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arrive.js 2.5.2

A lightweight JS library for watching DOM element creation and removal using Mutation Observers.

Script này sẽ không được không được cài đặt trực tiếp. Nó là một thư viện cho các script khác để bao gồm các chỉ thị meta // @require

/*globals jQuery,Window,HTMLElement,HTMLDocument,HTMLCollection,NodeList,MutationObserver */
/*exported Arrive*/
/*jshint latedef:false */

 * arrive.js
 * v2.5.2
 * MIT licensed
 * Copyright (c) 2014-2024 Uzair Farooq
var Arrive = (function(window, $, undefined) {

  "use strict";

  if(!window.MutationObserver || typeof HTMLElement === 'undefined'){
    return; //for unsupported browsers

  var arriveUniqueId = 0;

  var utils = (function() {
    var matches = HTMLElement.prototype.matches || HTMLElement.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector || HTMLElement.prototype.mozMatchesSelector
                  || HTMLElement.prototype.msMatchesSelector;

    return {
      matchesSelector: function(elem, selector) {
        return elem instanceof HTMLElement &&, selector);
      // to enable function overloading - By John Resig (MIT Licensed)
      addMethod: function (object, name, fn) {
        var old = object[ name ];
        object[ name ] = function(){
          if ( fn.length == arguments.length ) {
            return fn.apply( this, arguments );
          else if ( typeof old == 'function' ) {
            return old.apply( this, arguments );
      callCallbacks: function(callbacksToBeCalled, registrationData, mutationEvents) {
        if (!callbacksToBeCalled.length) return;

        if (registrationData && registrationData.options.onceOnly) {
          // as onlyOnce param is true, make sure we fire the event for only one item
          callbacksToBeCalled = [callbacksToBeCalled[0]];

          // unbind event after first callback as onceOnly is true.

  , registrationData.selector, registrationData.callback);

        for (var i = 0, cb; (cb = callbacksToBeCalled[i]); i++) {
          if (cb && cb.callback) {
  , cb.elem);

        if (registrationData && registrationData.callback && mutationEvents) {
          mutationEvents.addTimeoutHandler(, registrationData.selector, registrationData.callback, registrationData.options,;
      // traverse through all descendants of a node to check if event should be fired for any descendant
      checkChildNodesRecursively: function(nodes, registrationData, matchFunc, callbacksToBeCalled) {
        // check each new node if it matches the selector
        for (var i=0, node; (node = nodes[i]); i++) {
          if (matchFunc(node, registrationData, callbacksToBeCalled)) {
            callbacksToBeCalled.push({ callback: registrationData.callback, elem: node });

          if (node.childNodes.length > 0) {
            utils.checkChildNodesRecursively(node.childNodes, registrationData, matchFunc, callbacksToBeCalled);
      mergeArrays: function(firstArr, secondArr){
        // Overwrites default options with user-defined options.
        var options = {},
        for (attrName in firstArr) {
          if (firstArr.hasOwnProperty(attrName)) {
            options[attrName] = firstArr[attrName];
        for (attrName in secondArr) {
          if (secondArr.hasOwnProperty(attrName)) {
            options[attrName] = secondArr[attrName];
        return options;
      toElementsArray: function (elements) {
        // check if object is an array (or array like object)
        // Note: window object has .length property but it's not array of elements so don't consider it an array
        if (typeof elements !== "undefined" && (typeof elements.length !== "number" || elements === window)) {
          elements = [elements];
        return elements;

  // Class to maintain state of all registered events of a single type
  var EventsBucket = (function() {
    var EventsBucket = function() {
      // holds all the events

      this._eventsBucket    = [];
      // function to be called while adding an event, the function should do the event initialization/registration
      this._beforeAdding    = null;
      // function to be called while removing an event, the function should do the event destruction
      this._beforeRemoving  = null;

    EventsBucket.prototype.addEvent = function(target, selector, options, callback, data) {
      var newEvent = {
        target:             target,
        selector:           selector,
        options:            options,
        callback:           callback,
        data:               data,
        firedElems:         []

      if (this._beforeAdding) {

      return newEvent;

    EventsBucket.prototype.removeEvent = function(compareFunction) {
      for (var i=this._eventsBucket.length - 1, registeredEvent; (registeredEvent = this._eventsBucket[i]); i--) {
        if (compareFunction(registeredEvent)) {
          if (this._beforeRemoving) {

          if ( && {

          // mark callback as null so that even if an event mutation was already triggered it does not call callback
          var removedEvents = this._eventsBucket.splice(i, 1);
          if (removedEvents && removedEvents.length) {
            removedEvents[0].callback = null;

