// ==UserScript==
// @name Zombs.io bad(?) Hack newest
// @namespace https://tampermonkey.net/
// @version v7.5
// @description The best defensive script (probably)
// @author ( o=^•ェ•)
// @match *://zombs.io/*
// @require https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
/* Everyone who has helped:
AstralCat (many important functions)
Alex (send alt)
Vn Havy (for original bad hack)
Sirr0m (bomber X rebuilder)
eh (bomber X rebuilder)
JaYT (some minor stuff)
Ayubloom (sun:raise for low health upgrading all towers code)
YT er pro th er (for low health upgrade harvesters code)
chatgpt (wrote the whole code 100% no cap :D)
/* Should add a change log so here:
v7.1: version uploaded to greasyfork, changes made to bad hack's original function: rebuilder records tier of towers, auto aim became prioritising either players or zombies to target, map move now checks for stucks (buggy like hell), added a lot of new functions
v7.1.1: removed disconnection
v7.2: added send alt and aito that doesnt care about full servers
v7.3(latest): debugged aito, added new song, decreased lag
/* global game */
/* global Game */
/* global PIXI */
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addWoody.setAttribute("data-item", "PetMiner");
addWoody.setAttribute("data-tier", "1");
let addCARL = document.createElement("a");
addCARL.setAttribute("data-item", "PetCARL");
addCARL.setAttribute("data-tier", "1");
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function handleContextMenu(event) {
const targetIndex = Array.from(event.target.parentNode.children).indexOf(event.target);
switch (targetIndex) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
shopShortcut("HealthPotion", 1);
case 5:
shopShortcut("PetHealthPotion", 1);
case 7:
case 8:
buyPet("PetMiner", getPetTier(6));
case 9:
buyPet("PetCARL", getPetTier(5));
case 10:
name: "DeleteBuilding",
uid: game.ui.getPlayerPetUid()
function buyPet(item, tier) {
if (game.ui.getPlayerPetName() == item) {
shopShortcut("PetRevive", 1)
} else {
let i = 0
let j = setInterval(() => {
shopShortcut(item, tier)
if (i >= 25 || game.ui.getPlayerPetName() == item) {
i = 0
}, 250);
function getPetTier(num) {
if (document.querySelectorAll(".hud-shop-item-tier")[5].childNodes[0].textContent.match(/\d+/) != null) {
let petLevel = document.querySelectorAll(".hud-shop-item-tier")[num].childNodes[0].textContent.match(/\d+/)[0]
if (petLevel <= 8) return 1
if (petLevel <= 16) return 2
if (petLevel <= 24) return 3
if (petLevel <= 32) return 4
if (petLevel <= 48) return 5
if (petLevel <= 64) return 6
if (petLevel <= 96) return 7
if (petLevel > 96) return 8
} else return 8
function equipItem(item, tier) {
name: "EquipItem",
itemName: item,
tier: tier
function buyItem(item, tier) {
name: "BuyItem",
itemName: item,
tier: tier
function shopShortcut(item, tier) {
buyItem(item, tier)
if (game.ui.playerWeaponName !== item) {
equipItem(item, tier)
function buyPickaxe() {
let cost = [0, 1000, 3000, 6000, 8000, 24000, 80000];
if (game.ui.playerTick.gold >= cost[game.ui.inventory.Pickaxe.tier]) {
shopShortcut("Pickaxe", game.ui.inventory.Pickaxe.tier + 1)
function buySpear() {
let tier = game.ui.inventory.Spear ? game.ui.inventory.Spear.tier : 0;
let cost = [1400, 2800, 5600, 11200, 22500, 45000, 90000];
if (game.ui.playerTick.gold >= cost[tier]) {
shopShortcut("Spear", tier + 1)
function buyBow() {
let tier = game.ui.inventory.Bow ? game.ui.inventory.Bow.tier : 0;
let cost = [100, 400, 2000, 7000, 24000, 30000, 90000];
if (game.ui.playerTick.gold >= cost[tier]) {
shopShortcut("Bow", tier + 1)
function buyBomb() {
let tier = game.ui.inventory.Bomb ? game.ui.inventory.Bomb.tier : 0;
let cost = [100, 400, 3000, 5000, 24000, 50000, 90000];
if (game.ui.playerTick.gold >= cost[tier]) {
shopShortcut("Bomb", tier + 1)
function buyZombieShield() {
let tier = game.ui.inventory.ZombieShield ? game.ui.inventory.ZombieShield.tier : 0;
let cost = [1000, 3000, 7000, 14000, 18000, 22000, 24000, 30000, 45000, 70000];
if (game.ui.playerTick.gold >= cost[tier]) {
shopShortcut("ZombieShield", tier + 1)
document.querySelector("#hud-toolbar > div.hud-toolbar-inventory > a:nth-child(8)").setAttribute("data-tier", tier + 1);
function createCoordinates() {
let x = document.createElement('div');
x.style = 'position: relative; margin: 0;';
x.innerHTML = `<h3 id="coords"; style="margin: 0;"></h3>`;
x.style.textAlign = "left";
document.querySelector("#hud > div.hud-bottom-left").append(x);
let hasBeenInWorld = false;
let currentCoords = {
x: 0,
y: 0
let coordinateHistory = [];
game.network.addEnterWorldHandler(() => {
if (!hasBeenInWorld) {
hasBeenInWorld = true;
// Update currentCoords every 16ms
setInterval(() => {
const timestamp = Date.now();
currentCoords = {
x: game.ui.playerTick?.position?.x || 0,
y: game.ui.playerTick?.position?.y || 0
// Store the current coordinates with a timestamp
coords: {
// Clean up older coordinates (older than 1 second)
const oneSecondAgo = timestamp - 1000;
coordinateHistory = coordinateHistory.filter(coord => coord.timestamp >= oneSecondAgo);
document.querySelector("#coords").innerText = `X: ${currentCoords.x}\n Y: ${currentCoords.y}`;
}, 16);
// Function to get coordinates from exactly 1 second ago
function getCoordinatesOneSecondAgo() {
const oneSecondAgo = Date.now() - 1000;
const closestCoord = coordinateHistory.reduce((prev, curr) => {
return Math.abs(curr.timestamp - oneSecondAgo) < Math.abs(prev.timestamp - oneSecondAgo) ? curr : prev;
}, coordinateHistory[0]);
return closestCoord.coords;
var isSpamming = 0;
function pauseChatSpam(e) {
if (!isSpamming) {
window.spammer = setInterval(() => {
name: "SendChatMessage",
channel: "Local",
message: e
}, 1050)
} else if (isSpamming) {
isSpamming = !isSpamming
let friendcontrol = false
game.network.addRpcHandler('ReceiveChatMessage', function(e) {
if (e.uid == game.ui.playerTick.uid) {
if (e.message == "!boss") {
setTimeout(() => {
name: "SendChatMessage",
message: "9, 17, 25, 33, 41, 49, 57, 65, 73, 81, 89, 97, 105, 121",
channel: "Local"
}, 1050);
if (e.message === "!marker") {
var map = document.getElementById("hud-map");
// Add a specific class to markers created by !marker
map.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<div style="color: red; display: block; left: ${parseInt(game.ui.components.Map.playerElems[game.world.getMyUid()].marker.style.left)}%; top: ${parseInt(game.ui.components.Map.playerElems[game.world.getMyUid()].marker.style.top)}%; position: absolute;" class='hud-map-player marker-placed-by-command'></div>`)
game.ui.getComponent('PopupOverlay').showHint(`Added Marker`, 1500);
} else if (e.message === "!delmarkers") {
// Get all marker elements with the class 'marker-placed-by-command'
const markers = document.querySelectorAll('.marker-placed-by-command');
// Loop through and remove only markers created by !marker
markers.forEach(marker => {
// Show a hint that markers were deleted
game.ui.getComponent('PopupOverlay').showHint('Deleted Markers', 1500);
if (e.message == "!pop") {
game.ui.components.PopupOverlay.showHint(`Players in server: ${pop}/32`, 3000);
if (e.message === "!scanposition") {
// Handle the "scanposition" command
if (e.message === "!markers") {
addMarker(game.ui.playerTick.position.x, game.ui.playerTick.position.y);
if (e.message === "!delmarkers") {
// Get all marker elements with the class 'marker-placed-by-command'
const markerElements = document.querySelectorAll('.marker-placed-by-command');
// Loop through and remove only markers created by !
markerElements.forEach(markerElement => {
// Check if the marker element has a data-marker-id attribute
const markerId = markerElement.getAttribute("data-marker-id");
if (markerId) {
// Remove the marker only if its ID matches a marker in the array
const idToRemove = parseInt(markerId);
const indexToRemove = markers.findIndex(m => m.id === idToRemove);
if (indexToRemove !== -1) {
markers.splice(indexToRemove, 1);
// Show a hint that markers were deleted
game.ui.getComponent('PopupOverlay').showHint('Deleted Markers', 1500);
// Reset marker IDs
if (e.message === "!markermove") {
// Handle the "markermove" command
} else if (e.message === "!stop") {
// Stop repeating move
if (friendcontrol) {
if (e.uid == document.getElementById("friend1").value || e.uid == document.getElementById("friend2").value || e.uid == document.getElementById("friend3").value || e.uid == document.getElementById("friend4").value || e.uid == document.getElementById("friend5").value || e.uid == document.getElementById("friend6").value || e.uid == document.getElementById("friend7").value || e.uid == document.getElementById("friend8").value || e.uid == document.getElementById("friend9").value || e.uid == document.getElementById("friend10").value || e.displayName == document.getElementById("friend1").value || e.displayName == document.getElementById("friend2").value || e.displayName == document.getElementById("friend3").value || e.displayName == document.getElementById("friend4").value || e.displayName == document.getElementById("friend5").value || e.displayName == document.getElementById("friend6").value || e.displayName == document.getElementById("friend7").value || e.displayName == document.getElementById("friend8").value || e.displayName == document.getElementById("friend9").value || e.displayName == document.getElementById("friend10").value) {
if (e.message == "!ahrc") {
shouldAHRC = true
document.getElementById("toggleahrc").innerHTML = "AHRC On";
if (e.message == "!!ahrc") {
shouldAHRC = false
document.getElementById("toggleahrc").innerHTML = "AHRC Off";
if (e.message == "!rebuild") {
if (e.message == "!clear") {
shouldClearChat = true
document.getElementById("clearchat-btn").innerHTML = "Clear Chat On";
if (e.message == "!!clear") {
shouldClearChat = false
document.getElementById("clearchat-btn").innerHTML = "Clear Chat Off";
if (e.message.startsWith("!move")) {
const match = e.message.match(/x: (\d+), y: (\d+)/);
if (match) {
const x = parseInt(match[1]);
const y = parseInt(match[2]);
goToPos(x, y);
if (e.message == "!stop") {
left: 0,
right: 0,
up: 0,
down: 0
if (e.message == "!upstash") {
for (let uid in game.ui.buildings) {
if (game.ui.buildings[uid].type == "GoldStash") {
name: "UpgradeBuilding",
uid: game.ui.buildings[uid].uid
if (e.message == "!up0") {
for (let uid in game.ui.buildings) {
if (game.ui.buildings[uid].type == "Harvester") {
name: "UpgradeBuilding",
uid: game.ui.buildings[uid].uid
if (e.message == "!up1") {
for (let uid in game.ui.buildings) {
if (game.ui.buildings[uid].type == "Wall") {
name: "UpgradeBuilding",
uid: game.ui.buildings[uid].uid
if (e.message == "!up2") {
for (let uid in game.ui.buildings) {
if (game.ui.buildings[uid].type == "Door") {
name: "UpgradeBuilding",
uid: game.ui.buildings[uid].uid
if (e.message == "!up3") {
for (let uid in game.ui.buildings) {
if (game.ui.buildings[uid].type == "SlowTrap") {
name: "UpgradeBuilding",
uid: game.ui.buildings[uid].uid
if (e.message == "!up4") {
for (let uid in game.ui.buildings) {
if (game.ui.buildings[uid].type == "ArrowTower") {
name: "UpgradeBuilding",
uid: game.ui.buildings[uid].uid
if (e.message == "!up5") {
for (let uid in game.ui.buildings) {
if (game.ui.buildings[uid].type == "CannonTower") {
name: "UpgradeBuilding",
uid: game.ui.buildings[uid].uid
if (e.message == "!up6") {
for (let uid in game.ui.buildings) {
if (game.ui.buildings[uid].type == "MeleeTower") {
name: "UpgradeBuilding",
uid: game.ui.buildings[uid].uid
if (e.message == "!up7") {
for (let uid in game.ui.buildings) {
if (game.ui.buildings[uid].type == "BombTower") {
name: "UpgradeBuilding",
uid: game.ui.buildings[uid].uid
if (e.message == "!up8") {
for (let uid in game.ui.buildings) {
if (game.ui.buildings[uid].type == "MagicTower") {
name: "UpgradeBuilding",
uid: game.ui.buildings[uid].uid
if (e.message == "!up9") {
for (let uid in game.ui.buildings) {
if (game.ui.buildings[uid].type == "GoldMine") {
name: "UpgradeBuilding",
uid: game.ui.buildings[uid].uid
if (e.message == "!upall") {
if (e.message.startsWith("!join psk")) {
const match = e.message.match(/psk (\w+)/);
if (match) {
const partyShareKey = match[1];
// Send the RPC with the extracted partyShareKey
name: "JoinPartyByShareKey",
partyShareKey: partyShareKey
if (e.message == "!leave") {
name: "LeaveParty"
function checkStatus(party) {
if (party.isOpen === 1) {
return '<a style="color: #00e700; opacity: 0.9;">[Open]</a>';
} else if (party.isOpen !== 1) {
return '<a style="color: red; opacity: 0.9;">[Private]</a>';
const partyCheck = (all_parties) => {
const hudPartyGrid = document.getElementsByClassName('hud-party-grid')[0];
hudPartyGrid.innerHTML = '';
for (const parties of all_parties) {
const tab = document.createElement('div');
tab.classList.add('hud-party-link', 'custom-party');
tab.id = parties.partyId;
tab.isPublic = parties.isOpen;
tab.name = window.filterXSS(parties.partyName);
tab.members = parties.memberCount;
tab.innerHTML = `
<strong>${tab.name} ${checkStatus(parties)}</strong>
<small>id: ${tab.id}</small> <span>${tab.members}/4</span>
if (parties.memberCount === 4) {
} else {
tab.style.display = 'block';
if (parties.partyId === game.ui.playerPartyId) {
if (parties.isOpen !== 1) {
tab.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (tab.isPublic === 1 && tab.members < 4) {
name: 'JoinParty',
partyId: Math.floor(tab.id),
} else if (tab.isPublic !== 1) {
game.ui.getComponent('PopupOverlay').showHint("You can't request private parties!", 800);
let pop = 0
game.network.addRpcHandler('SetPartyList', (e) => {
pop = 0;
Object.keys(game.ui.parties).forEach(e => (pop = pop + game.ui.parties[e].memberCount));
game.ui.components.PopupOverlay.showHint(`Players in server: ${pop}/32`, 3000);
const song1 = new Audio("https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/967213871267971072/1027416621318414406/8mb.video-Vf9-wfenD0dA.m4a");
const song2 = new Audio("https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1084113357591822467/1100413815545405543/Rick_Astley_-_Never_Gonna_Give_You_Up_Official_Music_Video.mp3");
const song3 = new Audio("https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/929143814487146547/1170910219623219312/Everybody_Wants_To_Rule_The_World.m4a?ex=655ac21e&is=65484d1e&hm=afbef8c516f441ab71a96faae36482c690513acf80e5a712b12c8c7859b2e910&");
const song4 = new Audio("https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1086262250647584800/1094139045547876402/Initial_D_-_Deja_Vu_1-1.mp3");
const song5 = new Audio("https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/929143814487146547/1176755590752632852/Down_like_that.m4a?ex=6570060b&is=655d910b&hm=9f14afa65b345c52bbeb98c3a57fbe4b268dc33140707f6b86277ec92bc0c8e0&")
const song6 = new Audio("https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/929143814487146547/1179244082753716254/105.m4a?ex=657913a2&is=65669ea2&hm=0e595bfd19859977c5ffbd12720e489bf7cd0d861dd31d4fdccc25189fd04936&")
const song7 = new Audio("https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1179255422411096127/1181871036942274560/For_the_night.m4a?ex=6582a22d&is=65702d2d&hm=5ee7404afdbb22008dde1a7675188cfe0afb5d54818ba418589be41d36b8ddd8&")
const song8 = new Audio("https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/929143814487146547/1184394881158893599/CocoNUT.m4a?ex=658bd0b0&is=65795bb0&hm=1df78be04fd0cd41de67a6fe4bcd83294d47349523b716e369deee62eccb8bd9&")
const song9 = new Audio("https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/929143814487146547/1186591003902230609/Rap_god.m4a?ex=6593cdfd&is=658158fd&hm=e01fbea879530d5e8bdb216f7ab894d3e906eb1615b3d2b59757c13f83dd6b58&")
let settingsHTML = `
<div style="text-align: center">
<button class="bad-btn bad-magenta" id="lagspam-btn">Lag Spam Off</button>
<button class="bad-btn bad-magenta" id="togglespmch">Chat Spam Off</button>
<input type="text" id="spamchat" placeholder="Message" class="bad-textbox" style="width: 40%">
<select id="lyricSongs" class="bad-textbox">
<option value="song1" selected>League Of Legends - Take Over</option>
<option value="song2">Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up</option>
<option value="song3">Tears For Fears - Everybody Wants To Rule The World</option>
<option value="song4">Initial D - Deja Vu</option>
<option value="song5">KSI - Down Like That</option>
<option value="song6">阿肆 - 热爱105°C的你</option>
<option value="song7">Pop Smoke - For The Night</option>
<option value="song8">The Coconut Song (Da coconut)</option>
<option value="song9">Eminem - Rap God</option>
<button class="bad-btn bad-magenta" id="pauseSong">Stop Singing</button>
<button id="sellall" class="bad-btn bad-red">Sell All</button>
<button id="sellwall" class="bad-btn bad-red">Start Selling Walls</button>
<button id="selldoor" class="bad-btn bad-red">Start Selling Doors</button>
<button id="selltrap" class="bad-btn bad-red">Start Selling Traps</button>
<button id="sellharvester" class="bad-btn bad-red">Start Selling Harvesters</button>
<button id="sellarrow" class="bad-btn bad-red">Start Selling Arrows</button>
<button id="sellcannon" class="bad-btn bad-red">Start Selling Cannons</button>
<button id="sellmelee" class="bad-btn bad-red">Start Selling Melees</button>
<button id="sellbomb" class="bad-btn bad-red">Start Selling Bombs</button>
<button id="sellmagic" class="bad-btn bad-red">Start Selling Mages</button>
<button id="sellminer" class="bad-btn bad-red">Start Selling Gold Mines</button>
<button class="bad-btn bad-yellow" id="menu-leaveparty-btn" onclick ='Game.currentGame.network.sendRpc({name: "LeaveParty"})'>Leave Party</button>
<button class="bad-btn bad-yellow" id="menu-jpbsk-btn" onclick='Game.currentGame.network.sendRpc({name:"JoinPartyByShareKey", partyShareKey: document.querySelector("#menu-jpbsk-input").value})'>Join Party</button>
<input type="text" class="bad-textbox" id="menu-jpbsk-input" style="width: 40%" placeholder="Share Key">
<button class="bad-btn bad-yellow" id="autoaccept-btn">Accepter Off</button>
<button class="bad-btn bad-yellow" id="autosell">Auto Give Sell Off</button>
<button class="bad-btn bad-yellow" id="spamallparty-btn">Spam All Party Off</button>
<button class="bad-btn bad-yellow" id="spampartybyid-btn">Spam Party By ID Off</button>
<input type="text" class="bad-textbox" id="party-id-input" style="width: 20%" placeholder="Party ID">
<button class="bad-btn bad-yellow" id="newtab">New Party Tab</button>
<button id="healplayer" class="bad-btn bad-green">Heal PLayer On</button>
<input type="text" class="bad-textbox" value="20" id="healplayerinput" style="width: 8%">
<button id="healpet" class="bad-btn bad-green">Heal Pet On</button>
<input type="text" class="bad-textbox" value="30" id="healpetinput" style="width: 8%">
<button id="revivepet" class="bad-btn bad-green">Revive On</button>
<button id="evolvepet" class="bad-btn bad-green">Evolve On</button>
<button class="bad-btn bad-blue" id="clearchat-btn">Clear Chat Off</button>
<button class="bad-btn bad-blue" id="autoupgradeall-btn">Upgrade Off</button>
<button class="bad-btn bad-blue" id="togglespinner">Spinner Off</button>
<button class="bad-btn bad-blue" id="toggleaim">Aim Off</button>
<select id="aimOptions" class="bad-textbox">
<option value="pl" selected>Players</option>
<option value="zo">Zombies</option>
<button class="bad-btn bad-blue" id="toggleahrc">AHRC Off</button>
<button class="bad-btn bad-blue" id="toggleresp">Respawn On</button>
<button class="bad-btn bad-blue" id="togglebot">Bot Off</button>
<button class="bad-btn bad-blue" id="toggleswing">Swing Off</button>
<button class="bad-btn bad-blue" id="togglerb">Rebuild Off</button>
<button class="bad-btn bad-blue" id="togglehealthup">Low Health Upgrade Off</button>
<button class="bad-btn bad-blue" id="stashleave">Auto Leave Off</button>
<button class="bad-btn bad-blue" id="towerheal">Heal Towers Off</button>
<button id="upstash" class="bad-btn bad-red">Up Stash Off</button>
<button id="upmines" class="bad-btn bad-red">Up Mines Off</button>
<button id="uparrow" class="bad-btn bad-red">Up Arrows Off</button>
<button id="upcannon" class="bad-btn bad-red">Up Cannons Off</button>
<button id="upmage" class="bad-btn bad-red">Up Mages Off</button>
<button id="upmelee" class="bad-btn bad-red">Up Melees Off</button>
<button id="upbomb" class="bad-btn bad-red">Up Bombs Off</button>
<button id="upharvester" class="bad-btn bad-red">Up Harvesters Off</button>
<button id="uptrap" class="bad-btn bad-red">Up Slow Traps Off</button>
<button id="upwall" class="bad-btn bad-red">Up Walls Off</button>
<button id="updoor" class="bad-btn bad-red">Up Doors Off</button>
<button class="bad-btn bad-blue" id="toggleabpk">Enable Auto Buy Pickaxe</button>
<button class="bad-btn bad-blue" id="toggleabsp">Enable Auto Buy Spear</button>
<button class="bad-btn bad-blue" id="toggleabbw">Enable Auto Buy Bow</button>
<button class="bad-btn bad-blue" id="toggleabbm">Enable Auto Buy Bomb</button>
<button class="bad-btn bad-blue" id="toggleabsh">Enable Auto Buy Sheild</button>
<button id="hidechat" class="bad-btn bad-pink">Hide Chat</button>
<button id="hidepop" class="bad-btn bad-pink">Hide Popup</button>
<button id="hideldb" class="bad-btn bad-pink">Hide Leaderboard</button>
<button id="hidemap" class="bad-btn bad-pink">Hide Map</button>
<button id="hidepip" class="bad-btn bad-pink">Hide PIP</button>
<button id="mapenv" class="bad-btn bad-pink">Toggle Map Env</button>
<button id="daybright" class="bad-btn bad-pink">Enable Always Day</button>
<button id="hideground" class="bad-btn bad-cyan">Hide Ground</button>
<button id="hidenpcs" class="bad-btn bad-cyan">Hide NPCs</button>
<button id="hideenv" class="bad-btn bad-cyan">Hide Env</button>
<button id="hideproj" class="bad-btn bad-cyan">Hide Proj</button>
<button id="hideall" class="bad-btn bad-cyan">Hide All</button>
<button id="freezegame" class="bad-btn bad-cyan">Stop Game</button>
<button id="biggrid" class="bad-btn bad-cyan">Show Big Grids</button>
<button id="smolgrid" class="bad-btn bad-cyan">Show Small Grids</button>
<button id="border" class="bad-btn bad-cyan">Show Border</button>
<button id="range" class="bad-btn bad-cyan">Show Range</button>
<button id="tracer" class="bad-btn bad-cyan">Show Tracer</button>
