Invert all colors

Funny, but quite annoying thing

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Posted: 24-10-2021

this could be a ip grabber or a token grabber since it has and

Posted: 28-11-2021

this could be a ip grabber or a token grabber since it has and

that's not how ip grabbers work lmao just read the code it's not that much

Nuro#9818Tác giả
Posted: 09-02-2022

you know it's open-source and not minified/obfuscated, also Greasyfork deletes any kind of malicious code... just saying tho

Posted: 31-01-2023

This code is to simple and short to be malicious, it is not!

Nuro#9818Tác giả
Posted: 31-01-2023

For the matter of you, I have refactored my script to make it more readable.

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