GOTA Extender

Game of Thrones Ascent Extender

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Опубліковано: 19.01.2015

Getting Banned

Has anyone ever been banned from gota using scripts?

Опубліковано: 19.01.2015

Not that I have heard of, I've used this one and the improver every day for months now, if they catch on I guess they might do some banning, it is certainly against the rules so it is within their rights, just don't go crazy and draw attention to yourself doing it, for the most part I imagine if no one complains about you no one will notice.

Опубліковано: 19.01.2015

Ok, thanks. Was just reading the stuff about bruting and it looked usefull for right after a reincarnation

Опубліковано: 19.01.2015

I use it since two weeks 24/7, with Brute. No Ban right now. I think they dont really search for script users

Опубліковано: 19.01.2015

Searching for script users would mean paying someone to go through logs of thousands of players. That is impractical. You would need to be reported or make it to the top 100 players to be noticed, or do something silly like talk about the scripts in game or post here with your gota username.

Опубліковано: 19.01.2015

I know they have banned scripters but I do believe it's always been those who script to gain an advantage in AvA and not in the non-ava side. I have this running practically 24/7 mostly for making bread, mead, poultices and Arbor Gold as well as bruting a lot to level my SS and no ban. I've even had a few tickets go to DB where they would be checking my account for stuff I've asked them to look in to where they could potentially see what I've done and nothing has happened,

Опубліковано: 20.10.2016

They banned a guy today, but he posted a picture in the forums that included the queue x5 button. LOL

From what I understand, they can't prove use of Extender for certain, and at this point, they're not that concerned with the integrity of the game. But do not exploit gold. That's the only real no-no.

Опубліковано: 16.11.2016

There is another guy that posted in the forums that he was using Extender, and even told DB in a email that he used it, and he is still playing.
Look at the image posted - you'll see the "Queue X5" button as well as an Extender tab on the browser.

There are easy fixes to identify players that use this script, and DB turns a blind eye.

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