Greasy Fork is available in English.

Blooket Hacks GUI


// ==UserScript==
// @name         Blooket Hacks GUI
// @namespace
// @version      1.0
// @description  idk
// @license      MIT
// @author       You
// @match
// @match        https://**
// @icon
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
* @license StewartPrivateLicense-2.0.1
* Copyright (c) 005Konz 2023
* You may not reproduce or distribute any code inside this file without the licenser's permission.
* You may not copy, modify, steal, skid, or recreate any of the code inside this file.
* You may not under any circumstance republish any code from this file as your own.


(() => {
    let iframe = document.querySelector("iframe");
    /* By CryptoDude3 */
    if ( == 'function call() { [native code] }') {
        const call =; = function () {
            if (!arguments[1].includes("")) return call.apply(this, arguments);
    const cheat = (async () => {
        /* Anti-Suspend By CryptoDude3 */
        if ( == 'function call() { [native code] }') {
            const call =;
   = function () {
                if (!arguments[1].includes("")) return call.apply(this, arguments);
                ; (new Image).src = "" +;

        function addProps(element, obj) {
            for (const prop in obj) if (typeof obj[prop] == "object") addProps(element[prop], obj[prop]);
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        function createElement(type, props, ...children) {
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            for (const child of children) element.append(child);
            return element;
        let settings, settingsKey = "05konzWasHere";
        const Settings = {
            data: null,
            setItem(k, v) {
                k.split('.').reduce((obj, k, i, a) => (++i == a.length && (obj[k] = v), obj[k]),;
                localStorage.setItem(settingsKey, JSON.stringify(;
            deleteItem(k) {
                k.split('.').reduce((obj, k, i, a) => (++i == a.length && (delete obj[k]), obj[k]),;
                localStorage.setItem(settingsKey, JSON.stringify(;
            setData(v) {
       = v;
                localStorage.setItem(settingsKey, JSON.stringify(;
        try {
   = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(settingsKey) || "{}");
            for (const setting of ["backgroundColor", "cheatList", "contentBackground", "defaultButton", "disabledButton", "enabledButton", "infoColor", "inputColor", "textColor"]) if ([setting]) {
        } catch {

        let variables, gui, cheatContainer, controls, controlButtons, dragButton, content, tooltip, cheats, headerText;
        const guiWrapper = createElement("div", {
            style: {
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            (variables = createElement("style", {
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                innerHTML: `:root {--backgroundColor: ${ || "rgb(11, 194, 207)"};--infoColor: ${ || "#9a49aa"};--cheatList: ${ || "#9a49aa"};--defaultButton: ${ || "#9a49aa"};--disabledButton: ${ || "#A02626"};--enabledButton: ${ || "#47A547"};--textColor: ${ || "white"};--inputColor: ${ || "#7a039d"};--contentBackground: ${ || "rgb(64, 17, 95)"};}`
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                    innerText: (({ ctrl: ctrlHide, shift: shiftHide, alt: altHide, key: keyHide } = { ctrl: true, key: "e" }, { ctrl: ctrlClose, shift: shiftClose, alt: altClose, key: keyClose } = { ctrl: true, key: "x" }) => `${[ctrlHide && "Ctrl", shiftHide && "Shift", altHide && "Alt", keyHide && keyHide.toUpperCase()].filter(Boolean).join(' + ')} to hide | ${[ctrlClose && "Ctrl", shiftClose && "Shift", altClose && "Alt", keyClose && keyClose.toUpperCase()].filter(Boolean).join(' + ')} for quick disable\nClick and drag here`)( || { ctrl: true, key: "e" }, || { ctrl: true, key: "x" }),
                    update: (({ ctrl: ctrlHide, shift: shiftHide, alt: altHide, key: keyHide } = { ctrl: true, key: "e" }, { ctrl: ctrlClose, shift: shiftClose, alt: altClose, key: keyClose } = { ctrl: true, key: "x" }) => controls.innerText = `${[ctrlHide && "Ctrl", shiftHide && "Shift", altHide && "Alt", keyHide && keyHide.toUpperCase()].filter(Boolean).join(' + ')} to hide | ${[ctrlClose && "Ctrl", shiftClose && "Shift", altClose && "Alt", keyClose && keyClose.toUpperCase()].filter(Boolean).join(' + ')} for quick disable\nClick and drag here`)
                createElement("div", {
                    id: "credits",
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                        fontWeight: "700",
                        userSelect: "text"
                    innerHTML: "Made by 005konz",
                    onclick: () =>"", "_blank").focus()
                (controlButtons = createElement("div", {
                    id: "controlButtons",
                    style: {
                        display: "flex",
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                        innerHTML: "✥"
                    createElement("button", {
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                        innerHTML: "-",
                        onclick: (function () {
                            let hidden = false;
                            return () => {
                                for (let child of [...gui.children]) {
                                    if (child == controlButtons) continue;
                                    if (hidden) =;
                                    else {
                               = "none";
                       = hidden ? "100%" : "55px";
                       = hidden ? "100%" : "165px";
                       = `${parseInt( + (guiWrapper.offsetHeight - 55) * (hidden ? -1 : 1)}px`;
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                       = hidden ? "unset" : "none";
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                            fontWeight: "bolder",
                            cursor: "pointer"
                        innerHTML: "X",
                        onclick: close
                (cheatContainer = createElement("div", {
                    className: "cheatList",
                    style: {
                        overflowY: "scroll",
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                        boxShadow: "inset -10px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 20%)",
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                    innerHTML: "<span style=\"text-shadow: 1px 1px rgb(0 0 0 / 40%)\">Cheats</span>"
                    createElement("a", {
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                        style: {
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                        target: "_blank",
                        href: "",
                        innerHTML: `<div style="background: rgba(0,0,0,.25); border-radius: 5px; display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; left: 0; top: 0; position: absolute; transform: translateY(2px); width: 100%; transition: transform .6s cubic-bezier(.3,.7,.4,1)"></div>
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                            (tooltip = createElement("div", {
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                                innerText: "description"
                            (cheats = createElement("div", {
                                style: {
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                                    boxSizing: "border-box",
                                    display: "flex",
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                                (headerText = createElement("div", {
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                                    createElement("div", {
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        function addMode(mode, img, cheats, nameOnly) {
            const button = createElement("div", {
                className: "cheatButton",
                innerHTML: (typeof img == "string" ? `<img style="height: 30px; margin-right: 5px" src="${img}">` : img ? img : "") + mode,
                onclick: () => setCheats(button.innerText, cheats, nameOnly)
            return button.onclick;
        async function setCheats(mode, scripts, nameOnly) {
            cheats.innerHTML = "";
            headerText.firstChild.innerText = `${mode}${nameOnly ? "" : " Cheats"}`;

            for (let i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
                let { name, description, type, inputs, enabled, run, element } = scripts[i];
                let toggle = type == "toggle";
                if (!element) {
                    const button = createElement("div", {
                        className: "scriptButton",
                        style: { background: toggle ? enabled ? "var(--enabledButton)" : "var(--disabledButton)" : "var(--defaultButton)" }
                    }, createElement("div", {
                        className: "cheatName",
                        innerHTML: name
                    button.dataset.description = description;
                    button.onclick = (function ({ target, key }) {
                        if (target != button && !target.classList.contains("cheatName") && !(key == "Enter" && target.classList.contains("cheatInput"))) return;
                        let args = [...button.children].slice(1);
                        run.apply(this, => c.type == "number" ? parseInt("0" + c.value) : c.nodeName == "SELECT" ? JSON.parse(c.value) : ( || c.value)));
                        if (toggle) = this.enabled ? "var(--enabledButton)" : "var(--disabledButton)";
                    if (inputs?.length) for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
                        const { name, type, options: opts, min, max, value } = inputs[i];
                        let options;
                        try { options = await (typeof opts == "function" ? opts?.() : opts) } catch { options = [] };
                        if (type == "options" && options?.length) {
                            const select = document.createElement("select");
                            options.forEach(opt => {
                                const option = document.createElement("option");
                                option.value = JSON.stringify(opt?.value != null ? opt.value : opt);
                                option.innerHTML = opt?.name || opt;
                        } else if (type == "function") {
                            const input = document.createElement("input");
                            input.placeholder = name;
                   = "center";
                            input.readOnly = true;
                            let locked = false;
                            input.onclick = async () => {
                                if (locked) return;
                                input.value = "Waiting for input...";
                                locked = true;
                       = await inputs[i].function((e) => input.value = e + "...");
                                locked = false;
                                input.value = input.value.slice(0, -3);
                        } else {
                            const input = document.createElement("input");
                            if (type == "number") {
                                input.type = "number";
                                input.min = min;
                                input.max = max;
                                input.value = value || (min != null ? min : 0);
                            input.placeholder = name;
                   = "center";
                            if (toggle) = "#0003";
                            input.onkeyup = button.onclick;
                    scripts[i].element = button;
            /*  scripts
                    name: "",
                    description: "",
                    type: (null | "toggle"),
                    inputs: type == null && [{
                        name: "",
                        type: ("number" | "string" | "options"),
                        options: type == "options" && [
                                name: "",
                                value: undefined
                    enabled: type == "toggle" && Boolean,
                    run: function () {};

        let i = document.createElement('iframe');
        const alert = i.contentWindow.alert.bind(window);
        const prompt = i.contentWindow.prompt.bind(window);
        const confirm = i.contentWindow.confirm.bind(window);

        function getStateNode() {
            return Object.values((function react(r = document.querySelector("body>div")) { return Object.values(r)[1]?.children?.[0]?._owner.stateNode ? r : react(r.querySelector(":scope>div")) })())[1].children[0]._owner.stateNode;

