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< Відгуки до ppixiv for Pixiv

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Опубліковано: 24.03.2023

Thank you very much for providing this great script. I am writing to report a possible issue that I have encountered with the latest version (Ver. 214 or slightly earlier). Specifically, I have noticed that the script seems to fail to display the search results and tag search results pages properly. While other pages such as the rankings or individual user pages appear to be unaffected, these pages show a black screen with no thumbnails.

I have tried using various browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, as well as userscript managers like Tampermonkey and Greasemonkey, but the issue persisted. After giving up on using the script for a while, I decided to try rolling back to Ver. 201 or the version from the end of last year, and that seems to have resolved the problem.

While I have not seen similar reports since January, I wanted to bring this to your attention just in case. Thank you again for your great work.

I just want to make it clear that I'm not an expert on scripts, so I might be mistaken about the issue. If my feedback is off-base or unhelpful, please forgive me.

Опубліковано: 24.03.2023

Can you open DevTools (press F12) and see if there are any errors in the console, or other messages that look related? There will usually be some harmless errors (this is usually Pixiv trying to do something that we've disabled), but anything that looks unusual could help.

Note that console logs may include data like your Pixiv user ID or the pages you're viewing, so give any logs a look over before pasting them to the forum.

Опубліковано: 26.03.2023

Thank you for your reply.

I copied the full text and it was too long, so I made an image, but I hope you get the idea.

The 7 errors are from Ver. 214 and the 1 error is from Ver. 201 when I opened the same search results page.

Опубліковано: 26.03.2023
Edited: 26.03.2023

Hmm, it seems like the search is returning something unexpected, but I can't see what from here. Can you try installing the beta version:


If you load a search, it'll log each search result that it's trying to add to the result. If I run this search:


The log looks like:

Adding: {"id":"36385948","illustType":0,"xRestrict":0,"restrict":0,"sl":2,"url":"https://i.pximg.net/c/250x250_80_a2/img-master/img/2013/06/15/00/30/41/36385948_p0_square1200.jpg","description":"","tags":["オリジナル","建物","なにこれすごい","ここに行きたい","楽園","...

Can you look for any line from a search where "id" isn't a post ID, or that just looks different from the rest?

Опубліковано: 27.03.2023

Thank you for your response.

First, I ran a search on 214 and 201 for that aerial city before installing that test version, and in both cases one illustration came up in the search results.
For the other searches, it does not show up at all. This in itself is strange to me, but I am not sure what more I can do.

Now, I installed the test version you provided, ran the same search results about the aerial city, and checked the console from F12, and sure enough, the log below Adding appeared, which was not there before.

Here is what I used to check the logs.

I also checked the id section under Adding, and everything appears to be a user id of about 9 digits, and each appears to be normal behavior with normal tags.
I apologize for not having the ability to tell that this part is wrong.

It may be unrelated, but if I narrow down the search criteria to "voxel building" or something like that, and there are only a few results, they may appear in the list with no problem.
However, when there are about 100 results such as "magicavoxel lowpoly", they do not appear in the list on ppixiv.
When I tried with Ver.201, it appears without any problem.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Опубліковано: 27.03.2023

Hmm. Please install https://ppixiv.org/test and try again. I added more logs to try to figure out what's happening. I attached my screenshot to compare what we see. This is the search from above ("magicavoxel lowpoly").

(Ignore the "Downgraded script" warning from TamperMonkey. It's version 214-1-g884a1c5f.)

Опубліковано: 27.03.2023

Page 2 and below are not available here, but I am attaching a screenshot of what I believe to be the same section.

I am also pasting a full text copy of the text for the red area that is in error, just in case.

