
bililiteRange is a javascript library that abstracts text selection and replacement.

Script này sẽ không được không được cài đặt trực tiếp. Nó là một thư viện cho các script khác để bao gồm các chỉ thị meta // @require

'use strict';

let bililiteRange; // create one global variable

const datakey = Symbol(); // use as the key to modify elements.

bililiteRange = function(el){
	var ret;
	if (el.setSelectionRange){
		// Element is an input or textarea 
		// note that some input elements do not allow selections
			el.selectionStart = el.selectionStart;
			ret = new InputRange();
			ret = new NothingRange();
		// Standards, with any other kind of element
		ret = new W3CRange();
	ret._el = el;
	// determine parent document, as implemented by John McLear <>
	ret._doc = el.ownerDocument;
	ret._win = ret._doc.defaultView;
	ret._bounds = [0, ret.length];

	if (!(el[datakey])){ // we haven't processed this element yet	
		const data = createDataObject (el);
		startupHooks.forEach ( hook => hook (el, ret, data) );
	return ret;

bililiteRange.version = 3.2;

const startupHooks = new Set();
bililiteRange.addStartupHook = fn => startupHooks.add(fn);
startupHooks.add (trackSelection);
startupHooks.add (fixInputEvents);
startupHooks.add (correctNewlines);

// selection tracking. We want clicks to set the selection to the clicked location but tabbing in or element.focus() should restore
// the selection to what it was.
// There's no good way to do this. I just assume that a mousedown (or a drag and drop
// into the element) within 100 ms of the focus event must have caused the focus, and
// therefore we should not restore the selection.
function trackSelection (element, range, data){
	data.selection = [0,0];
	range.listen('focusout', evt => data.selection = range._nativeSelection() );	
	range.listen('mousedown', evt => data.mousetime = evt.timeStamp );
	range.listen('drop', evt => data.mousetime = evt.timeStamp );
	range.listen('focus', evt => {
		if ('mousetime' in data && evt.timeStamp - data.mousetime < 100) return;

function fixInputEvents (element, range, data){
	// DOM 3 input events,
	// have a data field with the text inserted, but that isn't enough to fully describe the change;
	// we need to know the old text (or at least its length)
	// and *where* the new text was inserted.
	// So we enhance input events with that information. 
	// the "newText" should always be the same as the 'data' field, if it is defined
	data.oldText = range.all();
	data.liveRanges = new Set();
	range.listen('input', evt => {
		const newText = range.all();
		if (!evt.bililiteRange){
			evt.bililiteRange = diff (data.oldText, newText);
			if (evt.bililiteRange.unchanged){
				// no change. Assume that whatever happened, happened at the selection point (and use whatever data the browser gives us).
				evt.bililiteRange.start = range.clone().bounds('selection')[1] - ( || '').length;
		data.oldText = newText;
		// Also update live ranges on this element
		data.liveRanges.forEach( rng => {
			const start = evt.bililiteRange.start;
			const oldend = start + evt.bililiteRange.oldText.length;
			const newend = start + evt.bililiteRange.newText.length;
			// adjust bounds; this tries to emulate the algorithm that Microsoft Word uses for bookmarks
			let [b0, b1] = rng.bounds();
			if (b0 <= start){
				// no change
			}else if (b0 > oldend){
				b0  += newend - oldend;
				b0  = newend;
			if (b1 < start){
				// no change
			}else if (b1 >= oldend){
				b1 += newend - oldend;
				b1 = start;
			rng.bounds([b0, b1]);				

function diff (oldText, newText){
	// Try to find the changed text, assuming it was a continuous change
	if (oldText == newText){
		return {
			unchanged: true,
			start: 0,

	const oldlen = oldText.length;
	const newlen = newText.length;
	for (var i = 0; i < newlen && i < oldlen; ++i){
		if (newText.charAt(i) != oldText.charAt(i)) break;
	const start = i;
	for (i = 0; i < newlen && i < oldlen; ++i){
		let newpos = newlen-i-1, oldpos = oldlen-i-1;
		if (newpos < start || oldpos < start) break;
		if (newText.charAt(newpos) != oldText.charAt(oldpos)) break;
	const oldend = oldlen-i;
	const newend = newlen-i;
	return {
		oldText: oldText.slice(start, oldend),
		newText: newText.slice(start, newend)
bililiteRange.diff = diff; // expose

function correctNewlines (element, range, data){
	// we need to insert newlines rather than create new elements, so character-based calculations work
	range.listen('paste', evt => {
		if (evt.defaultPrevented) return;
		// windows adds \r's to clipboard!
			text(evt.clipboardData.getData("text/plain").replace(/\r/g,''), {inputType: 'insertFromPaste'}).
	range.listen('keydown', function(evt){
		if (evt.ctrlKey || evt.altKey || evt.shiftKey || evt.metaKey) return;
		if (evt.defaultPrevented) return;
		if (evt.key == 'Enter'){
				text('\n', {inputType: 'insertLineBreak'}).

