Greasy Fork is available in English.


using fetch based on GM.xmlHttpRequest

Script này sẽ không được không được cài đặt trực tiếp. Nó là một thư viện cho các script khác để bao gồm các chỉ thị meta // @require

 * Original file: /npm/@trim21/gm-fetch@0.1.15/dist/gm_fetch.js
 * Do NOT use SRI with dynamically generated files! More information:
var GM_fetch = (function () {
    "use strict";
    function e(e) {
      const t = e.trim();
      if (!t) return new Headers();
      const r = t.split("\r\n").map((e) => {
        let t = e.split(":");
        return [t[0].trim(), t[1].trim()];
      return new Headers(r);
    class t {
      constructor(e, t) {
        var r;
        (this.rawBody = e),
          (this.init = t),
          (this.body =
            ((r = e),
            new ReadableStream({
              start(e) {
                e.enqueue(r), e.close();
        const {
          headers: s,
          statusCode: o,
          statusText: n,
          finalUrl: a,
          redirected: d,
        } = t;
        (this.headers = s),
          (this.status = o),
          (this.statusText = n),
          (this.url = a),
          (this.type = "basic"),
          (this.redirected = d),
          (this._bodyUsed = !1);
      get bodyUsed() {
        return this._bodyUsed;
      get ok() {
        return this.status < 300;
      arrayBuffer() {
        if (this.bodyUsed)
          throw new TypeError(
            "Failed to execute 'arrayBuffer' on 'Response': body stream already read"
        return (this._bodyUsed = !0), this.rawBody.arrayBuffer();
      blob() {
        if (this.bodyUsed)
          throw new TypeError(
            "Failed to execute 'blob' on 'Response': body stream already read"
        return (
          (this._bodyUsed = !0),
            this.rawBody.slice(0, this.rawBody.size, this.rawBody.type)
      clone() {
        if (this.bodyUsed)
          throw new TypeError(
            "Failed to execute 'clone' on 'Response': body stream already read"
        return new t(this.rawBody, this.init);
      formData() {
        if (this.bodyUsed)
          throw new TypeError(
            "Failed to execute 'formData' on 'Response': body stream already read"
        return (this._bodyUsed = !0), this.rawBody.text().then(r);
      async json() {
        if (this.bodyUsed)
          throw new TypeError(
            "Failed to execute 'json' on 'Response': body stream already read"
        return (this._bodyUsed = !0), JSON.parse(await this.rawBody.text());
      text() {
        if (this.bodyUsed)
          throw new TypeError(
            "Failed to execute 'text' on 'Response': body stream already read"
        return (this._bodyUsed = !0), this.rawBody.text();
    function r(e) {
      const t = new FormData();
      return (
          .forEach(function (e) {
            if (e) {
              const r = e.split("="),
                s = r.shift()?.replace(/\+/g, " "),
                o = r.join("=").replace(/\+/g, " ");
              t.append(decodeURIComponent(s), decodeURIComponent(o));
    const s = [
    function o(e) {
      if (((t = e), s.includes(t))) return e;
      var t;
      throw new Error(`unsupported http method ${e}`);
    return async function (r, s) {
      const n = new Request(r, s);
      let a;
      return (
        s?.body && (a = await n.text()),
        await (function (r, s, n) {
          return new Promise((a, d) => {
            if (r.signal && r.signal.aborted)
              return d(new DOMException("Aborted", "AbortError"));
              url: r.url,
              method: o(r.method.toUpperCase()),
              headers: Object.fromEntries(new Headers(s?.headers).entries()),
              data: n,
              responseType: "blob",
              onload(s) {
                  (function (r, s) {
                    return new t(s.response, {
                      statusCode: s.status,
                      statusText: s.statusText,
                      headers: e(s.responseHeaders),
                      finalUrl: s.finalUrl,
                      redirected: s.finalUrl === r.url,
                  })(r, s)
              onabort() {
                d(new DOMException("Aborted", "AbortError"));
              ontimeout() {
                d(new TypeError("Network request failed, timeout"));
              onerror(e) {
                d(new TypeError("Failed to fetch: " + e.finalUrl));
        })(n, s, a)