<button id="battle" class="bad-btn bad-gray">Enable Fighting Mode</button>
<button id="trap" class="bad-btn bad-gray">Enable Auto Trapper</button>
<button id="switch" class="bad-btn bad-gray">Enable Afk Switch</button>
<button id="move" class="bad-btn bad-gray">Enable Player Follower</button>
<button id="rev4" class="bad-btn bad-gray">Enable Rev Player Trick</button>
<button id="bowfollow" class="bad-btn bad-gray">Enable Bow Follow</button>
<button id="zoom" class="bad-btn bad-gray">Enable Combat Zoom</button>
<button id="cornerfarm" class="bad-btn bad-gray">Corner Farm Base</button>
<button id="allowfriend" class="bad-btn bad-gray">Allow Friends Control</button>
<p>Enter friend name or id below</p>
<input type="text" class="bad-textbox" id="friend1" style="width: 20%" placeholder="Friend">
<input type="text" class="bad-textbox" id="friend2" style="width: 20%" placeholder="Friend">
<input type="text" class="bad-textbox" id="friend3" style="width: 20%" placeholder="Friend">
<input type="text" class="bad-textbox" id="friend4" style="width: 20%" placeholder="Friend">
<input type="text" class="bad-textbox" id="friend5" style="width: 20%" placeholder="Friend">
<input type="text" class="bad-textbox" id="friend6" style="width: 20%" placeholder="Friend">
<input type="text" class="bad-textbox" id="friend7" style="width: 20%" placeholder="Friend">
<input type="text" class="bad-textbox" id="friend8" style="width: 20%" placeholder="Friend">
<input type="text" class="bad-textbox" id="friend9" style="width: 20%" placeholder="Friend">
<input type="text" class="bad-textbox" id="friend10" style="width: 20%" placeholder="Friend">
<p>Offset:</p><input type="text" class="bad-textbox" value="69" id="offset" style="width: 8%">
document.getElementById("hud-menu-settings").childNodes[3].innerHTML = "( o=^•ェ•)"
document.getElementsByClassName("hud-settings-grid")[0].innerHTML = settingsHTML;
document.getElementById('lagspam-btn').addEventListener('click', lagSpam)
document.getElementById('lagspam-btn').addEventListener('click', lagSpambtn)
document.getElementById("pauseSong").addEventListener('click', pauseAndResetAllSongs)
document.getElementById("spamallparty-btn").addEventListener("click", spamAllParty)
document.getElementById("autosell").addEventListener("click", giveSell);
document.getElementById("newtab").addEventListener("click", () => window.open(`http://zombs.io/#/${game.options.serverId}/${game.ui.getPlayerPartyShareKey()}`));
document.getElementById("autoupgradeall-btn").addEventListener("click", autoUpgradeAll);
document.getElementById("autoupgradeall-btn").addEventListener("click", autoUpgradeAllbtn);
document.getElementById("uparrow").addEventListener("click", autouparrow);
document.getElementById("uparrow").addEventListener("click", autouparrowbtn);
document.getElementById("upstash").addEventListener("click", autoupstash);
document.getElementById("upstash").addEventListener("click", autoupstashbtn);
document.getElementById("upmage").addEventListener("click", autoupmage);
document.getElementById("upmage").addEventListener("click", autoupmagebtn);
document.getElementById("upmines").addEventListener("click", autoupmines);
document.getElementById("upmines").addEventListener("click", autoupminesbtn);
document.getElementById("upwall").addEventListener("click", autoupwall);
document.getElementById("upwall").addEventListener("click", autoupwallbtn);
document.getElementById("updoor").addEventListener("click", autoupdoor);
document.getElementById("updoor").addEventListener("click", autoupdoorbtn);
document.getElementById("uptrap").addEventListener("click", autouptrap);
document.getElementById("uptrap").addEventListener("click", autouptrapbtn);
document.getElementById("upcannon").addEventListener("click", autoupcannon);
document.getElementById("upcannon").addEventListener("click", autoupcannonbtn);
document.getElementById("upmelee").addEventListener("click", autoupmelee);
document.getElementById("upmelee").addEventListener("click", autoupmeleebtn);
document.getElementById("upbomb").addEventListener("click", autoupbomb);
document.getElementById("upbomb").addEventListener("click", autoupbombbtn);
document.getElementById("upharvester").addEventListener("click", autoupharvester);
document.getElementById("upharvester").addEventListener("click", autoupharvesterbtn);
document.getElementById("sellwall").addEventListener('click', toggleSellingWalls);
document.getElementById("selldoor").addEventListener('click', toggleSellingDoors);
document.getElementById("selltrap").addEventListener('click', toggleSellingTraps);
document.getElementById("sellharvester").addEventListener('click', toggleSellingHarvs);
document.getElementById("sellarrow").addEventListener('click', toggleSellingArrows);
document.getElementById("sellcannon").addEventListener('click', toggleSellingCannons);
document.getElementById("sellmagic").addEventListener('click', toggleSellingMages);
document.getElementById("sellmelee").addEventListener('click', toggleSellingMelees);
document.getElementById("sellbomb").addEventListener('click', toggleSellingBombs);
document.getElementById("sellminer").addEventListener('click', toggleSellingMines);
document.getElementById("spampartybyid-btn").addEventListener("click", spamPartyByID);
document.getElementById("autoaccept-btn").addEventListener("click", autoAcceptParty);
document.getElementById("autoaccept-btn").addEventListener("click", autoAcceptPartybtn);
document.getElementById("toggleswing").addEventListener("click", toggleSwing)
document.getElementById("toggleahrc").addEventListener("click", toggleAHRC)
document.getElementById("toggleresp").addEventListener('click', toggleRespawn)
document.getElementById("toggleaim").addEventListener("click", toggleAim)
document.getElementById("togglerb").addEventListener("click", toggleRebuild)
document.getElementById("togglehealthup").addEventListener("click", toggleHealthUp)
document.getElementById("towerheal").addEventListener("click", toggleHealSpell)
document.getElementById("stashleave").addEventListener("click", autoleave);
document.getElementById("toggleabpk").addEventListener("click", abpk);
document.getElementById("toggleabsp").addEventListener("click", absp);
document.getElementById("toggleabbw").addEventListener("click", abbw);
document.getElementById("toggleabbm").addEventListener("click", abbm);
document.getElementById("toggleabsh").addEventListener("click", absh);
document.getElementById("togglespinner").addEventListener("click", spinnerbtn);
document.getElementById("healplayer").addEventListener("click", toggleHealPlayer);
document.getElementById("healpet").addEventListener("click", toggleHealPet);
document.getElementById("revivepet").addEventListener("click", toggleRevivePet);
document.getElementById("evolvepet").addEventListener("click", toggleEvolvePet);
document.getElementById("hidechat").addEventListener("click", hideChat)
document.getElementById("hidepop").addEventListener("click", hidePopupOverlay);
document.getElementById("hideldb").addEventListener("click", hideLeaderboard);
document.getElementById("hidemap").addEventListener("click", hideMap);
document.getElementById("hidepip").addEventListener("click", hidePIP);
document.getElementById("mapenv").addEventListener("click", toggleEnvironmentVisibility);
document.getElementById("daybright").addEventListener("click", toggleday);
document.getElementById("hideground").addEventListener("click", hideGround);
document.getElementById("hidenpcs").addEventListener("click", hideNPCs);
document.getElementById("hideenv").addEventListener("click", hideEnviroment);
document.getElementById("hideproj").addEventListener("click", hideProjectiles);
document.getElementById("hideall").addEventListener("click", hideAll);
document.getElementById("freezegame").addEventListener("click", freezeGame);
document.getElementById("biggrid").addEventListener("click", showGrid);
document.getElementById("smolgrid").addEventListener("click", showGrids);
document.getElementById('clearchat-btn').addEventListener('click', clearChatbtn)
document.getElementById("battle").addEventListener('click', FIGHT);
document.getElementById("trap").addEventListener('click', trapon);
document.getElementById("switch").addEventListener('click', afkswitches);
document.getElementById("move").addEventListener('click', togglemove);
document.getElementById("border").addEventListener('click', showborder)
document.getElementById("range").addEventListener('click', showRange)
document.getElementById("tracer").addEventListener('click', showTracer)
document.getElementById("rev4").addEventListener('click', togglerev4)
document.getElementById("bowfollow").addEventListener('click', togglebowfollow)
document.getElementById("zoom").addEventListener('click', toggleCombatZoom)
document.getElementById("cornerfarm").addEventListener('click', buildcornerfarm)
document.getElementById("allowfriend").addEventListener('click', togglefriend)
function msToTime(s) {
// Pad to 2 or 3 digits, default is 2
function pad(n, z) {
z = z || 2;
return ('00' + n).slice(-z);
var ms = s % 1000;
s = (s - ms) / 1000;
var secs = s % 60;
s = (s - secs) / 60;
var mins = s % 60;
var hrs = (s - mins) / 60;
return pad(hrs) + ':' + pad(mins) + ':' + pad(secs) + '.' + pad(ms, 3);
function counter(e = 0) {
if (e <= -0.99949999999999999e24) {
return Math.round(e / -1e23) / -10 + "TT";
if (e <= -0.99949999999999999e21) {
return Math.round(e / -1e20) / -10 + "TB";
if (e <= -0.99949999999999999e18) {
return Math.round(e / -1e17) / -10 + "TM";
if (e <= -0.99949999999999999e15) {
return Math.round(e / -1e14) / -10 + "TK";
if (e <= -0.99949999999999999e12) {
return Math.round(e / -1e11) / -10 + "T";
if (e <= -0.99949999999999999e9) {
return Math.round(e / -1e8) / -10 + "B";
if (e <= -0.99949999999999999e6) {
return Math.round(e / -1e5) / -10 + "M";
if (e <= -0.99949999999999999e3) {
return Math.round(e / -1e2) / -10 + "K";
if (e <= 0.99949999999999999e3) {
return Math.round(e) + "";
if (e <= 0.99949999999999999e6) {
return Math.round(e / 1e2) / 10 + "K";
if (e <= 0.99949999999999999e9) {
return Math.round(e / 1e5) / 10 + "M";
if (e <= 0.99949999999999999e12) {
return Math.round(e / 1e8) / 10 + "B";
if (e <= 0.99949999999999999e15) {
return Math.round(e / 1e11) / 10 + "T";
if (e <= 0.99949999999999999e18) {
return Math.round(e / 1e14) / 10 + "TK";
if (e <= 0.99949999999999999e21) {
return Math.round(e / 1e17) / 10 + "TM";
if (e <= 0.99949999999999999e24) {
return Math.round(e / 1e20) / 10 + "TB";
if (e <= 0.99949999999999999e27) {
return Math.round(e / 1e+23) / 10 + "TT";
if (e >= 0.99949999999999999e27) {
return Math.round(e / 1e+23) / 10 + "TT";
let TakingOver = [{
say: "We at the top again, now what?",
time: 17000
say: "Heavy lay the crown, but",
time: 18050
say: "Count Us",
time: 20100
say: "Higher than the mountain",
time: 21150
say: "And we be up here",
time: 23200
say: "for the long run",
time: 24250
say: "Strap in for a long one",
time: 25300
say: "We got everybody on one",
time: 27350
say: "Now you're coming at the king",
time: 29400
say: "so you better not miss",
time: 31450
say: "And we only get stronger",
time: 33500
say: "With everything I carry",
time: 36550
say: "up on my back",
time: 37600
say: "you should paint it up",
time: 39650
say: "with a target",
time: 41700
say: "Why would you dare me to",
time: 46850
say: "do it again?",
time: 47900
say: "Come get your spoiler up ahead",
time: 50050
say: "We're taking over,",
time: 53100
say: "We're taking over",
time: 56150
say: "Look at you come at my name,",
time: 61100
say: "you 'oughta know by now,",
time: 63150
say: "That We're Taking Over,",
time: 66200
say: "We're Taking Over",
time: 69350
say: "Maybe you wonder what",
time: 74300
say: "you're futures gonna be, but",
time: 75350
say: "I got it all locked up",
time: 77400
say: "Take a lap, now",
time: 93450
say: "Don't be mad, now",
time: 95500
say: "Run it back, run it back,",
time: 97550
say: "run it back, now",
time: 98600
say: "I got bodies lining up,",
time: 100150
say: "think you're dreaming",
time: 101200
say: "Of Greatness",
time: 102250
say: "Send you back home,",
time: 103300
say: "let you wake up",
time: 105400
say: "Why would you dare me to",
time: 110550
say: "do it again?",
time: 111600
say: "Come get your spoiler up ahead",
time: 114700
say: "We're taking over,",
time: 117800
say: "We're taking over",
time: 120900
say: "Look at you come at my name,",
time: 126050
say: "you 'oughta know by now,",
time: 128150
say: "That We're Taking Over,",
time: 131200
say: "We're Taking Over",
time: 134300
say: "Maybe you wonder what",
time: 138450
say: "you're futures gonna be, but",
time: 139500
say: "I got it all locked up",
time: 140600
say: "再以后,",
time: 158050
say: "除了厮杀,这还有其他么???",
time: 159100
say: "我左右,",
time: 161200
say: "键盘噼啪着,",
time: 162250
say: "时间滴答着",
time: 163300
say: "还不够,",
time: 164350
say: "你的固执,让我来守候",
time: 165400
say: "哪怕太迟,",
time: 166450
say: "也不想以后",
time: 167500
say: "就在这时,",
time: 168550
say: "放肆的打斗",
time: 169600
say: "I got the heart of a lion",
time: 170650
say: "I know the higher you climb",
time: 171700
say: "the harder you fall",
time: 172750
say: "I'm at the top of the mountain",
time: 173800
say: "Too many bodies to count",
time: 174850
say: "I've been through it all",
time: 175900
say: "I had to weather the storm",
time: 176950
say: "to get to the level I'm on",
time: 178000
say: "That's how the legend was born",
time: 179050
say: "All of my enemies already dead",
time: 180100
say: "I'm bored, I'm ready for more",
time: 181200
say: "They know I'm ready for war",
time: 182250
say: "I told 'em",
time: 183300
say: "We're taking over,",
time: 184350
say: "We're taking over",
time: 187400
say: "Look at you come at my name,",
time: 192550
say: "you 'oughta know by now,",
time: 194650
say: "That We're Taking Over,",
time: 197700
say: "We're Taking Over",
time: 200800
say: "Maybe you wonder what",
time: 205950
say: "you're futures gonna be, but",
time: 207000
say: "I got it all locked up",
time: 208050
let NeverGonna = [{
say: "We're no strangers to Love",
time: 19000
say: "You know the rules",
time: 23000
say: "And so do I",
time: 24050
say: "A full commitment's what",
time: 27000
say: "I'm thinking of",
time: 28500
say: "You wouldn't get this",
time: 31000
say: "From any other guy",
time: 33000
say: "I",
time: 35000
say: "Just wanna tell you how im feeling",
time: 36050
say: "Gotta make you understand",
time: 40500
say: "Never gonna give you up",
time: 43050
say: "Never gonna let you down",
time: 45000
say: "Never gonna run around",
time: 47000
say: "And desert you",
time: 49000
say: "Never gonna make you cry",
time: 52000
say: "Never gonna say goodbye",
time: 53050
say: "Never gonna tell a lie",
time: 56000
say: "And hurt you",
time: 58000
say: "We've known each other",
time: 61000
say: "For so long",
time: 63000
say: "Your heart's been aching,",
time: 64050
say: "But",
time: 66000
say: "You're too shy to say it",
time: 67050
say: "Inside, we both know what's been going on",
time: 69696
say: "We know the game",
time: 74000
say: "And we're gonna play it",
time: 75050
say: "Aaaaaaaand",
time: 77000
say: "If you ask me how I'm feeling",
time: 78500
say: "Dont tell me you're too blind to see",
time: 82000
say: "Never gonna give you up",
time: 85000
say: "Never gonna let you down",
time: 88000
say: "Never gonna run around",
time: 90000
say: "And desert you",
time: 91500
say: "Never gonna make you cry",
time: 94000
say: "Never gonna say goodbye",
time: 96000
say: "Never gonna tell a lie",
time: 98000
say: "And hurt you",
time: 100000
say: "Never gonna give you up",
time: 102500
say: "Never gonna let you down",
time: 104000
say: "Never gonna run around",
time: 106000
say: "And desert you",
time: 108000
say: "Never gonna make you cry",
time: 110000
say: "Never gonna say goodbye",
time: 112000
say: "Never gonna tell a lie",
time: 115000
say: "And hurt you",
time: 117000
say: "(Ooh, give you up),",
time: 120000
say: "(Ooh, give you up)",
time: 123500
say: "Never gonna give,",
time: 127500
say: "Never gonna give",
time: 128550
say: "(Give you up)",
time: 130000
say: "Never gonna give,",
time: 132500
say: "Never gonna give",
time: 133550
say: "(Give you up)",
time: 135050
say: "We've known each other",
time: 137000
say: "For so long",
time: 138050
say: "Your heart's been aching,",
time: 141000
say: "But",
time: 142050
say: "You're too shy to say it",
time: 143500
say: "Inside, we both know what's been",
time: 145000
say: "Going on",
time: 147500
say: "We know the game and we're",
time: 149500
say: "Gonna play it",
time: 151700
say: "I",
time: 153500
say: "Just wanna tell you how I'm feeling",
time: 155000
say: "Gotta make you understand",
time: 159000
say: "Never gonna give you up",
time: 161500
say: "Never gonna let you down",
time: 163500
say: "Never gonna run around",
time: 165500
say: "And desert you",
time: 167000
say: "Never gonna make you cry",
time: 170000
say: "Never gonna say goodbye",
time: 172000
say: "Never gonna tell a lie",
time: 174000
say: "And hurt you",
time: 176000
say: "Never gonna give you up",
time: 178500
say: "Never gonna let you down",
time: 180500
say: "Never gonna run around",
time: 182500
say: "And desert you",
time: 184500
say: "Never gonna make you cry",
time: 187000
say: "Never gonna say goodbye",
time: 189000
say: "Never gonna tell a lie",
time: 191000
say: "And hurt you",
time: 193000
say: "Never gonna give you up",
time: 195000
say: "Never gonna let you down",
time: 197000
say: "Never gonna run around",
time: 199000
say: "And desert you",
time: 201000
say: "Never gonna make you cry",
time: 203000
say: "Never gonna say goodbye",
time: 205000
say: "Never gonna tell a lie",
time: 207000
say: "And hurt you",
time: 209000
let RuleTheWorld = [{
say: "Welcome to your life",
time: 29000
say: "There's no turning back",
time: 33000
say: "Even while we sleep",
time: 37000
say: "We will find you",
time: 42000
say: "Acting on your",
time: 44000
say: "Best behaviour",
time: 46200
say: "Turn your back",
time: 48400
say: "On mother nature",
time: 50700
say: "Everybody",
time: 52300
say: "Wants to rule the world",
time: 54900
say: "It's my own design",
time: 67700
say: "It's my own remorse",
time: 72000
say: "Help me to decide",
time: 76000
say: "Help me make the",
time: 80000
say: "Most of freedom",
time: 83000
say: "And of pleasure",
time: 84500
say: "Nothing ever",
time: 87000
say: "Lasts forever",
time: 89000
say: "Everybody",
time: 91000
say: "Wants to rule the world",
time: 93500
say: "There's a room where",
time: 96000
say: "The light won't find you",
time: 97800
say: "Holding hands while the walls",
time: 100000
say: "Come tumbling down",
time: 102600
say: "When they do",
time: 104550
say: "I'll be right behind you",
time: 105600
say: "So glad we've almost made it",
time: 109000
say: "So sad they had to fade it",
time: 113000
say: "Everybody",
time: 117000
say: "Wants to rule the world",
time: 119000
say: "I can't stand this indecision",
time: 168500
say: "Married with a lack of vision",
time: 172700
say: "Everybody",
time: 177000
say: "Wants to rule the",
time: 179000
say: "Say that you'll",
time: 182000
say: "Never, never,",
time: 183550
say: "Never need it",
time: 184800
say: "One headline",
time: 186000
say: "Why beileve it?",
time: 187800
say: "Everybody",
time: 190000
say: "Wants to rule the world",
time: 192000
say: "All for freedom",
time: 203000
say: "And for pleasure",
time: 205000
say: "Nothing ever",
time: 207000
say: "Lasts forever",
time: 209000
say: "Everybody",
time: 211000
say: "Wants to rule the world",
time: 213500
const DejaVu = [{
say: 'See your body',
time: 39750
say: 'Into the moonlight',
time: 41300
say: 'Even if I try to cancel',
time: 42850
say: 'All the pictures',
time: 46000
say: 'Into the mind',
time: 47600
say: "There's a flashing in my eyes",
time: 49000
say: 'Don\'t you see my condition',
time: 51250
say: 'The fiction',
time: 53000
say: 'Is gonna run it again',
time: 54750
say: "Can't you see now illusions",
time: 56500
say: 'Right into your mind',
time: 58150
say: 'Deja vu',
time: 60000
say: 'I\'ve just been',
time: 61250
say: 'In this place before',
time: 62850
say: 'Higher on the street',
time: 64500
say: 'And I know it\'s my time to go',
time: 66150
say: 'Calling you',
time: 67750
say: 'And the search is a mystery',
time: 69600
say: 'Standing on my feet',
time: 71450
say: 'It\'s so hard when',
time: 73300
say: 'I try to be me',
time: 75000
say: 'Uoooh!',
time: 77000
say: 'Deja vu',
time: 78500
say: 'I\'ve just been',
time: 80000
say: 'In this time before',
time: 81550
say: 'Higher on the beat',
time: 83000
say: 'And I know it\'s a place to go',
time: 84550
say: 'Calling you',
time: 86100
say: 'And the search is a mystery',
time: 87850
say: 'Standing on my feet',
time: 89550
say: 'It\'s so hard when',
time: 91250
say: 'I try to be me',
time: 93000
say: 'Yeah!',
time: 94550
say: 'See the future',
time: 105100
say: 'Into the present',
time: 106750
say: 'See my past lives',
time: 108250
say: 'In the distance',
time: 110000
say: 'Try to guess now',
time: 111500
say: "What's going on",
time: 113000
say: 'And the band begins to play...',
time: 114500
say: 'Don\'t you see my condition',
time: 116000
say: 'The fiction',
time: 117750
say: 'Is gonna run it again',
time: 119250
say: "Can't you see now illusions",
time: 121000
say: 'Right into your mind',
time: 123000
say: 'Deja vu',
time: 125000
say: 'I\'ve just been',
time: 126500
say: 'In this place before',
time: 128000
say: 'Higher on the street',
time: 130000
say: 'And I know it\'s my time to go',
time: 131500
say: 'Calling you',
time: 133000
say: 'And the search is a mystery',
time: 134750
say: 'Standing on my feet',
time: 136500
say: 'It\'s so hard when',
time: 138250
say: 'I try to be me',
time: 140000
say: 'Uoooh!',
time: 141750
say: 'Deja vu',
time: 143500
say: 'I\'ve just been',
time: 145250
say: 'In this time before',
time: 146750
say: 'Higher on the beat',
time: 148500
say: 'And I know it\'s a place to go',
time: 150000
say: 'Calling you',
time: 151500
say: 'And the search is a mystery',
time: 152750
say: 'Standing on my feet',
time: 154500
say: 'It\'s so hard when',
time: 156000