        const Cheats = {
            global: [
                    name: "Auto Answer",
                    description: "Toggles auto answer on",
                    type: "toggle",
                    enabled: false,
                    data: null,
                    run: function () {
                        if (!this.enabled) {
                            this.enabled = true;
                   = setInterval(() => {
                                const stateNode = getStateNode();
                                const Question = stateNode.state.question || stateNode.props.client.question;
                                if (stateNode.state.question.qType != "typing") {
                                    if (stateNode.state.stage != "feedback" && ! {
                                        let ind;
                                        for (ind = 0; ind < Question.answers.length; ind++) {
                                            let found = false;
                                            for (let j = 0; j < Question.correctAnswers.length; j++)
                                                if (Question.answers[ind] == Question.correctAnswers[j]) {
                                                    found = true;
                                            if (found) break;
                                    } else document.querySelector("[class*='feedback'], [id*='feedback']");
                                } else Object.values(document.querySelector("[class*='typingAnswerWrapper']"))[1].children._owner.stateNode.sendAnswer(Question.answers[0]);
                            }, 50);
                        } else {
                            this.enabled = false;
                   = null;
                    name: "Highlight Answers",
                    description: "Toggles highlight answers on",
                    type: "toggle",
                    enabled: false,
                    data: null,
                    run: function () {
                        if (!this.enabled) {
                            this.enabled = true;
                   = setInterval(() => {
                                const stateNode = getStateNode();
                                const Question = stateNode.state.question || stateNode.props.client.question;
                                let ind = 0;
                                while (ind < Question.answers.length) {
                                    let found = false;
                                    for (let j = 0; j < Question.correctAnswers.length; j++)
                                        if (Question.answers[ind] == Question.correctAnswers[j]) {
                                            found = true;
                                    document.querySelector("[class*='answersHolder'] :nth-child(" + ind + ") > div").style.backgroundColor = found ? "rgb(0, 207, 119)" : "rgb(189, 15, 38)";
                            }, 50);
                        } else {
                            this.enabled = false;
                   = null;
                    name: "Subtle Highlight Answers",
                    description: "Toggles subtle highlight answers on",
                    type: "toggle",
                    enabled: false,
                    data: null,
                    run: function () {
                        if (!this.enabled) {
                            this.enabled = true;
                   = setInterval(() => {
                                const stateNode = getStateNode();
                                const Question = stateNode.state.question || stateNode.props.client.question;
                                let ind = 0;
                                while (ind < Question.answers.length) {
                                    let j = 0;
                                    let found = false;
                                    while (j < Question.correctAnswers.length) {
                                        if (Question.answers[ind] == Question.correctAnswers[j]) {
                                            found = true;
                                    if (found) document.querySelector("[class*='answersHolder'] :nth-child(" + ind + ") > div").style.boxShadow = "unset";
                            }, 50);
                        } else {
                            this.enabled = false;
                   = null;
                    name: "Percent Auto Answer",
                    description: "Answers questions correctly or incorrectly depending on the goal grade given (Disable and re-enable to update goal)",
                    inputs: [
                            name: "Target Grade",
                            type: "number"
                    type: "toggle",
                    enabled: false,
                    data: null,
                    run: function (target) {
                        if (!this.enabled) {
                            this.enabled = true;
                            const stateNode = getStateNode();
                   = setInterval(TARGET => {
                                try {
                                    const question = stateNode.state.question || stateNode.props.client.question;
                                    if (stateNode.state.stage == "feedback" || return document.querySelector('[class*="feedback"], [id*="feedback"]')?.firstChild?.click?.();
                                    else if (document.querySelector("[class*='answerContainer']") || document.querySelector("[class*='typingAnswerWrapper']")) {
                                        let correct = 0, total = 0;
                                        for (let corrects in stateNode.corrects) correct += stateNode.corrects[corrects];
                                        for (let incorrect in stateNode.incorrects) total += stateNode.incorrects[incorrect];
                                        total += correct;
                                        const yes = total == 0 || Math.abs(correct / (total + 1) - TARGET) >= Math.abs((correct + 1) / (total + 1) - TARGET);
                                        if (stateNode.state.question.qType != "typing") {
                                            const answerContainers = document.querySelectorAll("[class*='answerContainer']");
                                            for (let i = 0; i < answerContainers.length; i++) {
                                                const contains = question.correctAnswers.includes(question.answers[i]);
                                                if (yes == contains) return answerContainers[i]?.click?.();
                                        } else Object.values(document.querySelector("[class*='typingAnswerWrapper']"))[1].children._owner.stateNode.sendAnswer(yes ? question.answers[0] : Math.random().toString(36).substring(2));
                                } catch { }
                            }, 100, (target ?? 100) / 100);
                        } else {
                            this.enabled = false;
                   = null;
                    name: "Auto Answer",
                    description: "Click the correct answer for you",
                    run: function () {
                        const stateNode = getStateNode();
                        const Question = stateNode.state.question || stateNode.props.client.question;
                        if (stateNode.state.question.qType != "typing") {
                            if (stateNode.state.stage != "feedback" && ! {
                                let ind;
                                for (ind = 0; ind < Question.answers.length; ind++) {
                                    let found = false;
                                    for (let j = 0; j < Question.correctAnswers.length; j++)
                                        if (Question.answers[ind] == Question.correctAnswers[j]) {
                                            found = true;
                                    if (found) break;
                            } else document.querySelector("[class*='feedback'], [id*='feedback']");
                        } else Object.values(document.querySelector("[class*='typingAnswerWrapper']"))[1].children._owner.stateNode.sendAnswer(Question.answers[0]);
                    name: "Highlight Answers",
                    description: "Colors answers to be red or green highlighting the correct ones",
                    run: function () {
                        const stateNode = getStateNode();
                        const Question = stateNode.state.question || stateNode.props.client.question;
                        let ind = 0;
                        while (ind < Question.answers.length) {
                            let found = false;
                            for (let j = 0; j < Question.correctAnswers.length; j++)
                                if (Question.answers[ind] == Question.correctAnswers[j]) {
                                    found = true;
                            document.querySelector("[class*='answersHolder'] :nth-child(" + ind + ") > div").style.backgroundColor = found ? "rgb(0, 207, 119)" : "rgb(189, 15, 38)";
                    name: "Spam Buy Blooks",
                    description: "Opens a box an amount of times",
                    inputs: [
                            name: "Box",
                            type: "options",
                            options: () => Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("[class*='packsWrapper'] > div")).reduce((a, b) => {
                                b.querySelector("[class*='blookContainer'] > img") || a.push(b.querySelector("[class*='packImgContainer'] > img").alt);
                                return a;
                            }, [])
                            name: "Amount",
                            type: "number"
                            name: "Show Unlocks",
                            type: "options",
                            options: [
                                    name: "Show Unlocks",
                                    value: true
                                    name: "Don't Show Unlocks",
                                    value: false
                    run: async function (box, amountToOpen, alertBlooks) {
                        if (window.location.pathname.startsWith("/market")) {
                            const stateNode = getStateNode();
                            const prices ="[class*='packsWrapper'] > div"), (a, b) => {
                                b.querySelector("[class*='blookContainer'] > img") || (a[b.querySelector("[class*='packImgContainer'] > img").alt] = parseInt(b.querySelector("[class*='packBottom']").textContent));
                                return a;
                            }, {});
                            box = box.split(' ').map(str => str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1).toLowerCase()).join(' ');
                            const cost = prices[box];
                            if (!cost) return alert("I couldn't find that box!");

                            const canOpen = Math.floor(stateNode.state.tokens / cost);
                            if (canOpen <= 0) return alert("You do not have enough tokens!");
                            const amount = Math.min(canOpen, amountToOpen || 0);

                            const blooks = {},
                                now =;

                            for (let i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
                                await stateNode.buyPack(true, box);

                                blooks[stateNode.state.unlockedBlook] ||= 0;

                                stateNode.setState({ canOpen: true, currentPack: "", opening: alertBlooks, doneOpening: alertBlooks, openPack: alertBlooks });
                            await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r));
                            alert(`(${ - now}ms) Results:\n${Object.entries(blooks).map(([blook, amount]) => `    ${blook} ${amount}`).join(`\n`)}`);
                        } else alert("This can only be ran in the Market page.");

