Development has halted until I have more time. Pixiv uses async page loading, which broke some aspects of this script. Ultimate Pixiv Script: Direct Links, Auto-Paging, Preview, IQDB/Danbooru, Filter/Sort using Bookmark,views,rating,total score. | Safe Search | plus more. Works best with "Pixiv++ Manga Viewer" and "Generic Image Viewer". 自動ページング|ポケベル|ロード次ページ|フィルター|並べ替え|注文|ダイレクトリンク
< Відгуки до [TS] Pixiv++ V3 alpha
So it fails on bookmarks on Chrome?
I will take a look at it after the holidays. Happy XMas.
I think so. Just checked to make sure it was still happening. Broke on Page 4 instead of 3 this time tho.
I'm getting this as well.
Fixed in 3.3.96 Beta
@The lagging issue. With 100 pages is nothing I can do about it ATM. When WhiteCube is out, I will do a better filter system
Thanks :3 (I'll try my best not to kill my chrome XD)
Infinite Scrolling is broken (and other things)
It works on the first two pages but died on the 3rd page. But if I open the page manually (/bookmark.php?rest=show&p=9), that page's thumbnails load.
Side note: I feel like Chrome starts lagging after filtering 100 there any way to solve this?
Side note 2: bump filter dimensions (landscape/portrait/square)