YouTube Better Window Title

Add video length in minutes (rounded) and Channel Name to Window Title

< Feedback on YouTube Better Window Title

Câu hỏi/Bình luận

Posted: 22-09-2022


Sorry for the inconvenience, but can you show me a screenshot of the use of your script to understand it well please ?

Thank you for your answer.

Google Chrome Browser with Tampermonkey

Boris JoffeTác giả
Posted: 24-09-2022
Edited: 24-09-2022

Yea, I attached a screenshot - click the image below

Posted: 24-09-2022


Thank you for your example.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work for me so do you have any idea what could be wrong please ?

Boris JoffeTác giả
Posted: 25-09-2022

If you're coming in from a non video YouTube page, it currently doesn't detect the page change.

Try refreshing the page and waiting up to 10 seconds.

If it doesn't work only on certain videos, send me a link to one of them and I'll check it out - but try refreshing the page first

Posted: 25-09-2022

After doing several tests, unfortunately nothing works for me...

Boris JoffeTác giả
Posted: 26-09-2022

Can you send me a link to a youtube video (or videos) that's not working for you?

If you want, you can send it via DM by clicking on my name and then clicking "Send Message".

Also include what browser you're using (Chrome, Firefox, Brave, etc)

Posted: 26-09-2022


Here are 2 links of YouTube videos :

Google Chrome Browser with Tampermonkey

Boris JoffeTác giả
Posted: 27-09-2022

I tried both those videos in a clean Chrome browser profile (no extensions or customizations besides Tampermonkey and this script) and both worked normally.

Can you try clearing your cache - press Ctrl-Shift-Delete, select "All Time" from the dropdown, and select "Cached images and files" (you can unselect the other items)

Can you also try disabling your Chrome extensions and other userscripts, and restarting your computer just in case. Alternatively, try creating a new Chrome profile and install the script there. If it works, it might be due to a conflict with one your other extensions/userscripts.

If that still doesn't work, go to one of those YouTube videos you sent me,

  • press "F12" on your keyboard
  • click the "Console" tab at the top of the pane that opens up
  • refresh the page (Ctrl-R)
  • wait 20 seconds
  • scroll to the top
  • then copy everything in there and send it to me
Posted: 27-09-2022

