
Automation of actions for the game Hero Wars

< Feedback on HeroWarsHelper

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 29-02-2024

Did we lose Secret Wealth forever? I am actually afraid of this... Can it be fixed? Thank you for your time and effort!

ZingerYTác giả
Posted: 01-03-2024

The Secret Wealth store is no longer work
It won't be fixed
Магазин Тайное Богатство больше не работает
Это не будет исправлено

do you think that these 5 shops will work during Secret Wealth Day?
At least better than genuine 1shop

and it won't be fixed due to technical reasons or you don't want do that?

ZingerYTác giả
Posted: 01-03-2024

Let's see...
The game developers have removed the ability to buy in these stores on the server side; the script can only influence what happens on the client side.

Posted: 01-03-2024

Спасибо за ваш ответ. Я понимаю. Очень жаль, тайное богатство было важнейшим источником некоторых ресурсов.

How could you expose 5 shops? so does it mean that shop is not random for every player but there is shared pool of 5 shops?

maybe you could modify items in the Wealth Event to the highest value variant (200 greaters insignia, 100 large skins etc). But I guess that they have some kind of GUID...

Posted: 01-03-2024

How could you expose 5 shops? so does it mean that shop is not random for every player but there is shared pool of 5 shops?

Good question, I also wondered this.

maybe you could modify items in the Wealth Event to the highest value variant (200 greaters insignia, 100 large skins etc). But I guess that they have some kind of GUID...

That would be awesome. The relative price is much lower for the highest value variants.

ZingerYTác giả
Posted: 02-03-2024

Stores generate sets of goods for each player separately according to predetermined rules; this is written in the data library indicating the probabilities of items for each slot in the store

ok but why are there 5 shops and not for example 1 or 10shops? Maybe more than 5 is possible to expose?
If is not a secret how did you discover it...

ZingerYTác giả
Posted: 06-03-2024

ok but why are there 5 shops and not for example 1 or 10shops? Maybe more than 5 is possible to expose?
If is not a secret how did you discover it...

in the same file

so extra shops are still locked on Wealth Day. too bad :/

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