""Data source returned null without registering media info DataSource_Search {url: URL, idList: IllustIdList, loadingPages: {…}, loadedPages: {…}, firstEmptyPage: -1, …}active: truecacheSearchTitle: async() => {…}displayingTags: vv-containerfirstEmptyPage: -1idList: IllustIdList {mediaIdsByPage: Map(0)}initialPage: 1loadedPages: {1: Promise}loadingPages: {}relatedTags: (16) ['magicavoxel', 'lowpoly', 'voxelart', 'ボクセルアート', 'ボクセル', '神社', '渋谷', 'うごイラ', 'エイリアン', '宇宙', 'ヒーロー', '木', 'お正月', '犬', '信号機', '街路樹']title: "Search: magicavoxel lowpoly"url: URL {origin: 'https://www.pixiv.net', protocol: 'https:', username: '', password: '', host: 'www.pixiv.net', …}allowExpandingMangaPages: (...)args: (...)autoLoadPreviousPages: (...)defaultScreen: (...)estimatedItemsPerPage: (...)hasNoResults: (...)isAnyPageLoading: (...)loadedAllPages: (...)name: (...)pageTitle: (...)searchUrl: (...)showBookmarkIcons: (...)supportsStartPage: (...)transient: (...)ui: (...)uiInfo: (...)viewingUserId: (...)_searchTags: (...)_searchType: (...)[[Prototype]]: DataSource
addPage @ data-source.js:387
_loadPageAsync @ data-source.js:169
await in _loadPageAsync (async)
loadPage @ data-source.js:91
_loadDataSourcePageInner @ search-view.js:463
_runIgnoringAborts @ helpers.js:1044
call @ helpers.js:1019
loadDataSourcePage @ search-view.js:448
_setDataSource @ search-view.js:420
_runIgnoringAborts @ helpers.js:1044
call @ helpers.js:1019
setDataSource @ search-view.js:391
setDataSource @ screen-search.js:200
_setCurrentDataSource @ app.js:554
await in _setCurrentDataSource (async)
setCurrentDataSource @ app.js:412
setup @ app.js:259
await in setup (async)
App @ app.js:34
loadAndLaunchApp @ app-startup.js:119
await in loadAndLaunchApp (async)
initialSetup @ app-startup.js:91
await in initialSetup (async)
AppStartup @ app-startup.js:14
(anonymous) @ VM1614:1
runScript @ userscript.html?name=ppixiv%2520for%2520Pixiv.user.js&id=5f4e506b-c01d-4c40-a579-60edace24043:48746
Bootstrap @ userscript.html?name=ppixiv%2520for%2520Pixiv.user.js&id=5f4e506b-c01d-4c40-a579-60edace24043:48778
(anonymous) @ userscript.html?name=ppixiv%2520for%2520Pixiv.user.js&id=5f4e506b-c01d-4c40-a579-60edace24043:48783
(anonymous) @ userscript.html?name=ppixiv%2520for%2520Pixiv.user.js&id=5f4e506b-c01d-4c40-a579-60edace24043:48785
St @ VM1584:9
(anonymous) @ userscript.html?name=ppixiv%2520for%2520Pixiv.user.js&id=5f4e506b-c01d-4c40-a579-60edace24043:1
window.__f__lfqor2tp.scf @ userscript.html?name=ppixiv%2520for%2520Pixiv.user.js&id=5f4e506b-c01d-4c40-a579-60edace24043:1
St @ VM1584:9
n @ VM1584:71
(anonymous) @ VM1584:72
set @ VM1584:80
(anonymous) @ userscript.html?name=ppixiv%2520for%2520Pixiv.user.js&id=5f4e506b-c01d-4c40-a579-60edace24043:1
ho @ VM1579 content.js:21
O @ VM1579 content.js:39
(anonymous) @ VM1579 content.js:40
Mt @ VM1579 content.js:8
t @ VM1579 content.js:9
Io @ VM1579 content.js:36
Vo @ VM1579 content.js:51
(anonymous) @ VM1579 content.js:51
(anonymous) @ VM1579 content.js:15
Mt @ VM1579 content.js:8
t @ VM1579 content.js:9
(anonymous) @ VM1579 content.js:15
(anonymous) @ VM1579 content.js:48
5data-source.js:388 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Data source returned didn't register media info
at DataSource_Search.addPage (data-source.js:388:27)
at DataSource_Search._loadPageAsync (data-source.js:169:24)""

Опубліковано: 27.03.2023

I see what it is. There's a sneaky little search result that just says "isAdContainer", which I guess is a place they'd put a banner ad. The search would break if it contained one of them. I'm not sure why I haven't seen that, I tested without a premium account and it didn't happen.

Try r215 and see if that helps. (Also let me know if you still see it with any other pages, this change is only for the search page.)

Опубліковано: 27.03.2023

Glad r215 solved this problem, I had the same problem before r215.

Опубліковано: 27.03.2023

First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude.

We have verified that the search result list is now being displayed properly in version 215. No issues have been reported on other pages such as the rankings page.

I see, so it's possible that the occurrence of the problem differed depending on whether the user had a premium account or not. We didn't anticipate that possibility, which explains the lack of reports.

Thank you very much for your patience and for taking the time to address this issue.

Опубліковано: 27.03.2023

I did try it on a non-premium test account, but it still didn't happen. I don't know why it's different. Maybe Pixiv doesn't show these ads to "new" users.

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