                    name: "Host Any Gamemode",
                    description: "Change the selected gamemode on the host settings page",
                    inputs: [
                            name: "Gamemode",
                            type: "options",
                            options: ["Racing", "Classic", "Factory", "Cafe", "Defense2", "Defense", "Royale", "Gold", "Candy", "Brawl", "Hack", "Pirate", "Fish", "Dino", "Toy", "Rush"]
                    run: function (type) {
                        if (location.pathname != "/host/settings") return alert("Run this script on the host settings page");
                        getStateNode().setState({ settings: { type } });
                    name: "Change Blook Ingame",
                    description: "Changes your blook",
                    inputs: [
                            name: "Blook (case sensitive)",
                            type: "string",
                    run: function (blook) {
                        let { props } = getStateNode();
                        props.liveGameController.setVal({ path: `c/${}/b`, val: (props.client.blook = blook) });
                    name: "Get Daily Rewards",
                    description: "Gets max daily tokens and xp",
                    run: async function () {
                        if (!window.location.href.includes("")) (alert("This cheat only works on, opening a new tab."),""));
                        else {
                            const gameId = ["60101da869e8c70013913b59", "625db660c6842334835cb4c6", "60268f8861bd520016eae038", "611e6c804abdf900668699e3", "60ba5ff6077eb600221b7145", "642467af9b704783215c1f1b", "605bd360e35779001bf57c5e", "6234cc7add097ff1c9cff3bd", "600b1491d42a140004d5215a", "5db75fa3f1fa190017b61c0c", "5fac96fe2ca0da00042b018f", "600b14d8d42a140004d52165", "5f88953cdb209e00046522c7", "600b153ad42a140004d52172", "5fe260e72a505b00040e2a11", "5fe3d085a529560004cd3076", "5f5fc017aee59500041a1456", "608b0a5863c4f2001eed43f4", "5fad491512c8620004918ace", "5fc91a9b4ea2e200046bd49a", "5c5d06a7deebc70017245da7", "5ff767051b68750004a6fd21", "5fdcacc85d465a0004b021b9", "5fb7eea20bd44300045ba495"][Math.floor(Math.random() * 24)];
                            const rand = (l, h) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (h - l + 1)) + l;
                            const { t } = await fetch("", {
                                body: JSON.stringify({ gameMode: "Factory", questionSetId: gameId }),
                                method: "POST",
                                credentials: "include"
                            }).then(x => x.json()).catch(() => alert('There was an error creating a solo game.'));
                            await fetch("", {
                                body: JSON.stringify({ t }),
                                method: "POST",
                                credentials: "include"
                            }).catch(() => alert('There was an error when landing.'))
                            await fetch("" + t, { credentials: "include" });
                            await fetch("" + gameId, { credentials: "include" });
                            await fetch("", {
                                body: JSON.stringify({ t, place: 1, cash: rand(10000000, 100000000), playersDefeated: 0, correctAnswers: rand(500, 2000), upgrades: rand(250, 750), blookUsed: getStateNode(), nameUsed: "You", mode: "Time-Solo" }),
                                method: "PUT",
                                credentials: "include"
                            }).catch(() => alert('There was an error when spoofing stats.'));
                            await fetch("", {
                                body: JSON.stringify({ t, addedTokens: 500, addedXp: 300 }),
                                method: "PUT",
                                credentials: "include"
                            }).then(x => x.json())
                                .then(({ dailyReward }) => alert(`Added max tokens and xp, and got ${dailyReward} daily wheel tokens!`))
                                .catch(() => alert('There was an error when adding rewards.'));
                    name: "Use Any Blook",
                    description: "Allows you to play as any blook",
                    data: null,
                    getBlooks(isLobby, stateNode) {
                        if ( return;
                        isLobby = isLobby ? "keys" : "entries";
                        const old = Object[isLobby];
                        const scope = this;
                        Object[isLobby] = function (obj) {
                            if (!obj.Chick) return, obj);
                   = obj;
                            return (Object[isLobby] = old).call(this, obj);
                    run: function () {
                        const stateNode = getStateNode();
                        const lobby = window.location.pathname.startsWith("/play/lobby"),
                            blooks = !lobby && window.location.pathname.startsWith("/blooks");
                        if (!blooks && !lobby) return alert("This only works in lobbies or the dashboard blooks page.");
                        this.getBlooks(lobby, stateNode);
                        if (lobby) return stateNode.setState({ unlocks: Object.keys( });
                        stateNode.setState({ blookData: Object.keys(, b) => (a[b] = (stateNode.state.blookData[b] || 1), a), {}), allSets: Object.values(, b) => (b.set && a.includes(b.set) ? a : a.concat(b.set)), []) });
                    name: "Every Answer Correct",
                    description: "Sets every answer to be correct",
                    run: function () {
                        const stateNode = getStateNode();
                        for (let i = 0; i < stateNode.freeQuestions.length; i++) {
                            stateNode.freeQuestions[i].correctAnswers = stateNode.freeQuestions[i].answers;
                            stateNode.questions[i].correctAnswers = stateNode.questions[i].answers;
                            stateNode.props.client.questions[i].correctAnswers = stateNode.questions[i].answers;
                        try { stateNode.forceUpdate(); } catch { }
                    name: "Subtle Highlight Answers",
                    description: "Removes the shadow from correct answers",
                    run: function () {
                        const stateNode = getStateNode();
                        const Question = stateNode.state.question || stateNode.props.client.question;
                        let ind = 0;
                        while (ind < Question.answers.length) {
                            let j = 0;
                            let found = false;
                            while (j < Question.correctAnswers.length) {
                                if (Question.answers[ind] == Question.correctAnswers[j]) {
                                    found = true;
                            if (found) document.querySelector("[class*='answersHolder'] :nth-child(" + ind + ") > div").style.boxShadow = "unset";
                    name: "Remove Name Limit",
                    description: "Sets the name limit to 120, which is the actual max name length limit",
                    run: function () {
                        document.querySelector('input[class*="nameInput"]').maxLength = 120; /* 120 is the actual limit */
                        alert("Removed name length limit");
                    name: "Remove Random Name",
                    description: "Allows you to put a custom name",
                    run: function () {
                        getStateNode().setState({ isRandom: false, client: { name: "" } });
                    name: "Sell Duplicate Blooks",
                    description: "Sell all duplicate blooks leaving you with 1 each",
                    run: async function () {
                        if (window.location.pathname.startsWith("/blooks")) {
                            if (confirm(`Are you sure you want to sell your dupes? (Legendaries and rarer will not be sold)`)) {
                                let stateNode = getStateNode();
                                let now =, results = "";
                                for (const blook in stateNode.state.blookData) if (stateNode.state.blookData[blook] > 1) {
                                    stateNode.setState({ blook, numToSell: stateNode.state.blookData[blook] - 1 });
                                    if (!["Uncommon", "Rare", "Epic"].includes(document.querySelector("[class*='highlightedRarity']").innerText.trim())) continue;
                                    results += `    ${blook} ${stateNode.state.blookData[blook] - 1}\n`;
                                    await stateNode.sellBlook({ preventDefault: () => { } }, true);
                                alert(`(${ - now}ms) Results:\n${results.trim()}`);
                        } else alert("This can only be ran in the Blooks page.");
            voyage: [
                    name: "Heist ESP",
                    description: "Shows you what's under each chest during a heist",
                    type: "toggle",
                    enabled: false,
                    data: null,
                    imgs: null,
                    run: function () {
                        if (!this.enabled) {
                            this.enabled = true;
                   = setInterval(() => {
                                const stateNode = getStateNode();
                                if (stateNode.state.stage != "heist") return;
                                if (this.imgs == null) this.imgs ="[class*=prizesList]").children, 1, 4), (x) => x.querySelector("img").src);
                                const esp = Object.values(document.querySelector("[class*=modal]"))[0].return.memoizedState.memoizedState;
                                for (const e of document.querySelectorAll("[class*=boxContent] > div")) e.remove();
                                const open = Object.values(document.querySelector("[class*=modal]"))[0];
                      "[class*=chestsWrapper]").children, (container, i) => {
                                    const box = container.firstChild.firstChild;
                                    if (open.includes(i)) return = "";
                           = "0.5";
                                    let d = document.createElement("div");
                                    d.innerHTML = "<img src='" + this.imgs[2 - esp[i]] + "' style='max-width: 75%; max-height: 75%'></img>";
                                    d.className = "chestESP";
                           = "absolute";
                           = "0";
                           = "grid";
                           = "center";
                           = "none"
                                    container.onclick = () => {
                               = "";
                            }, 50);
                        } else {
                            this.enabled = false;
                   = null;
                    name: "Max Levels",
                    description: "Maxes out all islands and your boat",
                    run: function () {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                        stateNode.setState({ islandLevels: new Array(stateNode.state.islandLevels.length).fill(5) }, stateNode.updateBoatLevel);
                    name: "Set Doubloons",
                    description: "Sets Doubloons",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Amount",
                        type: "number"
                    run: function (doubloons) {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                        stateNode.setState({ doubloons });
                            path: `c/${}/d`,
                            val: doubloons
                    name: "Start Heist",
                    description: "Starts a heist on someone",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Player",
                        type: "options",
                        options: () => {
                            let stateNode = getStateNode();
                            return stateNode.props.liveGameController._liveApp ? new Promise(res => stateNode.props.liveGameController.getDatabaseVal("c", (players) => players && res(Object.keys(players)))) : [];
                    run: function (target) {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                        stateNode.props.liveGameController.getDatabaseVal("c", function (val) {
                            if (val?.[target]) stateNode.setState({
                                stage: "heist",
                                heistInfo: { name: target, blook: val[target].b },
                                prizeAmount: Math.max(1000, val[target].d || 0)
                    name: "Swap Doubloons",
                    description: "Swaps Doubloons with someone",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Player",
                        type: "options",
                        options: () => {
                            let stateNode = getStateNode();
                            return stateNode.props.liveGameController._liveApp ? new Promise(res => stateNode.props.liveGameController.getDatabaseVal("c", (players) => players && res(Object.keys(players)))) : [];
                    run: async function (target) {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                        stateNode.props.liveGameController.getDatabaseVal("c", function (val) {
                            if (!val?.[target]) return;
                                path: `c/${}`,
                                val: {
                                    b: stateNode.props.client.blook,
                                    d: val[target].d,
                                    tat: `${target}:${val[target].d - stateNode.state.doubloons}`
                            stateNode.setState({ doubloons: val[target].d });
                    name: "Take Doubloons",
                    description: "Takes Doubloons from someone",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Player",
                        type: "options",
                        options: () => {
                            let stateNode = getStateNode();
                            return stateNode.props.liveGameController._liveApp ? new Promise(res => stateNode.props.liveGameController.getDatabaseVal("c", (players) => players && res(Object.keys(players)))) : [];
                    run: async function (target) {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                        stateNode.props.liveGameController.getDatabaseVal("c", function (val) {
                            if (!val?.[target]) return;
                                path: `c/${}`,
                                val: {
                                    b: stateNode.props.client.blook,
                                    d: stateNode.state.doubloons + val[target].d,
                                    tat: `${target}:${val[target].d}`
                            stateNode.setState({ doubloons: stateNode.state.doubloons + val[target].d });
            brawl: [
                    name: "Double Enemy XP",
                    description: "Doubles enemy XP drop value",
                    run: function () {
                        const colliders = getStateNode() => x.callbackContext?.toString?.()?.includes?.('dmgCd'));
                        for (let i = 0; i < colliders.length; i++) {
                            const enemies = colliders[i].object2;
                            let _start = enemies.classType.prototype.start;
                            enemies.classType.prototype.start = function () { _start.apply(this, arguments); this.val *= 2; };
                            enemies.children.entries.forEach(e => e.val *= 2);
                    name: "Half Enemy Speed",
                    description: "Makes enemies move 2x slower",
                    run: function () {
                        const colliders = getStateNode() => x.callbackContext?.toString?.()?.includes?.('dmgCd'));
                        for (let i = 0; i < colliders.length; i++) {
                            const enemies = colliders[i].object2;
                            let _start = enemies.classType.prototype.start;
                            enemies.classType.prototype.start = function () { _start.apply(this, arguments); this.speed *= 0.5; };
                            enemies.children.entries.forEach(e => e.speed *= 0.5);
                    name: "Instant Kill",
                    description: "Sets all enemies health to 1",
                    run: function () {
                        const colliders = getStateNode() => x.callbackContext?.toString?.()?.includes?.('dmgCd'));
                        for (let i = 0; i < colliders.length; i++) {
                            const enemies = colliders[i].object2;
                            let _start = enemies.classType.prototype.start;
                            enemies.classType.prototype.start = function () { _start.apply(this, arguments); this.hp = 1; };
                            enemies.children.entries.forEach(e => e.hp = 1);
                    name: "Invincibility",
                    description: "Makes you invincible",
                    run: function () {
                        for (const collider of getStateNode() => x.callbackContext?.toString().includes('invulnerableTime') || x.callbackContext?.toString().includes('dmgCd'))) collider.collideCallback = () => { };
                    name: "Kill Enemies",
                    description: "Kills all current enemies",
                    run: function () {
                        getStateNode() => x?.gameObject?.receiveDamage?.(x.gameObject.hp, 1));
                    name: "Magnet",
                    description: "Pulls all xp towards you",
                    run: function () {
                        getStateNode() => x.collideCallback?.toString().includes('magnetTime')).collideCallback({ active: true }, { active: true, setActive() { }, setVisible() { } });
                    name: "Max Current Abilities",
                    description: "Maxes out all your current abilities",
                    run: function () {
                        const stateNode = getStateNode();
                        for (const [ability, level] of Object.entries(stateNode.state.abilities)) for (let i = 0; i < (10 - level); i++)"level up", ability, stateNode.state.abilities[ability]++);
                            level: = [1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 25, 35].sort((a, b) => Math.abs(a - stateNode.state.level) - Math.abs(b - stateNode.state.level))[0] - 1
                    name: "Next Level",
                    description: "Skips to the next level",
                    run: function () {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                        let { object1: player, object2: xp } = => x.collideCallback?.toString().includes('emit("xp'));
                        xp.get().spawn(player.x, player.y, ((e) => 1 === e ? 1 : e < 5 ? 5 : e < 10 ? 10 : e < 20 ? 20 : e < 30 ? 30 : e < 40 ? 40 : e < 50 ? 50 : 100)(stateNode.state.level) - stateNode.xp);
                    name: "Remove Obstacles",
                    description: "Removes all rocks and obstacles",
                    run: function () {
                        getStateNode() => { try { if (body.gameObject.frame.texture.key.includes("obstacle")) body.gameObject.destroy(); } catch { } });
                    name: "Reset Health",
                    description: "Resets health and gives invincibility for 3 seconds",
                    run: function () {
            cafe: [
                    name: "Max Items",
                    description: "Maxes out items in the shop (Only usable in the shop)",
                    run: function () {
                        if (window.location.pathname !== "/cafe/shop") alert("This can only be run in the shop");
                        else {
                            const stateNode = getStateNode();
                            stateNode.setState({ items: Object.keys(stateNode.state.items).reduce((obj, item) => (obj[item] = 5, obj), {}) });
                    name: "Remove Customers",
                    description: "Skips the current customers (Not usable in the shop)",
                    run: function () {
                        const stateNode = getStateNode();
                        stateNode.state.customers.forEach((customer, i) => window.setTimeout(() => customer.blook && stateNode.removeCustomer(i, true), i * 250));
                    name: "Reset Abilities",
                    description: "Resets used abilities in shop (Only usable in the shop)",
                    run: function () {
                        if (window.location.pathname !== "/cafe/shop") alert("This can only be run in the shop");
                        else {
                            const stateNode = getStateNode();
                            stateNode.setState({ abilities: Object.keys(stateNode.state.abilities).reduce((obj, item) => (obj[item] = 5, obj), {}) });
                    name: "Set Cash",
                    description: "Sets cafe cash",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Amount",
                        type: "number"
                    run: function (cafeCash) {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                        stateNode.setState({ cafeCash });
                            path: `c/${}/ca`,
                            val: cafeCash
                    name: "Stock Food",
                    description: "Stocks all food to 99 (Not usable in the shop)",
                    run: function () {
                        if (window.location.pathname !== "/cafe") alert("This can't be run in the shop");
                        else {
                            const stateNode = getStateNode();
                            stateNode.setState({ foods: => ({ ...e, stock: 99, level: 5 })) });
            crypto: [
                    name: "Choice ESP",
                    description: "Shows what each choice will give you",
                    type: "toggle",
                    enabled: false,
                    data: null,
                    run: function () {
                        if (!this.enabled) {
                            this.enabled = true;
                   = setInterval(() => {
                                let chest = document.querySelector('[class*=feedbackContainer]');
                                if (chest.children.length <= 4) {
                                    let choice = document.createElement('div')
                           = "white";
                           = "Inconsolata,Helvetica,monospace,sans-serif";
                           = "2em";
                           = "flex";
                           = "center";
                           = "675px";
                                    choice.innerText = getStateNode().state.choices[0].text;
                            }, 50);
                        } else {
                            this.enabled = false;
                   = null;
                    name: "Password ESP",
                    description: "Highlights the correct password",
                    type: "toggle",
                    enabled: false,
                    data: null,
                    run: function () {
                        if (!this.enabled) {
                            this.enabled = true;
                   = setInterval(() => {
                                let { state } = getStateNode();
                                if (state.stage == "hack") for (const button of document.querySelector('div[class*=buttonContainer]').children) {
                                    if (button.innerText == state.correctPassword) continue;
                           = "rgba(255, 64, 64, 0.8)";
                           = "rgba(255, 64, 64, 0.8)";
                           = "0 0 1px #f33"
                            }, 50);
                        } else {
                            this.enabled = false;
                   = null;
                    name: "Always Triple",
                    description: "Always get triple crypto",
                    type: "toggle",
                    enabled: false,
                    data: null,
                    run: function () {
                        if (!this.enabled) {
                            this.enabled = true;
                   = setInterval(state => getStateNode().setState(state), 25, { choices: [{ type: "mult", val: 3, rate: 0.075, blook: "Brainy Bot", text: "Triple Crypto" }] });
                        } else {
                            this.enabled = false;
                   = null;
                    name: "Auto Guess",
                    description: "Automatically guess the correct password",
                    type: "toggle",
                    enabled: false,
                    data: null,
                    run: function () {
                        if (!this.enabled) {
                            this.enabled = true;
                   = setInterval(() => {
                                let { state } = getStateNode();
                                if (state.stage == "hack") for (const button of document.querySelector('div[class*=buttonContainer]').children) button.innerText == state.correctPassword &&;
                            }, 50);
                        } else {
                            this.enabled = false;
                   = null;
                    name: "Remove Hack",
                    description: "Removes an attacking hack",
                    run: function () {
                        getStateNode().setState({ hack: "" });
                    name: "Set Crypto",
                    description: "Sets crypto",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Amount",
                        type: "number"
                    run: function (amount) {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                        stateNode.setState({ crypto: amount, crypto2: amount });
                            path: `c/${}/cr`,
                            val: amount
                    name: "Set Password",
                    description: "Sets hacking password",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Custom Password",
                        type: "string"
                    run: function (password) {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                        stateNode.setState({ password });
                            path: `c/${}/p`,
                            val: password
                    name: "Steal Player's Crypto",
                    description: "Steals all of someone's crypto",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Player",
                        type: "options",
                        options: () => {
                            let stateNode = getStateNode();
                            return stateNode.props.liveGameController._liveApp ? new Promise(res => stateNode.props.liveGameController.getDatabaseVal("c", (players) => players && res(Object.keys(players)))) : [];
                    run: function (target) {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                        stateNode.props.liveGameController.getDatabaseVal("c", (players) => {
                            let player;
                            if (players && (player = Object.entries(players).find((x) => x[0].toLowerCase() == target.toLowerCase()))) {
                                const cr = player[1].cr;
                                    crypto: stateNode.state.crypto + cr,
                                    crypto2: stateNode.state.crypto + cr
                                    path: "c/" +,
                                    val: {
                                        b: stateNode.props.client.blook,
                                        p: stateNode.state.password,
                                        cr: stateNode.state.crypto + cr,
                                        tat: player[0] + ":" + cr
            defense: [
                    name: "Earthquake",
                    description: "Shuffles around towers",
                    run: function () {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                            eventName: "Earthquake",
                            event: {
                                short: "e",
                                color: "#805500",
                                icon: "fas fa-mountain",
                                desc: "All of your towers get mixed up",
                                rate: .02
                            buyTowerName: "",
                            buyTower: {}
                        }, () => stateNode.eventTimeout = setTimeout(() => stateNode.setState({ event: {}, eventName: "" }), 6e3));
                        stateNode.tiles.forEach(row => row.forEach((col, i) => col == 3 && (row[i] = 0)));
                        let tiles = [];
                        for (let y = 0; y < stateNode.tiles.length; y++)
                            for (let x = 0; x < stateNode.tiles[y].length; x++)
                                if (stateNode.tiles[y][x] == 0) tiles.push({ x, y });
                        tiles.sort(() => Math.random() - Math.random());
                        stateNode.towers.forEach(tower => {
                            let { x, y } = tiles.pop();
                            tower.move(x, y, stateNode.tileSize);
                            stateNode.tiles[y][x] = 3;
                    name: "Max Tower Stats",
                    description: "Makes all placed towers overpowered",
                    run: function () {
                        getStateNode().towers.forEach(tower => {
                            tower.range = 100;
                            tower.fullCd = = 0;
                            tower.damage = 1e6;
                    name: "Remove Ducks",
                    description: "Removes ducks",
                    run: function () {
                        let { ducks, tiles } = getStateNode();
                        ducks.forEach(x => (tiles[x.y][x.x] = 0));
                        ducks.length = 0;
                    name: "Remove Enemies",
                    description: "Removes all the enemies",
                    run: function () {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                        stateNode.enemies = stateNode.futureEnemies = [];
                    name: "Remove Obstacles",
                    description: "Lets you place towers anywhere",
                    run: function () {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                        stateNode.tiles = => row.fill(0));
                    name: "Set Damage",
                    description: "Sets damage",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Damage",
                        type: "number"
                    run: function (dmg) {
                        getStateNode().dmg = dmg;
                    name: "Set Round",
                    description: "Sets the current round",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Round",
                        type: "number"
                    run: function (round) {
                        getStateNode().setState({ round });
                    name: "Set Tokens",
                    description: "Sets the amount of tokens you have",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Tokens",
                        type: "number"
                    run: function (tokens) {
                        getStateNode().setState({ tokens });
            defense2: [
                    name: "Max Tower Stats",
                    description: "Makes all placed towers overpowered",
                    run: function () {
                        getStateNode().state.towers.forEach(tower => {
                            tower.stats.dmg = 1e6;
                            tower.stats.fireRate = 50;
                            tower.stats.ghostDetect = true;
                            tower.stats.maxTargets = 1e6;
                            tower.stats.numProjectiles &&= 100;
                            tower.stats.range = 100;
                            if (tower.stats.auraBuffs) for (const buff in tower.stats.auraBuffs) tower.stats.auraBuffs[buff] *= 100;
                    name: "Kill Enemies",
                    description: "Kills all the enemies",
                    run: function () {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
               = 0;
               => x?.gameObject?.receiveDamage?.(x.gameObject.hp, 1));
                    name: "Set Coins",
                    description: "Sets coins",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Coins",
                        type: "number"
                    run: function (coins) {
                        getStateNode().setState({ coins });
                    name: "Set Health",
                    description: "Sets the amount of health you have",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Health",
                        type: "number"
                    run: function (health) {
                        getStateNode().setState({ health });
                    name: "Set Round",
                    description: "Sets the current round",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Round",
                        type: "number"
                    run: function (round) {
                        getStateNode().setState({ round });
            dinos: [
                    name: "Auto Choose",
                    description: "Automatically choose the best fossil when excavating",
                    type: "toggle",
                    enabled: false,
                    data: null,
                    rand(e, t) {
                        const s = [];
                        while (s.length < t) {
                            const i = Math.random();
                            let r = 0, g = null;
                            for (let o = 0; o < e.length; o++) {
                                r += e[o].rate;
                                if (r >= i) {
                                    g = e[o];
                            g && !s.includes(g) && s.push(g)
                        return s;
                    run: function () {
                        if (!this.enabled) {
                            this.enabled = true;
                   = setInterval(() => {
                                try {
                                    let stateNode = getStateNode();
                                    if (stateNode.state.stage === "excavate") {
                                        stateNode.state.choices.length || (stateNode.state.choices = this.rand([{ type: "fossil", val: 10, rate: .1, blook: "Amber" }, { type: "fossil", val: 25, rate: .1, blook: "Dino Egg" }, { type: "fossil", val: 50, rate: .175, blook: "Dino Fossil" }, { type: "fossil", val: 75, rate: .175, blook: "Stegosaurus" }, { type: "fossil", val: 100, rate: .15, blook: "Velociraptor" }, { type: "fossil", val: 125, rate: .125, blook: "Brontosaurus" }, { type: "fossil", val: 250, rate: .075, blook: "Triceratops" }, { type: "fossil", val: 500, rate: .025, blook: "Tyrannosaurus Rex" }, { type: "mult", val: 1.5, rate: .05 }, { type: "mult", val: 2, rate: .025 }], 3));
                                        let max = 0, index = -1;
                                        for (let i = 0; i < stateNode.state.choices.length; i++) {
                                            const { type, val } = stateNode.state.choices[i];
                                            const value = (type == "fossil" ? stateNode.state.fossils + val * stateNode.state.fossilMult : stateNode.state.fossils * val) || 0;
                                            if (value <= max && type != "mult") continue;
                                            max = value, index = i + 1;
                                        document.querySelector('div[class*=rockRow] > div[role="button"]:nth-child(' + index + ')').click();
                                } catch { }
                            }, 50);
                        } else {
                            this.enabled = false;
                   = null;
                    name: "Rock ESP",
                    description: "Shows what is under the rocks",
                    type: "toggle",
                    enabled: false,
                    data: null,
                    run: (() => {
                        function rand(e, t) {
                            const s = [];
                            while (s.length < t) {
                                const i = Math.random();
                                let r = 0;
                                let g;
                                for (let o = 0; o < e.length; o++) {
                                    r += e[o].rate;
                                    if (r >= i) {
                                        g = e[o];
                                if (g && !s.includes(g)) s.push(g);
                            return s;
                        const exps = ["⁰", "¹", "²", "³", "⁴", "⁵", "⁶", "⁷", "⁸", "⁹"];
                        const getExpAscii = (num) => {
                            let res = "";
                            while (num > 0) {
                                res = exps[num % 10] + res;;
                                num = ~~(num / 10);
                            return res;