// convenience function for defining input events
function inputEventInit(type, oldText, newText, start, inputType){
	return {
		data: newText,
		bubbles: true,
		bililiteRange: {
			unchanged: (oldText == newText),

// base class
function Range(){}
Range.prototype = {
	 // allow use of range[0] and range[1] for start and end of bounds 
	get 0(){
		return this.bounds()[0];
	set 0(x){
		this.bounds([x, this[1]]);
		return x;
	get 1(){
		return this.bounds()[1];
	set 1(x){
		this.bounds([this[0], x]);
		return x;
	all: function(text){
		if (arguments.length){
			return this.bounds('all').text(text, {inputType: 'insertReplacementText'});
			return this._el[this._textProp];
	bounds: function(s){
		if (typeof s === 'number'){
			this._bounds = [s,s];
		}else if (bililiteRange.bounds[s]){
			this.bounds(bililiteRange.bounds[s].apply(this, arguments));
		}else if (s && s.bounds){
			this._bounds = s.bounds(); // copy bounds from an existing range
		}else if (s){
			this._bounds = s; // don't do error checking now; things may change at a moment's notice
			// constrain bounds now
			var b = [
				Math.max(0, Math.min (this.length, this._bounds[0])),
				Math.max(0, Math.min (this.length, this._bounds[1]))
			b[1] = Math.max(b[0], b[1]);
			return b;
		return this; // allow for chaining
	clone: function(){
		return bililiteRange(this._el).bounds(this.bounds());
	get data(){
		return this._el[datakey];
	dispatch: function(opts = {}){
		var event = new Event (opts.type, opts);
		event.view = this._win;
		for (let prop in opts) try { event[prop] = opts[prop] } catch(e){}; // ignore read-only errors for properties that were copied in the previous line
		this._el.dispatchEvent(event); // note that the event handlers will be called synchronously, before the "return this;"
		return this;
	get document() {
		return this._doc;
	dontlisten: function (type, func = console.log, target){
		target ??= this._el;
		target.removeEventListener(type, func);
		return this;
	get element() {
		return this._el
	get length() {
		return this._el[this._textProp].length;
	live (on = true){[on ? 'add' : 'delete'](this);
		return this;
	listen: function (type, func = console.log, target){
		target ??= this._el;
		target.addEventListener(type, func);
		return this;
	scrollIntoView() {
		var top =;
		// note that for TEXTAREA's, will do the scrolling and the following is irrelevant.
		// scroll into position if necessary
		if (this._el.scrollTop > top || this._el.scrollTop+this._el.clientHeight < top){
			this._el.scrollTop = top;
		return this;
	select: function(){
		var b = = this.bounds();
		if (this._el === this._doc.activeElement){
			// only actually select if this element is active!
		this.dispatch({type: 'select', bubbles: true});
		return this; // allow for chaining
	selection: function(text){
		if (arguments.length){
			return this.bounds('selection').text(text).bounds('endbounds').select();
			return this.bounds('selection').text();
	sendkeys: function (text){ = this.text(); = undefined;
		function simplechar (rng, c){
			if (/^{[^}]*}$/.test(c)) c = c.slice(1,-1);	// deal with unknown {key}s
		text.replace(/{[^}]*}|[^{]+|{/g, part => (bililiteRange.sendkeys[part] || simplechar)(this, part, simplechar) );
		this.dispatch({type: 'sendkeys', detail: text});
		return this;
	text: function(text, {inputType = 'insertText'} = {}){
		if ( text !== undefined ){
			let eventparams = [this.text(), text, this[0], inputType];
			this.dispatch (inputEventInit('beforeinput',...eventparams));
			this._nativeSetText(text, this._nativeRange(this.bounds()));
			this[1] = this[0]+text.length;
			this.dispatch (inputEventInit('input',...eventparams));
			return this; // allow for chaining
			return this._nativeGetText(this._nativeRange(this.bounds()));
	top: function(){
		return this._nativeTop(this._nativeRange(this.bounds()));
	get window() {
		return this._win;
	wrap: function (n){
		this._nativeWrap(n, this._nativeRange(this.bounds()));
		return this;

