
Generate table of contents for any website. By default, it is not open. You need to go to the plug-in menu to open the switch for the website that wants to open the toc. The plug-in will remember this switch, and the toc will be generated automatically according to the switch when you open the website the next time.

< Feedback on auto-toc

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 24-10-2023


no5ixTác giả
Posted: 25-10-2023


no5ixTác giả
Posted: 25-10-2023

本身也自带自动折叠功能的, 超过三层即可

no5ixTác giả
Posted: 30-10-2023

最新版本增加了: 当标题过长的时候自动折行

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