GET /watch?v=BNfVv4BSmH4:17 net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
2/watch?v=BNfVv4BSmH4:25 GET net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
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DevTools failed to parse SourceMap:
DevTools failed to parse SourceMap:
DevTools failed to parse SourceMap:
DevTools failed to parse SourceMap:
DevTools failed to parse SourceMap:
DevTools failed to parse SourceMap:
DevTools failed to parse SourceMap:
DevTools failed to parse SourceMap:
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Set `_legacyUndefinedCheck: true` on element class to enable.
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Iu @ base.js:1632
g.Ju @ base.js:1618
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ky @ base.js:1972 @ base.js:1975
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g.k.Yq @ base.js:9718
g.k.Yq @ base.js:9677
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ea @ base.js:4794
Promise.then (async)
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ea @ base.js:4794
Promise.then (async)
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Promise.then (async)
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uV @ base.js:4844
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DevTools failed to parse SourceMap: chrome-extension://gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom/
userscript.html?name=YouTube%20Better%20Window%20Title.user.js&id=bd6da2ad-c177-4031-9327-6b9f4823ae9a:219 YouTube Better Window Title: started script
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O @ scheduler.js:38
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requestAnimationFrame (async)
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ra @ scheduler.js:53
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qa @ scheduler.js:52
ra @ scheduler.js:53
Ov @ base.js:1720
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g.k.yk @ base.js:9752
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g.k.Wc @ base.js:9632
g.k.Yq @ base.js:9718
g.k.Yq @ base.js:9677
g.k.onDone @ base.js:9681
ea @ base.js:4794
Promise.then (async)
rNa @ base.js:4797
ea @ base.js:4794
Promise.then (async)
rNa @ base.js:4797
oa @ base.js:4792
Promise.then (async)
g.k.start @ base.js:9680
iV @ base.js:4796
HNa @ base.js:4829
oV @ base.js:4819
uV @ base.js:4844
xV @ base.js:4855
g.k.initialize @ base.js:9741
QX @ base.js:5363
ORa @ base.js:5323
(anonymous) @ base.js:5318
Nu.then @ base.js:7291
LX @ base.js:5318
NRa @ base.js:5316
g.k.wH @ base.js:10015
g.LS @ base.js:5313
SX @ base.js:5325
rY @ base.js:5449
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xhrSendProcessor @ main.js?attr=484nAy_12imOzF7PABB--x1TGq3yvMA0AAdACfzD0XIOpddl1uZiwskBE0ce13zP2q9oA2QgPBVzAskDjR1G7g:2730
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Iu @ base.js:1632
g.Ju @ base.js:1618
nW @ base.js:5036
(anonymous) @ base.js:5106
Nu.then @ base.js:7291
GW @ base.js:5106
QPa @ base.js:5093
GKa @ base.js:5379
$X @ base.js:5378
(anonymous) @ base.js:5377
(anonymous) @ base.js:1587
setInterval (async)
g.Fu @ base.js:1611
ZRa @ base.js:5377
g.k.AK @ base.js:10084
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xhrSendProcessor @ main.js?attr=484nAy_12imOzF7PABB--x1TGq3yvMA0AAdACfzD0XIOpddl1uZiwskBE0ce13zP2q9oA2QgPBVzAskDjR1G7g:2730
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Iu @ base.js:1632
g.Ju @ base.js:1618
nW @ base.js:5036
(anonymous) @ base.js:5106
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GKa @ base.js:5379
$X @ base.js:5378
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(anonymous) @ base.js:1587
setInterval (async)
g.Fu @ base.js:1611
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g.k.AK @ base.js:10084
(anonymous) @ base.js:1587
Vf @ base.js:388
g.k.dispatchEvent @ base.js:6680
g.k.dispatchEvent @ base.js:8078
listener @ base.js:3875 GET net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
Image (async)
poa @ base.js:1870
g.Zw @ base.js:1867
nW @ base.js:5036
(anonymous) @ base.js:5106
Nu.then @ base.js:7291
GW @ base.js:5106
PPa @ base.js:5103
QPa @ base.js:5093
GKa @ base.js:5379
$X @ base.js:5378
(anonymous) @ base.js:5377
(anonymous) @ base.js:1587
