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DuckDuckGo - Add Google links with current query

Adds Google links with current query used at DuckDuckGo (for faster and more comfortable way to check alternative search results)

Це всі версії цього скрипту. Показати тільки версії, де присутні зміни в коді.

  • v0.96 29.06.2024

    Adaptation to changes on the website.

  • v0.95 17.05.2018 Added timeout, because Firefox seems to fire DOMContentLoaded a bit too early
  • v0.95 17.05.2018 Added timeout, because Firefox seems to fire DOMContentLoaded a bit to early
  • v0.92 27.02.2018
  • v0.92 27.02.2018 Added shortcut key for google search (backslash)
  • v0.9 24.01.2018
  • v0.9 24.01.2018
  • v0.9 24.01.2018