Role Play Helper for ChatGPT&Slack

This script provides an intuitive template editor with three key areas: setting, review, and interaction. Users can construct templates in the setting area, then populate them with content from the review and interaction areas. A built-in "add" button fetches the latest AI message for instant insertion into the review area, making template editing straightforward and convenient.

Tính đến 09-06-2023. Xem phiên bản mới nhất.

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This script offers a highly customizable template editor, enabling users to easily generate and modify templates. The editor consists of three main parts: a setting area, a review area, and an interaction area. In the setting area, users can construct the main body of the template. An example template is "Command area {xxxx} Memory area {xxxx} Review area {{R}} Interaction area {{D}}", where "{R}" and "{D}" are placeholders for the review area and interaction area respectively. The content users input in the review area and interaction area will be automatically filled into these placeholders. Additionally, we provide an "add" button that can automatically retrieve the latest AI message and populate it into the review area, making template editing more convenient. No matter how complex your template is, you can easily handle it with the help of this script.