                        function shortNum(value) {
                            let newValue = value.toString();
                            if (value >= 1000) {
                                const suffixes = ["", "K", "M", "B", "T"];
                                const suffixNum = Math.floor(Math.floor((Math.log(value) / Math.log(10)).toPrecision(14)) / 3);
                                if (suffixNum < suffixes.length) {
                                    let shortValue = "";
                                    for (let precision = 3; precision >= 1; precision--) {
                                        shortValue = parseFloat((suffixNum != 0 ? value / Math.pow(1000, suffixNum) : value).toPrecision(precision)).toString();
                                        const dotLessShortValue = shortValue.replace(/[^a-zA-Z 0-9]+/g, "");
                                        if (dotLessShortValue.length <= 3) break;
                                    if (Number(shortValue) % 1 != 0) shortValue = Number(shortValue).toFixed(1);
                                    newValue = shortValue + suffixes[suffixNum];
                                } else {
                                    let num = value;
                                    let exp = 0;
                                    while (num >= 100) {
                                        num = Math.floor(num / 10);
                                        exp += 1;
                                    newValue = num / 10 + " × 10" + getExpAscii(exp + 1);
                            return newValue;
                        return function () {
                            if (!this.enabled) {
                                this.enabled = true;
                       = setInterval(() => {
                                    let stateNode = getStateNode();
                                    const rocks = document.querySelector('[class*="rockButton"]').parentElement.children;

