Company Enhancement Suite

Your one stop solution to managing your company.

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Heya, I'm back with a script to help with your company stuff:


  • Highlights if trains are not used.
  • Highlights if you're company is not full.
  • Easily see last action of all employees.
  • Make reordering of stocks way more easier.

How to use the Stock-reordering features:

  • Go to your company page, click FILL DAILY if you'd like to fill with everything sold the previous day.
  • Otherwise, you can also populate the Total column. How it works: Imagine you set the Total column value for Candy bars as 5000. Let's say you have 3000 candy bars in stock, and have an incoming delivery for 500 candy bars. It accordingly calculates the needed remaining needed Candy bars (1500) and fills it in. Use the FILL CUSTOM button to use this.