Simple HTML5 video player

Replaces any default HTML5 player with custom controls

Đây là phiên bản của script này, nơi mã nguồn đã được cập nhật. Hiện tất cả các phiên bản.

  • v8 15-06-2022

    UPDATE 15.6.2022:
    Attempt to fix scaling issues by keeping original classes for video object.

  • v7 15-02-2022

    Fixed some CSS issues with fullscreen/fullpage wrapper

  • v6 11-04-2021
  • v5.0 24-04-2020 Impove ui and support for streams.
  • v4.6 24-04-2020 Custom ui mode support for livestreams (not used by default).
  • v4.5 23-04-2020 Improvements to ui hover on volume change and mouse move.
  • v4.4 23-04-2020 Some fixes to absolute vs relative video.
  • v4.3 01-02-2020 Fix issue on twitch.
  • v4.2 18-06-2019 Fixed some size desync with wrapper and video.
  • v4.1 06-06-2019 Improved player replacement.
  • v4.0 02-06-2019 Changed UI controls scaling to be dynamic (if timestamp grows, seekbar shrinks, etc). Changed font to monospace one. Changed so that on volume scrolling it prevents other scrolling.
  • v3.3 02-06-2019
  • v3.2 27-11-2018 Added volume control by scrolling mouse up/down on video.
  • v3.1 27-11-2018 Small hotfix to UI autohide functionality.
  • v3.0 27-11-2018 Added filename label on top and automatic audiomode. (When theres no image source)
  • v2.60 17-11-2018 Fixed some fullscreen issues with webkit, added doubleclick->fullscreen and back, added mouseover controls visibility with timeout.
  • v2.50 03-11-2018 Improved volumebar updating.
  • v2.41 25-10-2018 Quickfix to volume slider not having background color on first load.
  • v2.40 25-10-2018 Fixed range colors that i accidently broke. (whoops)
  • v2.30 24-10-2018 Small scaling fix and added support for my other script (Stream grabber).
  • v2.25 24-10-2018 Small hotfix to fullscreen controls fading.
  • v2.2 24-10-2018 Fixed fullscreen (after accidently breaking it) and altered controls fade behaviour in fullscreen.
  • v2.1 24-10-2018 Seekbar background color now shows buffering progress.
  • v2.0 24-10-2018 Changed all colors to variables, changed all inline styling to css styling, added progressbar/background color for seekbar and volume bar.
  • v1.81 22-10-2018 Fixed fullpage height overflow bug and added failsafe for not triggering wrapping function multiple times.
  • v1.75 22-10-2018 Fixed fullscreen and fullpage view. Also removed download button (you can just right click and save-as...)
  • v1.7 22-10-2018 Added fullscreen support.
  • v1.6 22-10-2018 Fixes to pages with multiple videos.
  • v1.5 22-10-2018 Fixes to behaviour during video seeking (fixes to unwanted pausing and unpausing).
  • v1.3 22-10-2018 Made seekbar and volumebar easier to click and removed debug background color.
  • v1.2 22-10-2018 Added fading of control bar.
  • v1.1 22-10-2018 Defaulted volume to 50% for first time, load volume from localstorage on every other load. (Volume levels are preserved)
  • v1.0 22-10-2018