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ChatGPT Jailbroken! Use it for whatever

ChatGPT Jailbroken! Includes FREE GPT-4

< Feedback on ChatGPT Jailbroken! Use it for whatever

Review: Tệ - Script không hoạt động

Posted: 14-02-2024

Does not work. Simply ask it to swear at you, censoring appears galore:

Let this be a warning, do not believe any offer of "FREE" just because an author says so. No prompt will ever unlock an engine to be anything other than what it's responding from (i.e. no, this script will not give you "FREE GPT-4)

BatlezTác giả
Posted: 14-02-2024

It does work. You tried to report my script three times, and failed each time. Nice try

Posted: 14-02-2024

@Batlez no it doesn't, I did not fake the screenshot unlike you because i am a man of honor. Just because reports were dismissed does not mean you are honorable like me. Such authors should be banned from GF for using deception to game installs. Shame on you sir.

BatlezTác giả
Posted: 14-02-2024

@Batlez no it doesn't, I did not fake the screenshot unlike you because i am a man of honor. Just because reports were dismissed does not mean you are honorable like me. Such authors should be banned from GF for using deception to game installs. Shame on you sir.

Lol I didn't fake the screenshot. You could check it out here:
Nice try though

Posted: 14-02-2024

Yes nice try indeed 🙄

BTW it's clear you copied my ideas to prompt by visiting KudoAI and noticing my chat-prompts repo, also to add glow to UI elements from my popular ChatGPT scripts, but you have implemented each idea very poorly I must say

BatlezTác giả
Posted: 14-02-2024

Yes nice try indeed 🙄

BTW it's clear you copied my ideas to prompt by visiting KudoAI and noticing my chat-prompts repo, also to add glow to UI elements from my popular ChatGPT scripts, but you have implemented each idea very poorly I must say
sorry, see if it works now

Also I never had heard of you before, and quite frankly don't care. Never stole anything from you. Yet, you report me for what? I'm not a liar. You're the one lying to themselves

Posted: 14-02-2024
Edited: 14-02-2024

I can't get it to say swear words so it still doesn't work for me. So it is a coincidence no other ChatGPT script (let alone non-ChatGPT scripts) innovated a CSS method to add glow to a button except for mine which have over 100000 users, but even though non-ChatGPT script authors had not even thought of this technique, you somehow did? You find that believable, really? The fact our script names are literally two listings apart, and you still pretend you never heard of them? You are quite bad at lying if you weren't aware btw (good liars at least make things believable)

Posted: 14-02-2024
Edited: 14-02-2024

If even dog owners didn't thiink of adding a cape to dogs, but only one cat owner did, and you are also a cat owner + the neighbor of the only cat owner who is most popular in the neighborhood and who uses capes, why would anyone believe you didn't look at your neighbor? You have no eyes or something?

(In this analogy, neighborhood = Greasy Fork, cat owner = ChatGPT authors, dog owner = other userscripts, hopefully this analogy makes you realize how unbelievable you sound to outsiders)

Posted: 14-02-2024
Edited: 14-02-2024

And here is further proof your description of "GET FREE GPT-4" is fake:

Also you even admitted in your report rebuttal, "there's no actually way for you to unlock the power of ChatGPT 4" but nice try sir.

Of course if you were a man of any honor, you would immediately cease such false advertising, however given your denial of obvious leeching the most popular ChatGPT author on Greasy Fork over even such a trivial detail like glowing a button, one cannot expect you will take any honorable corrective action over non-trivial matters such as false advertising, so it is quite tragic and unfortunate your misleading description will continue to deceive many future victims to come.

BatlezTác giả
Posted: 14-02-2024
Edited: 14-02-2024

I can't get it to say swear words so it still doesn't work for me. So it is a coincidence no other ChatGPT script (let alone non-ChatGPT scripts) innovated a CSS method to add glow to a button except for mine which have over 100000 users, but even though non-ChatGPT script authors had not even thought of this technique, you somehow did? You find that believable, really? The fact our script names are literally two listings apart, and you still pretend you never heard of them? You are quite bad at lying if you weren't aware btw (good liars at least make things believable)

Why do you still think that I copied you? I still have no clue what you do or what you did. Why don't you try reporting me for the forth time and see if that does anything lol. Everything in the JS is either from (Internet (not you), myself (Batlez), and ChatGPT). Nice try

Posted: 14-02-2024

I told you why, I'm the most popular ChatGPT author on this site, my script is listed right next to yours, it's impossible you "never heard" unless you have no eyes, you are just that bad at lying you cannot tell when a lie becomes like astoundingly unbelievable

BatlezTác giả
Posted: 14-02-2024

And here is further proof your description of "GET FREE GPT-4" is fake:

Also you even admitted in your report rebuttal, "there's no actually way for you to unlock the power of ChatGPT 4" but nice try sir.

