrl: details.url });
				else gm_extensions.GM_log(error_text + details.url + (opera_obj && !cross_domain_used && cross_domain_req ? cross_domain_note : ""));

	if((typeof GM_openInTab) != "undefined") // Firefox
		gm_extensions.GM_openInTab = GM_openInTab;
	else if((typeof PRO_openInTab) != "undefined") // Internet Explorer
		gm_extensions.GM_openInTab = PRO_openInTab;
		gm_extensions.GM_openInTab = function(url) { return, "_blank"); };

	var gm_emulation_enhanced_scripts = [];
	gm_extensions.GM_announcePresence = function(unique_script_name, displayed_name, version)
		if(unique_script_name.length <= 4) { alert("GM_announcePresence => The \"unique_script_name\" is missing or too short."); return false; }
		gm_emulation_enhanced_scripts[gm_emulation_enhanced_scripts.length] = [unique_script_name, displayed_name, version];
		return gm_extensions.GM_getValue("is_enabled", true, "Script_managment-" + unique_script_name);
	gm_extensions.GM_updateCheck = function(update_check_url, installed_version, update_check_every, handle_update_function, unique_script_name)
		if(!cross_domain_values) return null;
		var now = Math.round( ( (new Date()).getTime() ) / 60000 ); // 60000 (1000 * 60) From milliseconds to minutes

		var last_update_check_global = gm_extensions.GM_getValue("last_update_check", 0, "Script_managment-GLOBAL_SHARED");
		if(now - last_update_check_global < 3) return false; // Only one time every 3 minutes maximum

		if(unique_script_name.length <= 4) { alert("GM_updateCheck => The \"unique_script_name\" is missing or too short."); return false; }

		var last_update_check = gm_extensions.GM_getValue("last_update_check", 0, "Script_managment-" + unique_script_name);
		if(now - last_update_check < update_check_every * 1440) return false; // 1440 (60 * 24) From days to minutes - Only one time every X days maximum

		gm_extensions.GM_setValue("last_update_check", now, "Script_managment-GLOBAL_SHARED");
		gm_extensions.GM_setValue("last_update_check", now, "Script_managment-" + unique_script_name);
			method: "GET", url: update_check_url, onload: function(result)
				var new_version = /\/\/\s*@version[\t\s]+([^\s\t\r\n]+)\s*\r?\n/i.exec(result.responseText);
				var new_unique_script_name = /\/\/\s*@uniquescriptname[\t\s]+([^\s\t\r\n]+)\s*\r?\n/i.exec(result.responseText);

				if(new_version == null)
					var error = unique_script_name + " => Failed checking the new version, URL: " + update_check_url;
					return null;
				new_version = new_version[1];
				if(new_unique_script_name == null)
					gm_extensions.GM_log(unique_script_name + " => The \"uniquescriptname\" is missing on the update server, URL: " + update_check_url);
				else if(new_unique_script_name[1] != unique_script_name)
					var error = unique_script_name + " => The unique script name passed doesn't match the unique script name on the update server, maybe the update_check_url is wrong, URL: " + update_check_url;
					return null;
				gm_extensions.GM_setValue("last_new_version", new_version, "Script_managment-" + unique_script_name);
				if(new_version == installed_version) handle_update_function(false);
				else handle_update_function(new_version);

		return true;
	gm_extensions.GM_getEmulationVersion = function()
		return version;

	// 2.0.1: added GM_setClipboard stub
	if((typeof GM_setClipboard) != "undefined")		
		gm_extensions.GM_setClipboard = GM_setClipboard;
		gm_extensions.GM_setClipboard = function(clipAttempt){ 
			console.log("script attempted to use GM_setClipboard, only functional in Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey. Clipped value was:"); 

	// 2.0.1: added GM_getResourceText stub
	if((typeof GM_getResourceText) != "undefined")		
		gm_extensions.GM_getResourceText = GM_getResourceText;
		gm_extensions.GM_getResourceText = function(resTxtAttempt){ 
			console.log("script attempted to use GM_getResourceText, only functional in Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey. Requested value was:"); 