    EventsBucket.prototype.beforeAdding = function(beforeAdding) {
      this._beforeAdding = beforeAdding;

    EventsBucket.prototype.beforeRemoving = function(beforeRemoving) {
      this._beforeRemoving = beforeRemoving;

    return EventsBucket;

   * @constructor
   * General class for binding/unbinding arrive and leave events
  var MutationEvents = function(getObserverConfig, onMutation) {
    var eventsBucket    = new EventsBucket(),
        me              = this;

    var defaultOptions = {
      fireOnAttributesModification: false

    // actual event registration before adding it to bucket
    eventsBucket.beforeAdding(function(registrationData) {
        target    =,

      // mutation observer does not work on window or document
      if (target === window.document || target === window) {
        target = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0];

      // Create an observer instance
      observer = new MutationObserver(function(e) {, e, registrationData);

      var config = getObserverConfig(registrationData.options);

      observer.observe(target, config); = observer; = me;

    // cleanup/unregister before removing an event
    eventsBucket.beforeRemoving(function (eventData) {;

    this.bindEvent = function(selector, options, callback) {
      options = utils.mergeArrays(defaultOptions, options);

      var elements = utils.toElementsArray(this);

      for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
        const data = {};

      // Add timeout handling
        me.addTimeoutHandler(elements[i], selector, callback, options, data);

        eventsBucket.addEvent(elements[i], selector, options, callback, data);

    this.unbindEvent = function() {
      var elements = utils.toElementsArray(this);
      eventsBucket.removeEvent(function(eventObj) {
        for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
          if (this === undefined || === elements[i]) {
            return true;
        return false;

    this.unbindEventWithSelectorOrCallback = function(selector) {
      var elements = utils.toElementsArray(this),
          callback = selector,

      if (typeof selector === "function") {
        compareFunction = function(eventObj) {
          for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
            if ((this === undefined || === elements[i]) && eventObj.callback === callback) {
              return true;
          return false;
      else {
        compareFunction = function(eventObj) {
          for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
            if ((this === undefined || === elements[i]) && eventObj.selector === selector) {
              return true;
          return false;

    this.unbindEventWithSelectorAndCallback = function(selector, callback) {
      var elements = utils.toElementsArray(this);
      eventsBucket.removeEvent(function(eventObj) {
          for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
            if ((this === undefined || === elements[i]) && eventObj.selector === selector && eventObj.callback === callback) {
              return true;
          return false;

    this.addTimeoutHandler = function(target, selector, callback, options, data) {
      if (!options.timeout || options.timeout <= 0) {
      if (data.timeoutId) {
      data.timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {, selector, callback);, null);
      }, options.timeout);

    return this;

   * @constructor
   * Processes 'arrive' events
  var ArriveEvents = function() {
    // Default options for 'arrive' event
    var arriveDefaultOptions = {
      fireOnAttributesModification: false,
      onceOnly: false,
      existing: false,
      timeout: 0  // default 0 (no timeout)

    function getArriveObserverConfig(options) {
      var config = {
        attributes: false,
        childList: true,
        subtree: true

      if (options.fireOnAttributesModification) {
        config.attributes = true;

      return config;

    function onArriveMutation(mutations, registrationData) {
      mutations.forEach(function( mutation ) {
        var newNodes    = mutation.addedNodes,
            targetNode =,
            callbacksToBeCalled = [],

        // If new nodes are added
        if( newNodes !== null && newNodes.length > 0 ) {
          utils.checkChildNodesRecursively(newNodes, registrationData, nodeMatchFunc, callbacksToBeCalled);
        else if (mutation.type === "attributes") {
          if (nodeMatchFunc(targetNode, registrationData, callbacksToBeCalled)) {
            callbacksToBeCalled.push({ callback: registrationData.callback, elem: targetNode });

        utils.callCallbacks(callbacksToBeCalled, registrationData, arriveEvents);

    function nodeMatchFunc(node, registrationData, callbacksToBeCalled) {
      // check a single node to see if it matches the selector
      if (utils.matchesSelector(node, registrationData.selector)) {
        if(node._id === undefined) {
          node._id = arriveUniqueId++;
        // make sure the arrive event is not already fired for the element
        if (registrationData.firedElems.indexOf(node._id) == -1) {

          return true;

      return false;

    arriveEvents = new MutationEvents(getArriveObserverConfig, onArriveMutation);

    var mutationBindEvent = arriveEvents.bindEvent;

