Fanbox Batch Downloader

Batch Download on creator, not post

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40 2 0
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本脚本停止维护…… 推荐使用功能更加齐全以及bug更少的其他大佬开发的批量下载插件,插件商店搜索Fanbox Batch Downloader 感谢一直以来大家的使用和支持


This script is out of maintenance... It is recommended to use batch download downloader developed by other big guys with more complete functions and fewer bugs. Search Fanbox Batch Downloader in the plugin store Thank you for your continued use and support.

A userscript that helps user to download fanbox posts.

Now all file will be compressed in zip.

Add support for embed external link.



更新日志已经转移到Github FanboxBatchDownloader

Update log has transfered to Github FanboxBatchDownloader

添加一个窗口在页面上层中间,下载完形成一个或者多个压缩包 可以分批次下载,默认200个文件一个批次


可以指定下载起点和终点,从新到旧排序 可以用鼠标中键单击手动提前打包,不用影响总体进度***

可以在小窗上查看进度 如果附件没有下载,也可以在控制台查看错误链接

For pixiv fanbox batch downloading pictures and files Add a window on top-center, click it and it will start downloading and generate a zip file on ending, or you can manual pack to zip by click your middle button of mouse.

Please wait for initilizing and the compressing. The max size of zip is 0.8 GiB, it will split while bigger than 0.81 GiB File bigger than 150Mbit will be downloaded alone. You can specify batch count, start and end index of downloading. You can see the progress on window(devtool)