// ==UserScript==
// @name c.ai X Text Color
// @namespace c.ai X Text Color
// @match https://character.ai/*
// @grant none
// @license MIT
// @version 3.8
// @author Vishanka via chatGPT
// @description Lets you change the text colors as you wish and highlight chosen words
// @icon https://i.imgur.com/ynjBqKW.png
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
const currentTheme = document.documentElement.classList.contains('dark') ? 'dark' : 'light';
var plaintextColor = localStorage.getItem('plaintext_color');
var italicColor = localStorage.getItem('italic_color');
var charbubbleColor = localStorage.getItem('charbubble_color') || '#26272B';
var userbubbleColor = localStorage.getItem('userbubble_color') || '#303136';
var defaultColor = '#A2A2AC'; // Default color if 'plaintext_color' is not set
var GuideColor = localStorage.getItem('guide_color') || '#131316';
var BodyColor = localStorage.getItem('body_color') || '#18181B';
var InputColor = localStorage.getItem('input_color') || '#202024';
var AccentColor = localStorage.getItem('accent_color') || '#26272b';
const charbubbleMarginTop = localStorage.getItem('charbubbleMarginTop_color') || '0px';
const charbubbleMarginLeft = localStorage.getItem('charbubbleMarginLeft_color') || '0px';
// Use the retrieved color or default color
var color = plaintextColor || defaultColor;
// Retrieve the selected font and font size from local storage, or use defaults
var selectedFont = localStorage.getItem('selected_font') || '__Inter_918210';
var fontSize = localStorage.getItem('font_size') || '16px';
var fontWeight = localStorage.getItem('fontWeight_color') || '300';
var titlesWeight = localStorage.getItem('boldTitles') || 'normal';
var imageSize = localStorage.getItem('ImageSize') || '24px';
var removeTitle = localStorage.getItem('removeTitles') || 'block';
var removeUserImage = localStorage.getItem('removeUserImage') || 'block';
var cpfpPaddingRight = localStorage.getItem('cpfpPaddingRight') || '0px';
var cpfpPaddingTop = localStorage.getItem('cpfpPaddingTop') || '0px';
var upfpPaddingLeft = localStorage.getItem('upfpPaddingLeft') || '0px';
var proseMarginTop = localStorage.getItem('proseMarginTop') || '1.25em';
var proseMarginBottom = localStorage.getItem('proseMarginBottom') || '1.25em';
var showMobilePfP = localStorage.getItem('showMobilePfP') || 'none';
var uBubbleWidth = localStorage.getItem('uBubbleWidth') || '100%';
//var uBubbleWidth = showMobilePfP === 'block' ? '100%' : '100%';
//localStorage.setItem('uBubbleWidth', uBubbleWidth);
var uBubblerem = removeUserImage === 'none' ? '0px' : (showMobilePfP === 'block' ? '-2rem' : '0px');
localStorage.setItem('uBubblerem', uBubblerem);
// Store the correct value of 'uBubblerem' in localStorage
// Determine the value of upfpMobileWidth based on removeUserImage
var upfpMobileWidth = removeUserImage === 'block' ? imageSize : '0px';
// Optionally, you can store the value of upfpMobileWidth in localStorage
localStorage.setItem('upfpMobileWidth', upfpMobileWidth);
// Create the CSS style using the selected font, stored colors, and font size
var css = `
p[node='[object Object]'] {
color: ${color} !important;
font-family: '${selectedFont}', 'Noto Sans', sans-serif !important;
font-size: ${fontSize} !important;
font-weight: ${fontWeight} !important;
p, textarea, button, div.text-sm {
font-family: '${selectedFont}', 'Noto Sans', sans-serif !important;
em {
color: ${italicColor} !important;
css += `
.mt-1.bg-surface-elevation-2 {
background-color: ${charbubbleColor};
margin-top: ${charbubbleMarginTop};
margin-left: ${charbubbleMarginLeft};
.mt-1.bg-surface-elevation-3 {
background-color: ${userbubbleColor};
// Apply styles to specific elements for the bold titles
css += `
.mx-2.flex.flex-row.items-center.gap-2.font-light .text-small:not(.text-muted-foreground) {
font-weight: ${titlesWeight} !important;
css +=`
// Apply image size to specified elements, excluding the exception class
// Add styles for elements with specific classes and exclude images under .h-dvh > div:nth-child(1)
css += `
.h-dvh > div:nth-child(1) *):not(
.text-center *):not(
.w-80 *):not(
.m-0.flex.items-start.gap-2.justify-start.mr-0.md\\:mr-6.flex-row-reverse *):not(
.flex.flex-col.items-center.justify-center.p-6.pt-0.mt-32.max-w-lg.mx-auto *):not(
.flex.flex-col.items-center.h-full.overflow-y-hidden *):not(