                                    if (!, element => element.querySelector('div'))) stateNode.setState({
                                        choices: rand([{ type: "fossil", val: 10, rate: 0.1, blook: "Amber" }, { type: "fossil", val: 25, rate: 0.1, blook: "Dino Egg" }, { type: "fossil", val: 50, rate: 0.175, blook: "Dino Fossil" }, { type: "fossil", val: 75, rate: 0.175, blook: "Stegosaurus" }, { type: "fossil", val: 100, rate: 0.15, blook: "Velociraptor" }, { type: "fossil", val: 125, rate: 0.125, blook: "Brontosaurus" }, { type: "fossil", val: 250, rate: 0.075, blook: "Triceratops" }, { type: "fossil", val: 500, rate: 0.025, blook: "Tyrannosaurus Rex" }, { type: "mult", val: 1.5, rate: 0.05 }, { type: "mult", val: 2, rate: 0.025 }], 3)
                                    }, () => {
                              , (element, index) => {
                                            const rock = stateNode.state.choices[index];
                                            if (element.querySelector('div')) element.querySelector('div').remove();
                                            const choice = document.createElement("div");
                                   = "white";
                                   = "Macondo";
                                   = "1em";
                                   = "flex";
                                   = "center";
                                   = "translateY(25px)";
                                            choice.innerText = rock.type === "fossil" ? `+${Math.round(rock.val * stateNode.state.fossilMult) > 99999999 ? shortNum(Math.round(rock.val * stateNode.state.fossilMult)) : Math.round(rock.val * stateNode.state.fossilMult)} Fossils` : `x${rock.val} Fossils Per Excavation`;;
                                }, 50);
                            } else {
                                this.enabled = false;
                       = null;
                    name: "Set Fossils",
                    description: "Sets the amount of fossils you have",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Fossils",
                        type: "number"
                    run: function (fossils) {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                        stateNode.setState({ fossils });
                            path: `c/${}/f`,
                            val: fossils
                    name: "Set Multiplier",
                    description: "Sets fossil multiplier",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Multiplier",
                        type: "number"
                    run: function (fossilMult) {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                        stateNode.setState({ fossilMult });
                    name: "Stop Cheating",
                    description: "Undoes cheating so that you can't be caught",
                    run: function () {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                        stateNode.setState({ isCheating: false });
                            path: `c/${}/ic`,
                            val: false
            doom: [
                    name: "Fill Deck",
                    description: "Fills your deck with every maxed out card and artifact (Only works on towers page)",
                    run: function () {
                        if (window.location.pathname == "/tower/map") {
                            const stateNode = getStateNode();
                            stateNode.props.tower.artifacts = "Medical Kit|Fury Relic|Survival Guide|Steel Socks|Piggy Bank|Lucky Feather|Coupon|Cheese|Tasty Egg|Training Weights|Mighty Shield|Toxic Waste|Lifeline Totem|Cursed Hourglass|Band-Aid|Elder Coins|Captain's Anchor|Chess Pieces|Pink Hippo|Anorak's Wizard Cap|Dave's Doggo|Anubis' Obelisk|Farm Tractor|Magic Seedling|Just A Bone|Cozy Igloo|King's Crown|Sacred Scroll".split("|");
                   = 'Chick,🌽|Chicken,🌽|Cow,🌽|Goat,🌽|Horse,🌽|Pig,🌽|Sheep,🌽|Duck,🌽|Dog,🌽|Cat,🐾|Rabbit,🐾|Goldfish,🐾|Hamster,🐾|Turtle,🐾|Kitten,🐾|Puppy,🐾|Bear,🌲|Moose,🌲|Fox,🌲|Raccoon,🌲|Squirrel,🌲|Owl,🌲|Hedgehog,🌲|Baby Penguin,❄️|Penguin,❄️|Arctic Fox,❄️|Snowy Owl,❄️|Polar Bear,❄️|Arctic Hare,❄️|Seal,❄️|Walrus,❄️|Tiger,🌴|Panther,🌴|Cockatoo,🌴|Orangutan,🌴|Anaconda,🌴|Macaw,🌴|Jaguar,🌴|Capuchin,🌴|Toucan,🌴|Parrot,🌴|Elf,⚔️|Witch,⚔️|Wizard,⚔️|Fairy,⚔️|Slime Monster,⚔️|Jester,⚔️|Dragon,⚔️|Unicorn,⚔️|Queen,⚔️|King,⚔️|Snow Globe,☃️|Holiday Gift,☃️|Hot Chocolate,☃️|Gingerbread Man,☃️|Gingerbread House,☃️|Holiday Wreath,☃️|Snowman,☃️|Santa Claus,☃️|Two of Spades,🏰|Eat Me,🏰|Drink Me,🏰|Alice,🏰|Queen of Hearts,🏰|Dormouse,🏰|White Rabbit,🏰|Cheshire Cat,🏰|Caterpillar,🏰|Mad Hatter,🏰|King of Hearts,🏰'.split("|").map(x => {
                                const [blook, c] = x.split(",");
                                return { strength: 20, charisma: 20, wisdom: 20, class: c, blook };
                            try { stateNode.props.addTowerNode(); } catch { }
                            stateNode.setState({ showDeck: false });
                        } else alert("You need to be on the map to run this cheat!");
                    name: "Max Cards",
                    description: "Maxes out all the cards in your deck",
                    run: function () {
                        if (window.location.pathname == "/tower/map") {
                            const stateNode = getStateNode();
                   => {
                                card.strength = 20;
                                card.charisma = 20;
                                card.wisdom = 20;
                            try { stateNode.forceUpdate(); } catch { }
                        } else alert("You need to be on the map to run this cheat!");
                    name: "Max Health",
                    description: "Fills the player's health",
                    run: function () {
                        if (window.location.pathname == "/tower/battle") getStateNode().setState({ myHealth: 100, myLife: 100 });
                        else alert("You need to be in battle to run this cheat!");
                    name: "Max Card Stats",
                    description: "Maxes out player's current card (Only works on attribute select page)",
                    run: function () {
                        const stateNode = getStateNode();
                        if (stateNode.state.phase !== 'select') alert('You must be on the attribute selection page!');
                        else stateNode.setState({ myCard: { ...stateNode.state.myCard, strength: 20, charisma: 20, wisdom: 20 } });
                    name: "Min Enemy Stats",
                    description: "Makes the enemy card stats all 0 (Only works on attribute select page)",
                    run: function () {
                        const stateNode = getStateNode();
                        if (stateNode.state.phase !== 'select') alert('You must be on the attribute selection page!');
                        else stateNode.setState({ enemyCard: { ...stateNode.state.enemyCard, strength: 0, charisma: 0, wisdom: 0 } });
                    name: "Set Coins",
                    description: "Try's to set amount of tower coins you have",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Coins",
                        type: "number"
                    run: function (coins) {
                        if (window.location.pathname == "/tower/battle") try {
                        } catch { }
                        else alert("You need to be in battle to run this cheat!");
            factory: [
                    name: "Choose Blook",
                    description: "Gives you a blook",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Blook",
                        type: "options",
                        options: [{ name: "Chick", color: "#ffcd05", class: "\uD83C\uDF3D", rarity: "Common", cash: [3, 7, 65, 400, 2500], time: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], price: [300, 3e3, 3e4, 2e5] }, { name: "Chicken", color: "#ed1c24", class: "\uD83C\uDF3D", rarity: "Common", cash: [10, 40, 200, 1400, 1e4], time: [5, 4, 3, 2, 1], price: [570, 4e3, 5e4, 8e5] }, { name: "Cow", color: "#58595b", class: "\uD83C\uDF3D", rarity: "Common", cash: [25, 75, 1500, 25e3, 25e4], time: [15, 10, 10, 10, 5], price: [500, 9500, 16e4, 4e6] }, { name: "Duck", color: "#4ab96d", class: "\uD83C\uDF3D", rarity: "Common", cash: [4, 24, 200, 3e3, 4e4], time: [3, 3, 3, 3, 3], price: [450, 4200, 7e4, 11e5] }, { name: "Goat", color: "#c59a74", class: "\uD83C\uDF3D", rarity: "Common", cash: [5, 28, 200, 1300, 12e3], time: [3, 3, 2, 2, 2], price: [500, 6400, 45e3, 5e5] }, { name: "Horse", color: "#995b3c", class: "\uD83C\uDF3D", rarity: "Common", cash: [5, 20, 270, 1800, 15e3], time: [2, 2, 2, 2, 2], price: [550, 8200, 65e3, 6e5] }, { name: "Pig", color: "#f6a9cb", class: "\uD83C\uDF3D", rarity: "Common", cash: [20, 50, 1300, 8e3, 8e4], time: [7, 7, 7, 7, 5], price: [400, 11e3, 8e4, 13e5] }, { name: "Sheep", color: "#414042", class: "\uD83C\uDF3D", rarity: "Common", cash: [6, 25, 250, 1500, 11e3], time: [3, 3, 3, 2, 2], price: [500, 5e3, 5e4, 43e4] }, { name: "Cat", color: "#f49849", class: "\uD83D\uDC3E", rarity: "Common", cash: [5, 18, 170, 1700, 13e3], time: [2, 2, 2, 2, 2], price: [480, 5500, 6e4, 5e5] }, { name: "Dog", color: "#995b3c", class: "\uD83D\uDC3E", rarity: "Common", cash: [7, 25, 220, 1900, 9e3], time: [3, 3, 2, 2, 1], price: [460, 6600, 7e4, 73e4] }, { name: "Goldfish", color: "#f18221", class: "\uD83D\uDC3E", rarity: "Common", cash: [5, 40, 350, 3500, 35e3], time: [3, 3, 3, 3, 3], price: [750, 7200, 84e3, 95e4] }, { name: "Rabbit", color: "#e7bf9a", class: "\uD83D\uDC3E", rarity: "Common", cash: [3, 18, 185, 800, 7e3], time: [2, 2, 2, 1, 1], price: [500, 5800, 56e3, 55e4] }, { name: "Hamster", color: "#ce9176", class: "\uD83D\uDC3E", rarity: "Common", cash: [10, 45, 450, 4500, 45e3], time: [4, 4, 4, 4, 4], price: [650, 6500, 8e4, 93e4] }, { name: "Turtle", color: "#619a3c", class: "\uD83D\uDC3E", rarity: "Common", cash: [23, 120, 1400, 15e3, 17e4], time: [10, 10, 10, 10, 10], price: [700, 8500, 11e4, 13e5] }, { name: "Puppy", color: "#414042", class: "\uD83D\uDC3E", rarity: "Common", cash: [4, 10, 75, 500, 3e3], time: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], price: [450, 4e3, 35e3, 25e4] }, { name: "Kitten", color: "#58595b", class: "\uD83D\uDC3E", rarity: "Common", cash: [4, 8, 60, 400, 2e3], time: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], price: [350, 3500, 26e3, 17e4] }, { name: "Bear", color: "#995b3c", class: "\uD83C\uDF32", rarity: "Common", cash: [12, 70, 550, 4500, 1e5], time: [7, 7, 6, 5, 5], price: [550, 5500, 63e3, 16e5] }, { name: "Moose", color: "#995b3c", class: "\uD83C\uDF32", rarity: "Common", cash: [8, 45, 400, 3500, 26e3], time: [5, 5, 4, 4, 3], price: [520, 6500, 58e3, 7e5] }, { name: "Fox", color: "#f49849", class: "\uD83C\uDF32", rarity: "Common", cash: [7, 15, 80, 550, 3e3], time: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1], price: [400, 4e3, 36e3, 24e4] }, { name: "Raccoon", color: "#6d6e71", class: "\uD83C\uDF32", rarity: "Common", cash: [5, 14, 185, 1900, 19e3], time: [2, 2, 2, 2, 2], price: [400, 5e3, 71e3, 8e5] }, { name: "Squirrel", color: "#d25927", class: "\uD83C\uDF32", rarity: "Common", cash: [3, 10, 65, 470, 2600], time: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], price: [420, 3600, 32e3, 21e4] }, { name: "Owl", color: "#594a42", class: "\uD83C\uDF32", rarity: "Common", cash: [4, 17, 155, 1500, 15e3], time: [2, 2, 2, 2, 2], price: [500, 4800, 55e3, 58e4] }, { name: "Hedgehog", color: "#3f312b", class: "\uD83C\uDF32", rarity: "Common", cash: [11, 37, 340, 2200, 3e4], time: [5, 4, 3, 2, 2], price: [540, 7e3, 77e3, 12e5] }, { name: "Seal", color: "#7ca1d5", class: "❄️", rarity: "Common", cash: [6, 17, 150, 1200, 13e3], time: [2, 2, 2, 2, 2], price: [480, 4500, 43e3, 52e4] }, { name: "Arctic Fox", color: "#7ca1d5", class: "❄️", rarity: "Common", cash: [5, 18, 180, 850, 8500], time: [2, 2, 2, 1, 1], price: [520, 550, 61e3, 68e4] }, { name: "Snowy Owl", color: "#feda3f", class: "❄️", rarity: "Common", cash: [5, 20, 190, 1900, 16e3], time: [3, 3, 2, 2, 2], price: [370, 5300, 76e3, 62e4] }, { name: "Arctic Hare", color: "#7ca1d5", class: "❄️", rarity: "Common", cash: [6, 19, 85, 900, 7e3], time: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1], price: [540, 5200, 66e3, 55e4] }, { name: "Penguin", color: "#fb8640", class: "❄️", rarity: "Common", cash: [4, 21, 310, 3200, 33e3], time: [3, 3, 3, 3, 3], price: [400, 6500, 76e3, 87e4] }, { name: "Baby Penguin", color: "#414042", class: "❄️", rarity: "Common", cash: [3, 8, 70, 450, 2700], time: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], price: [420, 3300, 33e3, 23e4] }, { name: "Polar Bear", color: "#7ca1d5", class: "❄️", rarity: "Common", cash: [12, 75, 700, 6500, 85e3], time: [8, 7, 6, 5, 5], price: [630, 7e3, 91e3, 14e5] }, { name: "Walrus", color: "#7d4f33", class: "❄️", rarity: "Common", cash: [11, 46, 420, 3700, 51e3], time: [5, 5, 4, 4, 4], price: [550, 6200, 68e3, 1e6] }, { name: "Tiger", color: "#f18221", class: "\uD83C\uDF34", rarity: "Common", cash: [6, 20, 100, 975, 7500], time: [3, 3, 1, 1, 1], price: [390, 6e3, 7e4, 61e4] }, { name: "Jaguar", color: "#fbb040", class: "\uD83C\uDF34", rarity: "Common", cash: [8, 28, 230, 1600, 17e3], time: [3, 3, 2, 2, 2], price: [390, 6e3, 7e4, 61e4] }, { name: "Toucan", color: "#ffca34", class: "\uD83C\uDF34", rarity: "Common", cash: [9, 20, 175, 625, 3800], time: [2, 2, 2, 1, 1], price: [520, 4800, 42e3, 3e5] }, { name: "Cockatoo", color: "#7ca1d5", class: "\uD83C\uDF34", rarity: "Common", cash: [6, 35, 160, 1700, 18e3], time: [4, 4, 2, 2, 2], price: [500, 5e3, 63e3, 7e5] }, { name: "Macaw", color: "#00aeef", class: "\uD83C\uDF34", rarity: "Common", cash: [3, 8, 85, 850, 8500], time: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], price: [480, 5400, 62e3, 63e4] }, { name: "Parrot", color: "#ed1c24", class: "\uD83C\uDF34", rarity: "Common", cash: [3, 9, 90, 900, 9e3], time: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], price: [540, 5700, 65e3, 69e4] }, { name: "Panther", color: "#2f2c38", class: "\uD83C\uDF34", rarity: "Common", cash: [12, 28, 215, 2100, 21e3], time: [5, 3, 2, 2, 2], price: [530, 6500, 76e3, 87e4] }, { name: "Anaconda", color: "#8a9143", class: "\uD83C\uDF34", rarity: "Common", cash: [3, 15, 85, 1500, 7600], time: [1, 2, 1, 2, 1], price: [410, 5100, 58e3, 59e4] }, { name: "Orangutan", color: "#bc6234", class: "\uD83C\uDF34", rarity: "Common", cash: [13, 52, 570, 4300, 7e4], time: [5, 5, 5, 4, 4], price: [600, 7e3, 8e4, 14e5] }, { name: "Capuchin", color: "#e0b0a6", class: "\uD83C\uDF34", rarity: "Common", cash: [4, 14, 160, 780, 8200], time: [2, 2, 2, 1, 1], price: [390, 4700, 57e3, 68e4] }, { name: "Elf", color: "#a7d054", class: "⚔️", rarity: "Uncommon", cash: [5e3, 15e3, 15e4, 15e5, 1e7], time: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], price: [8e5, 9e6, 11e7, 8e8] }, { name: "Witch", color: "#4ab96d", class: "⚔️", rarity: "Uncommon", cash: [18e3, 6e4, 4e4, 4e6, 35e6], time: [3, 3, 2, 2, 2], price: [11e5, 12e6, 15e7, 14e8] }, { name: "Wizard", color: "#5a459c", class: "⚔️", rarity: "Uncommon", cash: [19500, 65e3, 44e4, 46e5, 4e6], time: [3, 3, 2, 2, 2], price: [13e5, 135e5, 16e7, 16e8] }, { name: "Fairy", color: "#df6d9c", class: "⚔️", rarity: "Uncommon", cash: [18500, 6e4, 62e4, 44e5, 38e6], time: [3, 3, 3, 2, 2], price: [12e5, 125e5, 15e6, 15e8] }, { name: "Slime Monster", color: "#2fa04a", class: "⚔️", rarity: "Uncommon", cash: [35e3, 14e4, 1e6, 11e6, 11e7], time: [5, 5, 4, 4, 4], price: [16e5, 15e6, 2e8, 23e8] }, { name: "Jester", color: "#be1e2d", class: "⚔️", rarity: "Rare", cash: [25e3, 1e5, 68e4, 65e5, 32e6], time: [3, 3, 2, 2, 1], price: [2e6, 21e6, 23e7, 26e8] }, { name: "Dragon", color: "#2fa04a", class: "⚔️", rarity: "Rare", cash: [36e3, 15e4, 15e5, 15e6, 15e7], time: [4, 4, 4, 4, 4], price: [23e5, 24e6, 27e7, 3e9] }, { name: "Unicorn", color: "#f6afce", class: "⚔️", rarity: "Epic", cash: [24e3, 15e4, 14e5, 7e6, 75e6], time: [2, 2, 2, 1, 1], price: [45e5, 45e6, 55e7, 65e8] }, { name: "Queen", color: "#9e1f63", class: "⚔️", rarity: "Rare", cash: [24e3, 95e3, 95e4, 97e5, 95e6], time: [3, 3, 3, 3, 3], price: [19e5, 2e7, 23e7, 25e8] }, { name: "King", color: "#ee2640", class: "⚔️", rarity: "Legendary", cash: [75e3, 4e5, 6e6, 9e7, 125e7], time: [5, 5, 5, 5, 5], price: [6e6, 95e6, 16e8, 25e9] }, { name: "Two of Spades", color: "#414042", class: "\uD83C\uDFF0", rarity: "Uncommon", cash: [4500, 14e3, 14e4, 14e5, 9e6], time: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], price: [77e4, 83e5, 98e6, 71e7] }, { name: "Eat Me", color: "#d58c55", class: "\uD83C\uDFF0", rarity: "Uncommon", cash: [13e3, 45e3, 45e4, 45e5, 5e7], time: [2, 2, 2, 2, 2], price: [13e5, 14e6, 16e7, 2e9] }, { name: "Drink Me", color: "#dd7399", class: "\uD83C\uDFF0", rarity: "Uncommon", cash: [12e3, 4e4, 4e5, 4e6, 45e6], time: [2, 2, 2, 2, 2], price: [12e5, 12e6, 14e7, 18e8] }, { name: "Alice", color: "#4cc9f5", class: "\uD83C\uDFF0", rarity: "Uncommon", cash: [13e3, 42e3, 21e4, 21e5, 23e6], time: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1], price: [12e5, 13e6, 15e7, 19e8] }, { name: "Queen of Hearts", color: "#d62027", class: "\uD83C\uDFF0", rarity: "Uncommon", cash: [23e3, 87e3, 62e4, 75e5, 9e7], time: [4, 4, 3, 3, 3], price: [13e5, 13e6, 18e7, 24e8] }, { name: "Dormouse", color: "#89d6f8", class: "\uD83C\uDFF0", rarity: "Rare", cash: [17e3, 68e3, 7e5, 35e5, 35e6], time: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1], price: [2e6, 22e6, 25e7, 28e8] }, { name: "White Rabbit", color: "#ffcd05", class: "\uD83C\uDFF0", rarity: "Rare", cash: [26e3, 105e3, 11e6, 77e5, 72e6], time: [3, 3, 3, 2, 2], price: [2e6, 23e6, 28e7, 29e8] }, { name: "Cheshire Cat", color: "#dd7399", class: "\uD83C\uDFF0", rarity: "Rare", cash: [32e3, 1e5, 9e5, 9e6, 6e7], time: [4, 3, 3, 3, 2], price: [18e5, 19e6, 22e7, 24e8] }, { name: "Caterpillar", color: "#00c0f3", class: "\uD83C\uDFF0", rarity: "Epic", cash: [1e4, 7e4, 65e4, 75e5, 85e6], time: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], price: [42e5, 42e6, 54e7, 69e8] }, { name: "Mad Hatter", color: "#914f93", class: "\uD83C\uDFF0", rarity: "Epic", cash: [38e3, 25e4, 15e5, 14e6, 8e7], time: [3, 3, 2, 2, 1], price: [48e5, 48e6, 52e7, 66e8] }, { name: "King of Hearts", color: "#c62127", class: "\uD83C\uDFF0", rarity: "Legendary", cash: [8e4, 42e4, 68e5, 1e8, 15e8], time: [5, 5, 5, 5, 5], price: [7e6, 11e7, 18e8, 3e10] }, { name: "Earth", color: "#416eb5", class: "\uD83D\uDE80", rarity: "Uncommon", cash: [15e3, 45e3, 6e5, 65e5, 65e6], time: [3, 3, 3, 3, 3], price: [1e6, 11e6, 15e7, 17e8] }, { name: "Meteor", color: "#c68c3c", class: "\uD83D\uDE80", rarity: "Uncommon", cash: [23e3, 65e3, 7e5, 45e5, 2e7], time: [5, 4, 3, 2, 1], price: [95e4, 13e6, 16e7, 16e8] }, { name: "Stars", color: "#19184d", class: "\uD83D\uDE80", rarity: "Uncommon", cash: [1e4, 4e4, 2e5, 2e6, 18e6], time: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1], price: [14e5, 14e6, 15e7, 15e8] }, { name: "Alien", color: "#8dc63f", class: "\uD83D\uDE80", rarity: "Uncommon", cash: [3e4, 1e5, 1e6, 11e6, 85e6], time: [4, 4, 4, 4, 4], price: [15e5, 17e6, 19e7, 17e8] }, { name: "Planet", color: "#9dc6ea", class: "\uD83D\uDE80", rarity: "Rare", cash: [25e3, 1e5, 9e5, 9e6, 9e7], time: [3, 3, 3, 3, 3], price: [2e6, 21e6, 21e7, 24e8] }, { name: "UFO", color: "#a15095", class: "\uD83D\uDE80", rarity: "Rare", cash: [17e3, 7e4, 7e5, 7e6, 7e7], time: [2, 2, 2, 2, 2], price: [21e5, 23e6, 25e7, 28e8] }, { name: "Spaceship", color: "#ffcb29", class: "\uD83D\uDE80", rarity: "Epic", cash: [6e4, 32e4, 21e5, 15e6, 85e6], time: [5, 4, 3, 2, 1], price: [48e5, 46e6, 54e7, 68e8] }, { name: "Astronaut", color: "#9bd4ee", class: "\uD83D\uDE80", rarity: "Legendary", cash: [45e3, 26e4, 25e5, 38e6, 55e7], time: [3, 3, 2, 2, 2], price: [65e5, 1e8, 17e8, 27e9] }, { name: "Lil Bot", color: "#3e564a", class: "\uD83E\uDD16", rarity: "Uncommon", cash: [4e3, 12e3, 18e4, 19e5, 25e6], time: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], price: [73e4, 12e6, 13e7, 19e8] }, { name: "Lovely Bot", color: "#f179af", class: "\uD83E\uDD16", rarity: "Uncommon", cash: [16e3, 65e3, 65e4, 48e5, 42e6], time: [3, 3, 3, 2, 2], price: [13e5, 14e6, 17e7, 16e8] }, { name: "Angry Bot", color: "#f1613a", class: "\uD83E\uDD16", rarity: "Uncommon", cash: [22e3, 85e3, 8e5, 62e5, 65e6], time: [4, 4, 4, 3, 3], price: [12e5, 13e6, 15e7, 17e8] }, { name: "Happy Bot", color: "#51ba6b", class: "\uD83E\uDD16", rarity: "Uncommon", cash: [11e3, 45e3, 5e5, 25e5, 3e7], time: [2, 2, 2, 1, 1], price: [14e5, 15e6, 18e7, 24e8] }, { name: "Watson", color: "#d69b5a", class: "\uD83E\uDD16", rarity: "Rare", cash: [24e3, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7, 1e8], time: [3, 3, 3, 3, 3], price: [2e6, 22e6, 24e7, 26e8] }, { name: "Buddy Bot", color: "#9dc6ea", class: "\uD83E\uDD16", rarity: "Rare", cash: [22e3, 95e3, 65e4, 65e5, 65e6], time: [3, 3, 2, 2, 2], price: [19e5, 21e6, 23e7, 25e8] }, { name: "Brainy Bot", color: "#9ecf7a", class: "\uD83E\uDD16", rarity: "Epic", cash: [5e4, 25e4, 21e5, 21e6, 17e7], time: [4, 3, 3, 3, 2], price: [5e6, 46e6, 5e8, 67e8] }, { name: "Mega Bot", color: "#d71f27", class: "\uD83E\uDD16", rarity: "Legendary", cash: [8e4, 43e4, 42e5, 62e6, 1e9], time: [5, 5, 3, 3, 3], price: [7e6, 12e7, 19e8, 35e9] }].map(x => ({ name:, value: JSON.stringify(x) }))
                    run: function (blook) {
                        const stateNode = getStateNode();
                        if (stateNode.state.blooks.length >= 10) alert("Choose a blook to replace");
                        stateNode.waiting = false;
                    name: "Free Upgrades",
                    description: "Sets upgrade prices to 0 for all current blooks",
                    run: function () {
                        const prices = [0, 0, 0, 0];
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                        stateNode.setState({ blooks: => (blook.price = prices, blook)) });
                    name: "Max Blooks",
                    description: "Maxes out all your blooks' levels",
                    run: function () {
                        getStateNode().state.blooks.forEach(blook => blook.level = 4);
                    name: "Remove Glitches",
                    description: "Removes all enemy glitches",
                    run: function () {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                            bits: 0,
                            ads: [],
                            hazards: [],
                            color: "",
                            lol: false,
                            joke: false,
                            slow: false,
                            dance: false,
                            glitch: "",
                            glitcherName: "",
                            glitcherBlook: ""
                    name: "Send Glitch",
                    description: "Sends a glitch to everyone else playing",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Glitch",
                        type: "options",
                        options: Object.entries({ lb: "Lunch Break", as: "Ad Spam", e37: "Error 37", nt: "Night Time", lo: "#LOL", j: "Jokester", sm: "Slow Mo", dp: "Dance Party", v: "Vortex", r: "Reverse", f: "Flip", m: "Micro" }).map(([value, name]) => ({ name, value }))
                    run: function (val) {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
               = true;
                        stateNode.props.liveGameController.setVal({ path: `c/${}/tat`, val });
                    name: "Set All MegaBot",
                    description: "Sets all your blooks to maxed out Mega Bots",
                    run: function () {
                            blooks: Array.from({ length: 10 }, () => ({
                                name: "Mega Bot",
                                color: "#d71f27",
                                class: "🤖",
                                rarity: "Legendary",
                                cash: [8e4, 43e4, 42e5, 62e6, 1e9],
                                time: [5, 5, 3, 3, 3],
                                price: [7e6, 12e7, 19e8, 35e9],
                                active: false,
                                level: 4,
                                bonus: 5.5
                    name: "Set Cash",
                    description: "Sets amount of cash you have",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Cash",
                        type: "number"
                    run: function (cash) {
                        getStateNode().setState({ cash });
            fishing: [
                    name: "Remove Distractions",
                    description: "Removes distractions",
                    type: "toggle",
                    enabled: false,
                    data: null,
                    run: function () {
                        if (!this.enabled) {
                            this.enabled = true;
                   = setInterval(() => {
                                getStateNode().setState({ party: "" });
                            }, 50);
                        } else {
                            this.enabled = false;
                   = null;
                    name: "Frenzy",
                    description: "Sets everyone to frenzy mode",
                    run: function () {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                            path: `c/${}`,
                            val: {
                                b: stateNode.props.client.blook,
                                w: stateNode.state.weight,
                                f: "Frenzy",
                                s: true
                    name: "Send Distraction",
                    description: "Sends a distraction to everyone",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Distraction",
                        type: "options",
                        options: ["Crab", "Jellyfish", "Frog", "Pufferfish", "Octopus", "Narwhal", "Megalodon", "Blobfish", "Baby Shark"]
                    run: function (f) {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
               = true;
                            path: `c/${}`,
                            val: {
                                b: stateNode.props.client.blook,
                                w: stateNode.state.weight, f, s: true
                    name: "Set Lure",
                    description: "Sets fishing lure (range 1 - 5)",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Lure (1 - 5)",
                        type: "number",
                        min: 1,
                        max: 5
                    run: function (lure) {
                        getStateNode().setState({ lure: Math.max(Math.min(lure - 1, 4), 0) });
                    name: "Set Weight",
                    description: "Sets weight",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Weight",
                        type: "number"
                    run: function (weight) {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                        stateNode.setState({ weight, weight2: weight });
                            path: `c/${}`,
                            val: {
                                b: stateNode.props.client.blook,
                                w: weight,
                                f: ["Crab", "Jellyfish", "Frog", "Pufferfish", "Octopus", "Narwhal", "Megalodon", "Blobfish", "Baby Shark"][Math.floor(Math.random() * 9)]
            flappy: [
                    name: "Toggle Ghost",
                    description: "Lets you go through the pipes",
                    type: "toggle",
                    enabled: false,
                    run: function () {
                        this.enabled = !this.enabled;
                        for (const body of Object.values(document.querySelector("#phaser-bouncy"))[0].return.updateQueue.lastEffect.deps[0] {
                            if (!body.gameObject.frame.texture.key.startsWith("blook")) continue;
                            body.checkCollision.none = this.enabled;
                            body.gameObject.setAlpha(this.enabled ? 0.5 : 1);
                    name: "Set Score",
                    description: "Sets flappy blook score",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Score",
                        type: "number"
                    run: function (score) {
                        Object.values(document.querySelector("#phaser-bouncy"))[0].return.updateQueue.lastEffect.deps[1](score || 0);
            gold: [
                    name: "Always Triple",
                    description: "Always get triple gold",
                    type: "toggle",
                    enabled: false,
                    data: { type: "multiply", val: 3, text: "Triple Gold!", blook: "Unicorn" },
                    run: function () {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                        stateNode._choosePrize ||= stateNode.choosePrize;
                        if (!this.enabled) {
                            this.enabled = true;
                            stateNode.choosePrize = function (i) {
                                stateNode.state.choices[i] =;
                        } else {
                            this.enabled = false;
                            if (stateNode._choosePrize) stateNode.choosePrize = stateNode._choosePrize;
                    name: "Auto Choose",
                    description: "Automatically picks the option that would give you the most gold",
                    type: "toggle",
                    enabled: false,
                    data: null,
                    run: function () {
                        if (!this.enabled) {
                            this.enabled = true;
                   = setInterval(async () => {
                                let stateNode = getStateNode();
                                if (stateNode.state.stage == "prize") {
                                    stateNode.props.liveGameController.getDatabaseVal("c", (players) => {
                                        try {
                                            if (players == null) return;
                                            players = Object.entries(players);
                                            let most = 0, max = 0, index = -1;
                                            for (let i = 0; i < players.length; i++)
                                                if (players[i][0] != && players[i][1] > most)
                                                    most = players[i][1];
                                            for (let i = 0; i < stateNode.state.choices.length; i++) {
                                                const choice = stateNode.state.choices[i];
                                                let value =;
                                                if (choice.type == "gold")
                                                    value = + choice.val ||;
