Swap Kanji passed to Full Kanji Completed and Vocab Completed
Đây là phiên bản của script này, nơi mã nguồn đã được cập nhật. Hiện tất cả các phiên bản.
Missing downloadURL header. Check for updates should work now.
Added update path to check for updates in Tampermonkey.
Updated code to match WaniKani's new html item names.
Accidently added my personal code (showed number that was 90% of the total kanji, so I knew where to stop). It's been removed. My apologies.
Because of the latest update to Tampermonkey, the script has become very inconsistent. The HTML script would load faster than the DOM and therefore be unable to add the vocab progression bar, so I've opted to insert the HTML script after WKOF loads to provide a consistent experience.
Swapped @run-at document-start for document-end.
Added @run-at header back in, Tampermonkey fixed their issue. Changed @include to @match and added a catch for both base URL and dashboard URL.
Had to remove @run-at header due to a bug in TamperMonkey 4.18.0. Expect a ever so slight load-in delay without it.
Fixed a bug that was causing the kanji progress to not show correctly.
Fixed a bug that showed the total number of kanji/vocab as the total unlocked, instead of the total for that level.
added run-at command to make it even faster! ZOOOOOM!
Updated the code to load the HTML/CSS instantly, then fill in the correct data once WaniKani Open Framework loads.