.flex.flex-col.justify-between.px-4.sm\\:px-8.pt-6 *):not(
.flex.flex-col.flex-auto.gap-4.w-full.max-w-2xl *):not(
.w-full.h-full.overflow-y-auto *):not(
.flex.flex-col.justify-between.p-4 *):not(
.flex.gap-3 *):not(
.flex.flex-col.flex-auto.gap-4.w-full.max-w-2xl *) {
width: ${imageSize} !important;
height: ${imageSize} !important;
border-radius: 50px;
// Add styles for elements with specific classes and exclude images under .h-dvh.fixed.z-50
css += `
.h-dvh.fixed.z-50 *):not(
.text-center *):not(
.w-80 *):not(
.flex.flex-col.items-center.justify-center.p-6.pt-0.mt-32.max-w-lg.mx-auto *):not(
.flex.flex-col.items-center.h-full.overflow-y-hidden *):not(
.flex.flex-col.justify-between.px-4.sm\\:px-8.pt-6 *):not(
.flex.flex-col.flex-auto.gap-4.w-full.max-w-2xl *):not(
.w-full.h-full.overflow-y-auto *):not(
.flex.flex-col.justify-between.p-4 *):not(
.flex.gap-3 *):not(
.flex.flex-col.flex-auto.gap-4.w-full.max-w-2xl *) {
width: ${imageSize} !important;
height: ${imageSize} !important;
border-radius: 50px;
// Add styles for elements with specific classes and exclude images under .w-full.h-full.flex
css += `
.h-dvh.fixed.z-50 *):not(
.text-center *):not(
.w-80 *):not(
.flex.flex-col.items-center.justify-center.p-6.pt-0.mt-32.max-w-lg.mx-auto *):not(
.flex.flex-col.items-center.h-full.overflow-y-hidden *):not(
.flex.flex-col.justify-between.px-4.sm\\:px-8.pt-6 *):not(
.flex.flex-col.items-center.justify-center.p-6.pt-0.mt-32.max-w-lg.mx-auto *):not(
.flex.flex-col.items-center.h-full.overflow-y-hidden *):not(
.flex.flex-col.justify-between.px-4.sm\\:px-8.pt-6 *):not(
.w-full.h-full.overflow-y-auto *):not(
.flex.flex-col.justify-between.p-4 *):not(
.flex.gap-3 *):not(
.flex.flex-col.flex-auto.gap-4.w-full.max-w-2xl *) {
width: ${imageSize} !important;
height: ${imageSize} !important;
border-radius: 50px;
//Char pfp
css += `
/* Apply styles for screen widths greater than or equal to 768px (e.g., tablets and desktops) */
@media (min-width: 768px) {
.mt-0.hidden.md\\:flex.flex-col.gap-3.items-center:not(.h-dvh > div:nth-child(1) *):not(.text-center *):not(.w-80 *):not(.m-0.flex.items-start.gap-2.justify-start.mr-0.md\\:mr-6.flex-row-reverse *) {
padding-right: ${cpfpPaddingRight};
padding-top: ${cpfpPaddingTop};
/* Apply styles for screen widths less than 768px (e.g., mobile devices) */
@media (max-width: 767px) {
.mt-0.hidden.md\\:flex.flex-col.gap-3.items-center:not(.h-dvh > div:nth-child(1) *):not(.text-center *):not(.w-80 *):not(.m-0.flex.items-start.gap-2.justify-start.mr-0.md\\:mr-6.flex-row-reverse *) {
padding-right: 0px; /* Example padding values for smaller screens */
padding-top: 0px; /* Example padding values for smaller screens */
if (removeUserImage === 'none') {
css +=`
@media (max-width: 767px) {
.mt-0.hidden.md\\:flex.flex-col.gap-3.items-center:not(.h-dvh > div:nth-child(1) *):not(.text-center *):not(.w-80 *):not(.m-0.flex.items-start.gap-2.justify-start.mr-0.md\\:mr-6.flex-row-reverse *) {
padding-top: 14px;
//user pfp
css += `
/* Apply styles for screen widths greater than or equal to 768px (e.g., tablets and desktops) */
@media (min-width: 768px) {
.h-dvh > div:nth-child(1) *):not(
.text-center *):not(
.w-80 *):not(
.m-0.flex.flex-row.items-start.gap-2.justify-start.ml-0.md\\:ml-6 *):not(
.flex.flex-col.justify-end.pb-2.px-5 *) {
padding-left: ${upfpPaddingLeft};
/* Apply styles for screen widths less than 768px (e.g., mobile devices) */
@media (max-width: 767px) {
.h-dvh > div:nth-child(1) *):not(
.text-center *):not(
.w-80 *):not(
.m-0.flex.flex-row.items-start.gap-2.justify-start.ml-0.md\\:ml-6 *):not(
.flex.flex-col.justify-end.pb-2.px-5 *) {
width: ${upfpMobileWidth};
//This changes user input bubble width, mainly for gpt
if (removeUserImage === 'none') {
css += `
@media (max-width: 767px) {
.mt-1.max-w-xl.rounded-2xl.px-3.min-h-12.flex.justify-center.py-3.bg-surface-elevation-3 {
max-width: 70%;
/* margin-right: ${uBubblerem}; */
if (removeUserImage === 'none') {
css += `
@media (min-width: 767px) {
.mt-1.max-w-xl.rounded-2xl.px-3.min-h-12.flex.justify-center.py-3.bg-surface-elevation-3 {
max-width: 70%;
/* margin-right: ${uBubblerem}; */
css += `
@media (max-width: 767px) {
.mt-1.max-w-xl.rounded-2xl.px-3.min-h-12.flex.justify-center.py-3.bg-surface-elevation-2 {
width: ${uBubbleWidth};
margin-left: ${uBubblerem};
//remove user pfp
