Greasy Fork is available in English.

SH Continue Reading Anywhere

When viewing any chapter on Scribble Hub, this will add a button to continue reading from your current bookmarked chapter.

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Bạn có thế thích SH Auto Show Bookmark

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Áp dụng cho

When viewing any chapter on Scribble Hub, this will add a button to continue reading from your current bookmarked chapter. It is added next to the settings button above the chapter on desktop layout and to the top control bar next to the comments button on mobile.

(the red rectangle was added to the screenshots in post-production for emphasis, it is not part of the actual script behaviour)

Developed in Tampermonkey v4.11.6117 using Firefox 81.0.2 (64-bit) on Windows and also tested in Firefox 68.6.0 on Android 9.

I sometimes make dark CSS themes and JS userscripts. Some of them aren't terrible.