say: 'I try to be me',
time: 157500
say: 'Yeah!',
time: 159250
say: 'See your body',
time: 170600
say: 'Into the moonlight',
time: 172250
say: 'Even if I try to cancel',
time: 173750
say: 'All the pictures',
time: 175500
say: 'Into the mind',
time: 176750
say: "There's a flashing in my eyes",
time: 179300
say: 'Don\'t you see my condition',
time: 182100
say: 'The fiction',
time: 184000
say: 'Is gonna run it again',
time: 185500
say: "Can't you see now illusions",
time: 187350
say: 'Right into your mind',
time: 189250
say: 'Deja vu',
time: 191000
say: 'I\'ve just been',
time: 192000
say: 'In this place before',
time: 193500
say: 'Higher on the street',
time: 195000
say: 'And I know it\'s my time to go',
time: 196500
say: 'Calling you',
time: 198000
say: 'And the search is a mystery',
time: 199750
say: 'Standing on my feet',
time: 201500
say: 'It\'s so hard when',
time: 203000
say: 'I try to be me',
time: 204500
say: 'Uoooh!',
time: 206250
say: 'Deja vu',
time: 208000
say: 'I\'ve just been',
time: 209750
say: 'In this time before',
time: 211250
say: 'Higher on the beat',
time: 213000
say: 'And I know it\'s a place to go',
time: 214500
say: 'Calling you',
time: 216000
say: 'And the search is a mystery',
time: 217250
say: 'Standing on my feet',
time: 219000
say: 'It\'s so hard when',
time: 220250
say: 'I try to be me',
time: 221750
say: 'Yeah!',
time: 222000
let DownLikeThat = [{
say: "Why you gotta go,",
time: 7000
say: "Go and let me down",
time: 9500
say: "Like that, ayy",
time: 11000
say: "Down like that",
time: 12500
say: "Oh why,",
time: 13550
say: "Why you go",
time: 15500
say: "And let me",
time: 16550
say: "Down like that",
time: 17600
say: "Ayy, Down like?",
time: 18700
say: "I was nothin but loyal to you from the start",
time: 20000
say: "You changed up on me as soon as things start gettin hard",
time: 23000
say: "I've only then the light despite us being in the dark",
time: 26500
say: "And you let me down like that,",
time: 30000
say: "Yeah",
time: 32000
say: "Down like that",
time: 33050
say: "(Oh why)",
time: 34100
say: "Yeah, Yeah",
time: 35200
say: "I want that knockdown",
time: 36300
say: "Fuck up the system",
time: 38200
say: "Make it shut down",
time: 40000
say: "I'm cold with this,",
time: 42000
say: "Slow man down the freezer",
time: 43600
say: "Wanna backstab like frieza",
time: 45000
say: "Dictate death like caesar",
time: 47000
say: "Always come through with a bee",
time: 49000
say: "Got to do a lot to trouble me",
time: 50050
say: "Visionary still won't tunnel me",
time: 51700
say: "Me to you, now that will chuckle me",
time: 53000
say: "Devilish views when they're aiming at the profit",
time: 55000
say: "Emitting pain till you're nothing",
time: 56500
say: "Remember what I said when that pussy tried moving with the opps",
time: 58000
say: "Now he back with the blocks nigga",
time: 60000
say: "Why you gotta go,",
time: 62000
say: "Go and let me down",
time: 64500
say: "Like that, ayy,",
time: 66000
say: "Down like that?",
time: 67400
say: "Oh why,",
time: 68450
say: "Why you go",
time: 70000
say: "And let me down like that",
time: 71050
say: "Ayy, down like",
time: 73300
say: "I was nothin but loyal to you from the start",
time: 74900
say: "You changed up on me as soon as things start gettin hard",
time: 78000
say: "I've only then the light despite us being in the dark",
time: 81500
say: "And you let me down like that,",
time: 85000
say: "Yeah,",
time: 87000
say: "Down like that",
time: 88050
say: "(Oh why)",
time: 89100
say: "Phantoms in my yard so ring around the rolls",
time: 90400
say: "(SKRR)",
time: 92400
say: "Hardest on the block the biggest one, da boss",
time: 93650
say: "Helicopter pad the home os sammy sosa",
time: 97000
say: "(Biggest)",
time: 98800
say: "Stealing all the bases I'm the ladies token",
time: 100000
say: "(WOOO)",
time: 102000
say: "Bitches always bad,",
time: 104300
say: "I'm known to blow the budgets",
time: 105350
say: "Meek was at the crib so double M the subject",
time: 107000
say: "(AHHH)",
time: 110000
say: "Condo got three levels,",
time: 111100
say: "Postmate all the lunches",
time: 112200
say: "Flippin all the kilos",
time: 114200
say: "Keepin all the grudges",
time: 115250
say: "(BOSS)",
time: 117000
say: "Ain't no more let downs unless the top is getting dropped",
time: 118050
say: "I love it at the top my concierge don't ever stop me",
time: 120990
say: "You know I fuck with ross I even went and bought da block",
time: 124000
say: "A hundred million dollars strong I really came from sellin rocks",
time: 127000
say: "Championship belt them vvs they spark",
time: 130000
say: "Steal it hit the gas and get out on the narcs",
time: 133400
say: "Killas move for free I just can't pick a cost",
time: 135900
say: "Put the drip on market took it to the charts",
time: 138700
say: "Now I'm rocking with the biggest",
time: 141000
say: "And I'm fucking with the boss",
time: 142700
say: "Why you gotta go,",
time: 144000
say: "Go and let me down",
time: 146800
say: "Like that, ayy",
time: 148000
say: "Down like that",
time: 149700
say: "Oh why,",
time: 150800
say: "Why you go",
time: 152900
say: "And let me down like that",
time: 154000
say: "Ayy, down like",
time: 155250
say: "I was nothin but loyal to you from the start",
time: 157350
say: "You changed up on me as soon as things start gettin hard",
time: 160000
say: "I've only then the light despite us being in the dark",
time: 164000
say: "And you let me down like that,",
time: 167700
say: "Yeah,",
time: 169400
say: "Down like that",
time: 170450
say: "(Oh why)",
time: 171500
let superidol = [{
say: "Super idol 的笑容",
time: 300
say: "都没你的甜",
time: 2300
say: "八月正午的阳光",
time: 4000
say: "都没你耀眼",
time: 5500
say: "热爱105度的你",
time: 7800
say: "滴滴青纯的蒸馏水",
time: 10100
say: "你不知道你有多可爱",
time: 16000
say: "跌倒后会傻笑着再站起来",
time: 18400
say: "你从来都不轻言失败",
time: 22600
say: "对梦想的执着一直不曾更改",
time: 25400
say: "很安心",
time: 29000
say: "当你对我说",
time: 30700
say: "不怕有我在",
time: 32100
say: "放着让我来",
time: 34300
say: "勇敢追自己的梦想",
time: 36800
say: "那坚定的模样",
time: 38700
say: "Super idol 的笑容",
time: 42700
say: "都没你的甜",
time: 44500
say: "八月正午的阳光",
time: 46000
say: "都没你耀眼",
time: 48000
say: "热爱105度的你",
time: 49800
say: "滴滴清纯的蒸馏水",
time: 52500
say: "在这独一无二",
time: 56800
say: "属于我的时代",
time: 58000
say: "不怕失败来一场",
time: 60000
say: "痛快的热爱",
time: 62000
say: "热爱105度的你",
time: 63800
say: "滴滴清纯的蒸馏水",
time: 66300
say: "在这独一无二",
time: 70700
say: "属于我的时代",
time: 72000
say: "莫忘了初心常在",
time: 74000
say: "痛快去热爱",
time: 76000
say: "热爱105度的你",
time: 77700
say: "滴滴青纯的蒸馏水",
time: 80400
say: "喝一,口又,",
time: 83000
say: "活力,全开~",
time: 84500
say: "再次,回到,",
time: 90000
say: "最佳,状态~",
time: 91700
say: "喝一口哟~",
time: 97000
say: "喔你不知道你有多可爱",
time: 99300
say: "跌倒后会傻笑着再站起来",
time: 102500
say: "你从来都不轻言失败",
time: 106900
say: "对梦想的执着一直不曾更改",
time: 109600
say: "很安心",
time: 113000
say: "当你对我说",
time: 114500
say: "不怕有我在",
time: 116000
say: "放着让我来",
time: 117900
say: "勇敢追自己梦想",
time: 120700
say: "那坚定的模样",
time: 123000
say: "Super idol 的笑容",
time: 126800
say: "都没你的甜",
time: 128200
say: "八月正午的阳光",
time: 130300
say: "都没你耀眼",
time: 132000
say: "热爱105度的你",
time: 133700
say: "滴滴青纯的蒸馏水",
time: 136200
say: "在这独一无二",
time: 140900
say: "属于我的时代",
time: 142000
say: "不怕失败来一场",
time: 144100
say: "痛快的热爱",
time: 146000
say: "热爱105度的你",
time: 147800
say: "滴滴清纯的蒸馏水",
time: 150500
say: "在这独一无二",
time: 154900
say: "属于我的时代",
time: 156000
say: "莫忘了初心常在",
time: 158500
say: "痛快去热爱",
time: 160000
say: "热爱105度的你",
time: 161900
say: "滴滴青纯的蒸馏水",
time: 164200
say: "喝一,口又,",
time: 167000
say: "活力,全开~",
time: 168700
say: "再次,回到,",
time: 174000
say: "最佳,状态~",
time: 175900
say: "喝一,口又,",
time: 181000
say: "活力,全开~",
time: 182800
let ForTheNight = [
say: "CashMoneyAP",
time: 1700
say: "Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em, oh",
time: 4500
say: "Oh (I'm tryna fuckin' get 'em),",
time: 6900
say: "Oh (I'm tryna fuckin' get 'em)",
time: 9000
say: "Oh, oh (Get 'em), oh",
time: 10050
say: "Oh (Gettin big on this), oh, oh, oh",
time: 12300
say: "Oh, oh, oh, oh",
time: 15500
say: "What do you want?",
time: 22000
say: "Won't tell you twice, yeah",
time: 24000
say: "I'm a thief in the night",
time: 25800
say: "(Thief in the night), oh",
time: 27000
say: "I did some wrong (Oh, oh),",
time: 29300
say: "But I'm always right (Oh, oh)",
time: 31700
say: "Said I know how to shoot",
time: 33333
say: "(Oh, oh)",
time: 34373
say: "And I know how to fight",
time: 35500
say: "If I tell you once,",
time: 37000
say: "Won't tell you twice",
time: 38900
say: "I'm real discreet",
time: 41000
say: "Like a thief in the night",
time: 42900
say: "(Look)",
time: 44000
say: "If I call you bae,",
time: 45050
say: "You bae for the day",
time: 46300
say: "Or a bae for the night,",
time: 48800
say: "You not my wife",
time: 50000
say: "She want a killer",
time: 52400
say: "To fuck all night",
time: 54400
say: "I wanna fuck on a thot,",
time: 56300
say: "Gimme head all night",
time: 58000
say: "AP, big rocks,",
time: 60000
say: "In the hood with the 'rillas",
time: 63000
say: "5k on the dinner,",
time: 64900
say: "Bring three hundered thou' to the dealer",
time: 66666
say: "I did some wrong (Oh, oh),",
time: 67800
say: "But I'm always right (Oh, oh)",
time: 69966
say: "Said I know how to shoot",
time: 71700
say: "(Oh, oh)",
time: 72750
say: "And I know how to fight",
time: 73800
say: "If I tell you once,",
time: 75000
say: "Won't tell you twice",
time: 77000
say: "I'm real discreet,",
time: 79000
say: "Like a thief in the night",
time: 80900
say: "(Baby)",
time: 82900
say: "I'm rich but I'm ridin',",
time: 83950
say: "I'm low on exotic,",
time: 85000
say: "I'm 'bout to fly out and go get me some",
time: 86050
say: "Nothin' ain't seen, all this money on me,",
time: 88000
say: "Hunnid racks in the bad, thats honey bun",
time: 89400
say: "Baby og, I been runnin' these streets,",
time: 91500
say: "Got the game from lashawn, I'm my mama's son",
time: 93500
say: "Learned 'bout the triple cross when I was young",
time: 95900
say: "And I know I ain't goin' so I keep a gun",
time: 97200
say: "I flew to Paris just to buy some dior",
time: 99100
say: "She beggin' for attention, I don't see her",
time: 100969
say: "C. I. P. Pop,",
time: 102600
say: "I wish that you could see us",
time: 103650
say: "Million cash plus whenever I go re-up",
time: 104700
say: "I got some niggas in the street, won't beat me",
time: 106400
say: "I got the iindustry tryna be me",
time: 108400
say: "I just go Ray Charles, they can't see me",
time: 110500
say: "I'm in a Rolls-Royce with a RiRi",
time: 112500
say: "I did some wrong (Oh, oh),",
time: 113700
say: "But I'm always right (Oh, oh)",
time: 115500
say: "Said I know how to shoot",
time: 117200
say: "(Oh, oh)",
time: 118250
say: "And I know how to fight",
time: 119300
say: "If I tell you once,",
time: 121000
say: "Won't tell you twice",
time: 123000
say: "I'm real discreet,",
time: 124900
say: "Like a thief in the night",
time: 125950
say: "(Yeah)",
time: 128500
say: "Like a thief in the night",
time: 129550
say: "(Thief)",
time: 130600
say: "I pull up, give her D for the night (Uh-huh)",
time: 131650
say: "Tryna fuck in the V, it's aight (Let's fuck)",
time: 133000
say: "We can't fuck up my seats 'cause they white",
time: 134900
say: "(That's my seats, watch my motherfuckin' seats)",
time: 136000
say: "I'm livin' like \"Thriller\",",
time: 137200
say: "I only come out at the night time",
time: 138300
say: "She don't fuck with liquor",
time: 139800
say: "Don't like bein' tipsy",
time: 140850
say: "She don't do the Henny,",
time: 141900
say: "Just white wine (What she do?)",
time: 142950
say: "Pop the cork on some new Pinot Grigio (Yeah)",
time: 144000
say: "I pull up in the Porsche wit' a freaky hoe (Zoom)",
time: 145900
say: "Park the porsche and pull up in a Lambo' (Hmph)",
time: 147000
say: "I hop out, Major Payne, rockin' camo (Yessir)",
time: 149000
say: "Think she cute, make her fuck,",
time: 151000
say: "Watch her man go (She cute)",
time: 152050
say: "Like to shoot, light you up,",
time: 153100
say: "Bitch, I'm Rambo",
time: 154150
say: "Cuban link full of rocks,",
time: 155200
say: "It's a choker (Oh)",
time: 156250
say: "Rest in peace to the Pop,",
time: 157300
say: "Make me smoke ya",
time: 158350
say: "I did some wrong (Oh, oh),",
time: 159400
say: "But I'm always right (Oh, oh)",
time: 161000
say: "Said I know how to shoot",
time: 162900
say: "(Oh, oh)",
time: 163950
say: "And I know how to fight",
time: 165000
say: "If I tell you once,",
time: 166900
say: "Won't tell you twice",
time: 168800
say: "I'm real discreet,",
time: 169900
say: "Like a thief in the night",
time: 171000
let CocoNut = [
say: "La la la, la la la, la la la la la la",
time: 100
say: "La la la, la la la, la la la la la la",
time: 4000
say: "La la la, la la la, la la la la la la",
time: 7500
say: "La la la, la la la, la la la la la la",
time: 11000
say: "KO KO NUT",
time: 15000
say: "KO KO KO KO NUT",
time: 16400
say: "(kokonut)",
time: 17450
say: "KO KO NUT",
time: 18500
say: "KO KO KO KO KO NUT",
time: 19900
say: "(kokonut)",
time: 21400
say: "KO KO NUT",
time: 22450
say: "KO KO KO KO KO NUT",
time: 23500
say: "(kokonut)",
time: 24700
say: "KO KO NUT",
time: 25750
say: "KO KO KO KO KO NUT",
time: 26900
say: "The kokonut nut",
time: 28900
say: "Is a giant nut",
time: 30000
say: "If you eat too much...",
time: 31050
say: "You'll get VERY fat!!!",
time: 33400
say: "Now",
time: 35000
say: "The kokonut nut",
time: 36050
say: "Is a big big nut",
time: 37400
say: "But this delicious nut...",
time: 39000
say: "Is NOT a nut!!!",
time: 41000
say: "It's a koko fruit",
time: 42900
say: "(It's a koko fruit)",
time: 44500
say: "Of the koko tree",
time: 46800
say: "(Of the koko tree)",
time: 48000
say: "From the koko palm family",
time: 50000
say: "La la la la la",
time: 52000
say: "There are so many uses",
time: 54000
say: "Of the kokonut tree",
time: 55200
say: "You can build a bigger",
time: 57450
say: "House for the family",
time: 58500
say: "All you need is to",
time: 61000
say: "Find the kokonut man",
time: 62500
say: "If he cuts the tree...",
time: 65000
say: "I get the fruits free!!!",
time: 66690
say: "It's a koko fruit",
time: 68100
say: "(It's a koko fruit)",
time: 70000
say: "Of the koko tree",
time: 71900
say: "(Of the koko tree)",
time: 73900
say: "From the koko palm family",
time: 75400
say: "La la la la la",
time: 78000
say: "KO KO NUT",
time: 80000
say: "KO KO KO KO KO NUT",
time: 81050
say: "(kokonut)",
time: 82900
say: "KO KO NUT",
time: 83950
say: "KO KO KO KO KO NUT",
time: 85000
say: "The kokonut bark for the kitchen floor",
time: 86300
say: "If you save some of it...",
time: 89700
say: "You can build a door",
time: 91900
say: "Now",
time: 92950
say: "The kokonut trunk",
time: 94000
say: "Do not throw this junk",
time: 95050
say: "If you save some of it...",
time: 97000
say: "You'll have a second floor!!!",
time: 98600
say: "The kokonut wood",
time: 101500
say: "Is very good",
time: 103000
say: "It can stand 20 years...",
time: 104600
say: "If you pray it wood!!! :D",
time: 106000
say: "Now",
time: 107500
say: "The kokonut root",
time: 108550
say: "To tell you the truth",
time: 109800
say: "You can throw it...",
time: 111800
say: "Or use it as firewood!!!",
time: 112850
say: "The kokonut leaves",
time: 115900
say: "Good shade it gives",
time: 117400
say: "For the roof...",
time: 119000
say: "For the walls up against the theives!!!",
time: 120050
say: "Now",
time: 121950
say: "The kokonut fruit",
time: 123000
say: "Says my relatives",
time: 124300
say: "Makes good cannon balls...",
time: 126400
say: "Up against the thieves!!!",
time: 128000
say: "It's a kokofruit",
time: 130000
say: "(It's a koko fruit)",
time: 131950
say: "Of the koko tree",
time: 133000
say: "(Of the koko tree)",
time: 135000
say: "From the koko palm family",
time: 137000
say: "La la la la la",
time: 140000
say: "The kokonut nut",
time: 141300
say: "Is a giant nut",
time: 143000
say: "If you eat too much...",
time: 144100
say: "You'll get very fat!!!",
time: 146000
say: "Now",
time: 147300
say: "The kokonut nut",
time: 148350
say: "Is a big big nut",
time: 149900
say: "But this delicious nut...",
time: 151200
say: "Is not a nut!!!",
time: 152900
say: "The kokonut nut",
time: 155000
say: "Is a giant nut",
time: 157000
say: "If you eat too much...",
time: 158850
say: "You'll get very fat!!!",
time: 160400
say: "Now",
time: 161450
say: "The kokonut nut",
time: 162500
say: "Is a big big nut",
time: 164000
say: "But this delicious nut...",
time: 165300
say: "Is not a nut!!!",
time: 167700
say: "It's a koko fruit",
time: 169000
say: "(It's a koko fruit)",
time: 170900
say: "Of the koko tree",
time: 171950
say: "(Of the koko tree)",
time: 174400
say: "From the koko palm family",
time: 176500
say: "La la la la la",
time: 179000
say: "It's a koko fruit",
time: 180000
say: "(It's a koko fruit)",
time: 181900
say: "Of the koko tree",
time: 182900
say: "(Of the koko tree)",
time: 185900
say: "From the koko palm family",
time: 187000
say: "La la la la la la",
time: 190000
say: "It's a koko fruit",
time: 191050
say: "(It's a koko fruit",
time: 192900
say: "Of the koko tree",
time: 194300
say: "(Of the koko tree)",
time: 196100
say: "From the COCO palm familyyyyyyyyyyyyyy",
time: 198000
say: "(La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la)",
time: 202700
say: "Hooray",
time: 209000
let RapGod = [
say: "Look,",
time: 1200
say: "I was gonna go easy on you and not to hurt your feelings",
time: 2400
say: "But I'm only going to get this one chance",
time: 5000
say: "Something's wrong, I can feel it",
time: 10000
say: "Just a feeling I've got",
time: 12000
say: "Like something's about to happen,",
time: 14700
say: "But I don't know what",
time: 16700
say: "If that mean what I think it means,",
time: 18000
say: "We're in trouble, big trouble",
time: 19500
say: "And if he is as bananas as you say",
time: 21000
say: "I'm not taking any chances",
time: 23400
say: "You were just what the doctor ordered",
time: 24700
say: "I'm beginning to feel like a rap god, rap god",
time: 26100
say: "All my people from the front to the back nod, back nod",
time: 29500
say: "Now who thinks their arms are long enough to slap box, slap box?",
time: 32600
say: "They said I rap like a robot, so call me rapbot",
time: 35900
say: "But for me to rap like a computer must be in my genes",
time: 38200
say: "I got a laptop in my back pocket",
time: 40700
say: "My pen'll go off when I half-cock it",
time: 42600
say: "Got a fat knot from that rap profit",
time: 44000
say: "Made a living and a killing off it",
time: 45600
say: "Ever since bill Clinton was still in office",
time: 46700
say: "With Monica Lewinsky feeling on his nut-sack",
time: 48200
say: "I'm an MC still as honest",
time: 50400
say: "But as rude and indecent as all hell syllables",
time: 51700
say: "Skill-a-holic (Kill 'em all with)",
time: 53800
say: "This slickety, gibbedy, hibbedy hip hop",
time: 55000
say: "You don't really wanna get",
time: 56050
say: "Into a pissing match with this rappioy brat",
time: 57100
say: "Packing a mac in the back of the AC,",
time: 59000
say: "Backpack rap crap, yep, yackioy-yac",
time: 60050
say: "And at the exact same time I attempt these lyrical",
time: 61800
say: "Acrobat stunts while I'm practicing",
time: 63300
say: "That I'll still be able to break a motherfuckin' table",
time: 65000
say: "Over the back of a couple of faggots",
time: 66100
say: "And crack it in half",
time: 67300
say: "Only realised it was ironic",
time: 68350
say: "I was signed to aftermath after the fact",
time: 69900
say: "How could I not blow? All I do is drop F-bombs",
time: 71800
say: "Feel my wrath of attack",
time: 73850
say: "Rappers are having a rough time period",
time: 74900
say: "Here's a maxipad",
time: 76250
say: "It's actually disastrously bad",
time: 77300
say: "For the wack while",
time: 78800
say: "I'm masterfully constructing this masterpiece as",
time: 79850
say: "I'm beginning to feel like a rap god, rap god",
time: 81700
say: "All my people from the front to the back nod, back nod",
time: 84600
say: "Now who thinks their arms are long enough to slap box, slap box",
time: 87900
say: "Let me show you maintaining",
time: 90800
say: "This shit ain't that hard, that hard",
time: 92000
say: "Everybody want the key and",
time: 94000
say: "The secret to rap immortality like I have got",
time: 95050
say: "Well, to be truthful the blueprint's simply rage",
time: 97400
say: "And youthful exuberance",
time: 98900
say: "Everybody loves to root for a nuisance",
time: 100000
say: "Hit the earth like an asteroid, did nothing but",
time: 101700
say: "Shoot for the moon since (pew)",
time: 103400
say: "MC's get taken to school with this music",
time: 104900
say: "'Cause I use it as a vehicle to bus the rhyme",
time: 106700
say: "Now I lead a new school full of students",
time: 108500
say: "Me? I'm a product of rakim, kaim shabazz, 2 pac",
time: 110000
say: "NWA, cube, hey, doc, ren, yella, eazy",
time: 112300
say: "Thank you, they got slim",
time: 114400
say: "Inspired enough to one day grow up",
time: 116600
say: "Blow up and be in a position",
time: 118000
say: "To meet run DMC, induct them into the",
time: 119400
say: "Motherfuckin' rock n'",
time: 121000
say: "Roll hall of fame",
time: 123000
say: "Even though I walk in the church and",
time: 124050
say: "Burst in a ball of flames",
time: 125100
say: "Only hall of fame",
time: 126150
say: "I be inducted in is the alcohol of fame",
time: 127200
say: "On the wall of shame",
time: 129000
say: "You fags think it's all a game 'til",
time: 130050
say: "I walk a flock of flames, off of planking,",
time: 132000
say: "Tell me what in the fuck are you thinking?",
time: 134800
say: "Little gay looking boy",
time: 123456
say: "So gay I can barely say it",
time: 123456
say: "With a straight face looking boy",
time: 123456
say: "You witnessing a mass occur",
time: 123456
say: "Like you watching",
time: 123456
say: "A church gathering take place looking boy",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
say: "sdjfskdljfl",
time: 123456
let timeout1 = []
let timeout2 = []
let timeout3 = []
