Disable YouTube AutoPause

"Video paused. Continue watching?" and "Still watching? Video will pause soon" will not appear anymore.

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Bạn có thế thích Disable YouTube Music AutoPause

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#No Auto Pause #No Confirm Continue Watching #Continue Playing Music Songs in background #Yes I am Here #Yes I'm here #youtube continue play

YouTube Music version: Disable YouTube Music AutoPause

This Userscript is to disable the YouTube built-in feature that showing "Video paused. Continue watching?" and "Still watching? Video will pause soon" after being inactive for a while.

このUserscriptは、「動画が一時停止されました。続きを視聴しますか?」と「視聴を続けていますか?動画がまもなく一時停止されます」 という YouTube の組み込み機能を無効にします。

此Userscript用於停用 YouTube 內置的「影片已暫停,要繼續觀賞嗎?」和「你還在螢幕前嗎?影片即將暫停播放」。

Suggested Related Scripts

window._lact and window._fact will not be changed which might affect the YouTube scheduling engine's coding.

Userscripts with Similar Functions but different implementations:
_lact removal: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/447802-youtube-web-tweaks/
youthereDataChanged_ & youThereData_ removal: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/401348-yes-i-m-here-youtube/
#confirm-button clicking: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/391504-youtube-video-paused-continue-watching-nuker
Simulated Clicking and document page hacking: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/390352-youtube-stay-active-and-play-forever

The key point is the youthereDataChanged_().

Test: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AC6XoDK6eo


Result 2:
Playlist: LoveLive! 強迫症專用µ's全曲完美歌單