

// ==UserScript==
// @name         极简解析爱奇艺、腾讯视频VIP视频
// @description  极简解析爱奇艺、腾讯视频VIP视频,解析源可靠。
// @namespace    http://study365.free.nf
// @version      3
// @match      https://*.iqiyi.com/v_*
// @match      https://*.iqiyi.com/w_*
// @match      https://*.iqiyi.com/a_*
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// @match      https://v.qq.com/x/page/*
// @match      https://v.qq.com/tv/*
// @match      https://m.v.qq.com/x/m/play*
// @match      https://m.v.qq.com/x/play*
// @grant      none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
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        {"name": "playerjy", "url": "https://jx.playerjy.com/?url=", "type":"pc"},
        {"name": "ckplayer", "url": "https://www.ckplayer.vip/jiexi/?url=", "type":"pc"},
        {"name": "夜幕", "url": "https://www.yemu.xyz/?url=", "type":"pc"},
        {"name": "七哥", "url": "https://jx.nnxv.cn/tv.php?url=", "type":"all"},
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