// allow extensions ala jQuery
bililiteRange.prototype = Range.prototype;
bililiteRange.extend = function(fns){
	Object.assign(bililiteRange.prototype, fns);

bililiteRange.override = (name, fn) => {
	const oldfn = bililiteRange.prototype[name];
	bililiteRange.prototype[name] = function(){
		const oldsuper = this.super;
		this.super = oldfn;
		const ret = fn.apply(this, arguments);
		this.super = oldsuper;
		return ret;

//bounds functions
bililiteRange.bounds = {
	all: function() { return [0, this.length] },
	start: function() { return 0 },
	end: function() { return this.length },
	selection: function() {
		if (this._el === this._doc.activeElement){
			this.bounds ('all'); // first select the whole thing for constraining
			return this._nativeSelection();
	startbounds: function() { return  this[0] },
	endbounds: function() { return  this[1] },
	union: function (name, {
		const b = this.clone().bounds(;
		return [ Math.min(this[0], b[0]), Math.max(this[1], b[1]) ];
	intersection: function (name, {
		const b = this.clone().bounds(;
		return [ Math.max(this[0], b[0]), Math.min(this[1], b[1]) ];

// sendkeys functions
bililiteRange.sendkeys = {
	'{tab}': function (rng, c, simplechar){
		simplechar(rng, '\t'); // useful for inserting what would be whitespace
	'{newline}': function (rng){
		rng.text('\n', {inputType: 'insertLineBreak'}).bounds('endbounds');
	'{backspace}': function (rng){
		var b = rng.bounds();
		if (b[0] == b[1]) rng.bounds([b[0]-1, b[0]]); // no characters selected; it's just an insertion point. Remove the previous character
		rng.text('', {inputType: 'deleteContentBackward'}); // delete the characters and update the selection
	'{del}': function (rng){
		var b = rng.bounds();
		if (b[0] == b[1]) rng.bounds([b[0], b[0]+1]); // no characters selected; it's just an insertion point. Remove the next character
		rng.text('', {inputType: 'deleteContentForward'}).bounds('endbounds'); // delete the characters and update the selection
	'{rightarrow}':  function (rng){
		var b = rng.bounds();
		if (b[0] == b[1]) ++b[1]; // no characters selected; it's just an insertion point. Move to the right
		rng.bounds([b[1], b[1]]);
	'{leftarrow}': function (rng){
		var b = rng.bounds();
		if (b[0] == b[1]) --b[0]; // no characters selected; it's just an insertion point. Move to the left
		rng.bounds([b[0], b[0]]);
	'{selectall}': function (rng){
	'{selection}': function (rng){
		// insert the characters without the sendkeys processing
	'{mark}': function (rng){ = rng.bounds();
	'{ctrl-Home}': (rng, c, simplechar) => 	rng.bounds('start'),
	'{ctrl-End}': (rng, c, simplechar) => 	rng.bounds('end')
// Synonyms from the DOM standard (
bililiteRange.sendkeys['{Enter}'] = bililiteRange.sendkeys['{enter}'] = bililiteRange.sendkeys['{newline}'];
bililiteRange.sendkeys['{Backspace}'] = bililiteRange.sendkeys['{backspace}'];
bililiteRange.sendkeys['{Delete}'] = bililiteRange.sendkeys['{del}'];
bililiteRange.sendkeys['{ArrowRight}'] = bililiteRange.sendkeys['{rightarrow}'];
bililiteRange.sendkeys['{ArrowLeft}'] = bililiteRange.sendkeys['{leftarrow}'];

// an input element in a standards document. "Native Range" is just the bounds array
function InputRange(){}
InputRange.prototype = new Range();
InputRange.prototype._textProp = 'value';
InputRange.prototype._nativeRange = function(bounds) {
	return bounds || [0, this.length];
InputRange.prototype._nativeSelect = function (rng){
	this._el.setSelectionRange(rng[0], rng[1]);
InputRange.prototype._nativeSelection = function(){
	return [this._el.selectionStart, this._el.selectionEnd];
InputRange.prototype._nativeGetText = function(rng){
	return this._el.value.substring(rng[0], rng[1]);
InputRange.prototype._nativeSetText = function(text, rng){
	var val = this._el.value;
	this._el.value = val.substring(0, rng[0]) + text + val.substring(rng[1]);
InputRange.prototype._nativeEOL = function(){
InputRange.prototype._nativeTop = function(rng){
	if (rng[0] == 0) return 0; // the range starts at the top
	const el = this._el;
	if (el.nodeName == 'INPUT') return 0; 
	const text = el.value;
	const selection = [el.selectionStart, el.selectionEnd];
	// hack from, highlightLengthAtIndex function
	// note that this results in the element being scrolled; the actual number returned is irrelevant
	el.value = text.slice(0, rng[0]);
	el.scrollTop = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
	el.value = text;
	return el.scrollTop;
InputRange.prototype._nativeWrap = function() {throw new Error("Cannot wrap in a text element")};

