Greasy Fork is available in English.

Wikipedia 2 Wikiwand

This script is an easy way to try out and view Wikiwand which displays a clean and modernized version of Wikipedia.

// ==UserScript==
// @name          Wikipedia 2 Wikiwand
// @version       2.0
// @run-at        document-start
// @description   This script is an easy way to try out and view Wikiwand which displays a clean and modernized version of Wikipedia.
// @run-at        document-start
// @include       https://*.wikipedia.*/*
// @include       http://*.wikipedia.*/*
// @exclude*?oldformat=true
// @exclude*?oldformat=true
// @author        drhouse
// @grant         none
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

var url = document.URL;
var parseA = /^https?:\/\/(\w+)\.wikipedia\.org\/wiki\/([^\?#]+)(\?[^#]+)?(#.+)?/;
var parseB = /^https?:\/\/\w+\.wikipedia\.org\/([\w-]+)\/([^\?#]+)(\?[^#]+)?(#.+)?/;
if (parseA.test(url)) {
    window.location.replace(url.replace(parseA, '$1/$2$4'));
} else if (parseB.test(url)) {
    window.location.replace(url.replace(parseB, '$1/$2$4'));