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Additional Bypass

Bypass Addition for Bypass All Shortlinks

Tính đến 06-02-2024. Xem phiên bản mới nhất.

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Add This Filter Below in Your Ublock Filters to Stop Wrong Redirect From Earnow/Shortano/Shortino Sites


This Script is Addition for Bypass All Shortlinks or Bypass All Shortlinks Manual Captcha , Because for several Sites required Jquery to Bypass it.(Please Vote Up to Support me , if you install from openuserjs). You must install this Script if you use Bypass All Shortlinks.

Thanks to JustOlaf aka Muffin24 for making my Scripts more simple and Elegant.

The Easy way to Say Thanks or Donation and Support my Scripts is by Visiting My Blogs Without Adblock, so Please Whitelist and From Your Adblocker, Thanks for whitelisting My Blogs.
Cara Mudah untuk ngucapin terimakasih aka Donasi dan mendukung Skripku agar tetap Update, Cukup dengan mengunjungi Blogku tanpa Pemblokir iklan.