KissAnime Auto Captcha V3.2

Auto complete KissAnime Captcha

Cài đặt script này?
Script được tác giả gợi ý

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Cài đặt script này
Tác giả
Eltion Musa
Cài đặt hàng ngày
Số lần cài đặt
Đánh giá
22 1 4
Phiên bản
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Áp dụng cho

Version: 2.2

  • Less storage.

Version: 2.0

Now it works also in firefox. Do not update, delete the old version and then install this.

How Does It Work?

The script remembers your choices and than uses that in the next captchas.
At the beginning you get a file with some choices that I made which should complete 96% of captchas.
For captchas that it couldn't solve you just have to complete once because it will remember your choices.