css += `
.flex.flex-col.justify-end.pb-2.px-5 *):not(
.flex.flex-col.items-center.justify-center.p-6.pt-0.mt-32.max-w-lg.mx-auto *):not(
.flex.flex-col.items-center.h-full.overflow-y-hidden *):not(
.flex.flex-col.items-center.justify-center.p-6.pt-0.mt-32.max-w-lg.mx-auto *):not(
.flex.flex-col.items-center.h-full.overflow-y-hidden *):not(
.flex.flex-col.flex-auto.gap-4.w-full.max-w-2xl *) {
display: ${removeUserImage};
css += `.mx-2.flex.flex-row.items-center.gap-2.font-light > .text-small {
display: ${removeTitle} !important;
css += `
.flex.items-center > .rounded-2xl.text-sm.bg-secondary.px-2.font-light.h-fit,
.rounded-2xl.text-sm.bg-secondary.px-2.font-light.h-fit {
display: ${removeTitle} !important;
css += `
.prose :where(p):not(:where([class~="not-prose"], [class~="not-prose"] *)) {
margin-top: ${proseMarginTop};
margin-bottom: ${proseMarginBottom};
/* For the first element: only apply margin-bottom */
css += `
.prose :where(p):first-of-type:not(:where([class~="not-prose"], [class~="not-prose"] *)) {
margin-top: 0;
/* For the last element: only apply margin-top */
css += `
.prose :where(p):last-of-type:not(:where([class~="not-prose"], [class~="not-prose"] *)) {
margin-bottom: 0;
// Show pfps on mobile
css += `
@media (max-width: 767px) {
.mt-0.hidden.md\\:flex.flex-col.gap-3.items-center {
display: ${showMobilePfP};
css += `
.swiper-slide.px-1.swiper-slide-visible.swiper-slide-fully-visible.swiper-slide-next *,
.swiper-slide.px-1.swiper-slide-visible.swiper-slide-fully-visible.swiper-slide-active *,
.swiper-slide.px-1.swiper-slide-visible.swiper-slide-fully-visible * {
background-color: ${userbubbleColor};
border-radius: 20px;
/* For elements in the middle: apply both margins (this is covered by the default rule above) */
/*css += `
.text-small { display: ${removeTitle} !important; }`;
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var style = document.createElement("style");
style.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
style.innerHTML = css;
// Function to update CSS variables
function updateCSSVariable(variableName, value) {
document.documentElement.style.setProperty(variableName, value);
if (currentTheme === 'dark') {
// Update the specific CSS variables
updateCSSVariable('--G800', AccentColor);
updateCSSVariable('--G850', InputColor);
updateCSSVariable('--G900', BodyColor);
updateCSSVariable('--G950', GuideColor);
updateCSSVariable('--G50', '#fafafa');
updateCSSVariable('--G100', '#f4f4f5');
updateCSSVariable('--G150', '#ececee');
else {
// Update CSS variables for light theme (or any other theme)
updateCSSVariable('--G850', '#202024');
updateCSSVariable('--G900', '#18181B');
updateCSSVariable('--G950', '#131316');
updateCSSVariable('--G50', InputColor);
updateCSSVariable('--G100', BodyColor);
updateCSSVariable('--G150', GuideColor);
function changeColors() {
const pTags = document.getElementsByTagName("p");
const quotationMarksColor = localStorage.getItem('quotationmarks_color') || '#FFFFFF';
const customColor = localStorage.getItem('custom_color') || '#FFFFFF';
const wordlistCc = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('wordlist_cc')) || [];
const wordRegex = wordlistCc.length > 0 ? new RegExp('\\b(' + wordlistCc.map(word => word.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&')).join('|') + ')\\b', 'gi') : null;
Array.from(pTags).forEach((pTag) => {
if (
pTag.dataset.colorChanged === "true" ||
pTag.querySelector("code") ||
pTag.querySelector("img") ||
pTag.querySelector("textarea") ||
pTag.querySelector("button") ||
) {
return; // Skip iteration
let text = pTag.innerHTML;
// Save .katex elements' original HTML and replace with placeholders
const katexElems = Array.from(pTag.querySelectorAll(".katex"));
const katexReplacements = katexElems.map((elem, index) => {
const placeholder = `KATEX_PLACEHOLDER_${index}`;
text = text.replace(elem.outerHTML, placeholder);
return { html: elem.outerHTML, placeholder };
// Handle <a> tags by removing them temporarily and saving their HTML for later restoration
const aTags = Array.from(pTag.getElementsByTagName("a"));
const aTagsReplacements = aTags.map((aTag, j) => {
const placeholder = `REPLACE_ME_${j}`;
text = text.replace(aTag.outerHTML, placeholder);
return { tag: aTag, placeholder };
// Change text within quotation marks and for specific words based on the regex
