Youtube - Subtitle (PC Version)

Automatically enable the subtitles.

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Bạn có thế thích Youtube - Subtitle

Cài đặt script này
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1 0 0
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The script turns the YT subtitles off if it detects hard-coded subtitles in the video.

It only checks if the first 1 minute of the video has subtitles or not, most trailers/etc have subtitles starting before the first 1 minute of the video, after that 1 minute of video has passed, or after a subtitle is found, the script stops running the checks.
This script uses the Tesseract OCR image recognition library to capture every frame of the first 1 minute of the video each second.
The 1-second and the 1-minute delay were added to use a bit less CPU power.

Works on mobile browsers as well, but unless you have a powerful mobile device it is recommended that you use instead.