小破站・哔哩哔哩超级助手, 视频下载(单P和批量), 自动签到领瓜子辣条等,===大家都说好系列😈 JS - 为爱发电,B站视频下载(👉支持多P批量快速下载👈)、浏览记录提示、一键三连、访问任意B站链接,即可自动签到领取瓜子辣条、视频描述中文本网址转链接,专栏文章中文本网址转链接,跳转访问更加方便等,脚本长期稳定更新,大家可以放心使用
Search engine super assistant, ===Everyone talks about the series😈 JS - Search engine navigation [supports Baidu, Sogou, 360 Search, Bing, Google], supports custom URLs, and optimizes the search results of mainstream search engines. Baidu: the results jump directly to the target URL, and display the target URL to On the page, it is easy to identify (Bing and Google do this); Google: the result link is opened in a new tab, so it is easy to read; other search engines have been slightly optimized. If you have good suggestions, please leave a message!
网购省钱小助手:自动查询京东、淘宝、聚划算、天猫等隐藏的优惠券;自动历史价格查询;界面优化等;低侵入、持续维护更新😈 JS - 用电脑端访问淘宝、天猫、京东等不会主动领取优惠券,此脚本可以把只有APP端能看到的或本来就隐藏的大额优惠券给查询出来,有券不领非好汉~ 脚本采用低侵入形式,不会破坏网页结构,大家可以放心使用
findAndReplaceDOMText-huahuacat JS (Library) - 0.4.7