Quora expand all more buttons JS - Quora more buttons automatically clicked on scroll or at pages opening
Quora expand all the more buttons and comments JS - Quora more buttons and answer's comments automatically expanded on mouse scroll
Facebook - All "See more" buttons expanded JS - Facebook - All the "See more" buttons expanded on scroll - support english, italian 'Altro...', español 'Ver más', français 'Afficher la suite', deutsch 'Mehr ansehen'
Flickr - bigger pages and next buttons JS - Flickr - bigger buttons for page's number, next and previous
Google - bigger page's numbers, next and previous buttons JS - Google - bigger buttons for page's numbers, next and previous
flickr - open an amount of next pages at once JS - flickr - open a specific amount of next pages at once - big button to close the page with a click
Expand all Reddit posts on mouse scolling JS - Expand all Reddit on mouse scolling