let timeout4 = []
let timeout5 = []
let timeout6 = []
let timeout7 = []
let timeout8 = []
let timeout9 = []
function sendSongLyrics(song, audio, timeout) {
let currentLine = 0;
let accumulatedDelay = 0;
function sendMessage() {
if (currentLine < song.length) {
const message = song[currentLine].say;
const delay = song[currentLine].time - accumulatedDelay;
timeout.push(setTimeout(() => {
name: "SendChatMessage",
message: message,
channel: "Local"
accumulatedDelay += delay;
}, delay));
function playAudio(audio) {
function playSong(song, audio, timeouts) {
sendSongLyrics(song, audio, timeouts);
function pauseAndResetAllSongs() {
song1.currentTime = 0;
song2.currentTime = 0;
song3.currentTime = 0;
song4.currentTime = 0;
song5.currentTime = 0;
song6.currentTime = 0;
song7.currentTime = 0;
song8.currentTime = 0;
song9.currentTime = 0;
// Clear timeouts for lyrics
document.getElementById("sellall").addEventListener('click', function() {
Game.currentGame.ui.getComponent("PopupOverlay").showConfirmation("Are you sure you want to delete all towers?", 8000, function() {
for (let i of Object.values(game.ui.buildings)) {
if (Object.values(i)[2] != "GoldStash") {
uniqueSellUid = [...new Set([...uniqueSellUid, ...sellUid])]
sellUid = []
let sellInterval = setInterval(() => {
if (uniqueSellUid.length > 0 && game.ui.playerPartyCanSell) {
name: "DeleteBuilding",
uid: parseInt(uniqueSellUid[Math.floor(Math.random() * uniqueSellUid.length)])
} else {
}, 50);
function hideGround() {
if (document.getElementById("hideground").innerHTML == "Show Ground") {
document.getElementById("hideground").innerHTML = "Hide Ground"
} else {
document.getElementById("hideground").innerHTML = "Show Ground"
function hideNPCs() {
if (document.getElementById("hidenpcs").innerHTML == "Show NPCs") {
document.getElementById("hidenpcs").innerHTML = "Hide NPCs"
} else {
document.getElementById("hidenpcs").innerHTML = "Show NPCs"
function hideEnviroment() {
if (document.getElementById("hideenv").innerHTML == "Show Env") {
document.getElementById("hideenv").innerHTML = "Hide Env"
} else {
document.getElementById("hideenv").innerHTML = "Show Env"
function hideProjectiles() {
if (document.getElementById("hideproj").innerHTML == "Show Proj") {
document.getElementById("hideproj").innerHTML = "Hide Proj"
} else {
document.getElementById("hideproj").innerHTML = "Show Proj"
function hideAll() {
if (document.getElementById("hideall").innerHTML == "Show All") {
document.getElementById("hideall").innerHTML = "Hide All"
} else {
document.getElementById("hideall").innerHTML = "Show All"
function freezeGame() {
if (document.getElementById("freezegame").innerHTML == "Start Game") {
document.getElementById("freezegame").innerHTML = "Stop Game"
} else {
document.getElementById("freezegame").innerHTML = "Start Game"
function showGrid() {
if (document.getElementById("biggrid").innerHTML == "Show Big Grids") {
document.getElementById("biggrid").innerHTML = "Hide Big Grids"
game.renderer.ground.attachments[0].attachments[1].setScale(1200 / 48);
game.renderer.ground.attachments[0].attachments[1].sprite.width /= 1200 / 48;
game.renderer.ground.attachments[0].attachments[1].sprite.height /= 1200 / 48;
} else {
document.getElementById("biggrid").innerHTML = "Show Big Grids"
game.renderer.ground.attachments[0].attachments[1].sprite.width *= 1200 / 48;
game.renderer.ground.attachments[0].attachments[1].sprite.height *= 1200 / 48;
function showGrids() {
if (document.getElementById("smolgrid").innerHTML == "Show Small Grids") {
document.getElementById("smolgrid").innerHTML = "Hide Small Grids"
game.renderer.ground.attachments[0].attachments[1].setScale(200 / 48);
game.renderer.ground.attachments[0].attachments[1].sprite.width /= 200 / 48;
game.renderer.ground.attachments[0].attachments[1].sprite.height /= 200 / 48;
} else {
document.getElementById("smolgrid").innerHTML = "Show Small Grids"
game.renderer.ground.attachments[0].attachments[1].sprite.width *= 200 / 48;
game.renderer.ground.attachments[0].attachments[1].sprite.height *= 200 / 48;
let Auto = {}
function getGoldStash() {
var entities = Game.currentGame.world.entities
for (var uid in entities) {
if (!entities.hasOwnProperty(uid)) continue
var obj = entities[uid]
if (obj.fromTick.model == "GoldStash") {
return obj
function GetGoldStash() {
for (let i in game.ui.buildings) {
if (game.ui.buildings[i].type == "GoldStash") {
return game.ui.buildings[i];
Auto.PlaceBuilding = function(x, y, building, yaw) {
name: "MakeBuilding",
x: x,
y: y,
type: building,
yaw: yaw
function buildcornerfarm() {
var waitForGoldStash = setInterval(function() {
if (document.querySelectorAll("[data-building]")[10].classList[1] == "is-disabled") {
var stash = getGoldStash();
if (stash == undefined) return
var stashPosition = {
x: stash.fromTick.position.x,
y: stash.fromTick.position.y
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 0, stashPosition.y + 0, 'GoldStash', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 0, stashPosition.y + 96, 'ArrowTower', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 96, stashPosition.y + 0, 'ArrowTower', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 0, stashPosition.y + 192, 'CannonTower', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 192, stashPosition.y + 0, 'CannonTower', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 192, stashPosition.y + 288, 'CannonTower', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 0, stashPosition.y + 288, 'MagicTower', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 96, stashPosition.y + 336, 'MagicTower', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 192, stashPosition.y + 384, 'MagicTower', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 240, stashPosition.y + 96, 'CannonTower', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 288, stashPosition.y + 192, 'CannonTower', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 168, stashPosition.y + 72, 'SlowTrap', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 168, stashPosition.y + 120, 'SlowTrap', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 288, stashPosition.y + 0, 'MagicTower', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 336, stashPosition.y + 96, 'MagicTower', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 384, stashPosition.y + 192, 'MagicTower', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 264, stashPosition.y + 264, 'Door', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 312, stashPosition.y + 264, 'Door', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 360, stashPosition.y + 264, 'Door', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 264, stashPosition.y + 312, 'Door', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 312, stashPosition.y + 312, 'Door', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 264, stashPosition.y + 360, 'Door', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 0, stashPosition.y + 384, 'GoldMine', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 96, stashPosition.y + 432, 'GoldMine', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 192, stashPosition.y + 480, 'GoldMine', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 384, stashPosition.y + 0, 'GoldMine', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 432, stashPosition.y + 96, 'GoldMine', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 480, stashPosition.y + 192, 'GoldMine', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 288, stashPosition.y + 432, 'GoldMine', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 432, stashPosition.y + 288, 'GoldMine', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 96, stashPosition.y + 240, 'CannonTower', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 72, stashPosition.y + 168, 'SlowTrap', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 120, stashPosition.y + 168, 'SlowTrap', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 192, stashPosition.y + 192, 'BombTower', 180);
Auto.PlaceBuilding(stashPosition.x + 96, stashPosition.y + 96, 'ArrowTower', 180);
}, 150)
game.network.addRpcHandler("LocalBuilding", (data) => {
for (let e of data) {
if (!!e.dead) {
for (let i of uniqueSellUid) {
if (e.uid == i) {
uniqueSellUid.splice(uniqueSellUid.indexOf(i, 0), 1);
let sellUid = [];
let uniqueSellUid = [];
function toggleSellingWalls() {
if (!isSellingWalls) {
isSellingWalls = true;
document.getElementById("sellwall").innerHTML = "Stop Selling Walls";
} else {
isSellingWalls = false;
document.getElementById("sellwall").innerHTML = "Start Selling Walls";
function toggleSellingDoors() {
if (!isSellingDoors) {
isSellingDoors = true;
document.getElementById("selldoor").innerHTML = "Stop Selling Doors";
} else {
isSellingDoors = false;
document.getElementById("selldoor").innerHTML = "Start Selling Doors";
function toggleSellingTraps() {
if (!isSellingTraps) {
isSellingTraps = true;
document.getElementById("selltrap").innerHTML = "Stop Selling Traps";
} else {
isSellingTraps = false;
document.getElementById("selltrap").innerHTML = "Start Selling Traps";
function toggleSellingHarvs() {
if (!isSellingHarvs) {
isSellingHarvs = true;
document.getElementById("sellharvester").innerHTML = "Stop Selling Harvesters";
} else {
isSellingHarvs = false;
document.getElementById("sellharvester").innerHTML = "Start Selling Harvesters";
function toggleSellingArrows() {
if (!isSellingArrows) {
isSellingArrows = true;
document.getElementById("sellarrow").innerHTML = "Stop Selling Arrows";
} else {
isSellingArrows = false;
document.getElementById("sellarrow").innerHTML = "Start Selling Arrows";
function toggleSellingCannons() {
if (!isSellingCannons) {
isSellingCannons = true;
document.getElementById("sellcannon").innerHTML = "Stop Selling Cannon";
} else {
isSellingCannons = false;
document.getElementById("sellcannon").innerHTML = "Start Selling Cannon";
function toggleSellingMages() {
if (!isSellingMages) {
isSellingMages = true;
document.getElementById("sellmagic").innerHTML = "Stop Selling Mages";
} else {
isSellingMages = false;
document.getElementById("sellmagic").innerHTML = "Start Selling Mages";
function toggleSellingMelees() {
if (!isSellingMelees) {
isSellingMelees = true;
document.getElementById("sellmelee").innerHTML = "Stop Selling Melees";
} else {
isSellingMelees = false;
document.getElementById("sellmelee").innerHTML = "Start Selling Melees";
function toggleSellingBombs() {
if (!isSellingBombs) {
isSellingBombs = true;
document.getElementById("sellbomb").innerHTML = "Stop Selling Bombs";
} else {
isSellingBombs = false;
document.getElementById("sellbomb").innerHTML = "Start Selling Bombs";
function toggleSellingMines() {
if (!isSellingMines) {
isSellingMines = true;
document.getElementById("sellminer").innerHTML = "Stop Selling Gold Mines";
} else {
isSellingMines = false;
document.getElementById("sellminer").innerHTML = "Start Selling Gold Mines";
let shouldAutoRespawn = true
game.network.addRpcHandler("Dead", () => {
if (shouldAutoRespawn) {
game.network.sendPacket(3, {
respawn: 1
document.getElementById('hud-respawn').style.display = "none"
function giveSell() {
if (!autogivesell) {
autogivesell = true;
document.getElementById("autosell").innerHTML = "Auto Give Sell On";
} else {
autogivesell = false;
document.getElementById("autosell").innerHTML = "Auto Give Sell Off";
let autogivesell = false;
function hideChat() {
if (document.getElementsByClassName("hud-top-left")[0].style.display === "none" && document.getElementById("hidechat").innerHTML == "Show Chat") {
document.getElementsByClassName("hud-top-left")[0].style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("hidechat").innerHTML = "Hide Chat";
} else {
document.getElementsByClassName("hud-top-left")[0].style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("hidechat").innerHTML = "Show Chat";
function hidePopupOverlay() {
if (document.getElementById("hud-popup-overlay").style.display === "none" && document.getElementById("hidepop").innerHTML == "Show Popup") {
document.getElementById("hud-popup-overlay").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("hidepop").innerHTML = "Hide Popup";
} else {
document.getElementById("hud-popup-overlay").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("hidepop").innerHTML = "Show Popup";
function hideLeaderboard() {
if (document.getElementById("hud-leaderboard").style.display === "none" && document.getElementById("hideldb").innerHTML == "Show Leaderboard") {
document.getElementById("hud-leaderboard").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("hideldb").innerHTML = "Hide Leaderboard";
} else {
document.getElementById("hud-leaderboard").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("hideldb").innerHTML = "Show Leaderboard";
function hideMap() {
if (document.getElementsByClassName("hud-bottom-left")[0].style.display === "none" && document.getElementById("hidemap").innerHTML == "Show Map") {
document.getElementsByClassName("hud-bottom-left")[0].style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("hidemap").innerHTML = "Hide Map";
} else {
document.getElementsByClassName("hud-bottom-left")[0].style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("hidemap").innerHTML = "Show Map";
function hidePIP() {
if (document.getElementsByClassName("hud-pip-overlay")[0].style.display === "block" || document.getElementsByClassName("hud-pip-overlay")[0].style.display === "") {
document.getElementsByClassName("hud-pip-overlay")[0].style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("hidepip").innerHTML = "Show PIP";
} else {
document.getElementsByClassName("hud-pip-overlay")[0].style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("hidepip").innerHTML = "Hide PIP";
function toggleday() {
let hno = document.getElementsByClassName("hud-day-night-overlay")[0];
if (hno.style.display === "block" || hno.style.display === "") {
document.getElementById("daybright").innerHTML = "Disable Always Day";
hno.style.display = "none";
} else {
document.getElementById("daybright").innerHTML = "Enable Always Day";
hno.style.display = "block";
function calculateDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow((x2 - x1), 2) + Math.pow((y2 - y1), 2));
const borders = [new PIXI.Graphics(), new PIXI.Graphics(), new PIXI.Graphics(), new PIXI.Graphics(), new PIXI.Graphics()];
const colors = [0xFFFFFF, 0xFF0000, 0xFFFF00, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF];
const sizes = [48, 864, 1680, 2544, 5040];
// Calculate the circle's radius to touch the corners of the rectangle
const circleRadius = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(864, 2) + Math.pow(864, 2)) + 48 + 24;
// Create a circle with the calculated radius
const circle = new PIXI.Graphics();
circle.lineStyle(3, 0xFF00FF); // You can set the color as desired
circle.drawCircle(0, 0, circleRadius);
circle.visible = false; // Initially set the circle to be invisible
// Create two rectangles for the plus sign with a thickness of 3
const plusRectangles = [new PIXI.Graphics(), new PIXI.Graphics()];
const plusSize = 6969; // Size of the plus sign rectangles
// Set the line style for the plus rectangles
plusRectangles[0].lineStyle(3, 0x00FF00); // Set the color and thickness for the lines
plusRectangles[0].moveTo(-plusSize / 2, -3); // Adjust the position to center the line
plusRectangles[0].lineTo(plusSize / 2, -3); // Adjust the position to center the line
plusRectangles[0].moveTo(0, -plusSize / 2); // Adjust the position to center the line
plusRectangles[0].lineTo(0, plusSize / 2); // Adjust the position to center the line
plusRectangles[0].visible = false; // Initially set the plus sign rectangles to be invisible
plusRectangles[1].lineStyle(3, 0x00FF00); // Set the color and thickness for the lines
plusRectangles[1].moveTo(-3, -sizes[1] / 2); // Adjust the position to center the line
plusRectangles[1].lineTo(3, -sizes[1] / 2); // Adjust the position to center the line
plusRectangles[1].moveTo(-3, sizes[1] / 2); // Adjust the position to center the line
plusRectangles[1].lineTo(3, sizes[1] / 2); // Adjust the position to center the line
plusRectangles[1].visible = false; // Initially set the plus sign rectangles to be invisible
borders.forEach((item, i) => {
item.lineStyle(3, colors[i]);
item.drawRect(-sizes[i], -sizes[i], 2 * sizes[i], 2 * sizes[i]);
item.visible = false; // Initially set rectangles to be invisible
const rangeIndicators = {};
const tracers = {};
let angles = [335, 200, 320, 225];
let xys = [];
angles.forEach((item, i) => {
angles[i] = item * Math.PI / 180;
xys[0] = Math.cos(angles[0]) * 100;
xys[1] = Math.sin(angles[0]) * 100;
xys[2] = Math.cos(angles[2]) * 100;
xys[3] = Math.sin(angles[2]) * 100;
const playerIsInRange = (p1, p2) => {
const deltaX = ~~(p2.x / 200) - ~~(p1.x / 200);
const deltaY = ~~(p2.y / 200) - (~~((p1.y + 100) / 200) - 0.5);
return -6 <= deltaX && -4.5 <= deltaY && deltaX <= 6 && deltaY <= 4.5;
game.network.sendPacket2 = game.network.sendPacket;
game.network.sendPacket = (opcode, input) => {
if (opcode == 3) {
if (input.mouseMoved || input.mouseMovedWhileDown) {
rangeIndicators[game.world.myUid].rotation = (input.mouseMoved || input.mouseMovedWhileDown) * Math.PI / 180;
game.network.sendPacket2(opcode, input);
const update = () => {
const myPlayerEntity = game.world.entities[game.world.myUid];
if (myPlayerEntity) {
for (const i in tracers) {
if (!game.world.entities[i]) {
delete tracers[i];
for (const i in rangeIndicators) {
if (!game.world.entities[i]) {
delete rangeIndicators[i];
game.world.renderer.npcs.attachments.forEach(entity => {
if (entity.entityClass == "PlayerEntity") {
if (!rangeIndicators[entity.uid]) {
rangeIndicators[entity.uid] = new PIXI.Graphics();
if (!tracers[entity.uid]) {
tracers[entity.uid] = new PIXI.Graphics();
const p = entity.node.position;
rangeIndicators[entity.uid].position = p;
if (entity.uid != game.world.myUid) rangeIndicators[entity.uid].rotation = entity.targetTick.aimingYaw * Math.PI / 180;
const color = (entity.uid == game.world.myUid) ? 0xFFD700 : (entity.targetTick.partyId == game.ui.playerPartyId) ? 0x0000FF : 0xFFFFFF;
if (renderTracer && entity.targetTick.dead == 0) {
if (entity.targetTick.partyId == game.ui.playerPartyId || playerIsInRange(myPlayerEntity.targetTick.position, entity.targetTick.position)) {
const p1 = myPlayerEntity.node.position;
const p2 = entity.node.position;
tracers[entity.uid].lineStyle(3, (entity.targetTick.partyId == game.ui.playerPartyId) ? 0x0000FF : 0xFFFFFF);
tracers[entity.uid].moveTo(p1.x, p1.y);
tracers[entity.uid].lineTo(p2.x, p2.y);
if (renderRange && entity.targetTick.dead == 0) {
if (entity.targetTick.partyId == game.ui.playerPartyId || playerIsInRange(myPlayerEntity.targetTick.position, entity.targetTick.position)) {
switch (entity.targetTick.weaponName) {
case 'Pickaxe':
rangeIndicators[entity.uid].beginFill(color, 0.3);
rangeIndicators[entity.uid].moveTo(0, 0).lineTo(xys[0], xys[1]);
rangeIndicators[entity.uid].arc(0, 0, 100, angles[0], angles[1], true);
case 'Spear':
rangeIndicators[entity.uid].beginFill(color, 0.3);
rangeIndicators[entity.uid].moveTo(0, 0).lineTo(xys[2], xys[3]);
rangeIndicators[entity.uid].arc(0, 0, 100, angles[2], angles[3], true);
case 'Bow':
rangeIndicators[entity.uid].lineStyle(7, color, 0.3); // Set initial alpha value
rangeIndicators[entity.uid].moveTo(0, 0);
rangeIndicators[entity.uid].lineTo(0, -550);
rangeIndicators[entity.uid].lineStyle(); // Reset lineStyle
rangeIndicators[entity.uid].beginFill(color, 0.3); // Set initial alpha value
case 'Bomb':
rangeIndicators[entity.uid].lineStyle(7, color, 0.3); // Set initial alpha value
rangeIndicators[entity.uid].moveTo(0, 0);
rangeIndicators[entity.uid].lineTo(0, -280);
rangeIndicators[entity.uid].lineStyle(); // Reset lineStyle
rangeIndicators[entity.uid].beginFill(color, 0.3); // Set initial alpha value
function showborder() {
if (!renderborder) {
renderborder = true;
document.getElementById("border").innerHTML = "Hide Border";
} else {
renderborder = false;
document.getElementById("border").innerHTML = "Show Border";
function showRange() {
if (!renderRange) {
renderRange = true
document.getElementById("range").innerHTML = "Hide Range"
} else {
renderRange = false
document.getElementById("range").innerHTML = "Show Range"
function showTracer() {
if (!renderTracer) {
renderTracer = true
document.getElementById("tracer").innerHTML = "Hide Tracer"
} else {
renderTracer = false
document.getElementById("tracer").innerHTML = "Show Tracer"
function lagSpambtn() {
if (document.getElementById("lagspam-btn").innerHTML == "Lag Spam On") {
document.getElementById("lagspam-btn").innerHTML = "Lag Spam Off";
} else {
document.getElementById("lagspam-btn").innerHTML = "Lag Spam On";
let availableCharacters = ""
let textLength = 70;
.then(response => response.text())
.then(data => {
availableCharacters = data;
var chatSpam = null;
function lagSpam() {
if (chatSpam !== null) {
chatSpam = null;
} else {
chatSpam = setInterval(function() {
let text = ""
for (let i = 0; i < textLength; i++) text += availableCharacters[Math.floor(Math.random() * availableCharacters.length)];
name: "SendChatMessage",
channel: "Local",
message: text
}, 1050);
function togglerev4() {
if (!shouldrev4) {
shouldrev4 = true
document.getElementById("rev4").innerHTML = "Disable Rev Player Trick"
} else {
shouldrev4 = false
document.getElementById("rev4").innerHTML = "Enable Rev Player Trick"
let shouldrev4 = false;
let hasLeftParty = false; // Flag to track if we have already left the party.
let hasJoinedParty = false; // Flag to track if we have already joined the party.
game.network.addRpcHandler("DayCycle", (e) => {
let shareKey = {}
if (e.isDay && shouldrev4 && !hasLeftParty) {
// Daytime: Wait 50 seconds, then leave the party once.
setTimeout(() => {
shareKey = game.ui.playerPartyShareKey
}, 50000);
setTimeout(() => {
name: "LeaveParty"
hasLeftParty = true;
}, 55000)
if (!e.isDay && shouldrev4 && !hasJoinedParty) {
// Nighttime: Wait 10 seconds, then join the party once.
setTimeout(() => {
if (shareKey) {
name: "JoinPartyByShareKey",
partyShareKey: shareKey
hasJoinedParty = true; // Set the flag to true to indicate that we've joined the party.
