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Explanation and appeal on Report #11133 and Report #11134

Опубліковано: 04.06.2021

Dear administrator, a few hours ago, I received an email suggesting that my script was an unauthorized copy of other scripts and was reported. However, due to my busy work, I did not reply to the report in time. But just now I was surprised to learn that my script was deleted and locked. I was very shocked and sad, and thought that the informant's description was inaccurate. Therefore, I would like to appeal here and give some relevant explanations and explanations.

I mentioned in the description of the script that the script is a secondary development of an open source project wyn665817.

Wyn665817 created the project in 2018. The function of the project is to help people complete some tasks of watching videos and answering questions on the website. These tasks are boring and meaningless, but some companies and schools in China require employees or students to complete these operations, otherwise they will be punished. The project of wyn665817 mainly includes two functions: simulating human watching video and answering questions. The core function of wyn665817 is to get answers from a remote server. Wyn665817 once uploaded his script to greasyfork, and it was welcomed by many people. However, last year, some similar projects were sued and suppressed by some companies. wyn665817's project did not bring him any benefits, or even brought him many risks. Therefore, he chose to shut down the server completely, stop maintenance, delete the project and script on greasyfork.

Since wyn665817 deleted the script, especially after shutting down the server, people can't download the script again. What has been downloaded can't be used any more because the server is shut down. After that, many people kept the source code of wyn665817 project and redeveloped it to make it continue to be used by people. My script and many popular scripts on greasyfork are the secondary development of wyn665817 project, such as "超星学习通网课助手(改)(支持图片题)", "超星/学习通助手(查题可用)", "超星学习通网课助手(考试专版)" and "超星网课助手[MCD-MulAPI]".

After wyn665817 stopped maintaining the project, his scripts became obsolete, and the key function of answering questions could not be used because of the shutdown of wyn665817's server. I spent a lot of time researching and modifying the project of wyn665817, and bought the server with my own money, and remade the API interface to ensure that the new script can recover the data remotely called from my server.

Wyn665817's project uses the MIT license. According to Wikipedia:

The authorized person has the right to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, distribute, sublicense and sell the software and its copies. The authorized person may modify the terms of authorization as appropriate according to the needs of the procedure.

Copyright and license notices must be included in the software and all copies of the software.

Therefore, when I released the script, I also used the MIT license. In the script description of greasyfork, I specifically told users that my script was based on wyn665817's project and wyn665817's project used the MIT license. But because I can't search the project address of wyn665817 through Google, and I can't contact the original author wyn665817, my script description doesn't include the original project address.

These two scripts cost me a lot of time and money, and it broke my heart to lose them suddenly. After being reminded by the administrator, I am now aware of the problems in my script. I have modified and improved the original author's information in the script description of gresyfork, and added the relevant information of the original project in the script header, such as:

// @original-script https://greasyfork.org/scripts/369625

// @original-author wyn665817

// @original-license MIT

I sincerely hope that the administrator can give me another chance to unlock my script. I will follow the relevant regulations of the glassfork community in the future, and there will be no similar mistakes.

Опубліковано: 04.06.2021

@JasonBarnabe, currently it's unclear to the authors what to do in such cases. Could you add a notice like You can fix the issues, update the script on GreasyFork, and ask any moderator to undelete it somewhere below the notification for deletion? And maybe include it in the email if the site sends them.

Опубліковано: 04.06.2021

I've deleted 2 scripts a while ago
One is named good something
The other is names animes online z something

Could you please restore them?

Опубліковано: 04.06.2021

*ifood something

Опубліковано: 08.06.2021


Опубліковано: 09.06.2021
Edited: 09.06.2021

Hello, I don't know what interests I have violated that led you to report my script persistently. Since you have doubts, I will make some explanations here:

About our website:

Our official website is www.muketool.com , previously open, but later due to the fear of online platform complaints and tracking, we temporarily closed the external access to the website. The main purpose of the website is to explain how to use the script. As the greasyfork platform contains script description area, we think whether the official website can be accessed or not will not affect the normal use of users, and can avoid some risks for us. Of course, if this practice is illegal, we can reopen it later, and you are satisfied.

The function operation inside the script depends on the interface http://api.muketool.com:2086 , the interface never stops parsing, but the search function may sometimes appear unstable phenomenon, because we are still in the early stage, and there are a large number of users, some code problems, we have been testing, including switching from laravel to fastapi, we have been studying. With the advance of time, I believe our interface will become more and more stable.

