
greasyfork configuration toolbar on the script addins

Script này sẽ không được không được cài đặt trực tiếp. Nó là một thư viện cho các script khác để bao gồm các chỉ thị meta // @require

Tác giả
James dock
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Any libs I made to help with userscript development.


A lib that provides an API to store and retrieve userscript settings, and also provides a UI for users to modify them.

GM_config(settings, storage = 'cfg')


To use this library, require gm_config.js. You must also grant GM_getValue and GM_setValue for it to function. If you want to hook it up to a GreaseMonkey menu command you should also grant GM_registerMenuCommand.


// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @require

const Config = GM_config([
        key: 'opt1'
        label: 'Textbox Option',
        type: 'text'
    }, {
        key: 'opt2',
        label: 'Checkbox Option',
        type: 'bool',
    }, {
        key: 'opt3',
        label: 'Dropdown Option',
        default: 4,
        type: 'dropdown',
        values: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


settings: An array of settings objects.
storage: Optional. Defines what variable the settings will be stored under. Default is cfg.

Settings Objects:

Common Options:

    // The key for the setting.
    key: 'mysetting',

    // The label that'll be used for the setting in the UI.
    label: 'Enter Value',

    // Optional. The default value for the setting.
    default: 'default',

    // What type of setting it is.
    type: 'text|number|dropdown|bool|hidden'

Type Specific Options:

text: Shows a textbox.

    // Optional. Placeholder text for the textbox.
    placeholder: 'Placeholder',

    // Optional. Sets the max length of the textbox.
    maxLength: 10,

    // Optional. If true, shows a textarea instead of a text input. Defaults to false.
    multiline: true,

    // Optional. Only applicable when multiline is true. If true the textarea will be resizable. Defaults to false.
    resizable: true

number: Show a number spinner.

    // Optional. Placeholder text for the number spinner.
    placeholder: 'Placeholder',

    // Optional. The minimum value.
    min: 0,

    // Optional. The maximum value.
    max: 10,

    // Optional. The increment size. Defaults to 1.
    step: 0.01

dropdown: Shows a dropdown list.

    // The list of possible options for the dropdown. Each entry can be a value, an object with a text and value property, or an optgroup object.
    values: [
        { value: 2, text: 'Option 2'},
            optgroup: 'Group',
            values: [
                { value: 4, text: 'Option 4'},

    // Optional. If true show a blank option. Defaults to false.
    showBlank: true

bool: Shows a checkbox.

hidden: Hide the setting from the UI.


load(): Returns an object containing the currently stored settings.
save(cfg): Takes a configuration object and saves it to storage.
setup(): Initializes a UI for the user to modify the settings.

Using the UI:

You can hook the setup to a GreaseMonkey menu command by granting GM_registerMenuCommand and doing the following:

GM_registerMenuCommand('Command Text', Config.setup);


GM_config has the following events:

onchange(key, value): Fires when a user changes a setting, but before saving.
onsave(cfg): Fires when the user clicks save.
oncancel(cfg): Fires when the user clicks cancel.


Config.onchange = (key, value) => console.log(key, value);