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mmmturkeybacon Color Coded Search with Checkpoints

Changes the title row of a HIT's description to match the average of it's Turkopticon ratings. Changes the color of the reward amount to match the color of the Turkopticon rating for pay. Adds colored checkboxes to show/hide HITs by color rating. Adds a gray checkbox to show only HITs for which you are not qualified. Changes the background color of the HIT title and link to white for Master's HITs. Changes the color of HITs for which you are not qualified to a darker gray. And more!

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not qualified other than masters

What I really want to see is qualifications I can test for, and thus become qualified for more HITS to work on.. All I know now is to look at all HITS that pay a certain amount, but I get a fair number of Master's HITS. At the very least I would an easy way to filter those out of the list I'm NOT qualified for. But the ultimate would be a way to show all HITS I'm NOT qualified for that also have a qualification test. I realize there will still be some in there that have other disqualifications, but cutting it down to those with a qualification test would still get rid of a lot of HITS I wouldn't have to look at.

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