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< Feedback on Bỏ qua Tất cả Các liên kết ngắn

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 07-02-2024
Edited: 07-02-2024

[feature request]

the bypass for the site bestadvise4u.com can be used also for all these domains: cybertyrant.com,gdspike.com,profitshort.com,courselinkfree.us,technorozen.com,hubdrive.me,bestadvise4u.com,newztalkies.com,10desires.org,theapknews.shop,aiotechnical.com,cryptonewzhub.com,trendzguruji.me,techvybes.com,wizitales.com,101desires.com

you can see the other links shorteners are the same looking at this uBlock commit

I was able to test cybertyrant.com, which is found in the DDL site vegamovies.dad. An origin example link for testing that one is: https://fast-dl.pro/embed?download=VXzqosNyoO5q7f7OfJdE5PTXZ

Posted: 07-02-2024

But now I realize the bypass you have at the moment gets stuck at the last page.
If you want to fix it you can use my working script as reference: https://greasyfork.org/scripts/485473

bloggerpemulaTác giả
Posted: 08-02-2024

Thank you , when i have time i will update the bestadvise4u site

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