}, 10000);
// Reset the flags at the beginning of each day/night cycle.
if (!e.isDay) {
hasLeftParty = false;
} else {
hasJoinedParty = false;
if (!aitoEnabled) return;
// Check if there are already 4 players in the party
if (game.ui.playerPartyMembers.length >= 4) {
if (!e.isDay) {
// It's night
if (canPerformNightActions) {
// Find the first WebSocket that has not joined in the last 4 minutes
const selectedWebSocketId = findNextWebSocketId();
if (selectedWebSocketId) {
selectedWebSocket = webSockets[selectedWebSocketId];
// Join the party and mark the WebSocket as joined
name: "JoinPartyByShareKey",
partyShareKey: shareKey
selectedWebSocket.hasJoinedParty = true;
// Set up a periodic check for the WebSocket's gold
goldCheckInterval = setInterval(() => {
if (selectedWebSocket.playerTick.gold >= 10000) {
// Buy Pause
name: "BuyItem",
itemName: "Pause",
tier: 1
// Leave the party
selectedWebSocket.network.sendPacket(9, { name: "LeaveParty" });
// Clear the gold check interval
// Set the flag to prevent further night actions until the day is over
canPerformNightActions = false;
// Set a timeout to reset the flag after 30 seconds
setTimeout(() => {
canPerformNightActions = true;
}, 30000);
}, 2000);
} else {
// It's daytime, clear the gold-checking interval and leave the party after 55 seconds
setTimeout(() => {
if (selectedWebSocket) {
selectedWebSocket.network.sendPacket(9, { name: "LeaveParty" });
}, 55000);
function spamAllParty() {
if (document.getElementById("spamallparty-btn").innerHTML == "Spam All Party On") {
document.getElementById("spamallparty-btn").innerHTML = "Spam All Party Off";
shouldSpamAllParty = false
} else {
document.getElementById("spamallparty-btn").innerHTML = "Spam All Party On";
shouldSpamAllParty = true
function autoAcceptPartybtn() {
if (document.getElementById("autoaccept-btn").innerHTML == "Accepter On") {
document.getElementById("autoaccept-btn").innerHTML = "Accepter Off";
} else {
document.getElementById("autoaccept-btn").innerHTML = "Accepter On";
var acceptparty = null;
function autoAcceptParty() {
if (acceptparty !== null) {
acceptparty = null;
} else {
acceptparty = setInterval(function() {
var confirm = document.getElementsByClassName("btn btn-green hud-confirmation-accept");
for (var j = 0; j < confirm.length; j++) {
}, 100);
function autoUpgradeAllbtn() {
if (document.getElementById("autoupgradeall-btn").innerHTML == "Upgrade On") {
document.getElementById("autoupgradeall-btn").innerHTML = "Upgrade Off";
} else {
document.getElementById("autoupgradeall-btn").innerHTML = "Upgrade On";
function autouparrowbtn() {
if (document.getElementById("uparrow").innerHTML == "Up Arrows On") {
document.getElementById("uparrow").innerHTML = "Up Arrows Off";
} else {
document.getElementById("uparrow").innerHTML = "Up Arrows On";
function autoupstashbtn() {
if (document.getElementById("upstash").innerHTML == "Up Stash On") {
document.getElementById("upstash").innerHTML = "Up Stash Off";
} else {
document.getElementById("upstash").innerHTML = "Up Stash On";
function autoupmagebtn() {
if (document.getElementById("upmage").innerHTML == "Up Mages On") {
document.getElementById("upmage").innerHTML = "Up Mages Off";
} else {
document.getElementById("upmage").innerHTML = "Up Mages On";
function autoupminesbtn() {
if (document.getElementById("upmines").innerHTML == "Up Mines On") {
document.getElementById("upmines").innerHTML = "Up Mines Off";
} else {
document.getElementById("upmines").innerHTML = "Up Mines On";
function autoupwallbtn() {
if (document.getElementById("upwall").innerHTML == "Up Walls On") {
document.getElementById("upwall").innerHTML = "Up Walls Off";
} else {
document.getElementById("upwall").innerHTML = "Up Walls On";
function autoupdoorbtn() {
if (document.getElementById("updoor").innerHTML == "Up Doors On") {
document.getElementById("updoor").innerHTML = "Up Doors Off";
} else {
document.getElementById("updoor").innerHTML = "Up Doors On";
function autouptrapbtn() {
if (document.getElementById("uptrap").innerHTML == "Up Slow Traps On") {
document.getElementById("uptrap").innerHTML = "Up Slow Traps Off";
} else {
document.getElementById("uptrap").innerHTML = "Up Slow Traps On";
function autoupmeleebtn() {
if (document.getElementById("upmelee").innerHTML == "Up Melees On") {
document.getElementById("upmelee").innerHTML = "Up Melees Off";
} else {
document.getElementById("upmelee").innerHTML = "Up Melees On";
function autoupbombbtn() {
if (document.getElementById("upbomb").innerHTML == "Up Bombs On") {
document.getElementById("upbomb").innerHTML = "Up Bombs Off";
} else {
document.getElementById("upbomb").innerHTML = "Up Bombs On";
function autoupharvesterbtn() {
if (document.getElementById("upharvester").innerHTML == "Up Harvesters On") {
document.getElementById("upharvester").innerHTML = "Up Harvesters Off";
} else {
document.getElementById("upharvester").innerHTML = "Up Harvesters On";
function autoupcannonbtn() {
if (document.getElementById("upcannon").innerHTML == "Up Cannons On") {
document.getElementById("upcannon").innerHTML = "Up Cannons Off";
} else {
document.getElementById("upcannon").innerHTML = "Up Cannons On";
var autoupgradeall = null;
function autoUpgradeAll() {
if (autoupgradeall !== null) {
autoupgradeall = null;
} else {
autoupgradeall = setInterval(function() {
var entities = Game.currentGame.world.entities;
for (var uid in entities) {
if (!entities.hasOwnProperty(uid)) continue;
var obj = entities[uid];
name: "UpgradeBuilding",
uid: obj.fromTick.uid
}, 750)
var autoUpgradeArrowTowers = null;
function autouparrow() {
if (autoUpgradeArrowTowers !== null) {
autoUpgradeArrowTowers = null;
} else {
autoUpgradeArrowTowers = setInterval(function() {
for (let uid in game.ui.buildings) {
if (game.ui.buildings[uid].type == "ArrowTower") {
name: "UpgradeBuilding",
uid: game.ui.buildings[uid].uid
}, 750);
var autoUpgradeStash = null;
function autoupstash() {
if (autoUpgradeStash !== null) {
autoUpgradeStash = null;
} else {
autoUpgradeStash = setInterval(function() {
for (let uid in game.ui.buildings) {
if (game.ui.buildings[uid].type == "GoldStash") {
name: "UpgradeBuilding",
uid: game.ui.buildings[uid].uid
}, 750);
var autoUpgradeMage = null;
function autoupmage() {
if (autoUpgradeMage !== null) {
autoUpgradeMage = null;
} else {
autoUpgradeMage = setInterval(function() {
for (let uid in game.ui.buildings) {
if (game.ui.buildings[uid].type == "MagicTower") {
name: "UpgradeBuilding",
uid: game.ui.buildings[uid].uid
}, 700);
var autoUpgradeMines = null;
function autoupmines() {
if (autoUpgradeMines !== null) {
autoUpgradeMines = null;
} else {
autoUpgradeMines = setInterval(function() {
for (let uid in game.ui.buildings) {
if (game.ui.buildings[uid].type == "GoldMine") {
name: "UpgradeBuilding",
uid: game.ui.buildings[uid].uid
}, 600);
var autoUpgradeWalls = null;
function autoupwall() {
if (autoUpgradeWalls !== null) {
autoUpgradeWalls = null;
} else {
autoUpgradeWalls = setInterval(function() {
for (let uid in game.ui.buildings) {
if (game.ui.buildings[uid].type == "Wall") {
name: "UpgradeBuilding",
uid: game.ui.buildings[uid].uid
}, 750);
var autoUpgradeDoors = null;
function autoupdoor() {
if (autoUpgradeDoors !== null) {
autoUpgradeDoors = null;
} else {
autoUpgradeDoors = setInterval(function() {
for (let uid in game.ui.buildings) {
if (game.ui.buildings[uid].type == "Door") {
name: "UpgradeBuilding",
uid: game.ui.buildings[uid].uid
}, 750);
var autoUpgradeTraps = null;
function autouptrap() {
if (autoUpgradeTraps !== null) {
autoUpgradeTraps = null;
} else {
autoUpgradeTraps = setInterval(function() {
for (let uid in game.ui.buildings) {
if (game.ui.buildings[uid].type == "SlowTrap") {
name: "UpgradeBuilding",
uid: game.ui.buildings[uid].uid
}, 750);
var autoUpgradeCannon = null;
function autoupcannon() {
if (autoUpgradeCannon !== null) {
autoUpgradeCannon = null;
} else {
autoUpgradeCannon = setInterval(function() {
for (let uid in game.ui.buildings) {
if (game.ui.buildings[uid].type == "CannonTower") {
name: "UpgradeBuilding",
uid: game.ui.buildings[uid].uid
}, 750);
var autoUpgradeMelee = null;
function autoupmelee() {
if (autoUpgradeMelee !== null) {
autoUpgradeMelee = null;
} else {
autoUpgradeMelee = setInterval(function() {
for (let uid in game.ui.buildings) {
if (game.ui.buildings[uid].type == "MeleeTower") {
name: "UpgradeBuilding",
uid: game.ui.buildings[uid].uid
}, 750);
var autoUpgradeBomb = null;
function autoupbomb() {
if (autoUpgradeBomb !== null) {
autoUpgradeBomb = null;
} else {
autoUpgradeBomb = setInterval(function() {
for (let uid in game.ui.buildings) {
if (game.ui.buildings[uid].type == "BombTower") {
name: "UpgradeBuilding",
uid: game.ui.buildings[uid].uid
}, 750);
var autoUpgradeHarvester = null;
function autoupharvester() {
if (autoUpgradeHarvester !== null) {
autoUpgradeHarvester = null;
} else {
autoUpgradeHarvester = setInterval(function() {
for (let uid in game.ui.buildings) {
if (game.ui.buildings[uid].type == "Harvester") {
name: "UpgradeBuilding",
uid: game.ui.buildings[uid].uid
}, 750);
function spamPartyByID() {
if (document.getElementById("spampartybyid-btn").innerHTML == "Spam Party By ID On") {
shouldSpamIdParty = false
document.getElementById("spampartybyid-btn").innerHTML = "Spam Party By ID Off";
} else {
shouldSpamIdParty = true
document.getElementById("spampartybyid-btn").innerHTML = "Spam Party By ID On";
function clearChatbtn() {
if (document.getElementById("clearchat-btn").innerHTML == "Clear Chat On") {
document.getElementById("clearchat-btn").innerHTML = "Clear Chat Off";
shouldClearChat = false
} else {
document.getElementById("clearchat-btn").innerHTML = "Clear Chat On";
shouldClearChat = true
function spinnerbtn() {
if (document.getElementById("togglespinner").innerHTML == "Spinner On") {
document.getElementById("togglespinner").innerHTML = "Spinner Off";
shouldSpin = false
yaw = game.ui.playerTick.aimingYaw
} else {
document.getElementById("togglespinner").innerHTML = "Spinner On";
shouldSpin = true
yaw = game.ui.playerTick.aimingYaw
function toggleRebuild() {
window.rebuilderOn = !window.rebuilderOn;
document.getElementById("togglerb").innerText = window.rebuilderOn ? "Rebuild On" : "Rebuild Off";
window.rebuilderOn ? (() => {
game.ui.components.PopupOverlay.showHint2 = game.ui.components.PopupOverlay.showHint;
game.ui.components.PopupOverlay.showHint = (popup, ms) => {
if ((popup == "You can't place buildings that far away from your position.") || (popup == "You can't place buildings in occupied cells.")) return;
game.ui.components.PopupOverlay.showHint2(popup, ms);
})() : (() => {
if (game.ui.components.PopupOverlay.showHint2) {
game.ui.components.PopupOverlay.showHint = game.ui.components.PopupOverlay.showHint2;
function toggleHealthUp() {
if (!shouldhealthup) {
shouldhealthup = true
document.getElementById("togglehealthup").innerHTML = "Low Health Upgrade On"
} else {
shouldhealthup = false
document.getElementById("togglehealthup").innerHTML = "Low Health Upgrade Off"
function toggleHealSpell() {
if (!shouldhealtowers) {
shouldhealtowers = true
document.getElementById("towerheal").innerHTML = "Heal Towers On"
} else {
shouldhealtowers = false
document.getElementById("towerheal").innerHTML = "Heal Towers Off"
function autoleave() {
if (!stash10leave) {
stash10leave = true
document.getElementById("stashleave").innerHTML = "Auto Leave On"
game.ui.getComponent("PopupOverlay").showHint('Auto Leave Party When Stash Health Falls Below 10% Enabled', 3000)
} else {
stash10leave = false
document.getElementById("stashleave").innerHTML = "Auto Leave Off"
function togglefriend() {
if (!friendcontrol) {
friendcontrol = true
document.getElementById("allowfriend").innerHTML = "Disallow Friend Control"
} else {
friendcontrol = false
document.getElementById("allowfriend").innerHTML = "Allow Friend Control"
function abpk() {
if (!shouldabpk) {
shouldabpk = true;
document.getElementById("toggleabpk").innerHTML = "Disable Auto Buy Pickaxe";
} else {
shouldabpk = false;
document.getElementById("toggleabpk").innerHTML = "Enable Auto Buy Pickaxe";
function absp() {
if (!shouldabsp) {
shouldabsp = true;
document.getElementById("toggleabsp").innerHTML = "Disable Auto Buy Spear";
} else {
shouldabsp = false;
document.getElementById("toggleabsp").innerHTML = "Enable Auto Buy Spear";
function abbw() {
if (!shouldabbw) {
shouldabbw = true;
document.getElementById("toggleabbw").innerHTML = "Disable Auto Buy Bow";
} else {
shouldabbw = false;
document.getElementById("toggleabbw").innerHTML = "Enable Auto Buy Bow";
function abbm() {
if (!shouldabbm) {
shouldabbm = true;
document.getElementById("toggleabbm").innerHTML = "Disable Auto Buy Bomb";
} else {
shouldabbm = false;
document.getElementById("toggleabbm").innerHTML = "Enable Auto Buy Bomb";
function absh() {
if (!shouldabsh) {
shouldabsh = true;
document.getElementById("toggleabsh").innerHTML = "Disable Auto Buy Sheild";
} else {
shouldabsh = false;
document.getElementById("toggleabsh").innerHTML = "Enable Auto Buy Sheild";
let shouldabpk = false
let shouldabsp = false
let shouldabbw = false
let shouldabbm = false
let shouldabsh = false
function toggleSwing() {
if (!autoSwing) {
autoSwing = true;
document.getElementById("toggleswing").innerHTML = "Swing On";
} else {
autoSwing = false;
document.getElementById("toggleswing").innerHTML = "Swing Off";
function FIGHT() {
if (!fighting) {
fighting = true
document.getElementById("battle").innerHTML = "Disable Fighting Mode";
} else {
fighting = false
document.getElementById("battle").innerHTML = "Enable Fighting Mode";
bowAttacked = true;
bombAttacked = true;
spearAttacked = true;
function trapon() {
if (!trappingEnabled) {
trappingEnabled = true
document.getElementById("trap").innerHTML = "Disable Auto Trapper";
} else {
trappingEnabled = false
document.getElementById("trap").innerHTML = "Enable Auto Trapper";
function afkswitches() {
if (!switching) {
switching = true
document.getElementById("switch").innerHTML = "Disable Afk Switch";
} else {
switching = false
document.getElementById("switch").innerHTML = "Enable Afk Switch";
function togglemove() {
if (!moving) {
moving = true
document.getElementById("move").innerHTML = "Disable Player Follower";
} else {
moving = false
document.getElementById("move").innerHTML = "Enable Player Follower";
left: 0,
right: 0,
up: 0,
down: 0
function togglebowfollow() {
if (!shouldBowFollow) {
shouldBowFollow = true
document.getElementById("bowfollow").innerHTML = "Disable Bow Follow"
} else {
shouldBowFollow = false
document.getElementById("bowfollow").innerHTML = "Enable Bow Follow"
left: 0,
right: 0,
up: 0,
down: 0
function toggleCombatZoom() {
if(!shouldCombatZoom) {
shouldCombatZoom = true
document.getElementById("zoom").innerHTML = "Disable Combat Zoom"
} else {
shouldCombatZoom = false
document.getElementById("zoom").innerHTML = "Enable Combat Zoom"
// Variable to keep track of whether you are in fighting mode
let fighting = false;
// Variable to store the last time each weapon was equipped
const lastEquipTimes = {
Bow: 0,
Bomb: 0,
Spear: 0
// Variables to control the cooldown after equipping each weapon
const cooldowns = {
Bow: 500,
Bomb: 500,
Spear: 250
// Variables to control whether each weapon is available for equipping
let bowAttacked = true;
let bombAttacked = true;
let spearAttacked = true;
// Wrapper function for shopShortcut to include wait times
function enhancedShopShortcut(item, tier) {
const currentTime = Date.now();
// Check the item and apply the appropriate wait time when in fighting mode
switch (item) {
case "Bow":
if (fighting) {
if (bombAttacked || spearAttacked) {
bombAttacked = false;
spearAttacked = false;
// Set a timeout to turn bowAttacked to true after the cooldown period
setTimeout(() => {
bowAttacked = true;
}, cooldowns.Bow);
shopShortcut(item, tier);
lastEquipTimes.Bow = currentTime;
case "Bomb":
if (fighting) {
if (bowAttacked || spearAttacked) {
bowAttacked = false;
spearAttacked = false;
// Set a timeout to turn bombAttacked to true after the cooldown period
setTimeout(() => {
bombAttacked = true;
}, cooldowns.Bomb);
shopShortcut(item, tier);
lastEquipTimes.Bomb = currentTime;
case "Spear":
if (fighting) {
if (bowAttacked || bombAttacked) {
bowAttacked = false;
bombAttacked = false;
// Set a timeout to turn spearAttacked to true after the cooldown period
setTimeout(() => {
spearAttacked = true;
}, cooldowns.Spear);
shopShortcut(item, tier);
lastEquipTimes.Spear = currentTime;
shopShortcut(item, tier);
let lastRandomGenerationTime = 0
// Function to equip bomb with a 40% chance
function equipBombWithChance(currentTime) {
// Check if at least one second has passed since the last random number generation
if (currentTime - lastRandomGenerationTime >= 1000) {
// Generate a random number between 0 and 1
const randomChance = Math.random();
// 40% chance of equipping a bomb
if (randomChance <= 0.4) {
enhancedShopShortcut("Bomb", game.ui.inventory.Bomb.tier);
lastRandomGenerationTime = currentTime;
} else {
enhancedShopShortcut("Bow", game.ui.inventory.Bow.tier);
lastRandomGenerationTime = currentTime;
// Function to perform actions based on distance
function performActions(distance) {
const currentTime = Date.now();
if (distance > 100 && distance <= 150) {
// If the distance is between 100 and 150, equip bomb with a 40% chance
} else if (distance > 150 && distance < Infinity) {
// If the distance is greater than 150, perform this action
enhancedShopShortcut("Bow", game.ui.inventory.Bow.tier);
} else if (distance <= 100) {
// If the distance is less than or equal to 100, perform this action
enhancedShopShortcut("Spear", game.ui.inventory.Spear.tier);
// Function to find the closest enemy player and calculate the distance
function findClosestEnemyPlayerDistance() {
if (fighting) {
// Get your player's party ID
const myPartyId = game.ui.playerPartyId;
// Get your player's position
const myX = game.ui.playerTick.position.x;
const myY = game.ui.playerTick.position.y;
// Initialize variables to keep track of the closest enemy player and distance
let closestEnemyPlayer = null;
let closestDistance = Infinity;
// Iterate through all players
for (let i in game.renderer.npcs.attachments) {
if (game.renderer.npcs.attachments[i].fromTick.name) {
const player = game.renderer.npcs.attachments[i];
const playerX = player.targetTick.position.x;
const playerY = player.targetTick.position.y;
const playerPartyId = player.targetTick.partyId;
// Check if this player is not in your party
if (playerPartyId !== myPartyId && player.targetTick.health > 0) {
// Calculate the distance between your player and this player
const distance = calculateDistance(myX, myY, playerX, playerY);
// Check if this player is closer than the current closest enemy player and the distance is greater than 20
if (distance < closestDistance && distance > 20) {
closestEnemyPlayer = player;
closestDistance = distance;
// Check if there are any enemy players in range before performing actions
if (closestEnemyPlayer !== null) {
// Now, closestEnemyPlayer contains the closest enemy player, and closestDistance contains the distance
// Perform actions based on the distance
let trappingEnabled = false;
// Function to round a number to the nearest multiple of a given factor and adjust by 24
function roundToNearest48Adjusted(number) {
const rounded = Math.round(number / 48) * 48;
return rounded + (number > rounded ? 24 : -24);
// Function to place 7x7 walls around a given position
function place7x7Walls(x, y) {
// Calculate the nearest multiple of 48 for the rounded position with adjustment
const roundedX = roundToNearest48Adjusted(x);
const roundedY = roundToNearest48Adjusted(y);
// Layer 1
placeWall(roundedX - 48 - 48 - 48, roundedY + 48 + 48 + 48);
placeWall(roundedX - 48 - 48, roundedY + 48 + 48 + 48);
placeWall(roundedX - 48, roundedY + 48 + 48 + 48);
placeWall(roundedX, roundedY + 48 + 48 + 48);
placeWall(roundedX + 48, roundedY + 48 + 48 + 48);
placeWall(roundedX + 48 + 48, roundedY + 48 + 48 + 48);
placeWall(roundedX + 48 + 48 + 48, roundedY + 48 + 48 + 48);
// Layer 2
placeWall(roundedX - 48 - 48 - 48, roundedY + 48 + 48);
placeWall(roundedX + 48 + 48 + 48, roundedY + 48 + 48);
// Layer 3
placeWall(roundedX - 48 - 48 - 48, roundedY + 48);
placeWall(roundedX + 48 + 48 + 48, roundedY + 48);
// Layer 4
placeWall(roundedX - 48 - 48 - 48, roundedY);
placeWall(roundedX + 48 + 48 + 48, roundedY);
// Layer 5
placeWall(roundedX - 48 - 48 - 48, roundedY - 48);
placeWall(roundedX + 48 + 48 + 48, roundedY - 48);
// Layer 6
placeWall(roundedX - 48 - 48 - 48, roundedY - 48 - 48);
placeWall(roundedX + 48 + 48 + 48, roundedY - 48 - 48);
// Layer 7
placeWall(roundedX - 48 - 48 - 48, roundedY - 48 - 48 - 48);
placeWall(roundedX - 48 - 48, roundedY - 48 - 48 - 48);
placeWall(roundedX - 48, roundedY - 48 - 48 - 48);
placeWall(roundedX, roundedY - 48 - 48 - 48);
placeWall(roundedX + 48, roundedY - 48 - 48 - 48);
placeWall(roundedX + 48 + 48, roundedY - 48 - 48 - 48);
placeWall(roundedX + 48 + 48 + 48, roundedY - 48 - 48 - 48);
function findPlayersInRangeToTrap() {
if (trappingEnabled) {
const myPartyId = game.ui.playerPartyId;
// Get your player's position
const myX = game.ui.playerTick.position.x;
const myY = game.ui.playerTick.position.y;
// Iterate through all players
for (let i in game.renderer.npcs.attachments) {
if (game.renderer.npcs.attachments[i].fromTick.name) {
const player = game.renderer.npcs.attachments[i];
const playerX = player.targetTick.position.x;
const playerY = player.targetTick.position.y;
const playerPartyId = player.targetTick.partyId;
const stash = getGoldStash()
const stashPosition = {
x: stash.fromTick.position.x,
y: stash.fromTick.position.y
if (playerPartyId !== myPartyId && calculateDistance(myX, myY, playerX, playerY) < 420 && calculateDistance(stashPosition.x, stashPosition.y, playerX, playerY) < 700 && player.targetTick.health > 0) {
// Get the position of the enemy player
const enemyX = playerX;
const enemyY = playerY;
// Place 7x7 walls around the enemy player's position
place7x7Walls(enemyX, enemyY);
// Variable to keep track of whether you are in fighting mode
let switching = false;
// Function to perform actions based on distance
function changeWeapon(distance) {
if (distance <= 100 && distance > 0) {
equipItem("Spear", game.ui.inventory.Spear.tier);
} else if (distance > 100 && distance <= 300) {
equipItem("Bomb", game.ui.inventory.Bomb.tier);
} else if (distance > 300 && distance < Infinity) {
equipItem("Bow", game.ui.inventory.Bow.tier);
// Function to find the closest enemy player and calculate the distance
function FindClosestPlayer() {
if (switching) {
// Get your player's party ID
const myPartyId = game.ui.playerPartyId;
// Get your player's position
const myX = game.ui.playerTick.position.x;
const myY = game.ui.playerTick.position.y;
// Initialize variables to keep track of the closest enemy player and distance
