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Review: Good - script works

Hi, I have problem with recaptcha{sending automated queries) What can I deduct from code, I want to solve captcha by my own! Not even the check box of recaptcha! Please answer, because I have to stop using your code! And What I have to do to obtain a good Ip Captcha?

bloggerpemulaTác giả
Posted: 17-01-2022

my code not caused you get error sending automated queries , please read my comment here https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/431691-bypass-all-shortlinks/discussions/114860

Try to clear your browser cache and cookies to solve your problem . if you want solve recaptcha manually please remove this line in my script
// @match *://*/recaptcha/api2/*

long time ago i got problem like that because my google email , when i login with that email i got error sending automated queries when i try to solve captcha shortlink, but when i change to another email i don't have problems.

OK, Thanks, can you fix freebcc.org?Always redirect to another Page!!

bloggerpemulaTác giả
Posted: 17-01-2022

OK, Thanks, can you fix freebcc.org?Always redirect to another Page!!

i need to check this site with VPN because they block my country , i don't see any errors.
Try to update to the latest version 13.7 i do improve the script for this site.

Posted: 19-01-2022

Ребята хочу попробовать работать с телефона, какой браузер лучше поставить для работы?

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