function W3CRange(){}
W3CRange.prototype = new Range();
W3CRange.prototype._textProp = 'textContent';
W3CRange.prototype._nativeRange = function (bounds){
	var rng = this._doc.createRange();
	if (bounds){
		w3cmoveBoundary (rng, bounds[0], true, this._el);
		rng.collapse (true);
		w3cmoveBoundary (rng, bounds[1]-bounds[0], false, this._el);
	return rng;					
W3CRange.prototype._nativeSelect = function (rng){
	this._win.getSelection().addRange (rng);
W3CRange.prototype._nativeSelection = function (){
	// returns [start, end] for the selection constrained to be in element
	var rng = this._nativeRange(); // range of the element to constrain to
	if (this._win.getSelection().rangeCount == 0) return [this.length, this.length]; // append to the end
	var sel = this._win.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
	return [
		w3cstart(sel, rng),
		w3cend (sel, rng)
W3CRange.prototype._nativeGetText = function (rng){
	return rng.toString();
W3CRange.prototype._nativeSetText = function (text, rng){
	rng.insertNode (this._doc.createTextNode(text));
	// Lea Verou's "super dirty fix" to #31
	if(text == '\n' && this[1]+1 == this._el.textContent.length) {
		// inserting a newline at the end
		this._el.innerHTML = this._el.innerHTML + '\n';
	this._el.normalize(); // merge the text with the surrounding text
W3CRange.prototype._nativeEOL = function(){
	var rng = this._nativeRange(this.bounds());
	var br = this._doc.createElement('br');
	br.setAttribute ('_moz_dirty', ''); // for Firefox
	rng.insertNode (br);
	rng.insertNode (this._doc.createTextNode('\n'));
	rng.collapse (false);
W3CRange.prototype._nativeTop = function(rng){
	if (this.length == 0) return 0; // no text, no scrolling
	if (rng.toString() == ''){
		var textnode = this._doc.createTextNode('X');
		rng.insertNode (textnode);
	var startrng = this._nativeRange([0,1]);
	var top = rng.getBoundingClientRect().top - startrng.getBoundingClientRect().top;
	if (textnode) textnode.parentNode.removeChild(textnode);
	return top;
W3CRange.prototype._nativeWrap = function(n, rng) {