setInterval (async)
g.Fu @ base.js:1611
ZRa @ base.js:5377
g.k.AK @ base.js:10084
(anonymous) @ base.js:1587
Vf @ base.js:388
g.k.dispatchEvent @ base.js:6680
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listener @ base.js:3875
userscript.html?name=YouTube%20Better%20Window%20Title.user.js&id=bd6da2ad-c177-4031-9327-6b9f4823ae9a:187 waitForLoad
userscript.html?name=YouTube%20Better%20Window%20Title.user.js&id=bd6da2ad-c177-4031-9327-6b9f4823ae9a:65 (qs) Could not get element - .title.ytd-video-primary-info-renderer
qsv @ userscript.html?name=YouTube%20Better%20Window%20Title.user.js&id=bd6da2ad-c177-4031-9327-6b9f4823ae9a:65
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getVideoTitleShort @ userscript.html?name=YouTube%20Better%20Window%20Title.user.js&id=bd6da2ad-c177-4031-9327-6b9f4823ae9a:122
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it @ VM874:14
t. @ VM875:38
it @ VM874:14
a @ VM875:3
(anonymous) @ VM875:4
(anonymous) @ VM874:6
M @ VM874:6
s @ VM872 content.js:107
n @ VM872 content.js:108
setTimeout (async)
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processMessage @ VM872 content.js:124
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it @ VM874:14
D..I. @ VM874:4
it @ VM874:14
y @ VM874:6
send @ VM874:7
r @ VM875:4
setTimeout @ VM875:5
it @ VM874:14
t @ VM875:38
value @ VM875:58
tms_bd6da2ad_c177_4031_9327_6b9f4823ae9a$ @ userscript.html?name=YouTube%20Better%20Window%20Title.user.js&id=bd6da2ad-c177-4031-9327-6b9f4823ae9a:214
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eval @ VM871 common.js:2
(anonymous) @ VM872 content.js:128
(anonymous) @ VM872 content.js:108
it @ VM874:14
D..I. @ VM874:4
it @ VM874:14
y @ VM874:6
send @ VM874:7
V @ VM874:3
(anonymous) @ VM874:4
E_u @ VM874:4
(anonymous) @ VM875:64
create @ VM875:65
l @ VM875:6
it @ VM874:14
a @ VM875:3
(anonymous) @ VM875:4
(anonymous) @ VM874:6
M @ VM874:6
s @ VM872 content.js:107
n @ VM872 content.js:108
setTimeout (async)
setTimeout @ VM872 content.js:121
processMessage @ VM872 content.js:124
(anonymous) @ VM872 content.js:128
(anonymous) @ VM872 content.js:108
it @ VM874:14
D..I. @ VM874:4
it @ VM874:14
y @ VM874:6
send @ VM874:7
r @ VM875:4
setTimeout @ VM875:4
(anonymous) @ VM875:7
runListeners @ VM875:6
(anonymous) @ VM875:66
M @ VM874:6
s @ VM872 content.js:107
send @ VM872 content.js:108
(anonymous) @ VM872 content.js:132
s @ VM872 content.js:106
window.addEventListener.capture @ VM872 content.js:111
Show 27 more frames
userscript.html?name=YouTube%20Better%20Window%20Title.user.js&id=bd6da2ad-c177-4031-9327-6b9f4823ae9a:117 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'innerText' of null
at getVideoTitle (userscript.html?name=YouTube%20Better%20Window%20Title.user.js&id=bd6da2ad-c177-4031-9327-6b9f4823ae9a:117)
at getVideoTitleShort (userscript.html?name=YouTube%20Better%20Window%20Title.user.js&id=bd6da2ad-c177-4031-9327-6b9f4823ae9a:122)
at waitForLoad (userscript.html?name=YouTube%20Better%20Window%20Title.user.js&id=bd6da2ad-c177-4031-9327-6b9f4823ae9a:200)
at Proxy. (userscript.html?name=YouTube%20Better%20Window%20Title.user.js&id=bd6da2ad-c177-4031-9327-6b9f4823ae9a:215)
at it (:14:1074)
at t. (:38:422)
at it (:14:1074)
at a (:3:446)
at :4:111
at :6:169
at M (:6:188)
getVideoTitle @ userscript.html?name=YouTube%20Better%20Window%20Title.user.js&id=bd6da2ad-c177-4031-9327-6b9f4823ae9a:117
getVideoTitleShort @ userscript.html?name=YouTube%20Better%20Window%20Title.user.js&id=bd6da2ad-c177-4031-9327-6b9f4823ae9a:122
waitForLoad @ userscript.html?name=YouTube%20Better%20Window%20Title.user.js&id=bd6da2ad-c177-4031-9327-6b9f4823ae9a:200
(anonymous) @ userscript.html?name=YouTube%20Better%20Window%20Title.user.js&id=bd6da2ad-c177-4031-9327-6b9f4823ae9a:215
it @ VM874:14
t. @ VM875:38
it @ VM874:14
a @ VM875:3
(anonymous) @ VM875:4
(anonymous) @ VM874:6
M @ VM874:6
setTimeout (async)
setTimeout @ VM872 content.js:121
processMessage @ VM872 content.js:124
(anonymous) @ VM872 content.js:128
(anonymous) @ VM872 content.js:108
it @ VM874:14
D..I. @ VM874:4
it @ VM874:14
y @ VM874:6
send @ VM874:7
r @ VM875:4
setTimeout @ VM875:5
it @ VM874:14
t @ VM875:38
value @ VM875:58