text = text.replace(/(["“”«»].*?["“”«»])/g, `<span style="color: ${quotationMarksColor}">$1</span>`);
// text = text.replace(/(["“”«»][^"]*?,["“”«»])/g, `<span style="color: #E0DF7F">$1</span>`);
if (wordRegex) {
text = text.replace(wordRegex, `<span style="color: ${customColor}">$1</span>`);
// Restore .katex elements and <a> tags
[...katexReplacements, ...aTagsReplacements].forEach(({ html, placeholder, tag }) => {
text = text.replace(placeholder, html || tag.outerHTML);
// Update the innerHTML and mark the <p> tag to avoid re-processing
pTag.innerHTML = text;
pTag.dataset.colorChanged = "true";
console.log("Changed colors");
const divElements = document.querySelectorAll('div');
divElements.forEach(div => {
const observer = new MutationObserver(changeColors);
observer.observe(div, { subtree: true, childList: true });
function createButton(symbol, onClick) {
const colorpalettebutton = document.createElement('button');
colorpalettebutton.innerHTML = symbol;
colorpalettebutton.style.position = 'relative';
colorpalettebutton.style.background = 'none';
colorpalettebutton.style.border = 'none';
colorpalettebutton.style.fontSize = '18px';
colorpalettebutton.style.top = '-5px';
colorpalettebutton.style.cursor = 'pointer';
colorpalettebutton.addEventListener('click', onClick);
return colorpalettebutton;
// Function to create the color selector panel
function createColorPanel() {
const panel = document.createElement('div');
panel.id = 'colorPanel';
panel.style.position = 'fixed';
panel.style.top = '50%';
panel.style.left = '50%';
panel.style.transform = 'translate(-50%, -50%)';
const currentTheme = document.documentElement.classList.contains('dark') ? 'dark' : 'light';
if (currentTheme === 'dark') {
panel.style.backgroundColor = 'rgba(19, 19, 22, 0.95)';
} else {
panel.style.backgroundColor = 'rgba(214, 214, 221, 0.95)';
panel.style.border = 'none';
panel.style.borderRadius = '5px';
panel.style.padding = '20px';
// panel.style.border = '2px solid #000';
panel.style.zIndex = '9999';
const categories = ['italic', 'quotationmarks', 'plaintext', 'custom', 'charbubble', 'userbubble', 'guide', 'body', 'input', 'accent'];
const colorPickers = {};
const transparentCheckboxes = {}; // Store checkboxes separately
// Set a fixed width for the labels
const labelWidth = '150px';
categories.forEach(category => {
const colorPicker = document.createElement('input');
colorPicker.type = 'color';
// Retrieve stored color from local storage
const storedColor = localStorage.getItem(`${category}_color`);
if (storedColor && storedColor !== 'transparent') {
colorPicker.value = storedColor;
} else {
colorPicker.value = '#000000'; // Default color if not set
colorPickers[category] = colorPicker;
// Create a div to hold color picker
const colorDiv = document.createElement('div');
colorDiv.style.position = 'relative';
colorDiv.style.width = '20px';
colorDiv.style.height = '20px';
colorDiv.style.marginLeft = '10px';
colorDiv.style.top = '0px';
colorDiv.style.backgroundColor = storedColor === 'transparent' ? 'transparent' : colorPicker.value;
colorDiv.style.display = 'inline-block';
colorDiv.style.marginRight = '10px';
colorDiv.style.cursor = 'pointer';
colorDiv.style.border = '1px solid black';
// Event listener to open color picker when the color square is clicked
colorDiv.addEventListener('click', function () {
if (!transparentCheckbox.checked) {
// Event listener to update the color div when the color changes
colorPicker.addEventListener('input', function () {
if (!transparentCheckbox.checked) {
colorDiv.style.backgroundColor = colorPicker.value;
localStorage.setItem(`${category}_color`, colorPicker.value);
// Checkbox for transparency
const transparentCheckbox = document.createElement('input');
transparentCheckbox.type = 'checkbox';
transparentCheckbox.style.marginLeft = '10px';
transparentCheckbox.checked = storedColor === 'transparent';
transparentCheckbox.title = 'Toggle transparency'; // Add tooltip text
transparentCheckbox.style.marginRight = '5px'; // Add spacing between the checkbox and the reset button
// Store the checkbox reference for later use
transparentCheckboxes[category] = transparentCheckbox;
transparentCheckbox.addEventListener('change', function () {
if (transparentCheckbox.checked) {
// Set color to transparent and lock the color picker behavior