	// 2.0.1: added GM_getResourceURL stub
	if((typeof GM_getResourceURL) != "undefined")		
		gm_extensions.GM_getResourceURL = GM_getResourceURL;
		gm_extensions.GM_getResourceURL = function(resUrlAttempt){ 
			console.log("script attempted to use GM_getResourceURL, only functional in Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey. Requested value was:"); 

	gm_extensions.GM_exposeAPIs = function()
		GM_log = gm_extensions.GM_log;
			GM_getValue = gm_extensions.GM_getValue;
			GM_setValue = gm_extensions.GM_setValue;
		if(!is_GM_deleteValue_bultin) GM_deleteValue = gm_extensions.GM_deleteValue;
		if(!is_GM_listValues_bultin) GM_listValues = gm_extensions.GM_listValues;
		GM_areStoredValuesCrossDomain = gm_extensions.GM_areStoredValuesCrossDomain;
		GM_addStyle = gm_extensions.GM_addStyle;
		GM_registerMenuCommand = gm_extensions.GM_registerMenuCommand;
		GM_renameMenuCommand = gm_extensions.GM_renameMenuCommand;
		GM_xmlhttpRequest = gm_extensions.GM_xmlhttpRequest;
		GM_openInTab = gm_extensions.GM_openInTab;
		GM_setClipboard = gm_extensions.GM_setClipboard;  // 2.0.1 addition
		GM_getResourceText = gm_extensions.GM_getResourceText;  // 2.0.1 addition
		GM_getResourceURL = gm_extensions.GM_getResourceURL;  // 2.0.1 addition
	if (window ==
		window.setTimeout(function() {
			var TarquinWJ = (typeof doGMMeenoo != "undefined"),
				ale5000 = ( (typeof window.opera != "undefined") &&
							(typeof window.opera.userscripts != "undefined") &&
							(typeof window.opera.userscripts.GM != "undefined") ) // version 1.4.5 on Opera
						  ( (typeof window.userscripts != "undefined") &&
						    (typeof window.userscripts.GM != "undefined") )	// version 1.4.5
						  ( (typeof window.userjs != "undefined") &&
						    (typeof window.userjs.GM != "undefined") ),	// versions 1.3.7 through 1.4.4
				str = '';
			if (TarquinWJ) str += '"Emulate GM functions" by TarquinWJ\n';
			if (ale5000) str += '"Greasemonkey Emulation" by ale5000\n';
			if (str) alert("You have multiple Greasemonkey emulation scripts installed:\n\n" + str + '"Greasemonkey Emulation" by Lil Devil\n\nOnly the one by Lil Devil should be installed for proper operation.');
		}, 5000);

	var compat_array_indexof = false, compat_array_foreach = false;
	gm_extensions.BrowserCompat_Add = function()
		var result = false;
			result = true;
			compat_array_indexof = true;
			Array.prototype.indexOf = function(find, i /*opt*/)
				var array_length = this.length;
				if(!i) i = 0; else { if(i < 0) i+= array_length; if(i < 0) i= 0; }

				for(; i < array_length; i++) if(this[i] == find) return i;
				return -1;
			result = true;
			compat_array_foreach = true;
			Array.prototype.forEach = function(callback, thisObject /*opt*/)
					for(var i = 0, array_length = this.length; i < array_length; i++) if (i in this) callback(this[i]);
					for(var i = 0, array_length = this.length; i < array_length; i++) if (i in this), this[i]);
		return result;

	gm_extensions.BrowserCompat_Restore = function()
		if(compat_array_indexof) { delete Array.prototype.indexOf; compat_array_indexof = false; }
		if(compat_array_foreach) { delete Array.prototype.forEach; compat_array_foreach = false; }

/*	var handle_update_function = function(new_version)
		if(new_version != null && new_version != false)
			GM_log("Greasemonkey Emulation => New version detected: " + new_version);
			var result = confirm("A new version of the \"Greasemonkey Emulation\" userscript is available.\nCurrent version: " + version + "\nNew version: " + new_version + "\n\nDo you want to update it now?\nThe update check will run again in 10 days.");
				try { location.href = ""; } catch(e) {}

	// this will only run in Firefox, IE and Opera (with scriptStorage active)
	gm_extensions.GM_updateCheck("", version, 10, handle_update_function, unique_script_name);