// W3C internals
function nextnode (node, root){
	//  in-order traversal
	// we've already visited node, so get kids then siblings
	if (node.firstChild) return node.firstChild;
	if (node.nextSibling) return node.nextSibling;
	if (node===root) return null;
	while (node.parentNode){
		// get uncles
		node = node.parentNode;
		if (node == root) return null;
		if (node.nextSibling) return node.nextSibling;
	return null;
function w3cmoveBoundary (rng, n, bStart, el){
	// move the boundary (bStart == true ? start : end) n characters forward, up to the end of element el. Forward only!
	// if the start is moved after the end, then an exception is raised
	if (n <= 0) return;
	var node = rng[bStart ? 'startContainer' : 'endContainer'];
	if (node.nodeType == 3){
	  // we may be starting somewhere into the text
	  n += rng[bStart ? 'startOffset' : 'endOffset'];
	while (node){
		if (node.nodeType == 3){
			var length = node.nodeValue.length;
			if (n <= length){
				rng[bStart ? 'setStart' : 'setEnd'](node, n);
				// special case: if we end next to a <br>, include that node.
				if (n == length){
					// skip past zero-length text nodes
					for (var next = nextnode (node, el); next && next.nodeType==3 && next.nodeValue.length == 0; next = nextnode(next, el)){
						rng[bStart ? 'setStartAfter' : 'setEndAfter'](next);
					if (next && next.nodeType == 1 && next.nodeName == "BR") rng[bStart ? 'setStartAfter' : 'setEndAfter'](next);
				rng[bStart ? 'setStartAfter' : 'setEndAfter'](node); // skip past this one
				n -= length; // and eat these characters
		node = nextnode (node, el);
var     START_TO_START                 = 0; // from the w3c definitions
var     START_TO_END                   = 1;
var     END_TO_END                     = 2;
var     END_TO_START                   = 3;
// from the Mozilla documentation, for range.compareBoundaryPoints(how, sourceRange)
// -1, 0, or 1, indicating whether the corresponding boundary-point of range is respectively before, equal to, or after the corresponding boundary-point of sourceRange. 
    // * Range.END_TO_END compares the end boundary-point of sourceRange to the end boundary-point of range.
    // * Range.END_TO_START compares the end boundary-point of sourceRange to the start boundary-point of range.
    // * Range.START_TO_END compares the start boundary-point of sourceRange to the end boundary-point of range.
    // * Range.START_TO_START compares the start boundary-point of sourceRange to the start boundary-point of range. 
function w3cstart(rng, constraint){
	if (rng.compareBoundaryPoints (START_TO_START, constraint) <= 0) return 0; // at or before the beginning
	if (rng.compareBoundaryPoints (END_TO_START, constraint) >= 0) return constraint.toString().length;
	rng = rng.cloneRange(); // don't change the original
	rng.setEnd (constraint.endContainer, constraint.endOffset); // they now end at the same place
	return constraint.toString().length - rng.toString().length;
function w3cend (rng, constraint){
	if (rng.compareBoundaryPoints (END_TO_END, constraint) >= 0) return constraint.toString().length; // at or after the end
	if (rng.compareBoundaryPoints (START_TO_END, constraint) <= 0) return 0;
	rng = rng.cloneRange(); // don't change the original
	rng.setStart (constraint.startContainer, constraint.startOffset); // they now start at the same place
	return rng.toString().length;

function NothingRange(){}
NothingRange.prototype = new Range();
NothingRange.prototype._textProp = 'value';
NothingRange.prototype._nativeRange = function(bounds) {
	return bounds || [0,this.length];
NothingRange.prototype._nativeSelect = function (rng){ // do nothing
NothingRange.prototype._nativeSelection = function(){
	return [0,0];
NothingRange.prototype._nativeGetText = function (rng){
	return this._el[this._textProp].substring(rng[0], rng[1]);
NothingRange.prototype._nativeSetText = function (text, rng){
	var val = this._el[this._textProp];
	this._el[this._textProp] = val.substring(0, rng[0]) + text + val.substring(rng[1]);
NothingRange.prototype._nativeEOL = function(){
NothingRange.prototype._nativeTop = function(){
	return 0;
NothingRange.prototype._nativeWrap = function() {throw new Error("Wrapping not implemented")};

// data for elements, similar to jQuery data, but allows for monitoring with custom events
const monitored = new Set();

function signalMonitor(prop, value, element){
	const attr = `data-${prop}`;
	element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(attr, {bubbles: true, detail: value}));
		element.setAttribute (attr, value); // illegal attribute names will throw. Ignore it			
	} finally { /* ignore */ }

function createDataObject (el){
	return el[datakey] = new Proxy(new Data(el), {
		set(obj, prop, value) {
			obj[prop] = value;
			if (monitored.has(prop)) signalMonitor(prop, value, obj.sourceElement);
			return true; // in strict mode, 'set' returns a success flag 

var Data = function(el) {
	Object.defineProperty(this, 'sourceElement', {
		value: el

Data.prototype = {};
// for use with ex options. JSON.stringify( should return only the options that were
// both defined with bililiteRange.option() *and* actually had a value set on this particular data object.
// JSON.stringify ( should return all the options that were defined.
Object.defineProperty(Data.prototype, 'toJSON', {
	value: function(){
		let ret = {};
		for (let key in Data.prototype) if (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) ret[key] = this[key];
		return ret;
Object.defineProperty(Data.prototype, 'all', {
	get: function(){
		let ret = {};
		for (let key in Data.prototype) ret[key] = this[key];
		return ret;
Object.defineProperty(Data.prototype, 'trigger', {
	value: function(){
		monitored.forEach(prop => signalMonitor (prop, this[prop], this.sourceElement));

bililiteRange.createOption = function (name, desc = {}){
	desc = Object.assign({
		enumerable: true, // use these as the defaults
		writable: true,
		configurable: true
	}, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Data.prototype, name), desc);
	if ('monitored' in desc) monitored[desc.monitored ? 'add' : 'delete'](name);
	Object.defineProperty(Data.prototype, name, desc);
	return Data.prototype[name]; // return the default value