colorDiv.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
localStorage.setItem(`${category}_color`, 'transparent');
} else {
// Revert to the current value of the color picker
colorDiv.style.backgroundColor = colorPicker.value;
localStorage.setItem(`${category}_color`, colorPicker.value);
const label = document.createElement('label');
label.style.width = labelWidth; // Set fixed width for the label
label.style.margin = '0'; // Reduce label margin
label.style.padding = '0'; // Reduce label padding
label.appendChild(document.createTextNode(`${category}: `));
// Reset button for each color picker
const resetButton = createButton('↺', function () {
const defaultColor = getDefaultColor(category);
colorPicker.value = defaultColor;
colorDiv.style.backgroundColor = defaultColor;
transparentCheckbox.checked = false;
localStorage.setItem(`${category}_color`, defaultColor);
resetButton.style.position = 'relative';
resetButton.style.top = '-2px';
resetButton.style.margin = '0'; // Reduce button margin
resetButton.style.padding = '0'; // Reduce button padding
// Create a div to hold label, color picker, and reset button
const containerDiv = document.createElement('div');
containerDiv.style.margin = '2px 0'; // Reduce vertical margin between rows
containerDiv.style.padding = '0'; // Reduce padding within each row
containerDiv.style.display = 'flex'; // Flex display for better control over spacing
containerDiv.style.alignItems = 'center'; // Center align items vertically
function createButton(text, onClick) {
const button = document.createElement('button');
button.textContent = text;
button.addEventListener('click', onClick);
return button;
// Create a new button for custom font selection
/*const fontSelectorButton = document.createElement('button');
fontSelectorButton.style.marginBottom = '20px';
fontSelectorButton.style.borderRadius = '3px';
fontSelectorButton.style.width = '120px';
fontSelectorButton.style.marginLeft = '0px';
fontSelectorButton.style.height = '30px';
fontSelectorButton.style.border = 'none';
fontSelectorButton.style.textAlign = 'left';
fontSelectorButton.style.paddingLeft = '-10px';
fontSelectorButton.innerText = 'Select Font';
const fontSelectorButton = document.createElement('label');
fontSelectorButton.innerText = 'Font: ';
fontSelectorButton.style.marginRight = '5px';
// Create a dropdown for font selection
const fontDropdown = document.createElement('select');
fontDropdown.style.marginLeft = '5px';
fontDropdown.style.marginBottom = '20px';
fontDropdown.style.borderRadius = '3px';
fontDropdown.style.paddingLeft = '-20px';
fontDropdown.style.height = '30px';
// List of font options
const fonts = [
{ name: 'Onest', value: '__Onest_b2ce1d' },
{ name: 'Inter', value: '__Inter_918210' },
{ name: 'Noto Sans', value: 'Noto Sans' },
{ name: 'Arial', value: 'Arial' },
{ name: 'Times New Roman', value: 'Times New Roman' },
{ name: 'Verdana', value: 'Verdana' },
{ name: 'Roboto', value: 'Roboto' }
// Add fonts to the dropdown
fonts.forEach(font => {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = font.value;
option.text = font.name;
// Load saved font from local storage
const savedFont = localStorage.getItem('selected_font');
if (savedFont) {
fontDropdown.value = savedFont;
// Create a dropdown for font size selection
const fontSizeDropdown = document.createElement('select');
fontSizeDropdown.style.marginLeft = '5px';
fontSizeDropdown.style.marginBottom = '20px';
fontSizeDropdown.style.borderRadius = '3px';
fontSizeDropdown.style.height = '30px';
// List of font size options
const fontSizes = [
{ name: '12px', value: '12px' },
{ name: '14px', value: '14px' },
{ name: '15px', value: '15px' },
{ name: '16px', value: '16px' }, // Default font size
{ name: '17px', value: '17px' },
{ name: '18px', value: '18px' },
{ name: '20px', value: '20px' },
{ name: '24px', value: '24px' },
{ name: '28px', value: '28px' }
// Add font sizes to the dropdown
fontSizes.forEach(size => {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = size.value;
option.text = size.name;
// Load saved font size from local storage
const savedFontSize = localStorage.getItem('font_size') || '16px';
fontSizeDropdown.value = savedFontSize;
// Add event listener to save the selected font size to local storage and apply it
fontSizeDropdown.addEventListener('change', function () {
const selectedFontSize = fontSizeDropdown.value;
