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DuckDuckGPT 🤖

Thêm câu trả lời AI vào DuckDuckGo (được cung cấp bởi GPT-4o!)

< Feedback on DuckDuckGPT 🤖

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 13-08-2023

Does not work for me with Firefox on MacPro?

adamluiTác giả
Posted: 13-08-2023

Hey @Blackat can you turn on Proxy Mode and does it work?

adamluiTác giả
Posted: 13-08-2023
Posted: 13-08-2023

Apart from my nil computer skills, I don't have the same screen and options as you.
Attached screenshot.
Thank you for your time.

adamluiTác giả
Posted: 13-08-2023

@Blackat actually this script is incompatible with Greasemonkey extension, can you install instead? But before you do, can you try clicking "DuckDuckGPT >" in your menu and see if there is the Proxy Mode item? If so, can you activate it? (And if it still doesn't work, it will work in Tampermonkey)

Posted: 13-08-2023

Thank you very much for your information! The script works perfectly now.
Good day.

adamluiTác giả
Posted: 13-08-2023

@Blackat you're welcome!

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