Torn Market Filler

On "Fill" click autofills market item price with lowest market price currently minus $1 (can be customised), fills max quantity for items, marks checkboxes for guns.

Tác giả
Cài đặt hàng ngày
Số lần cài đặt
Đánh giá
0 0 1
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Đã tạo
Đã cập nhật
20 KB
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Áp dụng cho

Autofills market item price based on customisable price delta.
Default price delta is to skip 0 lowest items on market and deduct $1 from the next price, which can be represented as price delta -1[0].
You can put any operation there, +, -, +%, -%.
Works on Add & View pages.
Also, pricing off of daily average market value is possible, put [market] in brackets instead of number of items to skip, like this -1[market].
One more price base is median price of 25 lowest positions, put [median] in brackets for it like -1[median].
Price delta template & examples: operation[to-skip-items]
You can set custom price delta or api key either via Tampermonkey menu (see image) or by holding price fill button for 2 seconds.
After price fill shows 5 lowest positions with quantity X price currently for this item on market.

You need Public api key for it to fetch all the prices.
Supports both Desktop & TornPDA on mobiles.
Requires Tampermonkey on Desktops.
TornPDA version doesnt require api key, as it uses PDA api key, but you can set it anyway.