tms_bd6da2ad_c177_4031_9327_6b9f4823ae9a$ @ userscript.html?name=YouTube%20Better%20Window%20Title.user.js&id=bd6da2ad-c177-4031-9327-6b9f4823ae9a:214
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(anonymous) @ userscript.html?name=YouTube%20Better%20Window%20Title.user.js&id=bd6da2ad-c177-4031-9327-6b9f4823ae9a:1
(anonymous) @ userscript.html?name=YouTube%20Better%20Window%20Title.user.js&id=bd6da2ad-c177-4031-9327-6b9f4823ae9a:1
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set @ VM874:3
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l @ VM875:6
it @ VM874:14
a @ VM875:3
(anonymous) @ VM875:4
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n @ VM872 content.js:108
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it @ VM874:14
y @ VM874:6
send @ VM874:7
r @ VM875:4
setTimeout @ VM875:4
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Show 24 more frames
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HNa @ base.js:4829
oV @ base.js:4819
uV @ base.js:4844
LNa @ base.js:4834
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g.k.Wc @ base.js:9632
g.k.Yq @ base.js:9718
g.k.Yq @ base.js:9677
g.k.onDone @ base.js:9681
ea @ base.js:4794
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rNa @ base.js:4797
ea @ base.js:4794
Promise.then (async)
rNa @ base.js:4797
oa @ base.js:4792
Promise.then (async)
g.k.start @ base.js:9680
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HNa @ base.js:4829
oV @ base.js:4819
uV @ base.js:4844
LNa @ base.js:4834
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g.k.Wc @ base.js:9632
g.k.Yq @ base.js:9718
g.k.Yq @ base.js:9677
g.k.onDone @ base.js:9681
ea @ base.js:4794
Promise.then (async)
rNa @ base.js:4797
ea @ base.js:4794
Promise.then (async)
rNa @ base.js:4797
oa @ base.js:4792
Promise.then (async)
g.k.start @ base.js:9680
iV @ base.js:4796
HNa @ base.js:4829
oV @ base.js:4819
uV @ base.js:4844
LNa @ base.js:4834
g.k.yk @ base.js:9754
(anonymous) @ base.js:4849
g.k.Wc @ base.js:9632
g.k.Yq @ base.js:9718
g.k.Yq @ base.js:9677
g.k.onDone @ base.js:9681
ea @ base.js:4794
Promise.then (async)
rNa @ base.js:4797
ea @ base.js:4794
Promise.then (async)
rNa @ base.js:4797
oa @ base.js:4792
Promise.then (async)
g.k.start @ base.js:9680
iV @ base.js:4796
HNa @ base.js:4829
oV @ base.js:4819
uV @ base.js:4844
xV @ base.js:4855
g.k.initialize @ base.js:9741
QX @ base.js:5363
ORa @ base.js:5323
(anonymous) @ base.js:5318
Nu.then @ base.js:7291
LX @ base.js:5318
NRa @ base.js:5316
g.k.wH @ base.js:10015
g.LS @ base.js:5313
SX @ base.js:5325
rY @ base.js:5449
tSa @ base.js:5445
g.fY @ base.js:5418
g.fY.create @ base.js:10150
playerBootstrap @ watch?v=BNfVv4BSmH4:25
(anonymous) @ watch?v=BNfVv4BSmH4:26
4/manifest.webmanifest:1 Manifest: found icon with no valid purpose; ignoring it.
main.js?attr=484nAy_12imOzF7PABB--x1TGq3yvMA0AAdACfzD0XIOpddl1uZiwskBE0ce13zP2q9oA2QgPBVzAskDjR1G7g:2730 POST,45.336:4.837,45.401:4.900&vps=44.267:PL,45.401:PL,45.401:PL&vfs=45.401:242:248:278:s&view=45.401:874:372&bwm=45.401:133172:1.999&bwe=45.401:32188&bat=45.401:1:1&bh=45.401:0.000&df=45.401:17 net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
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window.XMLHttpRequest.send @ main.js?attr=484nAy_12imOzF7PABB--x1TGq3yvMA0AAdACfzD0XIOpddl1uZiwskBE0ce13zP2q9oA2QgPBVzAskDjR1G7g:2738
Iu @ base.js:1632
g.Ju @ base.js:1618
nW @ base.js:5036
(anonymous) @ base.js:5048
Nu.then @ base.js:7291
APa @ base.js:5047
g.k.reportStats @ base.js:9861
g.k.CA @ base.js:9867
g.k.CA @ base.js:9888
VX @ base.js:5332
g.k.hE @ base.js:10051
dOa @ base.js:4877
ONa @ base.js:4878
uV @ base.js:4844
LNa @ base.js:4834
g.k.yk @ base.js:9754
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g.k.Wc @ base.js:9632
g.k.Yq @ base.js:9718
g.k.Yq @ base.js:9677
g.k.onDone @ base.js:9681
ea @ base.js:4794
Promise.then (async)
rNa @ base.js:4797
ea @ base.js:4794
Promise.then (async)
rNa @ base.js:4797
oa @ base.js:4792
Promise.then (async)
g.k.start @ base.js:9680
iV @ base.js:4796
HNa @ base.js:4829
oV @ base.js:4819
uV @ base.js:4844
LNa @ base.js:4834
g.k.yk @ base.js:9754
(anonymous) @ base.js:4849
g.k.Wc @ base.js:9632
g.k.Yq @ base.js:9718
g.k.Yq @ base.js:9677
g.k.onDone @ base.js:9681
ea @ base.js:4794
Promise.then (async)
rNa @ base.js:4797