                                                else if (choice.type == "multiply" || choice.type == "divide")
                                                    value = Math.round( * choice.val) ||;
                                                else if (choice.type == "swap")
                                                    value = most ||;
                                                else if (choice.type == "take")
                                                    value = + most * choice.val ||;
                                                if ((value || 0) <= max) continue;
                                                max = value;
                                                index = i + 1;
                                            document.querySelector("div[class*='choice" + index + "']")?.click();
                                        } catch { }
                            }, 50);
                        } else {
                            this.enabled = false;
                   = null;
                    name: "Chest ESP",
                    description: "Shows what each chest will give you",
                    type: "toggle",
                    enabled: false,
                    data: null,
                    run: function () {
                        if (!this.enabled) {
                            this.enabled = true;
                   = setInterval(() => {
                                getStateNode().state.choices.forEach(({ text }, index) => {
                                    let chest = document.querySelector(`div[class*='choice${index + 1}']`);
                                    if (!chest || chest.querySelector('div')) return;
                                    let choice = document.createElement('div')
                           = "white";
                           = "Eczar";
                           = "2em";
                           = "flex";
                           = "center";
                           = "translateY(200px)";
                                    choice.innerText = text;
                            }, 50);
                        } else {
                            this.enabled = false;
                   = null;
                    name: "Reset Players Gold",
                    description: "Sets a player's gold to 0",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Player",
                        type: "options",
                        options: () => {
                            let stateNode = getStateNode();
                            return stateNode.props.liveGameController._liveApp ? new Promise(res => stateNode.props.liveGameController.getDatabaseVal("c", (players) => players && res(Object.keys(players)))) : [];
                    run: function (target) {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                            path: "c/" + + "/tat",
                            val: target + ":swap:0"
                    name: "Set Gold",
                    description: "Sets amount of gold",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Gold",
                        type: "number"
                    run: function (gold) {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                        stateNode.setState({ gold, gold2: gold });
                            path: "c/" + + "/g",
                            val: gold
                    name: "Swap Gold",
                    description: "Swaps gold with someone",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Player",
                        type: "options",
                        options: () => {
                            let stateNode = getStateNode();
                            return stateNode.props.liveGameController._liveApp ? new Promise(res => stateNode.props.liveGameController.getDatabaseVal("c", (players) => players && res(Object.keys(players)))) : [];
                    run: function (player) {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                        stateNode.props.liveGameController.getDatabaseVal("c", (players) => {
                            if (!players || players[player] == null) return;
                            const gold = players[player].g || 0;
                                path: "c/" +,
                                val: {
                                    b: stateNode.props.client.blook,
                                    tat: player + ":swap:" + ( || 0),
                                    g: gold
                            stateNode.setState({ gold, gold2: gold });
            kingdom: [
                    name: "Choice ESP",
                    description: "Shows you what will happen if you say Yes or No",
                    type: "toggle",
                    enabled: false,
                    data: null,
                    run: function () {
                        if (!this.enabled) {
                            this.enabled = true;
                   = setInterval(stats => {
                                let stateNode = getStateNode();
                                let elements ='[class*=statContainer]'), (obj, container, i) => (obj[stats[i]] = container, obj), {});
                                if (stateNode.state.phase == "choice") {
                          '.choiceESP'), x => x.remove());
                                    Object.keys(stateNode.state.guest.yes || {}).forEach(x => {
                                        if (elements[x] == null) return;
                                        let element = document.createElement('div');
                                        element.className = 'choiceESP';
                               = 'font-size: 24px; color: rgb(75, 194, 46); font-weight: bolder;';
                                        element.innerText = String(stateNode.state.guest.yes[x]);
                                    Object.keys( || {}).forEach(x => {
                                        if (elements[x] == null) return;
                                        let element = document.createElement('div');
                                        element.className = 'choiceESP';
                               = 'font-size: 24px; color: darkred; font-weight: bolder;';
                                        element.innerText = String([x]);
                          "[class*=guestButton][role=button]"), x => (x.onclick = () =>".choiceESP"), x => x.remove())));
                            }, 50, ['materials', 'people', 'happiness', 'gold']);
                        } else {
                            this.enabled = false;
                  '.choiceESP'), x => x.remove());
                   = null;
                    name: "Disable Tax Toucan",
                    description: "Tax evasion",
                    run: function () {
                        getStateNode().taxCounter = Number.MAX_VALUE;
                    name: "Max Stats",
                    description: "Sets all resources to the max",
                    run: function () {
                        getStateNode().setState({ materials: 100, people: 100, happiness: 100, gold: 100 });
                    name: "Set Guests",
                    description: "Sets the amount of guests you've seen",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Guests",
                        type: "number"
                    run: function (guestScore) {
                        getStateNode().setState({ guestScore });
                    name: "Skip Guest",
                    description: "Skips the current guest",
                    run: function () {
            racing: [
                    name: "Instant Win",
                    description: "Instantly Wins the race",
                    run: function () {
                        const stateNode = getStateNode();
                        stateNode.setState({ progress: stateNode.state.goalAmount });
                            path: "c/" + + "/pr",
                            val: stateNode.state.goalAmount
                    name: "Set Questions",
                    description: "Sets the number of questions left",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Questions",
                        type: "number"
                    run: function (progress) {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                        progress = stateNode.props.client.amount - progress;
                        stateNode.setState({ progress });
                            path: "c/" + + "/pr",
                            val: progress
            royale: [
                    name: "Auto Answer (Toggle)",
                    description: "Toggles auto answer on",
                    type: "toggle",
                    enabled: false,
                    data: null,
                    run: function () {
                        if (!this.enabled) {
                            this.enabled = true;
                   = setInterval(() => {
                                let stateNode = getStateNode();
                                stateNode?.onAnswer?.(true, stateNode.props.client.question.correctAnswers[0]);
                            }, 50);
                        } else {
                            this.enabled = false;
                   = null;
                    name: "Auto Answer",
                    description: "Chooses the correct answer for you",
                    run: function () {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                        stateNode?.onAnswer?.(true, stateNode.props.client.question.correctAnswers[0]);
            rush: [
                    name: "Set Blooks",
                    description: "Sets amount of blooks you or your team has",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Blooks",
                        type: "number"
                    run: function (numBlooks) {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                        stateNode.setState({ numBlooks });
                            path: (stateNode.isTeam ? "a/" : "c/") + + "/bs",
                            val: numBlooks
                    name: "Set Defense",
                    description: "Sets amount of defense you or your team has (Max 4)",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Defense (max 4)",
                        type: "number",
                        max: 4
                    run: function (defense) {
                        let numDefense = Math.min(defense, 4);
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                        stateNode.setState({ numDefense });
                            path: (stateNode.isTeam ? "a/" : "c/") + + "/d",
                            val: numDefense
            workshop: [
                    name: "Remove Distractions",
                    description: "Removes all enemy distractions",
                    run: function () {
                        getStateNode().setState({ fog: !1, dusk: !1, wind: !1, plow: !1, blizzard: !1, force: !1, canada: !1, trees: [!1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1, !1] });
                    name: "Send Distraction",
                    description: "Sends a distraction to everyone else playing",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Distraction",
                        type: "options",
                        options: Object.entries({ c: "Oh Canada", b: "Blizzard", f: "Fog Spell", d: "Dark & Dusk", w: "Howling Wind", g: "Gift Time!", t: "TREES", s: "Snow Plow", fr: "Use The Force" }).map(([value, name]) => ({ name, value }))
                    run: function (val) {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
               = true;
                        stateNode.props.liveGameController.setVal({ path: `c/${}/tat`, val });
                    name: "Set Toys",
                    description: "Sets amount of toys",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Toys",
                        type: "number"
                    run: function (toys) {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                        stateNode.setState({ toys });
                            path: "c/" + + "/t",
                            val: toys
                    name: "Set Toys Per Question",
                    description: "Sets amount of toys per question",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Toys Per Question",
                        type: "number"
                    run: function (toysPerQ) {
                        getStateNode().setState({ toysPerQ });
                    name: "Swap Toys",
                    description: "Swaps toys with someone",
                    inputs: [{
                        name: "Player",
                        type: "options",
                        options: () => {
                            let stateNode = getStateNode();
                            return stateNode.props.liveGameController._liveApp ? new Promise(res => stateNode.props.liveGameController.getDatabaseVal("c", (players) => players && res(Object.keys(players)))) : [];
                    run: function (target) {
                        let stateNode = getStateNode();
                        stateNode.props.liveGameController.getDatabaseVal("c", (players) => {
                            if (!players || players[target] == null) return;
                                path: "c/" + + "/tat",
                                val: `${target}:swap:${}`
                            stateNode.setState({ toys: players[target].t });
            settings: [
                    name: "Import Settings",
                    description: "Import a custom theme",
                    inputs: [
                            name: "JSON Data",
                            type: "string"
                    run: function (theme) {
                        try {
                        } catch (e) {
                            return alert("Invalid JSON provided");
                        theme = { backgroundColor: "rgb(11, 194, 207)", infoColor: "#9a49aa", cheatList: "#9a49aa", defaultButton: "#9a49aa", disabledButton: "#A02626", enabledButton: "#47A547", textColor: "white", inputColor: "#7a039d", contentBackground: "rgb(64, 17, 95)", ...JSON.parse(theme) }
                        Settings.setItem("theme", theme);
                        for (const prop in theme) variables.sheet.cssRules[0].style.setProperty(`--${prop}`, theme[prop]);
                    name: "Export Settings",
                    description: "Export the current theme to JSON",
                    run: async function () {
                        await navigator.clipboard.writeText(JSON.stringify(, null, 4));
                        prompt("Text copied to clipboard. (Paste below to test)");
                    name: "Defaults",
                    description: "Changes all the settings to a preset",
                    inputs: [
                            name: "Theme",
                            type: "options",
                            options: [
                                    name: "Default",
                                    value: {
                                        backgroundColor: "rgb(11, 194, 207)",
                                        infoColor: "#9a49aa",
                                        cheatList: "#9a49aa",
                                        defaultButton: "#9a49aa",
                                        disabledButton: "#A02626",
                                        enabledButton: "#47A547",
                                        textColor: "white",
                                        inputColor: "#7a039d",
                                        contentBackground: "rgb(64, 17, 95)"
                                    name: "Blacket",
                                    value: {
                                        backgroundColor: "#4f4f4f",
                                        infoColor: "#2f2f2f",
                                        cheatList: "#2f2f2f",
                                        defaultButton: "#4f4f4f",
                                        disabledButton: "#eb6234",
                                        enabledButton: "#00c20c",
                                        textColor: "white",
                                        inputColor: "#3f3f3f",
                                        contentBackground: "#2f2f2f"
                                    name: "",
                                    value: {
                                        backgroundColor: "linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(104,45,140,1) 220px, rgba(237,30,121,1) 100%)",
                                        cheatList: "#1e2124",
                                        infoColor: "#1e2124",
                                        defaultButton: "#36393e",
                                        inputColor: "#1e2124",
                                        enabledButton: "#9c9a9a",
                                        textColor: "white",
                                        disabledButton: "#171717",
                                        contentBackground: "#292929"
                                    name: "Blue - Purple Background",
                                    value: {
                                        backgroundColor: "linear-gradient(162.5deg, rgba(0,183,255,1) 220px, rgba(128,0,255,1) 100%)"
                                    name: "Saint Patricks Background",
                                    value: {
                                        backgroundColor: "rgb(9, 148, 65)"
                                    name: "Halloween Background",
                                    value: {
                                        backgroundColor: "rgb(41, 41, 41)"
                                    name: "Fall Background",
                                    value: {
                                        backgroundColor: "rgb(224, 159, 62)"
                                    name: "Winter Background",
                                    value: {
                                        backgroundColor: "linear-gradient(rgb(49, 170, 224), rgb(187, 221, 255))"
                                    name: "Crypto Hack",
                                    value: {
                                        backgroundColor: "radial-gradient(#11581e,#041607)",
                                        infoColor: "#1a1a1a",
                                        cheatList: "#1a1a1a",
                                        defaultButton: "rgb(88 175 88)",
                                        disabledButton: "#A02626",
                                        enabledButton: "#0b601b",
                                        textColor: "white",
                                        inputColor: "rgb(0 0 0 / 25%)",
                                        contentBackground: "#11581e"
                                    name: "Fishing Frenzy",
                                    value: {
                                        backgroundColor: "linear-gradient(180deg,#9be2fe 0,#67d1fb)",
                                        infoColor: "#c8591e",
                                        cheatList: "#c8591e",
                                        defaultButton: "#ff751a",
                                        disabledButton: "#bf0e0e",
                                        enabledButton: "#2fb62f",
                                        textColor: "white",
                                        inputColor: "rgb(0 0 0 / 25%)",
                                        contentBackground: "radial-gradient(#02b0ea 40%, #1d86ea)"
                                    name: "Deceptive Dinos",
                                    value: {
                                        backgroundColor: "radial-gradient(rgba(220, 184, 86, 0), rgba(220, 184, 86, 0.4)), url(\"\"), #ead49a",
                                        infoColor: "#af8942",
                                        cheatList: "#af8942",
                                        defaultButton: "#af8942",
                                        disabledButton: "#A02626",
                                        enabledButton: "#47A547",
                                        textColor: "white",
                                        inputColor: "rgb(0 0 0 / 10%)",
                                        contentBackground: "radial-gradient(rgba(1,104,162,.6),rgba(24,55,110,.5)),radial-gradient(#2783b4 1.5px,#18376e 0) center / 24px 24px"
                                    name: "Blook Rush",
                                    value: {
                                        backgroundColor: "repeating-linear-gradient(45deg,white,white 8%,#e6e6e6 0,#e6e6e6 16%)",
                                        defaultButton: "#36c",
                                        inputColor: "rgb(0 0 0 / 25%)",
                                        infoColor: "#36c",
                                        cheatList: "#36c",
                                        contentBackground: "#888",
                                        textColor: "white",
                                        disabledButton: "#A02626",
                                        enabledButton: "#47A547"
                                    name: "Factory",
                                    value: {
                                        defaultButton: "#1563bf",
                                        infoColor: "#a5aabe",
                                        cheatList: "#a5aabe",
                                        contentBackground: "#2d313d",
                                        backgroundColor: "#3a3a3a",
                                        enabledButton: "rgb(75, 194, 46)",
                                        disabledButton: "#9a49aa",
                                        inputColor: "rgb(0 0 0 / 25%)",
                                        textColor: "white"
                                    name: "Cafe",
                                    value: {
                                        backgroundColor: "linear-gradient(90deg,rgba(200,0,0,.5) 50%,transparent 0) center / 50px 50px,linear-gradient(rgba(200,0,0,0.5) 50%,transparent 0) white center / 50px 50px",
                                        defaultButton: "#0bc2cf",
                                        inputColor: "rgb(0 0 0 / 25%)",
                                        infoColor: "#ac7339",
                                        cheatList: "#ac7339",
                                        contentBackground: "rgb(64, 64, 64)",
                                        textColor: "white",
                                        disabledButton: "#A02626",
                                        enabledButton: "#47A547"
                                    name: "Tower of Doom",
                                    value: {
                                        backgroundColor: "rgb(41 41 41)",
                                        disabledButton: "rgb(151, 15, 5)",
                                        defaultButton: "#333",
                                        inputColor: "rgb(0 0 0 / 25%)",
                                        contentBackground: "#404040",
                                        enabledButton: "#4bc22e",
                                        textColor: "white",
                                        infoColor: "#9a49aa",
                                        cheatList: "#9a49aa"
                                    name: "Monster Brawl",
                                    value: {
                                        defaultButton: "rgb(45, 51, 67)",
                                        backgroundColor: "rgb(78, 95, 124)",
                                        inputColor: "rgb(0 0 0 / 25%)",
                                        contentBackground: "linear-gradient(0deg,#374154,#4f5b74)",
                                        infoColor: "#374154",
                                        cheatList: "#374154",
                                        textColor: "white",
                                        enabledButton: "#47A547",
                                        disabledButton: "#A02626"
                                    name: "Tower Defense 2",
                                    value: {
                                        backgroundColor: "url( center / cover",
                                        cheatList: "#a33c22",
                                        infoColor: "#a33c22",
                                        defaultButton: "#40b1d8",
                                        inputColor: "#3e8cbe",
                                        contentBackground: "#293c82",
                                        enabledButton: "#47A547",
                                        disabledButton: "#A02626",
                                        textColor: "white"
                    run: function (theme) {
                        Settings.setItem("theme", {, ...theme });
                        for (const prop in theme) variables.sheet.cssRules[0].style.setProperty(`--${prop}`, theme[prop]);
                    name: "Scale",
                    description: "Forces the GUI to scale from 25%-100%",
                    inputs: [
                            type: "number",
                            name: "Percent scale",
                            min: 25,
                            max: 100,
                            value: ( || 1) * 100
                    run: function (scale) {
                        scale = Math.min(Math.max(scale, 25), 100);
                        Settings.setItem("scale", scale / 100);
               = `scale(${(scale / 100)})`;
                    name: "Hide Keybind",
                    description: "Change the hide keybind (Click button after input to change)",
                    inputs: [
                            type: "function",
                            name: "Input",
                            function: onchange => createKeybindListener(({ shift, ctrl, alt, key }) => onchange(`${[ctrl && "Ctrl", shift && "Shift", alt && "Alt", key && key.toUpperCase()].filter(Boolean).join(' + ')}`))
                    run: function (hide) {
                        Settings.setItem("hide", hide);
                        controls.update( || { ctrl: true, key: "e" }, || { ctrl: true, key: "x" });
                    name: "Close Keybind",
                    description: "Change the quick close keybind (Click button after input to change)",
                    inputs: [
                            type: "function",
                            name: "Input",
                            function: onchange => createKeybindListener(({ shift, ctrl, alt, key }) => onchange(`${[ctrl && "Ctrl", shift && "Shift", alt && "Alt", key && key.toUpperCase()].filter(Boolean).join(' + ')}`))
                    run: function (close) {
                        Settings.setItem("close", close);
                        controls.update( || { ctrl: true, key: "e" }, || { ctrl: true, key: "x" });
                    name: "Background Color",
                    description: "Changes the background color of the GUI",
                    inputs: [{
                        type: "string",
                        name: "Color"
                    run: function (color) {
                        variables.sheet.cssRules[0].style.setProperty("--backgroundColor", color);
                        Settings.setItem("theme.backgroundColor", color);
                    name: "Category List Color",
                    description: "Changes the categories list background color",
                    inputs: [{
                        type: "string",
                        name: "Color"
                    run: function (color) {
                        variables.sheet.cssRules[0].style.setProperty("--cheatList", color);
                        Settings.setItem("theme.cheatList", color);
                    name: "Info Color",
                    description: "Changes the color of the information at the top of the GUI",
                    inputs: [{
                        type: "string",
                        name: "Color"
                    run: function (color) {
                        variables.sheet.cssRules[0].style.setProperty("--infoColor", color);
                        Settings.setItem("theme.infoColor", color);
                    name: "Button Color",
                    description: "Changes the color of the cheats",
                    inputs: [{
                        type: "string",
                        name: "Color"
                    run: function (color) {
                        variables.sheet.cssRules[0].style.setProperty("--defaultButton", color);
                        Settings.setItem("theme.defaultButton", color);
                    name: "Enabled Toggle Color",
                    description: "Changes the color of enabled toggle cheats",
                    inputs: [{
                        type: "string",
                        name: "Color"
                    run: function (color) {
                        Settings.setItem("theme.enabledButton", color);
                    name: "Disabled Toggle Color",
                    description: "Changes the color of disabled toggle cheats",
                    inputs: [{
                        type: "string",
                        name: "Color"
                    run: function (color) {
                        variables.sheet.cssRules[0].style.setProperty("--disabledButton", color);
                        Settings.setItem("theme.disabledButton", color);
                    name: "Text Color",
                    description: "Changes the text color",
                    inputs: [{
                        type: "string",
                        name: "Color"
                    run: function (color) {
                        variables.sheet.cssRules[0].style.setProperty("--textColor", color);
                        Settings.setItem("theme.textColor", color);
                    name: "Input Color",
                    description: "Changes the color of inputs, like the set gold number input",
                    inputs: [{
                        type: "string",
                        name: "Color"
                    run: function (color) {
                        variables.sheet.cssRules[0].style.setProperty("--inputColor", color);
                        Settings.setItem("theme.inputColor", color);
                    name: "Content Color",
                    description: "Changes the background color of the cheats",
                    inputs: [{
                        type: "string",
                        name: "Color"
                    run: function (color) {
                        variables.sheet.cssRules[0].style.setProperty("--contentBackground", color);
                        Settings.setItem("theme.contentBackground", color);