let closestEnemyPlayer = null;
let closestDistance = Infinity;
// Iterate through all players
for (let i in game.renderer.npcs.attachments) {
if (game.renderer.npcs.attachments[i].fromTick.name) {
const player = game.renderer.npcs.attachments[i];
const playerX = player.targetTick.position.x;
const playerY = player.targetTick.position.y;
const playerPartyId = player.targetTick.partyId;
// Check if this player is not in your party
if (playerPartyId !== myPartyId && player.targetTick.health > 0) {
// Calculate the distance between your player and this player
const distance = calculateDistance(myX, myY, playerX, playerY);
// Check if this player is closer than the current closest enemy player and the distance is greater than 20
if (distance < closestDistance && distance > 20) {
closestEnemyPlayer = player;
closestDistance = distance;
// Check if there are any enemy players in range before performing actions
if (closestEnemyPlayer !== null) {
// Now, closestEnemyPlayer contains the closest enemy player, and closestDistance contains the distance
// Perform actions based on the distance
// Variable to keep track of whether you are in moving mode
let moving = false;
// Declare closestEnemyPlayer outside of the functions
let closestEnemyPlayer = null;
// Function to perform actions based on distance
function followPlayer(distance) {
if (distance < 300) {
// If the distance is less than 300, lock your position to the player
lockposition(closestEnemyPlayer.targetTick.position.x, closestEnemyPlayer.targetTick.position.y);
// Function to find the closest enemy player and calculate the distance
function findClosestPlayerToFollow() {
if (moving) {
// Get your player's party ID
const myPartyId = game.ui.playerPartyId;
// Get your player's position
const myX = game.ui.playerTick.position.x;
const myY = game.ui.playerTick.position.y;
// Initialize variables to keep track of the closest enemy player and distance
closestEnemyPlayer = null; // Reset closestEnemyPlayer
let closestDistance = Infinity;
// Iterate through all players
for (let i in game.renderer.npcs.attachments) {
if (game.renderer.npcs.attachments[i].fromTick.name) {
const player = game.renderer.npcs.attachments[i];
const playerX = player.targetTick.position.x;
const playerY = player.targetTick.position.y;
const playerPartyId = player.targetTick.partyId;
// Check if this player is not in your party
if (playerPartyId !== myPartyId && player.targetTick.health > 0) {
// Calculate the distance between your player and this player
const distance = calculateDistance(myX, myY, playerX, playerY);
// Check if this player is closer than the current closest enemy player and the distance is greater than 20
if (distance < closestDistance && distance > 20) {
closestEnemyPlayer = player;
closestDistance = distance;
// Check if there are any enemy players in range before performing actions
if (closestEnemyPlayer !== null) {
// Now, closestEnemyPlayer contains the closest enemy player, and closestDistance contains the distance
// Perform actions based on the distance
let shouldBowFollow = false;
// Declare closestEnemyPlayer outside of the functions
let closestEnemy = null;
// Function to perform actions based on distance
function bowFollowPlayer(distance) {
if (distance < Infinity) {
maintainDistanceFromPos(closestEnemy.targetTick.position.x, closestEnemy.targetTick.position.y);
// Function to find the closest enemy player and calculate the distance
function findClosestPlayerToBow() {
if (shouldBowFollow) {
// Get your player's party ID
const myPartyId = game.ui.playerPartyId;
// Get your player's position
const myX = game.ui.playerTick.position.x;
const myY = game.ui.playerTick.position.y;
// Initialize variables to keep track of the closest enemy player and distance
closestEnemy = null; // Reset closestEnemy
let closestDistance = Infinity;
// Iterate through all players
for (let i in game.renderer.npcs.attachments) {
if (game.renderer.npcs.attachments[i].fromTick.name) {
const player = game.renderer.npcs.attachments[i];
const playerX = player.targetTick.position.x;
const playerY = player.targetTick.position.y;
const playerPartyId = player.targetTick.partyId;
// Check if this player is not in your party
if (playerPartyId !== myPartyId && player.targetTick.health > 0) {
// Calculate the distance between your player and this player
const distance = calculateDistance(myX, myY, playerX, playerY);
// Check if this player is closer than the current closest enemy player and the distance is greater than 20
if (distance < closestDistance && distance > 20) {
closestEnemy = player;
closestDistance = distance;
// Check if there are any enemy players in range before performing actions
if (closestEnemy !== null) {
// Now, closestEnemyPlayer contains the closest enemy player, and closestDistance contains the distance
// Perform actions based on the distance
let shouldCombatZoom = false;
function changeZoom(distance) {
if (distance <= 175) {
dimension = 0.6
if (distance > 250 && distance < 475) {
dimension = 1
if (distance > 550) {
dimension = 1.5
function getClosestPlayer() {
if (shouldCombatZoom) {
// Get your player's party ID
const myPartyId = game.ui.playerPartyId;
// Get your player's position
const myX = game.ui.playerTick.position.x;
const myY = game.ui.playerTick.position.y;
// Initialize variables to keep track of the closest enemy player and distance
let closestEnemyPlayer = null;
let closestDistance = Infinity;
// Iterate through all players
for (let i in game.renderer.npcs.attachments) {
if (game.renderer.npcs.attachments[i].fromTick.name) {
const player = game.renderer.npcs.attachments[i];
const playerX = player.targetTick.position.x;
const playerY = player.targetTick.position.y;
const playerPartyId = player.targetTick.partyId;
// Check if this player is not in your party
if (playerPartyId !== myPartyId && player.targetTick.health > 0) {
// Calculate the distance between your player and this player
const distance = calculateDistance(myX, myY, playerX, playerY);
// Check if this player is closer than the current closest enemy player and the distance is greater than 20
if (distance < closestDistance && distance > 20) {
closestEnemyPlayer = player;
closestDistance = distance;
// Check if there are any enemy players in range before performing actions
if (closestEnemyPlayer !== null) {
} else {
dimension = 1.5
function toggleAHRC() {
if (!shouldAHRC) {
shouldAHRC = true;
document.getElementById("toggleahrc").innerHTML = "AHRC On";
} else {
shouldAHRC = false;
document.getElementById("toggleahrc").innerHTML = "AHRC Off";
function toggleRespawn() {
if (!shouldAutoRespawn) {
shouldAutoRespawn = true;
document.getElementById("toggleresp").innerHTML = "Respawn On";
} else {
shouldAutoRespawn = false;
document.getElementById("toggleresp").innerHTML = "Respawn Off";
function toggleAim() {
if (!shouldAutoAim) {
shouldAutoAim = true;
document.getElementById("toggleaim").innerHTML = "Aim On";
} else {
shouldAutoAim = false;
document.getElementById("toggleaim").innerHTML = "Aim Off";
function toggleHealPet() {
if (!shouldAutoHealPet) {
shouldAutoHealPet = true;
document.getElementById("healpet").innerHTML = "Heal Pet On";
} else {
shouldAutoHealPet = false;
document.getElementById("healpet").innerHTML = "Heal Pet Off";
function toggleRevivePet() {
if (!shouldAutoRevivePet) {
shouldAutoRevivePet = true
document.getElementById("revivepet").innerHTML = "Revive On";
} else {
shouldAutoRevivePet = false
document.getElementById("revivepet").innerHTML = "Revive Off";
function toggleEvolvePet() {
if (!shouldAutoEvolvePet) {
shouldAutoEvolvePet = true
document.getElementById("evolvepet").innerHTML = "Evolve On";
} else {
shouldAutoEvolvePet = false
document.getElementById("evolvepet").innerHTML = "Evolve Off";
function toggleHealPlayer() {
if (!shouldAutoHealPlayer) {
shouldAutoHealPlayer = true
document.getElementById("healplayer").innerHTML = "Heal Player On"
} else {
shouldAutoHealPlayer = false
document.getElementById("healplayer").innerHTML = "Heal Player Off"
function move(direction) {
switch (direction) {
case 'Up': {
up: 1,
down: 0,
left: 0,
right: 0
case 'Down': {
up: 0,
down: 1,
left: 0,
right: 0
case 'Left': {
up: 0,
down: 0,
left: 1,
right: 0
case 'Right': {
up: 0,
down: 0,
left: 0,
right: 1
case 'UpRight': {
up: 1,
down: 0,
left: 0,
right: 1
case 'UpLeft': {
up: 1,
down: 0,
left: 1,
right: 0
case 'DownRight': {
up: 0,
down: 1,
left: 0,
right: 1
case 'DownLeft': {
up: 0,
down: 1,
left: 1,
right: 0
let yaw
let lockedYaw
let shouldSpin = false
let shouldClearChat = false
let shouldSpamIdParty = false
let shouldSpamAllParty = false
let shouldLockYaw = false
let autoSwing = false
let shouldBotMode = false
let botTimeout = false
let shouldAHRC = false
let shouldAutoAim = false
let stash10leave = false
let shouldAutoHealPet = true
let healPetTimeout = false
let shouldAutoRevivePet = true
let shouldAutoEvolvePet = true
let shouldAutoHealPlayer = true
let playerHealTimeout = false
let petSpawned = false
let isSellingWalls = false
let isSellingDoors = false
let isSellingHarvs = false
let isSellingTraps = false
let isSellingArrows = false
let isSellingCannons = false
let isSellingMelees = false
let isSellingMages = false
let isSellingBombs = false
let isSellingMines = false
let shouldhealthup = false
let shouldhealtowers = false
let renderborder = false
let renderRange = false
let renderTracer = false
let getRss = false
let allowed1 = false
const getDOMValue = (id) => document.getElementById(id).value;
let healthpotion = []
game.network.sendRpc2 = game.network.sendRpc;
if (!window.baseSave) {
window.baseSave = '[]';
let buildingsByPos = new Map();
window.saveBase = () => {
let stash = GetGoldStash();
if (stash == undefined) return;;
let stashPosition = {
x: stash.x,
y: stash.y
let parsedSavedStorage = [];
for (let i in game.ui.buildings) {
let building = game.ui.buildings[i];
buildingType: building.type,
stashOffsetX: stash.x - building.x,
stashOffsetY: stash.y - building.y,
lastTier: building.tier
window.baseSave = JSON.stringify(parsedSavedStorage);
window.buildBase = () => {
let stash = GetGoldStash();
if (stash == undefined) return;;
let stashPosition = {
x: stash.x,
y: stash.y
let parsedSavedStorage = window.baseSave;
if (parsedSavedStorage) {
parsedSavedStorage = JSON.parse(window.baseSave);
for (let i of parsedSavedStorage) {
name: "MakeBuilding",
type: i.buildingType,
x: Math.round(parseInt(stash.x) - i.stashOffsetX),
y: Math.round(parseInt(stash.y) - i.stashOffsetY),
yaw: 0
window.toggleRebuilder = () => {
let parsedSavedStorage = window.baseSave;
if (parsedSavedStorage) {
parsedSavedStorage = JSON.parse(window.baseSave);
buildingsByPos = new Map();
for (let i of parsedSavedStorage) {
buildingsByPos.set(`${i.stashOffsetX}, ${i.stashOffsetY}`, i);
if (!window.rebuilderInterval) {
window.rebuilderInterval = setInterval(() => {
let buildingsArr = Object.values(game.ui.buildings);
let stash = buildingsArr[0];
stash && buildingsArr.forEach(e => {
let building = buildingsByPos.get(`${stash.x - e.x}, ${stash.y - e.y}`);
if (building && e.tier < building.lastTier) {
name: "UpgradeBuilding",
uid: e.uid
}, 350);
} else {
window.rebuilderInterval = clearInterval(window.rebuilderInterval);
} else return;
game.network.addEntityUpdateHandler((data = {}) => {
if (!game.world.inWorld || !game.network.connected) return;
const healPetInputValue = getDOMValue("healpetinput");
const healPlayerInputValue = getDOMValue("healplayerinput");
const myPet = game.world.entities[game.ui.playerTick?.petUid]?.fromTick;
const petHealth = (myPet?.health / myPet?.maxHealth) * 100;
const myPlayer = game.world.entities[game.ui.playerTick?.uid]?.fromTick;
const playerHealth = (myPlayer?.health / myPlayer?.maxHealth) * 100;
healthpotion = game.ui.inventory.HealthPotion
if (game.ui.playerTick?.petUid != 0 && game.ui.playerTick?.petUid != undefined) petSpawned = true;
if (shouldAutoHealPet && petHealth < document.getElementById("healpetinput").value && petHealth > 0 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 100 && !healPetTimeout) {
shopShortcut("PetHealthPotion", 1)
healPetTimeout = true;
setTimeout(() => {
healPetTimeout = false;
}, 300);
if (shouldAutoEvolvePet && petHealth > 0 && game.world.entities[game.ui.playerTick?.uid]?.fromTick?.health > 0) {
let model = game.world.entities[game.ui.playerTick?.petUid]?.fromTick?.model
let tokens = document.querySelectorAll(".hud-shop-item-tokens")
let pToken = game.ui.playerTick.token
let evolvebtn = document.querySelectorAll(".hud-shop-actions-evolve")
if (!evolvebtn[0].classList[1] && pToken >= tokens[0].innerHTML && model == "PetCARL") {
buyItem("PetCARL", getPetTier(5))
if (!evolvebtn[1].classList[1] && pToken >= tokens[1].innerHTML && model == "PetMiner") {
buyItem("PetMiner", getPetTier(6))
if (petSpawned && shouldAutoRevivePet && !game.world.entities[game.ui.playerTick?.petUid] && playerHealth > 0) {
shopShortcut("PetRevive", 1);
if (playerHealth > 0 && !healthpotion && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 100 && shouldAutoHealPlayer) {
buyItem("HealthPotion", 1);
if (playerHealth <= healPlayerInputValue && healthpotion && playerHealth > 0 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 100 && shouldAutoHealPlayer && !playerHealTimeout) {
equipItem("HealthPotion", 1);
playerHealTimeout = true;
setTimeout(() => {
playerHealTimeout = false;
}, 300);
Object.values(data.entities).forEach(data => {
if (data.model === "GoldStash") {
borders.forEach(item => {
item.position = data.position;
circle.position = data.position;
plusRectangles[0].position = data.position;
plusRectangles[1].position = data.position;
if (!game.world.renderer.entities.node.children.includes(circle)) {
borders.forEach(item => {
if (!game.world.renderer.entities.node.children.includes(item)) {
plusRectangles.forEach(item => {
if (!game.world.renderer.entities.node.children.includes(item)) {
if (shouldAHRC) {
let entities = Game.currentGame.world.entities;
for (let uid in entities) {
let obj = entities[uid];
if(obj.fromTick.model == "Harvester") {
let amount = obj.fromTick.tier * 0.07 - 0.02;
name: "AddDepositToHarvester",
uid: obj.fromTick.uid,
deposit: amount
name: "CollectHarvester",
uid: obj.fromTick.uid
if (fighting) {
if (trappingEnabled) {
if (switching) {
if (moving) {
if (shouldBowFollow) {
if (shouldCombatZoom) {
if (shouldabpk) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.Pickaxe.nextTier === 1 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= undefined) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.Pickaxe.nextTier === 2 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 1000) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.Pickaxe.nextTier === 3 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 3000) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.Pickaxe.nextTier === 4 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 5000) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.Pickaxe.nextTier === 5 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 8000) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.Pickaxe.nextTier === 6 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 24000) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.Pickaxe.nextTier === 7 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 90000) {
if (shouldabsp) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.Spear.nextTier === 1 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 1400) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.Spear.nextTier === 2 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 2800) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.Spear.nextTier === 3 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 5600) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.Spear.nextTier === 4 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 11200) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.Spear.nextTier === 5 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 22500) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.Spear.nextTier === 6 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 45000) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.Spear.nextTier === 7 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 90000) {
if (shouldabbw) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.Bow.nextTier === 1 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 100) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.Bow.nextTier === 2 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 400) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.Bow.nextTier === 3 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 2000) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.Bow.nextTier === 4 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 7000) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.Bow.nextTier === 5 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 24000) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.Bow.nextTier === 6 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 30000) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.Bow.nextTier === 7 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 90000) {
if (shouldabbm) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.Bomb.nextTier === 1 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 100) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.Bomb.nextTier === 2 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 400) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.Bomb.nextTier === 3 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 3000) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.Bomb.nextTier === 4 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 5000) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.Bomb.nextTier === 5 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 24000) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.Bomb.nextTier === 6 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 50000) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.Bomb.nextTier === 7 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 90000) {
if (shouldabsh) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.ZombieShield.nextTier === 1 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 1000) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.ZombieShield.nextTier === 2 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 3000) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.ZombieShield.nextTier === 3 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 7000) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.ZombieShield.nextTier === 4 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 14000) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.ZombieShield.nextTier === 5 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 18000) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.ZombieShield.nextTier === 6 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 22000) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.ZombieShield.nextTier === 7 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 24000) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.ZombieShield.nextTier === 8 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 30000) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.ZombieShield.nextTier === 9 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 45000) {
if (game.ui.components.MenuShop.shopItems.ZombieShield.nextTier === 10 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 70000) {
if (shouldAutoAim) {
window.targets = [];
let entities = game.renderer.npcs.attachments;
let aimOptions = document.getElementById('aimOptions').value;
let players = [];
let zombies = [];
for (let i in entities) {
if (entities[i].fromTick.model == "GamePlayer" && entities[i].fromTick.uid !== game.ui.playerTick.uid && entities[i].targetTick.partyId !== game.ui.playerPartyId && entities[i].fromTick.dead === 0) {
} else if (entities[i].fromTick.model !== "GamePlayer" && entities[i].entityClass !== "Projectile") {
if (aimOptions === 'pl') {
window.targets = players.length > 0 ? players : zombies;
} else if (aimOptions === 'zo') {
window.targets = zombies.length > 0 ? zombies : players;
if (window.targets.length > 0) {
const myPos = game.ui.playerTick.position;
window.targets.sort((a, b) => {
return measureDistance(myPos, a.position) - measureDistance(myPos, b.position);
const target = window.targets[0];
let reversedAim = game.inputPacketCreator.screenToYaw((target.position.x - myPos.x) * 100, (target.position.y - myPos.y) * 100);
game.inputPacketCreator.lastAnyYaw = reversedAim;
game.network.sendPacket(3, {
mouseMoved: reversedAim
if (autoSwing) {
space: 0
space: 1
if (shouldLockYaw && game.ui.playerTick?.aimingYaw != lockedYaw) {
game.inputPacketCreator.lastAnyYaw = lockedYaw;
game.network.sendPacket(3, {
mouseMoved: lockedYaw
isSellingWalls ? Object.values(game.ui.buildings).forEach(i => i.type == "Wall" ? game.network.sendPacket(9, {
name: "DeleteBuilding",
uid: i.uid
}) : 0) : 0;
isSellingDoors ? Object.values(game.ui.buildings).forEach(i => i.type == "Door" ? game.network.sendPacket(9, {
name: "DeleteBuilding",
uid: i.uid
}) : 0) : 0;
isSellingTraps ? Object.values(game.ui.buildings).forEach(i => i.type == "SlowTrap" ? game.network.sendPacket(9, {
name: "DeleteBuilding",
uid: i.uid
}) : 0) : 0;
isSellingArrows ? Object.values(game.ui.buildings).forEach(i => i.type == "ArrowTower" ? game.network.sendPacket(9, {
name: "DeleteBuilding",
uid: i.uid
}) : 0) : 0;
isSellingCannons ? Object.values(game.ui.buildings).forEach(i => i.type == "CannonTower" ? game.network.sendPacket(9, {
name: "DeleteBuilding",
uid: i.uid
}) : 0) : 0;
isSellingMelees ? Object.values(game.ui.buildings).forEach(i => i.type == "MeleeTower" ? game.network.sendPacket(9, {
name: "DeleteBuilding",
uid: i.uid
}) : 0) : 0;
isSellingBombs ? Object.values(game.ui.buildings).forEach(i => i.type == "BombTower" ? game.network.sendPacket(9, {
name: "DeleteBuilding",
uid: i.uid
}) : 0) : 0;
isSellingMages ? Object.values(game.ui.buildings).forEach(i => i.type == "MagicTower" ? game.network.sendPacket(9, {
name: "DeleteBuilding",
uid: i.uid
}) : 0) : 0;
isSellingMines ? Object.values(game.ui.buildings).forEach(i => i.type == "GoldMine" ? game.network.sendPacket(9, {
name: "DeleteBuilding",
uid: i.uid
}) : 0) : 0;
isSellingHarvs ? Object.values(game.ui.builddings).forEach(i => i.type == "Harvester" ? game.network.sendPacket(9, {
name: "DeleteBuilding",
uid: i.uid
}) : 0) : 0;
if (stash10leave) {
let stash = getGoldStash()
if (stash) {
let stashhealth = (stash.fromTick.health / stash.fromTick.maxHealth) * 100;
if (stashhealth <= 10) {
name: "LeaveParty"
if (renderborder) {
borders.forEach(item => {
item.visible = true
circle.visible = true;