localStorage.setItem('font_size', selectedFontSize);
// Apply the selected font size to the document
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--font-size', selectedFontSize);
// Update CSS dynamically
const css = `
p[node='[object Object]'] {
font-size: ${selectedFontSize} !important;
p, textarea, button, div.text-sm {
/* Other styles here, without font-size modification */
// Apply the new style
const styleSheet = document.createElement('style');
styleSheet.type = 'text/css';
styleSheet.innerText = css;
alert('Font size changed to ' + selectedFontSize);
// =========================== IMAGES
// Create a label for the dimension input
const dimensionLabel = document.createElement('label');
dimensionLabel.innerText = 'Image Size: ';
dimensionLabel.style.marginRight = '5px'; // Optional styling to space the label and input
// Create an input field for dimension selection
const dimensionInput = document.createElement('input');
dimensionInput.type = 'number';
dimensionInput.style.marginLeft = '5px';
dimensionInput.style.marginBottom = '20px';
dimensionInput.style.borderRadius = '3px';
dimensionInput.style.height = '30px';
dimensionInput.style.width = '60px'; // Optional styling for width
dimensionInput.min = 1; // Optional: Set a minimum value
// Load saved dimension from local storage
const savedImageSize = localStorage.getItem('ImageSize') || '24px'; // Default value set to '24px'
dimensionInput.value = savedImageSize.replace('px', ''); // Remove 'px' for display in the input
// Add event listener to save the entered dimension to local storage with 'px' suffix
dimensionInput.addEventListener('change', function () {
const selectedSize = dimensionInput.value + 'px';
localStorage.setItem('ImageSize', selectedSize);
// alert('Image size saved as ' + selectedSize);
// Append the new dropdown to your existing setup
// =========================== END IMAGES
// Create a checkbox for font weight selection
const fontWeightCheckbox = document.createElement('input');
fontWeightCheckbox.type = 'checkbox';
fontWeightCheckbox.style.marginLeft = '5px';
fontWeightCheckbox.style.marginBottom = '20px';
fontWeightCheckbox.style.width = '20px';
fontWeightCheckbox.style.height = '20px';
// Label for the font weight checkbox
const fontWeightLabel = document.createElement('label');
fontWeightLabel.textContent = 'Bold Font';
fontWeightLabel.style.marginLeft = '5px';
fontWeightLabel.style.userSelect = 'none';
// Create a checkbox for bold titles
const boldTitlesCheckbox = document.createElement('input');
boldTitlesCheckbox.type = 'checkbox';
boldTitlesCheckbox.style.marginLeft = '10px';
boldTitlesCheckbox.style.marginBottom = '20px';
boldTitlesCheckbox.style.width = '20px';
boldTitlesCheckbox.style.height = '20px';
// Label for the bold titles checkbox
const boldTitlesLabel = document.createElement('label');
boldTitlesLabel.textContent = 'Bold Titles';
boldTitlesLabel.style.marginLeft = '5px';
boldTitlesLabel.style.userSelect = 'none';
// Create a checkbox for PfP display
const pfPCheckbox = document.createElement('input');
pfPCheckbox.type = 'checkbox';
pfPCheckbox.style.marginLeft = '10px';
pfPCheckbox.style.marginBottom = '20px';
pfPCheckbox.style.width = '20px';
pfPCheckbox.style.height = '20px';
// Label for the PfP checkbox
const pfPLabel = document.createElement('label');
pfPLabel.textContent = 'Mobile PfP';
pfPLabel.style.marginLeft = '5px';
pfPLabel.style.userSelect = 'none';
// Load saved settings from local storage
const savedFontWeight = localStorage.getItem('fontWeight_color') || '300';
const savedBoldTitles = localStorage.getItem('boldTitles') || 'normal';
const savedPfPDisplay = localStorage.getItem('showMobilePfP') || 'none';
fontWeightCheckbox.checked = savedFontWeight === '400';
boldTitlesCheckbox.checked = savedBoldTitles === 'bold';
pfPCheckbox.checked = savedPfPDisplay === 'block';
// Function to apply the selected font weight and display settings
function applyFontWeight(weight, titlesWeight) {
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--font-weight', weight);
// Update CSS dynamically
let css = `
p[node='[object Object]'], p, textarea, button, div.text-sm {
font-weight: ${weight} !important;
// Add CSS for bold titles
css += `
.mx-2.flex.flex-row.items-center.gap-2.font-light .text-small:not(.text-muted-foreground) {
