Chatango Remove Old Messages and more

Removes images that are offscreen once per minute

Aaron Shikaku
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This script removes() using jQuery posts after it goes over 100. Without it you will run out of memory eventually if people post enough images, especially GIFs.

Let me know if you need any help.

Libs included:

jQuery 2.2.3 from

v1.20: Readded user menu hover: get a preview of the profile by hovering their username. Also changed max message count to 150, because my new screen deletes messages still visible sometimes. Also using JQuery 2.2.3
v1.19: using jquery 2.1.3 now, should be faster.
v1.18: bugfix
v1.17: some clever coding to prevent "earthquakes" ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
v1.16: made timestamps take up space and not overlap messages (by YotaXP)
v1.15: removed image remove function, changed name
v1.14: does not scroll up when removing posts ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ thanks for the advice YotaXP!
v1.13: made it clear old posts a little faster, and only every 5 minutes instead of every minute.
v1.12: changed post limit to 100, fixed it running too often, whoops.
v1.11: staggered timeouts on old posts removed so it doesn't kill your cpu and cause a disconnect, hope it works. Thanks YotaXP!
v1.10: removed erroneous scrollbar when hovering images.
v1.09: increased max size slightly
v1.08: Added css to prevent gigantic posts
v1.07: Commented out remove old posts code since it causes random disconnects. Investigating later.
v1.06: Makes it only store 50 messages on Chatango. Previous functions I think I'll keep just to make remove images from memory faster.
v1.05: Removes offscreen smileys as well as message background images
v1.04: Now using @require and not including, also fixed it breaking UI and Youtube ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
v1.03: added Youtube portion back in since it breaks it anyway, this time investigating later
v1.02: Removed the Youtube portion due to it breaking Youtube playback, investigating later
v1.01: added youtube video thumbnails to remove too
v1: initial release