Cotrans Manga/Image Translator (Regular Edition)

(WIP) Translate texts in images on Pixiv, Twitter, Misskey, Calckey

Đây là phiên bản của script này, nơi mã nguồn đã được cập nhật. Hiện tất cả các phiên bản.

  • v0.8.0-bata.17 22-07-2023

    Sync with some backend changes / 同步部分后端更新

  • v0.8.0-bata.16 06-07-2023

    Calckey support (beta) / 添加 Calckey 支持 (测试版)

  • v0.8.0-bata.15 06-07-2023

    Fix a GM compatibility issue / 解决一个 GM 兼容问题

  • v0.8.0-bata.14 06-07-2023
  • v0.8.0-bata.13 06-07-2023

    Misskey support (beta) / 添加 Misskey 支持 (测试版)

  • v0.8.0-bata.12 15-06-2023

    GPT-3.5 as default translator / GPT-3.5 是默认的翻译器了

  • v0.8.0-bata.11 04-06-2023

    GPT-3.5 (Experimental) / GPT-3.5 (测试版)

  • v0.8.0-bata.10 25-04-2023

    Fix render text orientation options / 纠正渲染字体方向选项

  • v0.8.0-bata.9 22-04-2023

    Fix borders / 修复边框相关

  • v0.8.0-bata.8 22-04-2023

    UI refresh / UI 更新

  • v0.8.0-bata.7 16-04-2023

    A half rewrite of the previous userscript! Some highlights of this update includes:

    • The UI has been fully rewrote in solid-js, with better frame rate and less rendering issues.
    • Switched to a new backend with A4000 GPUs, should perform much better than before, and result in less queueing.
    • A new None translator, which does all human translators a huge favor: removes all texts in the image!
    • Countless bug fixes around edge cases.

    You'll need to uninstall and re-install in order to update, sorry for the inconvenience!


    • 用 solid-js 重写了整个 UI,现在在翻阅图片的时候帧数会比之前好很多,顺带修了一些显示问题。
    • 换到了个有 A4000 的新后端上,处理速度有很大提升,排队的现象也应该会少一些。
    • 新的 None 翻译模式,一键把图片内的文字去掉,汉化组福音!
    • 还有一堆的 bug 修复。

    这次的更新需要卸载重装,更新按钮估计是没有用的,非常抱歉 > <

  • v0.7.16 06-11-2022

    sync some changes from backend

  • v0.7.15 01-11-2022

    fix some compatibility issues with the updated backend

  • v0.7.14 23-09-2022

    use canvas for image resizing, drop wasm

  • v0.7.13 18-08-2022

    revert dynamic eval

  • v0.7.12 18-08-2022

    wasm optimizations

  • v0.7.11 12-08-2022

    add support for pixiv's new manga viewer

  • v0.7.10 17-05-2022

    rename to "regular" edition, add Papago as a translator option

  • v0.7.9 31-03-2022
  • v0.7.8 31-03-2022


    • fix errors with VueUse
    • add two more options on per-translate options tab: text detector and translator


    • 修复了 VueUse 相关的报错
    • 在单次应用的设置界面新增了文本检测器和机翻服务的设置
  • v0.7.7 15-03-2022

    fix detection in pixiv

  • v0.7.6 13-03-2022

    performance improvement in observers

  • v0.7.5 12-03-2022

    fix: run a full scan after observe

  • v0.7.4 12-03-2022

    resize images >4000px (align with backend)

  • v0.7.3 25-02-2022

    upload & download progress

  • v0.7.2 23-02-2022
    • Add Youdao as a translator option and the default
    • Description for settings
    • Text direction -> Text orientation
  • v0.7.1 22-02-2022

    fix a mounting issue on pixiv button

  • v0.7.0 22-02-2022

    allow changing translation settings on a particular image by clicking the arrow beside the translate button or right clicking the translate button, allowing user to change "Text detection resolution" and/or "Render text direction"

  • v0.6.2 21-02-2022

    fix a forgotten disconnect observer

  • v0.6.1 21-02-2022

    fix an issue with bookmarked pixiv pictures caused "translate all" to not being mount

  • v0.6.0 21-02-2022

    fix compatibility issues with chrome / violentmonkey

  • v0.5.3 20-02-2022

    (hotfix) revert 0.5.1 due to issues in chrome twitter

  • v0.5.2 20-02-2022

    (hotfix) fix compatibility with violentmonkey

  • v0.5.1 16-02-2022

    directly use <img> to load translated image

  • v0.5.0 15-02-2022

    userscript settings

  • v0.4.1 14-02-2022

    fix include

  • v0.4.0 14-02-2022

    add support for twitter

  • v0.3.1 14-02-2022

    proper icon button

  • v0.3.0 13-02-2022

    i18n (English)

  • v0.2.2 26-12-2021

    chore: lower build target to es2018

  • v0.2.1 26-12-2021

    fix: fix path match

  • v0.2.0 25-12-2021