font-weight: ${titlesWeight} !important;
// Add CSS for PfP display
css += `
@media (max-width: 767px) {
.mt-0.hidden.md\\:flex.flex-col.gap-3.items-center {
display: ${savedPfPDisplay};
// Remove existing style element if any
let existingStyle = document.getElementById('dynamicFontWeightStyle');
if (existingStyle) existingStyle.remove();
// Apply the new style
const styleSheet = document.createElement('style');
styleSheet.type = 'text/css';
styleSheet.id = 'dynamicFontWeightStyle';
styleSheet.innerText = css;
// Apply initial settings based on saved preferences
applyFontWeight(savedFontWeight, savedBoldTitles);
// Event listener for font weight checkbox
fontWeightCheckbox.addEventListener('change', () => {
const weight = fontWeightCheckbox.checked ? '400' : '300';
localStorage.setItem('fontWeight_color', weight);
applyFontWeight(weight, boldTitlesCheckbox.checked ? 'bold' : 'normal');
// Event listener for bold titles checkbox
boldTitlesCheckbox.addEventListener('change', () => {
const titlesWeight = boldTitlesCheckbox.checked ? 'bold' : 'normal';
localStorage.setItem('boldTitles', titlesWeight);
applyFontWeight(fontWeightCheckbox.checked ? '400' : '300', titlesWeight);
// Event listener for PfP checkbox
pfPCheckbox.addEventListener('change', () => {
const displayValue = pfPCheckbox.checked ? 'block' : 'none';
localStorage.setItem('showMobilePfP', displayValue);
applyFontWeight(fontWeightCheckbox.checked ? '400' : '300', boldTitlesCheckbox.checked ? 'bold' : 'normal');
// Function to make text-small elements bold under a specific parent, except text-muted-foreground
function makeTextSmallBold(weight) {
const parents = document.querySelectorAll('.mx-2.flex.flex-row.items-center.gap-2.font-light');
parents.forEach(parent => {
const textSmallElements = parent.querySelectorAll('.text-small:not(.text-muted-foreground)');
textSmallElements.forEach(element => {
element.style.fontWeight = weight;
// Apply saved settings on page load
// Event listener for font weight checkbox
fontWeightCheckbox.addEventListener('change', function () {
const selectedFontWeight = fontWeightCheckbox.checked ? '400' : '300';
localStorage.setItem('fontWeight_color', selectedFontWeight);
// Event listener for bold titles checkbox
boldTitlesCheckbox.addEventListener('change', function () {
const boldTitleWeight = boldTitlesCheckbox.checked ? 'bold' : 'normal';
localStorage.setItem('boldTitles', boldTitleWeight);
// ============== END FONT WEIGHT
// Add event listener to save the selected font to local storage and apply it
fontDropdown.addEventListener('change', function () {
const selectedFont = fontDropdown.value;
localStorage.setItem('selected_font', selectedFont);
// Apply the selected font to the document
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--font-family', selectedFont);
// Update CSS dynamically
const css = `
p[node='[object Object]'], p, textarea, button, div.text-sm {
font-family: '${selectedFont}', sans-serif !important;
// Apply the new style
const styleSheet = document.createElement('style');
styleSheet.type = 'text/css';
styleSheet.innerText = css;
// alert('Font changed to ' + fontDropdown.options[fontDropdown.selectedIndex].text);
// Append the button and dropdowns to the panel
// Append the checkbox and label to the document
// Append the label and dropdown to the document
// Append the checkboxes and labels to the document
// Custom word list input
const wordListInput = document.createElement('input');
wordListInput.type = 'text';
wordListInput.placeholder = 'Separate words with commas';
wordListInput.style.width = '250px';
wordListInput.style.height = '35px';
wordListInput.style.borderRadius = '3px';
wordListInput.style.marginBottom = '10px';
const wordListContainer = document.createElement('div');
wordListContainer.style.display = 'flex';
wordListContainer.style.flexWrap = 'wrap';
wordListContainer.style.maxWidth = '300px'; // Set a fixed maximum width for the container
// Display custom word list buttons
const wordListArray = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('wordlist_cc')) || [];
const wordListButtons = [];
function createWordButton(word) {
const isMobile = /iPhone|iPad|iPod|Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
const removeSymbol = isMobile ? '×' : '🞮';
const wordButton = createButton(`${word} ${removeSymbol}`, function() {
