mmmturkeybacon Scroll To Workspace

When a HIT has been accepted, this script scrolls the mturk workspace to the top of the window. When a HIT is being previewed, this script scrolls the 'Accept HIT' button to the top of the window, unless there is a CAPTCHA. Whenever a HIT is previewed or accepted, this script sets the iframe height equal to the browser's viewport height to ensure proper scrolling and gives focus to the iframe.

Tính đến 25-04-2015. Xem phiên bản mới nhất.

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When a HIT has been accepted, this script scrolls the mturk workspace to the top of the window. When a HIT is being previewed, this script scrolls the 'Accept HIT' button to the top of the window, unless there is a CAPTCHA. Whenever a HIT is previewed or accepted, this script sets the iframe height equal to the browser's viewport height to ensure proper scrolling and gives focus to the iframe.