        addMode("Global", "",;
        addMode("<span style=\"font-size: 18px\">Pirate's Voyage</span>", "",;
        addMode("Gold Quest", "",;
        addMode("Cafe", "",;
        addMode("Crypto Hack", "", Cheats.crypto);
        addMode("<span style=\"font-size: 17px\">Deceptive Dinos</span>", [`<img style="height: 30px; margin-left: 8px; margin-right: 12px" src="">`], Cheats.dinos);
        addMode("<span style=\"font-size: 18px\">Tower Defense</span>", [`<img style="width: 30px; margin-right: 5px" src="">`], Cheats.defense);
        addMode("<span style=\"font-size: 16px\">Tower Defense 2</span>", [`<img style="width: 30px; margin-right: 5px; rotate: 45deg" src="">`], Cheats.defense2);
        addMode("Factory", "", Cheats.factory);
        addMode("<span style=\"font-size: 19px\">Fishing Frenzy</span>", "",;
        addMode("Flappy Blook", "", Cheats.flappy);
        addMode("<span style=\"font-size: 17px\">Tower of Doom</span>", [`<img style="height: 30px; margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 10px" src="">`], Cheats.doom);
        addMode("<span style=\"font-size: 18px\">Crazy Kingdom</span>", "", Cheats.kingdom);
        addMode("Racing", "",;
        addMode("Battle Royale", "", Cheats.royale);
        addMode("Blook Rush", "", Cheats.rush);
        addMode("<span style=\"font-size: 18px\">Monster Brawl</span>", [`<img style="height: 28px; margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 8px" src="">`], Cheats.brawl);
        addMode("<span style=\"font-size: 15px\">Santa's Workshop</span>", ['<img style="height: 28px; margin-left: 3px; margin-right: 6px" src="">'], Cheats.workshop);
        addMode("Settings", null, Cheats.settings, true);

