RSS+Atom Feed Subscribe Button Generator

Finds RSS and/or Atom links on a page and inserts feed subscription links for use by aggregators

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Відгук: Добре - скрипт працює добре

Опубліковано: 11.05.2023

Add application/feed+json JSON Feed and application/stream+json ActivityStreams

Опубліковано: 12.05.2023

I went looking for a spec or info around this and most everything seems old and unmaintained. Do you have example sites and links I can refer to for examples?

Опубліковано: 14.05.2023

It is difficult to know, unless type="application/feed+json" is explicitly indicated in page source (i.e., not type="application/json"), otherwise, there would be false positives, more than actual feeds in my experience.

The following feeds, which some do have an indication of, are badly represented by application/json:

Even PeerTube offers json feeds, but has no indication in page source.

On the other hand, ActivityStreams are properly represented with type="application/stream+json" on StatusNet (GNU social) instances.

So I think type="application/stream+json" would definitely be a good addition.

If JSON Feed is to be aded, than I'd look for type="application/feed+json" even if there are no websites that follow this attribute.

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