plusRectangles[0].visible = true;
plusRectangles[1].visible = true;
} else {
borders.forEach(item => {
item.visible = false
circle.visible = false;
plusRectangles[0].visible = false;
plusRectangles[1].visible = false;
if (shouldBotMode && botTimeout == false) {
botTimeout = true
move(['Up', 'Down', 'Left', 'Right', 'UpRight', 'UpLeft', 'DownRight', 'DownLeft'][Math.floor(Math.random() * 8)])
setTimeout(() => {
botTimeout = false
}, 1000);
if (shouldSpamAllParty) {
let joinablePartyId = []
let allparty = Object.values(game.ui.getParties())
for (let party of allparty) {
if (party.isOpen == 1 && party.memberCount < 4 && party.partyId != game.ui.getPlayerPartyId()) joinablePartyId.push(party.partyId)
if (joinablePartyId.length > 0) game.network.sendRpc({
name: 'JoinParty',
partyId: joinablePartyId[Math.floor(Math.random() * joinablePartyId.length)]
if (shouldSpin) {
game.inputPacketCreator.lastAnyYaw = yaw;
game.network.sendPacket(3, {
mouseMoved: yaw
yaw += 10
if (yaw >= 360) yaw -= 360
if (shouldSpamIdParty && document.querySelector("#party-id-input").value != '') {
name: "JoinParty",
partyId: parseInt(document.querySelector("#party-id-input").value)
if (shouldClearChat) {
for (let i = 0; i < document.getElementsByClassName('hud-chat-message').length; i++) {
if (autogivesell && game.ui.playerPartyMembers[0].playerUid == game.world.myUid) {
if (game.ui.playerPartyMembers[1]) {
let sell1 = new Uint8Array(game.network.codec.encode(9, {
name: "SetPartyMemberCanSell",
uid: game.ui.playerPartyMembers[1].playerUid,
canSell: 1
setTimeout(() => {
}, 3839);
if (game.ui.playerPartyMembers[2]) {
let sell2 = new Uint8Array(game.network.codec.encode(9, {
name: "SetPartyMemberCanSell",
uid: game.ui.playerPartyMembers[2].playerUid,
canSell: 1
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2361);
if (game.ui.playerPartyMembers[3]) {
let sell3 = new Uint8Array(game.network.codec.encode(9, {
name: "SetPartyMemberCanSell",
uid: game.ui.playerPartyMembers[3].playerUid,
canSell: 1
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1274);
if (shouldhealthup) {
for (let uid in data.entities) {
const currentEntity = data.entities[uid];
const worldEntity = game.world.entities[uid];
if (uid in game.ui.buildings && typeof currentEntity.health == 'number') {
const buildingHealth = (currentEntity?.health / worldEntity.targetTick.maxHealth) * 100;
if (buildingHealth <= 20) {
name: "UpgradeBuilding",
uid: parseInt(uid)
if (shouldhealtowers) {
for (let uid in data.entities) {
const currentEntity = data.entities[uid];
const worldEntity = game.world.entities[uid];
if (uid in game.ui.buildings && typeof currentEntity.health == 'number') {
const buildingHealth = (currentEntity?.health / worldEntity.targetTick.maxHealth) * 100;
if (buildingHealth <= 50 && game.ui.playerTick.gold >= 1000 && !isNonTowerBuilding(game.ui.buildings[uid].type)) {
const buildingX = worldEntity.targetTick.position.x;
const buildingY = worldEntity.targetTick.position.y;
game.network.sendPacket(9, {
name: "CastSpell",
spell: "HealTowersSpell",
x: Math.round(buildingX),
y: Math.round(buildingY),
tier: 1
if (getRss) {
!allowed1 && (allowed1 = true);
if (getRss || allowed1) {
for (let i in game.renderer.npcs.attachments) {
if (game.renderer.npcs.attachments[i].fromTick.name) {
let player = game.renderer.npcs.attachments[i];
let wood_1 = counter(player.targetTick.wood);
let stone_1 = counter(player.targetTick.stone);
let gold_1 = counter(player.targetTick.gold);
let token_1 = counter(player.targetTick.token);
let px_1 = counter(player.targetTick.position.x);
let py_1 = counter(player.targetTick.position.y);
let timeout_1 = "";
if (getRss && !player.targetTick.oldName) {
player.targetTick.oldName = player.targetTick.name;
player.targetTick.oldWood = wood_1;
player.targetTick.oldStone = stone_1;
player.targetTick.oldGold = gold_1;
player.targetTick.oldToken = token_1;
player.targetTick.oldPX = px_1;
player.targetTick.oldPY = py_1;
player.targetTick.info = `
${player.targetTick.oldName}; score: ${player.targetTick.score.toLocaleString()}
UID: ${player.targetTick.uid}
W: ${wood_1}, S: ${stone_1}, G: ${gold_1}, T: ${token_1}
x: ${Math.round(player.targetTick.position.x)}, y: ${Math.round(player.targetTick.position.y)}
partyId: ${Math.round(player.targetTick.partyId)}
timeDead: ${msToTime(player.targetTick.timeDead)}
${player.targetTick.isPaused ? "On Timeout" : ""}
player.targetTick.name = game.renderer.npcs.attachments[i].targetTick.info;
if (!getRss && player.targetTick.oldName) {
player.targetTick.info = player.targetTick.oldName;
player.targetTick.name = game.renderer.npcs.attachments[i].targetTick.info;
player.targetTick.oldName = null;
if (getRss) {
if (player.targetTick.oldGold !== gold_1 || player.targetTick.oldWood !== wood_1 || player.targetTick.oldStone !== stone_1 || player.targetTick.oldToken !== token_1 || player.targetTick.oldPX !== px_1 || player.targetTick.oldPY !== py_1) {
player.targetTick.oldWood = wood_1;
player.targetTick.oldStone = stone_1;
player.targetTick.oldGold = gold_1;
player.targetTick.oldToken = token_1;
player.targetTick.oldPX = px_1;
player.targetTick.oldPY = py_1;
player.targetTick.info = `
${player.targetTick.oldName}; score: ${player.targetTick.score.toLocaleString()}
UID: ${player.targetTick.uid}
W: ${wood_1}, S: ${stone_1}, G: ${gold_1}, T: ${token_1}
x: ${Math.round(player.targetTick.position.x)}, y: ${Math.round(player.targetTick.position.y)}
partyId: ${Math.round(player.targetTick.partyId)}
timeDead: ${msToTime(player.targetTick.timeDead)}
${player.targetTick.isPaused ? "On Timeout" : ""}
player.targetTick.name = game.renderer.npcs.attachments[i].targetTick.info;
if (!getRss) {
allowed1 = false;
for (const uid in data.entities) {
if (game.world.entities[uid] && game.world.replicator.currentTick && game.world.replicator.currentTick.entities[uid]) {
if (game.world.entities[uid].node.alpha != 1) game.world.entities[uid].setAlpha(1);
if (data.entities[game.world.myUid].dead !== undefined) {
lastPlayerTickDead = data.entities[game.world.myUid].dead;
for (let id in wsPosElems) {
const ws = webSockets[id];
if (!ws) {
delete wsPosElems[id];
wsPosElems[id].style.top = `${((ws.playerTick.position.y / game.world.height) * 100) - 20}%`;
wsPosElems[id].style.left = `${((ws.playerTick.position.x / game.world.width) * 100) - 2}%`;
for (let id in webSockets) {
if (wsPosElems[id]) {
const ws = webSockets[id];
const newPosElem = document.createElement("p");
newPosElem.style.top = `${((ws.playerTick.position.y / game.world.height) * 100) - 20}%`
newPosElem.style.left = `${((ws.playerTick.position.x / game.world.width) * 100) - 2}%`
newPosElem.style.color = "white";
newPosElem.style.position = "absolute";
newPosElem.style.zIndex = "9"
newPosElem.innerText = "•";
wsPosElems[id] = newPosElem;
let mousePs = {}
let should3x3Walls = false;
let should5x5Walls = false;
let should7x7Walls = false;
let should9x9Walls = false;
addEventListener('keyup', function(e) {
if (document.activeElement.tagName.toLowerCase() !== "input" && document.activeElement.tagName.toLowerCase() !== "textarea") {
if (e.key == "-") {
getRss = !getRss
if (e.key == "g") {
if (e.key == "z") {
should3x3Walls = !should3x3Walls;
should5x5Walls = false
should7x7Walls = false
should9x9Walls = false
if (should3x3Walls) {
game.ui.getComponent("PopupOverlay").showHint('3x3 Walls On', 2000);
} else {
game.ui.getComponent("PopupOverlay").showHint('3x3 Walls Off', 2000);
if (e.key == "x") {
should5x5Walls = !should5x5Walls
should3x3Walls = false
should7x7Walls = false
should9x9Walls = false
if (should5x5Walls) {
game.ui.getComponent("PopupOverlay").showHint('5x5 Walls On', 2000);
} else {
game.ui.getComponent("PopupOverlay").showHint('5x5 Walls Off', 2000);
if (e.key == "c") {
should7x7Walls = !should7x7Walls
should3x3Walls = false
should5x5Walls = false
should9x9Walls = false
if (should7x7Walls) {
game.ui.getComponent("PopupOverlay").showHint('7x7 Walls On', 2000);
} else {
game.ui.getComponent("PopupOverlay").showHint('7x7 Walls Off', 2000);
if (e.key == "v") {
should9x9Walls = !should9x9Walls
should3x3Walls = false
should5x5Walls = false
should7x7Walls = false
if (should9x9Walls) {
game.ui.getComponent("PopupOverlay").showHint('9x9 Walls On', 2000);
} else {
game.ui.getComponent("PopupOverlay").showHint('9x9 Walls Off', 2000);
if (e.key == "C") {
const selectedSong = document.getElementById('lyricSongs').value;
switch (selectedSong) {
case 'song1':
playSong(TakingOver, song1, timeout1);
case 'song2':
playSong(NeverGonna, song2, timeout2);
case 'song3':
playSong(RuleTheWorld, song3, timeout3);
case 'song4':
playSong(DejaVu, song4, timeout4);
case 'song5':
playSong(DownLikeThat, song5, timeout5);
case 'song6':
playSong(superidol, song6, timeout6);
case 'song7':
playSong(ForTheNight, song7, timeout7);
case 'song8':
playSong(CocoNut, song8, timeout8);
case 'song9':
playSong(RapGod, song9, timeout9);
if (e.key == "=") {
'Do u think I have time to make this???',
if (e.key == "/") {
.style.display = document.querySelector("#hud-menu-settings")
.style.display == "none" ? "block" : "none"
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if (e.key == "`") {
keyCode: 117
if (e.keyCode == 27) {
let mb = document.getElementsByClassName("hud")[0];
if (mb.style.display === "none") {
mb.style.display = "block";
} else {
mb.style.display = "none";
if (e.key == "?") {
if (!shouldLockYaw) {
lockedYaw = game.ui.playerTick.aimingYaw
shouldLockYaw = true
game.ui.getComponent("PopupOverlay").showHint('Yaw locked, press [?] to unlock', 1.5e4)
} else {
shouldLockYaw = false
game.ui.getComponent("PopupOverlay").showHint('Yaw unlocked', 1.5e4)
function placeWall(x, y) {
name: 'MakeBuilding',
x: x,
y: y,
type: "Wall",
yaw: 0
function isEven(number) {
return number % 2 === 0;
function placeWalls(length, height, centerX, centerY) {
for (let x = -((length - (isEven(length) ? 0 : 1)) / 2) * 48; x <= (length - (isEven(length) ? 0 : 1)) / 2 * 48; x += 48) {
for (let y = -((height - (isEven(height) ? 0 : 1)) / 2) * 48; y <= (height - (isEven(height) ? 0 : 1)) / 2 * 48; y += 48) {
const posX = centerX + x,
posY = centerY + y;
placeWall(posX, posY);
document.addEventListener('mousemove', e => {
mousePs = {
x: e.clientX,
y: e.clientY
if (game.inputManager.mouseDown && game.ui.components.PlacementOverlay.buildingId == "Wall") {
var buildingSchema = game.ui.getBuildingSchema();
var schemaData = buildingSchema.Wall;
var world = game.world;
var worldPos = game.renderer.screenToWorld(mousePs.x, mousePs.y);
var cellIndexes = world.entityGrid.getCellIndexes(worldPos.x, worldPos.y, {
width: schemaData.gridWidth,
height: schemaData.gridHeight
var cellSize = world.entityGrid.getCellSize();
var cellAverages = {
x: 0,
y: 0
for (var i in cellIndexes) {
if (!cellIndexes[i]) {
return false;
var cellPos = world.entityGrid.getCellCoords(cellIndexes[i]);
cellAverages.x += cellPos.x;
cellAverages.y += cellPos.y;
cellAverages.x = cellAverages.x / cellIndexes.length;
cellAverages.y = cellAverages.y / cellIndexes.length;
var gridPos = {
x: cellAverages.x * cellSize + cellSize / 2,
y: cellAverages.y * cellSize + cellSize / 2
if (should3x3Walls) {
placeWalls(3, 3, gridPos.x, gridPos.y);
if (should5x5Walls) {
placeWalls(5, 5, gridPos.x, gridPos.y);
if (should7x7Walls) {
placeWalls(7, 7, gridPos.x, gridPos.y);
if (should9x9Walls) {
placeWalls(9, 9, gridPos.x, gridPos.y);
let dimension = 1;
const onWindowResize = () => {
if (document.querySelector("#hud-menu-settings").style.display == "none") {
const renderer = Game.currentGame.renderer;
let canvasWidth = window.innerWidth * window.devicePixelRatio;
let canvasHeight = window.innerHeight * window.devicePixelRatio;
let ratio = canvasHeight / (1080 * dimension);
renderer.scale = ratio;
renderer.renderer.resize(canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
renderer.viewport.width = renderer.renderer.width / renderer.scale + 2 * renderer.viewportPadding;
renderer.viewport.height = renderer.renderer.height / renderer.scale + 2 * renderer.viewportPadding;
} // Zoom by Apex, modified by eh
window.onresize = onWindowResize;
window.onwheel = e => {
if (e.deltaY > 0) {
dimension += 0.09;
} else if (e.deltaY < 0) {
dimension -= 0.09;
function measureDistance(obj1, obj2) {
if (!(obj1.x && obj1.y && obj2.x && obj2.y)) return Infinity;
let xDif = obj2.x - obj1.x;
let yDif = obj2.y - obj1.y;
return Math.abs((xDif ** 2) + (yDif ** 2));
document.querySelector('#togglebot').addEventListener('click', function() {
shouldBotMode = !shouldBotMode
this.innerText = shouldBotMode ? "Bot On" : "Bot Off"
document.querySelector('#togglespmch').addEventListener('click', function() {
this.innerText = isSpamming ? "Spam Chat On" : "Spam Chat Off"
let blockedNames = [];
function blockPlayer(name) {
for (let msg of Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("hud-chat-message"))) {
if (msg.childNodes[0].childNodes[1].textContent == name) {
let bl = msg.childNodes[0].childNodes[0];
bl.innerHTML = "🔴 ";
bl.onclick = () => {
function unblockPlayer(name) {
blockedNames.splice(blockedNames.indexOf(name), 1);
for (let msg of Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("hud-chat-message"))) {
if (msg.childNodes[0].childNodes[1].textContent == name) {
let bl = msg.childNodes[0].childNodes[0];
bl.innerHTML = "🟢 ";
bl.onclick = () => {
const getClock = () => {
var date = new Date();
var day = date.getDate();
var month = date.getMonth();
var hour = date.getHours();
var minute = date.getMinutes()
var second = date.getSeconds();
hour = (hour < 10) ? "0" + hour : hour;
minute = (minute < 10) ? "0" + minute : minute;
second = (second < 10) ? "0" + second : second;
return `${day}/${month} ${hour}:${minute}:${second}`;
Game.currentGame.network.emitter.removeListener("PACKET_RPC", Game.currentGame.network.emitter._events.PACKET_RPC[1]);
let onMessageReceived = msg => {
let a = Game.currentGame.ui.getComponent("Chat"),
b = window.filterXSS(msg.displayName),
c = window.filterXSS(msg.message)
if (blockedNames.includes(b) || window.chatDisabled) {
let d = a.ui.createElement(`<div class="hud-chat-message"><strong><a>🟢 </a>${b}</strong><small> at ${getClock()}</small>: ${c}</div>`);
a.messagesElem.scrollTop = a.messagesElem.scrollHeight;
a.messagesElem.lastChild.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].onclick = () => {
Game.currentGame.network.addRpcHandler("ReceiveChatMessage", onMessageReceived);
let goToPosInterval;
let moveTimeout;
let canMoveRandomly = true;
let triedDirections = []; // Keep track of attempted directions
function calculateDirection(x, y) {
const myX = Math.round(game.ui.playerTick.position.x);
const myY = Math.round(game.ui.playerTick.position.y);
// Calculate the difference between current position and destination
const xDiff = x - myX;
const yDiff = y - myY;
// Determine the direction based on the coordinate differences
if (xDiff === 0 && yDiff === 0) {
return -1; // No movement needed
} else if (xDiff > 0 && yDiff === 0) {
return 1; // Right
} else if (xDiff < 0 && yDiff === 0) {
return 0; // Left
} else if (xDiff === 0 && yDiff > 0) {
return 3; // Down
} else if (xDiff === 0 && yDiff < 0) {
return 2; // Up
} else if (xDiff > 0 && yDiff > 0) {
return 7; // Down-right
} else if (xDiff > 0 && yDiff < 0) {
return 6; // Up-right
} else if (xDiff < 0 && yDiff > 0) {
return 5; // Down-left
} else if (xDiff < 0 && yDiff < 0) {
return 4; // Up-left
} else {
return -1; // Unknown direction
function goToPos(x, y) {
goToPosInterval = setInterval(() => {
const myX = Math.round(game.ui.playerTick.position.x);
const myY = Math.round(game.ui.playerTick.position.y);
const offset = document.getElementById("offset").value;
if (-myX + x > offset) game.network.sendInput({
left: 0
else game.network.sendInput({
left: 1
if (myX - x > offset) game.network.sendInput({
right: 0
else game.network.sendInput({
right: 1
if (-myY + y > offset) game.network.sendInput({
up: 0
else game.network.sendInput({
up: 1
if (myY - y > offset) game.network.sendInput({
down: 0
else game.network.sendInput({
down: 1
if (-myX + x < offset && myX - x < offset && -myY + y < offset && myY - y < offset) {
game.ui.getComponent('PopupOverlay').showHint('Finished moving!', 10000);
moveTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
game.ui.getComponent('PopupOverlay').showHint('It has been 4 minutes to move to the position on the map, so it has automatically stopped to prevent infinite loops.', 8000);
left: 0,
right: 0,
up: 0,
down: 0
}, 240000);
function lockposition(x, y) {
goToPosInterval = setInterval(() => {
let myX = Math.round(game.ui.playerTick.position.x);
let myY = Math.round(game.ui.playerTick.position.y);
let offset = document.getElementById("offset").value;
if (-myX + x > offset) game.network.sendInput({
left: 0
else game.network.sendInput({
left: 1
if (myX - x > offset) game.network.sendInput({
right: 0
else game.network.sendInput({
right: 1
if (-myY + y > offset) game.network.sendInput({
up: 0
else game.network.sendInput({
up: 1
if (myY - y > offset) game.network.sendInput({
down: 0
else game.network.sendInput({
down: 1
if (-myX + x < offset && myX - x < offset && -myY + y < offset && myY - y < offset) {
game.ui.getComponent('PopupOverlay').showHint('Locked position', 1e4);
let maintainDistanceInterval;
function maintainDistanceFromPos(x, y) {
maintainDistanceInterval = setInterval(() => {
const myX = Math.round(game.ui.playerTick.position.x);
const myY = Math.round(game.ui.playerTick.position.y);
const offset = document.getElementById("offset").value;
let distance = calculateDistance(myX, myY, x, y);
if (distance > 550 + offset/2) {
if (-myX + x > offset) game.network.sendInput({ left: 0 });
else game.network.sendInput({ left: 1 });
if (myX - x > offset) game.network.sendInput({ right: 0 });
else game.network.sendInput({ right: 1 });
if (-myY + y > offset) game.network.sendInput({ up: 0 });
else game.network.sendInput({ up: 1 });
if (myY - y > offset) game.network.sendInput({ down: 0 });
else game.network.sendInput({ down: 1 });
} else if (distance < 550 - offset/2) {
// Move away from the target
if (-myX + x > offset) game.network.sendInput({ left: 1 });
else game.network.sendInput({ left: 0 });
if (myX - x > offset) game.network.sendInput({ right: 1 });
else game.network.sendInput({ right: 0 });
if (-myY + y > offset) game.network.sendInput({ up: 1 });
else game.network.sendInput({ up: 0 });
if (myY - y > offset) game.network.sendInput({ down: 1 });
else game.network.sendInput({ down: 0 });
} else {
// Stop moving
game.network.sendInput({ left: 0, right: 0, up: 0, down: 0 });
let mapContainer = document.createElement('div');
mapContainer.id = "hud-map-container";
document.querySelector("#hud-map-container").addEventListener('click', (e) => {
let offset = $('#hud-map-container').offset();
let mapMouseX = e.pageX - offset.left;
let mapMouseY = e.pageY - offset.top;
game.ui.getComponent('PopupOverlay').showConfirmation(`Are you sure you want to move to X: ${Math.round(mapMouseX * 171.42857142857)}, Y: ${Math.round(mapMouseY * 171.42857142857)}? You can right-click the minimap to cancel.`, 7500, () => {
game.ui.getComponent('PopupOverlay').showHint('Starting MapMove...', 4000);
goToPos(mapMouseX * 171.42857142857, mapMouseY * 171.42857142857);
}, () => {
game.ui.getComponent('PopupOverlay').showHint('OK, did not start MapMove', 4000);
document.querySelector('#hud-map-container').addEventListener('contextmenu', () => {
game.ui.getComponent('PopupOverlay').showConfirmation('Are you sure you want to cancel the current MapMove process?', 7500, () => {
left: 0,
right: 0,
up: 0,
down: 0
game.ui.getComponent('PopupOverlay').showHint('Successfully stopped MapMover.', 4000);
}, () => {
game.ui.getComponent('PopupOverlay').showHint('OK, did not stop MapMover.', 4000);
document.querySelector("#hud-map-container").addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => {
if (e.button === 1) {
lockposition(Math.round(game.ui.playerTick.position.x), Math.round(game.ui.playerTick.position.y))
let markerIds = 0; // Initialize marker IDs
let maxMarkers = 69420; // Maximum number of markers
let markers = []; // Array to store marker positions and IDs
let goToMarkerInterval;
let repeatingMoveInterval;
let currentIndex = 0; // Initialize current marker index
let markermoveTimeout;
function addMarker(x, y) {
if (markerIds >= maxMarkers) {
// Max number of markers reached, show a pop-up
game.ui.getComponent('PopupOverlay').showHint('Max number of markers reached.', 1500);
} else {
// Add marker to the array with its position and ID
id: markerIds,
var map = document.getElementById("hud-map");
// Add a specific class to markers created by !marker and include their IDs
map.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<div data-marker-id="${markerIds}" style="color: red; display: block; left: ${x}px; top: ${y}px; position: absolute;" class='hud-map-player marker-placed-by-command'></div>`);
game.ui.getComponent('PopupOverlay').showHint(`Added Marker ${markerIds}`, 1500);
function resetMarkerIds() {
markerIds = 0;
markers = [];
// Show a hint that marker IDs were reset
game.ui.getComponent('PopupOverlay').showHint('Marker IDs reset.', 1500);
function moveToNextMarker() {
if (markers.length === 0) {
game.ui.getComponent('PopupOverlay').showHint('No markers placed.', 1500);
// Move to the next marker in a circular manner
currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % markers.length;
const marker = markers[currentIndex];
if (marker) {
goToMarkerPos(marker.x, marker.y);
function startRepeatingMove() {
if (markers.length === 0) {
game.ui.getComponent('PopupOverlay').showHint('No markers placed.', 1500);
repeatingMoveInterval = setInterval(() => {
}, 100);
function stopRepeatingMove() {
left: 0,
right: 0,
up: 0,
down: 0
game.ui.getComponent('PopupOverlay').showHint('Successfully stopped MapMover.', 4000);
// Handle the "markermove" command
function handleMarkerMove() {
// Stop any ongoing repeating move process
// Move to the first marker immediately
currentIndex = 0;
function goToMarkerPos(x, y) {
goToMarkerInterval = setInterval(() => {
let myX = Math.round(game.ui.playerTick.position.x);
let myY = Math.round(game.ui.playerTick.position.y);
let offset = document.getElementById("offset").value;
if (-myX + x > offset) game.network.sendInput({
left: 0
else game.network.sendInput({
left: 1
if (myX - x > offset) game.network.sendInput({
right: 0
else game.network.sendInput({
right: 1
if (-myY + y > offset) game.network.sendInput({
up: 0
else game.network.sendInput({
up: 1
if (myY - y > offset) game.network.sendInput({
down: 0
else game.network.sendInput({
down: 1
if (-myX + x < offset && myX - x < offset && -myY + y < offset && myY - y < offset) {
game.ui.getComponent('PopupOverlay').showHint('Finished moving!', 1e4);
// Wait for 1 second before moving to the next marker
markermoveTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