Of course if you were a man of any honor, you would immediately cease such false advertising, however given your denial of obvious leeching the most popular ChatGPT author on Greasy Fork over even such a trivial detail like glowing a button, one cannot expect you will take any honorable corrective action over non-trivial matters such as false advertising, so it is quite tragic and unfortunate your misleading description will continue to deceive many future victims to come.

It is ChatGPT 4.0 lol. Just admit that you failed to ignore that you are WRONG. Now leave me alone

Posted: 14-02-2024

You are lying to yourself if you expect anyone to believe you never heard of me, that the only script that glowed a button is suddenly your own innovation. You even admitted "there's no actually way for you to unlock the epower of ChatGPT 4" so your entire main one-line description is a lie. Why would anyone believe anything you have to say? How on earth could you possibly not have copied the only 2 innovations in your script (but implemented rather poorly still) given your defense is so unbelievable?

Posted: 14-02-2024
Edited: 14-02-2024

Wait a minute, you said this already:

there's no actually way for you to unlock the power of ChatGPT 4

Now you claim:

It is ChatGPT 4.0 lol

So which is the true statement? If B, then A cannot be true, if A then B cannot be true, so you see you lied there?

Now leave me alone

No you leave me alone, I am using this Review function as intended, to reflect my honest experience from using the script. Don't try to stop me. YOU are sending me notifications by replying to my honest review I'm entitled to leave. I reply to all commentors like you, if you don't want a response then don't type to me, simple

BatlezTác giả
Posted: 14-02-2024

You are lying to yourself if you expect anyone to believe you never heard of me, that the only script that glowed a button is suddenly your own innovation. You even admitted "there's no actually way for you to unlock the epower of ChatGPT 4" so your entire main one-line description is a lie. Why would anyone believe anything you have to say? How on earth could you possibly not have copied the only 2 innovations in your script (but implemented rather poorly still) given your defense is so unbelievable?

That's cool. Still don't care. This script is probably way better anyways, is that why you're still here? Mocking my success. Keep being irrelevant, and get blocked! Now stop replying and leave MY script alone!

Posted: 14-02-2024
Edited: 14-02-2024

That's cool. Still don't care. This script is probably way better anyways...

Way better than what I'm confused that why you're still here?

I left a review as I'm entitled to warn potential victims, then you started typing at me so I'm typing to your replies...? (If you want me to not comment but I'm free to do so you don't own the Review functiion, then stop typing at me)

Mocking my success.

How have I "mocked" and what success do you refer to??

Keep being irrelevant...

Actually I'm quite relevant even OpenAI funded me but that is quite off-topic and mocking one's success don't you think?

...and get blocked!

But you're the one typing at me, I'm simply responding..? If you don't want to read replies why are you saying stuff to me? I wasn't talking to you after all, the review is warning to potential victims, you engaged me out of the blue

Now stop replying and leave MY script alone!

Uh no that's not how comments work, if you say something to me I will reply. I can review any script I use (especially deceptive ones that rely on deception to trick victims to install)

Posted: 22-03-2024

Can you guys really not get it to swear? Not using this sketchy TM script, but just by using prompt injection? You really cant get it to swear? guys heres a hint, play around with the new "security and restriction" updates they supposedly do on these models when a "new" jailbreak is found, im sure ONE of you knows this *ahem* but I guess i just dont see why it would be necessary for TM to jailbreak it, i mean just use an open source model locally.. ive used mixtral 7b on my M2 mac and it would answer literally any question, of course I keep most models on a 4Tb external drive but formatted to apple, the way it shares space between the gpu and cpu... genius man.. and i HATE apple. But yeah. I main drive GPT4 but if i have a Q i need it "jailbroken" for Ill just create my own actions for local models to do for me using langchain, so while TM can be fun, the real treasure is the auto refresh toggle and the infinite memory, memory feeding abilities. Of course this too can be done with langchain, but eh, im lazy.. work smarter not harder *shrug

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