RARBG Advanced Filters

Additional quality of life filters: - Show or hide category icons; - Show or hide torrent thumbnails; - Show or hide movie and tv filters (Removes torrents with KORSUB and 720p); - Show or hide porn; - search for movies and tv shows by genre - Filter based on minimum IMDB rating;

< Відгуки до RARBG Advanced Filters


Опубліковано: 15.10.2019

include/exclude genre

I am personally not interested in:

  • Documentaries
  • Comedy
  • Horror

Can the script allow certain genres to be excluded (or included)?


Опубліковано: 18.11.2019

this would be great feature!

Опубліковано: 05.12.2019

Another person had requested that. I think it is a rad suggestion that I would like to have. I've added to the PLAN list in the description. I don't have a particular order for these additions. However, that one though is high on my WANT list, so cross fingers it happens soon. :)

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