        dragElement(controls, guiWrapper);
        dragElement(dragButton, guiWrapper);

        function dragElement(element, parent) {
            var pos1 = 0, pos2 = 0, pos3 = 0, pos4 = 0;
            element.onpointerdown = function (e = window.event) {
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                    pos3 = e.clientX;
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           = (parent.offsetTop - pos2 / ratio) + "px";
           = (parent.offsetLeft - pos1 / ratio) + "px";
        window.addEventListener("keydown", keydown);
        function close() {
            for (const category in Cheats) for (const cheat of Cheats[category]) if (cheat.enabled)
            Object.keys(Cheats).forEach(mode => Cheats[mode].forEach(cheat => cheat.enabled && (, setCheats(...currentMode))));
            window.removeEventListener("keydown", keydown);
        let last;
        guiWrapper.addEventListener("mousemove", e => {
            if ( != "cheatName" && != "scriptButton") {
                if ( != "0") {
                    tooltip.animate([{ opacity: 0.9 }, { opacity: 0 }], { duration: 200 });
           = "0";
            const target = == "scriptButton" ? :;
            if (tooltip.innerText == target.dataset.description && == "0.9") return;
            const button = target.getBoundingClientRect();
            const parent = target.offsetParent.getBoundingClientRect();
            tooltip.innerText = target.dataset.description;
            if ( == "0") {
                tooltip.animate([{ opacity: 0 }, { opacity: 0.9 }], { duration: 200 });
       = "0.9";
   = (button.x - parent.x) + (button.width - tooltip.clientWidth) / 2 + "px";
   = (button.y - parent.y) + (button.height) + "px";
        function keydown(e) {
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       = === "block" ? "none" : "block";
            } else if (((closeKey.ctrl && e.ctrlKey) || (!closeKey.ctrl && !e.ctrlKey)) && ((closeKey.shift && e.shiftKey) || (!closeKey.shift && !e.shiftKey)) && ((closeKey.alt && e.altKey) || (!closeKey.alt && !e.altKey)) && e.key.toLowerCase() == closeKey.key) {
        function createKeybindListener(onpress, element = window) {
            return new Promise(resolve => {
                const pressed = {};
                let shift, ctrl, alt, key;
                const keydown = e => {
                    pressed[e.code] = true;
                    shift ||= e.shiftKey;
                    ctrl ||= e.ctrlKey;
                    alt ||= e.altKey;
                    if (!["shift", "control", "alt", "meta"].includes(e.key.toLowerCase())) key = e.key.toLowerCase();
                    onpress?.({ shift, ctrl, alt, key });
                const keyup = e => {
                    delete pressed[e.code];
                    if (Object.keys(pressed).length > 0) return;
                    element.removeEventListener("keydown", keydown);
                    element.removeEventListener("keyup", keyup);
                    resolve({ shift, ctrl, alt, key });
                element.addEventListener("keydown", keydown);
                element.addEventListener("keyup", keyup);
    let img = new Image;
    img.src = "" +;
    img.crossOrigin = "Anonymous";
    img.onload = function() {
        const c = document.createElement("canvas");
        const ctx = c.getContext("2d");
        ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, this.width, this.height);
        let { data } = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, this.width, this.height), decode = "", last;
        let i = 0;
        while (i < data.length) {
            let char = String.fromCharCode(data[i % 4 == 3 ? (i++, i++) : i++] + data[i % 4 == 3 ? (i++, i++) : i++] * 256);
            decode += char;
            if (char == "/" && last == "*") break;
            last = char;
        let _, time = 1716818721249, error = "There was an error checking for script updates. Run cheat anyway?";
        try {
            [_, time, error] = decode.match(/LastUpdated: (.+?); ErrorMessage: "((.|\n)+?)"/);
        } catch (e) {}
        if (parseInt(time) <= 1716818721249 || iframe.contentWindow.confirm(error)) cheat();
    img.onerror = img.onabort = () => {
        img.onerror = img.onabort = null;
        let iframe = document.querySelector("iframe");
        iframe.contentWindow.alert("It seems the GitHub is either blocked or down.\n\nIf it's NOT blocked, join the Discord server for updates\n\n(The cheat will still run after this alert)")