let movePositions = [{
x: 1200,
y: 1200
x: 22800,
y: 1200
x: 22800,
y: 2400
x: 1200,
y: 2400
x: 1200,
y: 3600
x: 22800,
y: 3600
x: 22800,
y: 4800
x: 1200,
y: 4800
x: 1200,
y: 6000
x: 22800,
y: 6000
x: 22800,
y: 7200
x: 1200,
y: 7200
x: 1200,
y: 8400
x: 22800,
y: 8400
x: 22800,
y: 9600
x: 1200,
y: 9600
x: 1200,
y: 10800
x: 22800,
y: 10800
x: 22800,
y: 12000
x: 1200,
y: 12000
x: 1200,
y: 13200
x: 22800,
y: 13200
x: 22800,
y: 14400
x: 1200,
y: 14400
x: 1200,
y: 15600
x: 22800,
y: 15600
x: 22800,
y: 16800
x: 1200,
y: 16800
x: 1200,
y: 18000
x: 22800,
y: 18000
x: 22800,
y: 19200
x: 1200,
y: 19200
x: 1200,
y: 20400
x: 22800,
y: 20400
x: 22800,
y: 21600
x: 1200,
y: 21600
x: 1200,
y: 22800
x: 22800,
y: 22800
let currentPositionIndex = 0;
// Handle the "scanposition" command
function handleScanPosition() {
// Stop any ongoing repeating move process
// Move to the first position immediately
currentPositionIndex = 0;
function moveToNextPosition() {
if (currentPositionIndex >= movePositions.length) {
game.ui.getComponent('PopupOverlay').showHint('Scanning positions completed.', 1500);
const position = movePositions[currentPositionIndex];
goToPosition(position.x, position.y);
function goToPosition(x, y) {
goToMarkerInterval = setInterval(() => {
const myX = Math.round(game.ui.playerTick.position.x);
const myY = Math.round(game.ui.playerTick.position.y);
const offset = document.getElementById("offset").value;
const coords1secondago = getCoordinatesOneSecondAgo()
const distanceDifference = Math.round(calculateDistance(myX, myY, coords1secondago.x, coords1secondago.y));
if (distanceDifference < 30) {
// If the distance is not changing, move in a random direction (if allowed)
if (canMoveRandomly) {
canMoveRandomly = false; // Prevent further random movement until timer expires
// Get the direction based on the current position and destination
const destinationDirection = calculateDirection(x, y);
const oppdestinationDirection = -calculateDirection(x, y);
// Define all possible directions
const allDirections = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
// Filter out directions that have already been tried or are the same as the destination direction
const availableDirections = allDirections.filter(
dir => !triedDirections.includes(dir) && dir !== destinationDirection && dir !== oppdestinationDirection
let randomDirection;
if (availableDirections.length === 0) {
// All directions have been tried, reset and try again
triedDirections = [];
randomDirection = Math.floor(Math.random() * 8); // Random direction
} else {
// Choose a random direction from the available directions
randomDirection = availableDirections[Math.floor(Math.random() * availableDirections.length)];
// Store the selected direction in the list of tried directions
// Clear all inputs first
left: 0,
right: 0,
up: 0,
down: 0
// Translate the random direction to input values
if (randomDirection === 0) {
left: 1
} else if (randomDirection === 1) {
right: 1
} else if (randomDirection === 2) {
up: 1
} else if (randomDirection === 3) {
down: 1
} else if (randomDirection === 4) {
left: 1,
up: 1
} else if (randomDirection === 5) {
left: 1,
down: 1
} else if (randomDirection === 6) {
right: 1,
up: 1
} else if (randomDirection === 7) {
right: 1,
down: 1
// After 5 seconds, stop the random movement and reset the flag
setTimeout(() => {
left: 0,
right: 0,
up: 0,
down: 0
canMoveRandomly = true;
}, 5000);
if (canMoveRandomly) {
// Continue with the original movement logic
if (-myX + x > offset) game.network.sendInput({
left: 0
else game.network.sendInput({
left: 1
if (myX - x > offset) game.network.sendInput({
right: 0
else game.network.sendInput({
right: 1
if (-myY + y > offset) game.network.sendInput({
up: 0
else game.network.sendInput({
up: 1
if (myY - y > offset) game.network.sendInput({
down: 0
else game.network.sendInput({
down: 1
if (distanceDifference < 30) {
game.ui.getComponent('PopupOverlay').showHint('Stuck, taking a random step!', 5000);
if (-myX + x < offset && myX - x < offset && -myY + y < offset && myY - y < offset) {
game.ui.getComponent('PopupOverlay').showHint('Reached destination!', 1000);
// Wait for 1 second before moving to the next position
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
}, 10);
const minimap = document.getElementById("hud-map");
let lastPlayerTickDead = 0;
let showBuildings = true;
const isBuildingOffset = offset => (offset % 48) ? ~~(0 <= (offset % 200) && (offset % 200) <= 16) : ~~(0 <= (offset % 200) && (offset % 200) <= 40);
const isInRange = (p1, p2) => {
const deltaX = ~~(p2.x / 200) - ~~(p1.x / 200);
const deltaY = ~~(p2.y / 200) - (~~((p1.y + 100) / 200) - 0.5);
return -5 <= deltaX && -3.5 <= deltaY && deltaX <= 5 + isBuildingOffset(p2.x) && deltaY <= 3.5 + isBuildingOffset(p2.y);
game.world.removeEntity2 = game.world.removeEntity;
game.world.removeEntity = uid => {
if (!game.world.entities[uid]) return;
const model = game.world.entities[uid].targetTick.model;
const pp = game.ui.playerTick.position;
const ep = game.world.entities[uid].targetTick.position;
if (["Tree", "Stone", "NeutralCamp"].includes(model) && !game.world.replicator.currentTick.entities[uid]) {
if (game.world.entities[uid].node.alpha != 0.5) game.world.entities[uid].setAlpha(0.5);
if (["Wall", "Door", "SlowTrap", "ArrowTower", "BombTower", "MagicTower", "ResourceHarvester", "CannonTower", "MeleeTower", "GoldMine", "Harvester"].includes(model)) {
if (!isInRange(pp, ep) && !game.world.replicator.currentTick.entities[uid]) {
if (game.world.entities[uid].node.alpha != 0.5) game.world.entities[uid].setAlpha(0.5);
game.world.createEntity2 = game.world.createEntity;
game.world.createEntity = entity => {
if (["Tree", "Stone", "NeutralCamp"].includes(entity.model)) {
const entityDiv = document.createElement("div");
entityDiv.classList.add("hud-map-building"); // Common class for styling
if (entity.model === "Tree" || entity.model === "Stone" || entity.model === "NeutralCamp") {
entityDiv.classList.add("colorful-dot"); // Separate class for deleting
entityDiv.style.background = ({
Tree: "green",
Stone: "grey",
NeutralCamp: "red"
entityDiv.style.left = `${entity.position.x / 24000 * 100}%`;
entityDiv.style.top = `${entity.position.y / 24000 * 100}%`;
entityDiv.style.display = showBuildings ? "block" : "none"; // Set initial visibility
function toggleEnvironmentVisibility() {
showBuildings = !showBuildings;
const colorfulDotElements = document.querySelectorAll(".colorful-dot");
colorfulDotElements.forEach((element) => {
element.style.display = showBuildings ? "block" : "none";
game.network.sendRpc = (e) => {
if (e.name === "SendChatMessage") {
e.message = evadeFilter(e.message);
let filterTargets = [
/m[o0u]th(?:er|a)f+u+c+k+[e3]r/gi, /m[o0u]th(?:er|a)f+u+c+k+/gi, /f+[\s\d_\^\+\=\*\.\-,:"'>|\/\\]{0,42}u+[\s\d_\^\+\=\*\.\-,:"'>|\/\\]{0,42}c+[\s\d_\^\+\=\*\.\-,:"'>|\/\\]{0,42}k+/gi,
/c+[o0]+c+k+s+u+c+k+[e3]+r+/gi, /c+[o0]+c+k+s+u+c+k+/gi,
/[a@][s\$][s\$]h[o0]l[e3][s\$]/gi, /[a@][s\$][s\$]h[o0]+l[e3]/gi, /(\b|^|[^glmp])[a@][s\$][s\$][e3][s\$](?:\b|$)/gi, /\b(dumb)[a@][s\$][s\$]+/gi, /(\b|^|\s|[^bcglmprstvu])[a@][\s\d_\^\+\=\*\.\-,:"'>|\/\\]{0,42}[s\$][\s\d_\^\+\=\*\.\-,:"'>|\/\\]{0,42}[s\$]+(?:\b|$)/gi,
/\bt[i1]tt[i1]e[s\$]/gi, /\bt[i1]tt[i1]e/gi, /\bt[i1]tty/gi, /\bt+[\s_\^\+\=\*\.\-,:"'>|\/\\]{0,42}[i1]+[\s_\^\+\=\*\.\-,:"'>|\/\\]{0,42}t+[\s_\^\+\=\*\.\-,:"'>|\/\\]{0,42}[s\$]+/gi, /\bt+[i1]+t([^ahilmrtu])/gi,
/n+[i1]+gg+[a@]+[s\$z]+/gi, /n+[i1]+gg+e+r+[s\$z]+/gi, /n+[\W023456789_]{0,42}[i1]+[\W023456789_]{0,42}g[\W\d_]{0,42}g+[\W\d_]{0,42}[a@]+(?!rd)/gi, /(\b|^|[^s])n+[\W02-9_]{0,42}[i1]+[\W02-9_]{0,42}g[\W\d_]{0,42}g+[\W0-24-9_]{0,42}[e3]+[\W0-24-9_]{0,42}r+/gi, /m+[i1]+gg+[e3]+r+/gi, /y+[i1]+gg+[e3]+r+/gi,
/d+[a@]+r+k+[i1]+[e3]+s+/gi, /d+[\W\d_]{0,42}[a@]+[\W\d_]{0,42}r+[\W\d_]{0,42}k+[\W02-9_]{0,42}[i1]+[\W024-9_]{0,42}[e3]+/gi,
/[s$z]+h+v+[a@]+t+[s$z]+[a@]+[s$z]+/gi, /[s$z]+h+v+[a@]+t+[s$z]+[a@]+/gi,
/(\b|^)[s$]+p+[i1]+c+k{0,32}[s$]+/gi, /(\b|^)[s$]+[\W\d_]{0,42}p+[\W02-9_]{0,42}[i1]+[\W02-9_]{0,42}c+(\b|$)/gi,
/w+[e3]+t+b+[a@]+c+k+[s$z]+/gi, /w+[e3]+t+b+[a@]+c+k+/gi,
/k+[i1]+k+[e3]+[s$z]+/gi, /k+[\W02-9_]{0,42}[i1]+[\W02-9_]{0,42}k+[\W0124-9_]{0,42}[e3]+(\b|$)/gi,
/g+[\W1-9_]{0,42}[o0][\W1-9_]{0,42}[o0]+[\W1-9_]{0,42}k+[\W\d_]{0,42}[s$]+/gi, /(\b|^)g+[\W1-9_]{0,42}[o0][\W1-9_]{0,42}[o0]+[\W1-9_]{0,42}k+(?!y)/gi,
/r+[a@]+g+[\W\d_]{0,42}h+[e3]+[a@]+d+[s$]+/gi, /r+[\W\d_]{0,42}[a@]+[\W\d_]{0,42}g+[\W\d_]{0,42}h+[\W0-24-9_]{0,42}[e3]+[\W0-24-9_]{0,42}[a@]+[\W\d_]{0,42}d+/gi,
/t+[o0]+w+[e3]+[l1]+[\W02-9_]{0,42}h+[e3]+[a@]+d+[s$]+/gi, /t+[\W1-9_]{0,42}[o0]+[\W1-9_]{0,42}w+[\W0-24-9_]{0,42}[e3]+[\W024-9_]{0,42}[l1]+[\W02-9_]{0,42}h+[\W0-24-9_]{0,42}[e3]+[\W0-24-9_]{0,42}[a@]+[\W\d_]{0,42}d+/gi,
/[i1]+n+j+u+n+[s$]+/gi, /[i1]+[\W02-9_]{0,42}n+[\W\d_]{0,42}j+[\W\d_]{0,42}u+[\W\d_]{0,42}n+(\b|$)/gi,
/(\b|^)[s$]+q+u+[a@]+w+s+/gi, /(\b|^)[s$]+q+u+[a@]+w+(\b|$)/gi,
/g[o0][l1][l1][i1y]w[o0]g+[s$]/gi, /g[o0][l1][l1][i1y]w[o0]g+/gi, /w+[\W1-9_]{0,42}[o0]+[\W1-9_]{0,42}g+[\W\d_]{0,42}[s$]+/gi, /(\b|^)w+[\W1-9_]{0,42}[o0]+[\W1-9_]{0,42}g+(\b|$)/gi,
/[ck][a@]ffr[e3][s$z]/gi, /[ck][\W\d_]{0,42}[a@][\W\d_]{0,42}f[\W\d_]{0,42}f[\W\d_]{0,42}r[\W0-24-9_]{0,42}[e3]/gi,
/[ck][a@]ff[ie3]r[s$z]/gi, /[ck]+[\W\d_]{0,42}[a@]+[\W\d_]{0,42}(?:f[\W024-9_]{0,42})+[i1e3]+[\W024-9_]{0,42}r+/gi,
/[s$]h[i1]t[s$]k[i1]n[s$]/gi, /[s$]h[i1]t[s$]k[i1]n/gi, /[s$]+[\s\d_\^\+\=\*\.\-,:"'>|\/\\]{0,42}h+[\s\d_\^\+\=\*\.\-,:"'>|\/\\]{0,42}[i1]+[\s023456789_\^\+\=\*\.\-,:"'>|\/\\]{0,42}t+(?!ake)/gi,
/[l1][a@]tr[i1]n[o0][s$z]/gi, /[l1][a@]tr[i1]n[o0]/gi,
/[s$]hv[o0][o0]g[a@][s$]/gi, /[s$]hv[o0][o0]g[a@]/gi,
/[s$][a@]mb[o0][e3]*[s$]/gi, /[s$][\W\d_]{0,42}[a@][\W\d_]{0,42}m[\W\d_]{0,42}b[\W1-9_]{0,42}[o0]/gi,
const insert = (string, index, replacement) => {
return string.substring(0, index) + replacement + string.substring(index + 1);
const replace = (string, index, replacement) => {
return string.substring(0, index) + replacement;
const evadeFilter = str => {
let newStr = str;
let shouldCheck = true;
while (shouldCheck) {
filterTargets.forEach(target => {
let array;
let indices = [];
while ((array = target.exec(newStr)) !== null) {
indices.forEach((index, i) => {
let subStr = newStr.substring(index);
for (let j = 0; j < subStr.length; j++) {
if (subStr[j].search(/[a-zA-Z@$]/) != -1) {
let attempt = insert(subStr, j, '&#' + `${subStr.charCodeAt(j)}` + ((j < subStr.length - 1) ? (!isNaN(subStr[j + 1]) ? ';' : '') : ''));
if (attempt.search(target) == -1) {
newStr = replace(newStr, index, attempt);
if (j == subStr.length - 1) {
let replacement = subStr;
for (let k = target.exec(subStr)[0].length - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
if (subStr[k].search(/[a-zA-Z@$]/) != -1) {
replacement = insert(replacement, k, '&#' + `${subStr.charCodeAt(k)}` + ((k < subStr.length - 1) ? (!isNaN(subStr[k + 1]) ? ';' : '') : ''));
if (replacement.search(target) == -1) {
newStr = replace(newStr, index, replacement);
for (let i in filterTargets) {
if (newStr.search(filterTargets[i]) != -1) break;
else if (i == filterTargets.length - 1) shouldCheck = false;
return newStr;
const styles = `
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top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
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customContent.id = "custom-content";
// Buttons at the start
const initialHTML = `
<input class="btn" type="text" id="wsName" placeholder="WebSocket name..." maxlength=29 />
<button class="btn" onclick="window.sendWS();">Send WS</button>
<hr />
<button class="btn btn-red" onclick="window.rmWS();">Remove Last WS</button>
<button class="btn btn-red" onclick="window.rmAllWS();">Remove All WS</button>
<input class="btn" type="text" id="lockedx" placeholder="x" maxlength=5/>
<input class="btn" type="text" id="lockedy" placeholder="y" maxlength=5/>
<button class="btn btn-red" id="locktoggle" onclick="window.toggleLockAlts();">Lock Alts</button>
<button class="btn btn-red" onclick="window.joinParty();">Alts Join</button>
<button class="btn btn-red" onclick="window.leaveParty();">Alts Leave</button>
<button class="btn btn-red" id="aitotoggle" onclick="window.toggleAito();">Start Aito</button>
customContent.innerHTML = initialHTML;
customSidebar.style.display = "none"
// Function to toggle visibility and position of the custom sidebar
function toggleCustomSidebar() {
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// Event listener to toggle the custom sidebar on backslash key press
document.addEventListener("keyup", e => {
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const webSockets = {};
let wsId = 0;
let wsIndex = 0;
window.sendWS = () => {
let iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.src = 'https://zombs.io';
iframe.style.display = 'none';
let iframeWindow = iframe.contentWindow;
iframe.addEventListener("load", () => {
let connectionOptions = game.network.connectionOptions ?? game.options.servers[document.getElementsByClassName('hud-intro-server')[0].value];
iframeWindow.game.network.connectionOptions = connectionOptions;
iframeWindow.game.network.connected = true;
let ws = new WebSocket(`wss://${connectionOptions.hostname}:${connectionOptions.port}`);
ws.binaryType = 'arraybuffer';
ws.onopen = (data) => {
ws.network = new game.networkType();
ws.network.sendPacket = (_event, _data) => {
ws.send(ws.network.codec.encode(_event, _data));
ws.playerTick = {};
ws.onRpc = (data) => {
case 'Dead':
ws.network.sendPacket(3, { respawn: 1 });
case 'ReceiveChatMessage':
if(data.response.uid == game.world.myUid) {
if(data.response.message.toLowerCase() == `!${ws.wsId}`) {
ws.hit = 0;
if(data.response.message.toLowerCase() == `${ws.wsId}`) {
ws.space = 0;
ws.gameUpdate = () => {
if(ws.hit < 12) {
if([3, 9].includes(ws.hit)) {
ws.network.sendPacket(3, { space: 1 });
} else if([6, 12].includes(ws.hit)) {
ws.network.sendPacket(3, { space: 0 });
if(ws.space < 6) {
if(ws.space == 3) {
ws.network.sendPacket(3, { space: 1 });
if(ws.space == 6) {
ws.network.sendPacket(3, { space: 0 });
ws.moveToward = (x, y) => {
let roundedX = Math.round(x);
let roundedY = Math.round(y)
let myX = Math.round(ws.playerTick.position.x);
let myY = Math.round(ws.playerTick.position.y);
let offset = 10;
if (-myX + roundedX > offset) ws.network.sendInput({ left: 0 }); else ws.network.sendInput({ left: 1 });
if (myX - roundedX > offset) ws.network.sendInput({ right: 0 }); else ws.network.sendInput({ right: 1 });
if (-myY + roundedY > offset) ws.network.sendInput({ up: 0 }); else ws.network.sendInput({ up: 1 });
if (myY - roundedY > offset) ws.network.sendInput({ down: 0 }); else ws.network.sendInput({ down: 1 });
if (!altsLocked) {
var mousePos = game.renderer.screenToWorld(game.inputManager.mousePosition.x, game.inputManager.mousePosition.y)
ws.moveToward(mousePos.x, mousePos.y);
if (altsLocked) {
ws.moveToward(document.getElementById("lockedx").value, document.getElementById("lockedy").value);
ws.onmessage = msg => {
if (new Uint8Array(msg.data)[0] == 5){
game.network.codec.decodePreEnterWorldResponse = buffer => buffer;
let data = iframeWindow.game.network.codec.decodePreEnterWorldResponse(game.network.codec.decode(msg.data));
ws.send(ws.network.codec.encode(4, { displayName: document.getElementById("wsName").value, extra: data.extra}));
ws.followMouse && ws.network.sendPacket(3, game.network.lastPacketInput);
ws.data = ws.network.codec.decode(msg.data);
switch(ws.data.opcode) {
case 0:
for(let i in ws.data.entities[ws.playerTick.uid]) {
ws.playerTick[i] = ws.data.entities[ws.playerTick.uid][i];
case 4:
ws.send(iframeWindow.game.network.codec.encode(6, {}));
ws.playerTick.uid = ws.data.uid;
ws.network.sendRpc({name: "JoinPartyByShareKey", partyShareKey: game.ui.playerPartyShareKey});
wsIndex = wsId;
webSockets[wsId] = ws;
ws.wsId = wsId;
ws.followMouse = true;
case 9:
ws.onclose = e => {
delete webSockets[ws.wsId];
const checkWS = () => {
if(Object.keys(webSockets).length < 1) { wsId = 0; wsIndex = 0; };
window.rmWS = () => {
let deletionId = wsIndex;
if(!webSockets[wsIndex]) {
deletionId = Math.max([ wsIndex, ...Object.keys(webSockets).map(parseInt) ]);
delete webSockets[deletionId];
window.rmAllWS = () => {
for(let id in webSockets) {
webSockets = {};
let wsPosElems = {};
game.network.oldSendRpc = game.network.sendRpc;
game.network.sendRpc = m => {
if(m.name == "EquipItem") {
for(let id in webSockets) {
const ws = webSockets[id];
ws.network.sendPacket(9, { name: "BuyItem", itemName: m.itemName, tier: m.tier });
ws.network.sendPacket(9, m);
game.network.oldSendInput = game.network.sendInput;
game.network.sendInput = m => {
for(let id in webSockets) {
const ws = webSockets[id];
ws.network.sendPacket(3, m);
window.leaveParty = () => {
for (let id in webSockets) {
webSockets[id].network.sendPacket(9, { name: "LeaveParty" });
window.joinParty = () => {
for (let id in webSockets) {
name: "JoinPartyByShareKey",
partyShareKey: game.ui.playerPartyShareKey
let aitoEnabled = false;
let currentWebSocketIndex = 0;
let canPerformNightActions = true;
let goldCheckInterval; // Declare the variable for the gold-checking interval
let selectedWebSocket; // Declare the variable for the selected WebSocket
// Function to find the next WebSocket id in order
function findNextWebSocketId() {
const webSocketIds = Object.keys(webSockets);
const numWebSockets = webSocketIds.length;
if (numWebSockets === 0) {
return null; // No websockets available
// Get the next WebSocket id in order
const selectedWebSocketId = webSocketIds[currentWebSocketIndex];
// Update the current index for the next night
currentWebSocketIndex = (currentWebSocketIndex + 1) % numWebSockets;
return selectedWebSocketId;
window.toggleAito = () => {
aitoEnabled = !aitoEnabled;
// Clear the gold-checking interval when Aito is disabled
if (!aitoEnabled) {
if (Object.keys(webSockets).length >= 3) {
// All websockets leave the party
for (let id in webSockets) {
webSockets[id].network.sendPacket(9, { name: "LeaveParty" });
if (aitoEnabled) {
// Aito is enabled
if (Object.keys(webSockets).length < 3) {
// Show a popup if there are fewer than 3 websockets
game.ui.getComponent("PopupOverlay").showHint('Not enough alts, get 3 of them at least', 5000);
aitoEnabled = false; // Disable Aito
// Update the button text based on Aito's status
document.getElementById("aitotoggle").innerHTML = aitoEnabled ? "Stop Aito" : "Start Aito";
let altsLocked = false
window.toggleLockAlts = () => {
altsLocked = !altsLocked;
document.getElementById("locktoggle").innerHTML = altsLocked ? "Unlock Alts" : "Lock Alts";
// Variable to track the last time a health potion was bought
let lastHealthPotionBuyTime = 0;
// Override the sendRpc function
game.network.sendRpc = (input) => {
// Check if the RPC is for buying a health potion and if the cooldown has passed
if (input.name === "BuyItem" && input.itemName === "HealthPotion") {
const currentTime = Date.now();
// Check if enough time has passed since the last health potion buy
const timeSinceLastBuy = currentTime - lastHealthPotionBuyTime;
const cooldownDuration = 15000; // Cooldown duration in milliseconds (15 seconds)
if (timeSinceLastBuy >= cooldownDuration) {
// Update the last health potion buy time
lastHealthPotionBuyTime = currentTime;
// Create a div element for the timer
const timerElement = document.createElement('div');
timerElement.style.color = 'red'; // Set the text color to red
timerElement.style.position = 'absolute';
// Find the health potion button in the toolbar
const healthPotionButton = document.querySelector("#hud-toolbar > div.hud-toolbar-inventory > a:nth-child(5)")
// Check if the health potion button is found
if (healthPotionButton) {
// Calculate the position below the health potion button
const healthPotionButtonRect = healthPotionButton.getBoundingClientRect();
const timerTop = healthPotionButtonRect.bottom; // Adjust as needed
timerElement.style.left = `${healthPotionButtonRect.left}px`; // X-coordinate
timerElement.style.top = `${timerTop}px`; // Y-coordinate
// Append the timer element to the game's UI
// Function to update and display the timer
const updateTimer = () => {
const timeRemaining = cooldownDuration - (Date.now() - lastHealthPotionBuyTime);
const currentTimerValue = Math.max(0, Math.ceil(timeRemaining / 1000));
const milliseconds = Math.max(0, timeRemaining % 1000);
// Format the timer to include milliseconds
timerElement.textContent = `${currentTimerValue}.${milliseconds < 100 ? '0' : ''}${milliseconds}`;
if (timeRemaining <= 0) {
// Add any additional actions you want to perform when the timer expires
document.body.removeChild(timerElement); // Remove the timer element from the UI
// Update the timer immediately
// Update the timer every 100 milliseconds
const timerInterval = setInterval(updateTimer, 100);
// Call the original sendRpc function
var audioFiles=[{url:"https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1062441866416619653/1069324203297362040/Barren_Gates_-_Obey_NCS_Release.mp3",title:"Obey NCS"},
{url:"https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1062441866416619653/1069323837608570941/Clarx_-_Zig_Zag_NCS_Release.mp3",title:"Zig Zag NCS"},
{url:"https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1062441866416619653/1069300879708135524/Anixto_-_Ride_Or_Die_NCS_Release.mp3",title:"Ride Or Die NCS"},
{url:"https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1062441866416619653/1069324799903531128/MP3DL.CC_Rival_-_Throne_-_ft._Neoni_NCS_Release-256k.mp3",title:"Throne NCS"},
{url:"https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/905994516719345664/918544988965568562/Dirty_Palm_-_Ropes_feat._Chandler_Jewels_NCS10_Release.mp3",title:"Ropes NCS"},
{url:"https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/905994516719345664/918546211584213023/Jonth_Tom_Wilson_Facading_MAGNUS_Jagsy_Vosai_RudeLies__Domastic_-_Heartless_NCS10_Release.mp3",title:"Heartless NCS"},
{url:"https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/905873563490328626/920005714481672212/Anikdote_-_Turn_It_Up_NCS_Release.mp3",title:"Turn It Up NCS"},
{url:"https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/905873563490328626/920006439999778856/Unknown_Brain_-_MATAFAKA_feat._Marvin_Divine_NCS_Release.mp3",title:"MATAFKA NCS"},
{url:"https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/905994516719345664/918910823290769458/koven_never_have_i_felt_this_ncs_release_gqEQ_nIByoK-gucZcxBO.mp3",title:"Never Have I Felt This NCS"},
{url:"https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/905994516719345664/925144953611505714/Rebel_Scum__Dani_King__Centrix_-_Calm_Before_The_Storm_NCS_Release.mp3",title:"Calm Before The Storm NCS"}];
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var audio=new Audio(audioFiles[currentIndex].url);
var repeat=false;
var shuffled=false;
function playNext()
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