An important function of script is to obtain data from our interface. These data are very precious. Now we can only spend a lot of money to obtain it from a third party. However, script is not profitable at all, and we are not willing to spend a lot of money on it. Therefore, we cooperate with third-party sponsors, who provide us with data, We also add their sponsorship instructions in the script accordingly. If you are not satisfied with this, we understand very well. If you are willing to provide the data required by our API interface for free, we are willing to replace this sponsor immediately, and the script will no longer contain any sponsorship content. Attached below is a picture of the test data provided by our sponsor. If you need more detailed evidence to prove that we do maintain the interface, please do not hesitate to mention it.


Scripts don't force users to pay attention to accounts, they don't need to register to log in, and they don't need to fill in tokens. We have already borne the cost of the interface server. Now you say that sponsors can't have ads, so what if we insist on doing these? I have to pour money into it. We have added the description of sponsor advertisement in the script description. If it still does not meet the requirements of the gresyfork community, we are willing to rectify it according to the requirements of the administrator.

Finally, thank you for your feedback and attention. If you are willing to provide us with the required cloud server or interface test data for free, please send an email to muketool@outlook.com .

Опубліковано: 09.06.2021
Edited: 09.06.2021

I hope you will conduct a full investigation before launching a radical report. If you don't agree with what I said, you are welcome to continue to raise your questions. We can provide the corresponding evidence, if necessary, we even allow the administrator to view our database and the code of our API.

Some scripts operate locally, while others rely on cloud services. The pace of local operation costs only the author's time and does not need extra money. The cost of scripts, server operation and database maintenance that rely on cloud services is relatively high. As we all know, the cost of servers for China is extremely high. If you don't use servers with "cn2gia" lines, it may be difficult for Chinese users to access them at night. The price of servers on the "cn2gia" line is several times that of ordinary US cloud servers (such as digitalocean). The cost of purchasing a database from a third party ranges from tens of thousands of dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars. I believe few people are willing to spend so much money on public welfare scripts. At the same time, I noticed that many of the scripts above greasyfork have ads for sponsors. I would like to ask the administrator whether it is necessary to use them in the script meta information to make clear the mark? I have this doubt because the sponsor did not provide me with money, but only provided the data on which the script runs.If the advertisement content in the script does not have a relationship with the script operation, does the script author need to use it in the primitive information to mark it clearly?

Опубліковано: 09.06.2021



Опубліковано: 09.06.2021


Опубліковано: 09.06.2021

①如果服务器超时或搜出来不匹配,答案不会自动勾选,默认也不会自动提交,这种情况我想大部分人都会选择换个脚本或者是手动勾选。不明白是什么导致了你的低分。 ②我承认这段时间服务器不稳定,但是我无法接受有人说我把其他脚本改了标题加了广告。这让那些真的只改了标题加了广告的脚本情何以堪。如果可以我自然懒得在greasyfork社区发声,但是莫须有的举报我需要驳回。 ③如果我的脚本确实令你感到恶心,您可以直接删除并从此忽视我的脚本。对不起,是我吵到您的眼睛了。我也用过不靠谱的脚本,什么感觉我也知道。 ④如果存在无需付费、无任何广告、使用体验完美的程序,请告诉我,我很愿意学习了解。 ⑤一开始wyn665817停止维护脚本和题库,再到去年那么多家脚本题库基本上都没有活过一年,现在仅存的题库也就cx.icodef.com了,不知道多少作者离开了greasyfork。我也很想知道他们的经历和离开的原因。 ⑥美国高防cn2的价格比do贵有问题吗?不太理解。 ⑦发布前都进行过测试,基本上常见科目准确率都在98%以上,如果你搜高数、大题、校内原创题等搜不到,很正常,这些题我不相信有脚本能100%搜到。wyn665817的脚本也不是每个题都有,具体的使用体验因人而异,有些人道道命中,有些人一个没有,见惯了。 ⑧会接受您的建议在脚本服务器出问题的时候考虑暂时下掉脚本。不过具体也会参考其他脚本,毕竟我也不是天天盯着服务器。其他脚本作者往那一扔完事,我没必要付出多余的精力。并且答题只是某一个功能,并非全部。 ⑨如果您要求比较高强烈建议您找刷课平台,省心,一劳永逸,也用不了几个钱。 ⑩我到底是不是如你所说的做个假脚本来捞钱,时间会给出答案。是不是假脚本许多老用户心里都有答案,我们永远感谢那些鼓励和信任我们的人。

Опубліковано: 09.06.2021


Опубліковано: 09.06.2021
Edited: 09.06.2021


Опубліковано: 10.06.2021


Опубліковано: 21.06.2021

您好能自己上传题库吗 或者从本地文件里搜题

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