    // override bindEvent function
    arriveEvents.bindEvent = function(selector, arg2, arg3) {

      var options = (typeof arg2 === 'object') ? utils.mergeArrays(arriveDefaultOptions, arg2) : { ...arriveDefaultOptions };
      var callback = (typeof arg3 === 'function') ? arg3 : (typeof arg2 === 'function') ? arg2 : undefined;
      var elements = utils.toElementsArray(this);

      // For promise and async support, we can only do onceOnly=true
      if (!callback)
        options.onceOnly = true;
      if (options.existing) {
        var existing = [];

        for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
          var nodes = elements[i].querySelectorAll(selector);
          for (var j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++) {
            existing.push({ callback: callback, elem: nodes[j] });

        // no need to bind event if the callback has to be fired only once and we have already found the element
        if (options.onceOnly && existing.length) {
          if (callback) {
            return[0].elem, existing[0].elem);
          } else {
            return Promise.resolve(existing[0].elem);

        setTimeout(utils.callCallbacks, 1, existing);

      if (callback) {, selector, options, callback);
      } else {
        var a = this;
        return new Promise(resolve =>, selector, options, resolve));

    return arriveEvents;

   * @constructor
   * Processes 'leave' events
  var LeaveEvents = function() {
    // Default options for 'leave' event
    var leaveDefaultOptions = {
      onceOnly: false,
      timeout: 0,  // default 0 (no timeout)

    function getLeaveObserverConfig() {
      var config = {
        childList: true,
        subtree: true

      return config;

    function onLeaveMutation(mutations, registrationData) {
      mutations.forEach(function( mutation ) {
        var removedNodes  = mutation.removedNodes,
            callbacksToBeCalled = [];

        if( removedNodes !== null && removedNodes.length > 0 ) {
          utils.checkChildNodesRecursively(removedNodes, registrationData, nodeMatchFunc, callbacksToBeCalled);

        utils.callCallbacks(callbacksToBeCalled, registrationData, leaveEvents);

    function nodeMatchFunc(node, registrationData) {
      return utils.matchesSelector(node, registrationData.selector);

    leaveEvents = new MutationEvents(getLeaveObserverConfig, onLeaveMutation);

    var mutationBindEvent = leaveEvents.bindEvent;

    // override bindEvent function
    leaveEvents.bindEvent = function(selector, arg2, arg3) {

      var options = (typeof arg2 === 'object') ? utils.mergeArrays(leaveDefaultOptions, arg2) : { ...leaveDefaultOptions };
      var callback = (typeof arg3 === 'function') ? arg3 : (typeof arg2 === 'function') ? arg2 : undefined;

      if (callback) {, selector, options, callback);
      } else {
        // For promise and async support, we can only do onceOnly=true
        options.onceOnly = true;

        var a = this;
        return new Promise(resolve =>, selector, options, resolve));

    return leaveEvents;

  var arriveEvents = new ArriveEvents(),
      leaveEvents  = new LeaveEvents();

  function exposeUnbindApi(eventObj, exposeTo, funcName) {
    // expose unbind function with function overriding
    utils.addMethod(exposeTo, funcName, eventObj.unbindEvent);
    utils.addMethod(exposeTo, funcName, eventObj.unbindEventWithSelectorOrCallback);
    utils.addMethod(exposeTo, funcName, eventObj.unbindEventWithSelectorAndCallback);

  /*** expose APIs ***/
  function exposeApi(exposeTo) {
    exposeTo.arrive = arriveEvents.bindEvent;
    exposeUnbindApi(arriveEvents, exposeTo, "unbindArrive");

    exposeTo.leave = leaveEvents.bindEvent;
    exposeUnbindApi(leaveEvents, exposeTo, "unbindLeave");

  if ($) {

  var Arrive = {};
  // expose functions to unbind all arrive/leave events
  exposeUnbindApi(arriveEvents, Arrive, "unbindAllArrive");
  exposeUnbindApi(leaveEvents, Arrive, "unbindAllLeave");

  return Arrive;

})(window, typeof jQuery === 'undefined' ? null : jQuery, undefined);