MolView Keybindings

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Shaun Mitchell
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MolView Keybindings

A set of kebindings to make using MolView more efficient


m    move tool
e    eraser tool

c    clean / prettify structure

s    single bond
d    double bond
t    triple bond

-    add negative charge
=    add positive charge

C    add carbon atom
H    add hydrogen atom
N    add nitrogen atom
O    add oxygen atom
E    display element picker dialog

Element picker

This makes it fairly fast and easy to insert any element.

Type E, and a small input box will be displayed in the bottom left of the screen. Enter any element's symbol and then hit enter to start adding atoms of that element. Hit the escape key at any time to close the input box without selecting an atom.

If the text is red, it signifies that you have entered an invalid symbol and will not allow you to select it by typing enter.