ea @ base.js:4794
Promise.then (async)
rNa @ base.js:4797
oa @ base.js:4792
Promise.then (async)
g.k.start @ base.js:9680
iV @ base.js:4796
HNa @ base.js:4829
oV @ base.js:4819
uV @ base.js:4844
LNa @ base.js:4834
g.k.yk @ base.js:9754
(anonymous) @ base.js:4849
g.k.Wc @ base.js:9632
g.k.Yq @ base.js:9718
g.k.Yq @ base.js:9677
g.k.onDone @ base.js:9681
ea @ base.js:4794
Promise.then (async)
rNa @ base.js:4797
ea @ base.js:4794
Promise.then (async)
rNa @ base.js:4797
oa @ base.js:4792
Promise.then (async)
g.k.start @ base.js:9680
iV @ base.js:4796
HNa @ base.js:4829
oV @ base.js:4819
uV @ base.js:4844
LNa @ base.js:4834
g.k.yk @ base.js:9754
(anonymous) @ base.js:4849
g.k.Wc @ base.js:9632
g.k.Yq @ base.js:9718
g.k.Yq @ base.js:9677
g.k.onDone @ base.js:9681
ea @ base.js:4794
Promise.then (async)
rNa @ base.js:4797
ea @ base.js:4794
Promise.then (async)
rNa @ base.js:4797
oa @ base.js:4792
Promise.then (async)
g.k.start @ base.js:9680
iV @ base.js:4796
HNa @ base.js:4829
oV @ base.js:4819
uV @ base.js:4844
LNa @ base.js:4834
g.k.yk @ base.js:9754
(anonymous) @ base.js:4849
g.k.Wc @ base.js:9632
g.k.Yq @ base.js:9718
g.k.Yq @ base.js:9677
g.k.onDone @ base.js:9681
ea @ base.js:4794
Promise.then (async)
rNa @ base.js:4797
ea @ base.js:4794
Promise.then (async)
rNa @ base.js:4797
oa @ base.js:4792
Promise.then (async)
g.k.start @ base.js:9680
iV @ base.js:4796
HNa @ base.js:4829
oV @ base.js:4819
uV @ base.js:4844
LNa @ base.js:4834
g.k.yk @ base.js:9754
(anonymous) @ base.js:4849
g.k.Wc @ base.js:9632
g.k.Yq @ base.js:9718
g.k.Yq @ base.js:9677
g.k.onDone @ base.js:9681
ea @ base.js:4794
Promise.then (async)
rNa @ base.js:4797
ea @ base.js:4794
Promise.then (async)
rNa @ base.js:4797
oa @ base.js:4792
Promise.then (async)
g.k.start @ base.js:9680
iV @ base.js:4796
HNa @ base.js:4829
oV @ base.js:4819
uV @ base.js:4844
xV @ base.js:4855
g.k.initialize @ base.js:9741
QX @ base.js:5363
ORa @ base.js:5323
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Nu.then @ base.js:7291
LX @ base.js:5318
NRa @ base.js:5316
g.k.wH @ base.js:10015
g.LS @ base.js:5313
SX @ base.js:5325
rY @ base.js:5449
tSa @ base.js:5445
g.fY @ base.js:5418
g.fY.create @ base.js:10150
playerBootstrap @ watch?v=BNfVv4BSmH4:25
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Ab @ spf.js:36
wb @ spf.js:34
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g.Mz @ base.js:2155
mGa @ base.js:3639
(anonymous) @ base.js:5446
I @ scheduler.js:29
O @ scheduler.js:38
f.P @ scheduler.js:31
requestIdleCallback (async)
f.start @ scheduler.js:39
O @ scheduler.js:38
f.P @ scheduler.js:31
requestIdleCallback (async)
f.start @ scheduler.js:39
P @ scheduler.js:36
f.O @ scheduler.js:33
setTimeout (async)
f.start @ scheduler.js:39
f.S @ scheduler.js:34
(anonymous) @ web-animations-next-lite.min.js:96
requestAnimationFrame (async)
window.requestAnimationFrame @ web-animations-next-lite.min.js:96
f.start @ scheduler.js:39
J @ scheduler.js:26
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setTimeout (async)
ka @ scheduler.js:44
sj.addJob @ desktop_polymer.js:1293
nj @ desktop_polymer.js:1285
Pk @ desktop_polymer.js:1591
km @ desktop_polymer.js:1909
uta @ desktop_polymer.js:1907
pm @ desktop_polymer.js:1940
Nta @ desktop_polymer.js:1944
yj @ desktop_polymer.js:2317
e.tick @ desktop_polymer.js:3711
qs @ desktop_polymer.js:3732
(anonymous) @ watch?v=BNfVv4BSmH4:73
The resource was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate `as` value and it is preloaded intentionally.
The resource was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate `as` value and it is preloaded intentionally.
The resource was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate `as` value and it is preloaded intentionally.

Posted: 27-09-2022

It's on a version of Google Chrome portable with only Tampermonkey and YouTube Better Window Title enabled.

Boris JoffeTác giả
Posted: 27-09-2022

Thank you, I see a few errors in the log and will look into those. It's unusual that it's working for me and not for you - it might mean that YouTube is sending us slightly different pages (maybe they're testing a feature or have only partially rolled out a new feature)

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