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HN Blacklist

Hide Hacker News submissions from sources you don't want to see

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Tired of seeing articles from certain sources on Hacker News?

HN Blacklist is for you.

It's also available on GitHub.

Filtering by domain

Simply add the domains of sites you don't want to see articles from:

// Add sources you don't want to see here.
const blacklist = new Set(

Filtering by title text

If you're tired of seeing articles mentioning "ChatGPT", for example, add the following to the blacklist:

// Add sources you don't want to see here.
const blacklist = new Set(

All titles containing the string "ChatGPT" will be filtered out. This filtering is case-insensitive.

Filtering by user

If you want to filter out submissions by a certain user, prefix your blacklist entry with the string user:, followed by the username.

// Add sources you don't want to see here.
const blacklist = new Set(