// Remove the word from the list and update the panel
const index = wordListArray.indexOf(word);
if (index !== -1) {
wordListArray.splice(index, 1);
// Word Buttons
wordButton.style.borderRadius = '3px';
wordButton.style.border = 'none';
if (currentTheme === 'dark') {
wordButton.style.backgroundColor = '#26272B';
} else {
wordButton.style.backgroundColor = '#E4E4E7';
wordButton.style.marginBottom = '5px';
wordButton.style.marginRight = '5px';
wordButton.style.fontSize = '16px';
return wordButton;
function updateWordListButtons() {
wordListContainer.innerHTML = ''; // Clear the container
wordListArray.forEach(word => {
const wordButton = createWordButton(word);
// Add Words button
const addWordsButton = document.createElement('button');
addWordsButton.textContent = 'Add';
addWordsButton.style.marginTop = '-8px';
addWordsButton.style.marginLeft = '5px';
addWordsButton.style.borderRadius = '3px';
addWordsButton.style.border = 'none';
if (currentTheme === 'dark') {
addWordsButton.style.backgroundColor = '#26272B';
} else {
addWordsButton.style.backgroundColor = '#E4E4E7';
addWordsButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
// Get the input value, split into words, and add to wordListArray
const wordListValue = wordListInput.value;
const newWords = wordListValue.split(',').map(word => word.trim().toLowerCase()).filter(word => word !== ''); // Convert to lowercase and remove empty entries
// Update the word list buttons in the panel
// Create a div to group the input and button on the same line
const inputButtonContainer = document.createElement('div');
inputButtonContainer.style.display = 'flex';
inputButtonContainer.style.alignItems = 'center';
// Append the container to the panel
// Create initial word list buttons
// OK button
const okButton = document.createElement('button');
okButton.textContent = 'Confirm';
okButton.style.marginTop = '-20px';
okButton.style.width = '75px';
okButton.style.height = '35px';
okButton.style.marginRight = '5px';
okButton.style.borderRadius = '3px';
okButton.style.border = 'none';
if (currentTheme === 'dark') {
okButton.style.backgroundColor = '#26272B';
} else {
okButton.style.backgroundColor = '#D9D9DF';
okButton.style.position = 'relative';
okButton.style.left = '24%';
okButton.addEventListener('click', function () {
// Save selected colors to local storage
categories.forEach(category => {
const colorPicker = colorPickers[category];
const transparentCheckbox = transparentCheckboxes[category]; // Access the checkbox from stored references
// Determine the value to save: color picker value or 'transparent'
const newValue = transparentCheckbox.checked ? 'transparent' : colorPicker.value;
const oldValue = localStorage.getItem(`${category}_color`);
if (oldValue !== newValue) {
localStorage.setItem(`${category}_color`, newValue);
// If 'plaintext' color is changed, auto-reload the page
if (category === 'plaintext' || category === 'guide' || category === 'body' || category === 'input') {
// Save custom word list to local storage
const wordListValue = wordListInput.value;
const newWords = wordListValue.split(',').map(word => word.trim().toLowerCase()).filter(word => word !== ''); // Convert to lowercase and remove empty entries
const uniqueNewWords = Array.from(new Set(newWords)); // Remove duplicates
// Check for existing words and add only new ones
uniqueNewWords.forEach(newWord => {
if (!wordListArray.includes(newWord)) {
localStorage.setItem('wordlist_cc', JSON.stringify(wordListArray));
// Close the panel
// Cancel button
const cancelButton = document.createElement('button');
cancelButton.textContent = 'Cancel';
cancelButton.style.marginTop = '-20px';
cancelButton.style.borderRadius = '3px';
cancelButton.style.width = '75px';
cancelButton.style.marginLeft = '5px';
cancelButton.style.height = '35px';
cancelButton.style.border = 'none';
if (currentTheme === 'dark') {
cancelButton.style.backgroundColor = '#5E5E5E';
} else {
cancelButton.style.backgroundColor = '#CBD2D4';
cancelButton.style.position = 'relative';
cancelButton.style.left = '25%';
cancelButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
// Close the panel without saving
// ==== PRESETS ========
// Create button
const preset1 = document.createElement('button');
preset1.style.marginBottom = '20px';
preset1.style.borderRadius = '3px';
preset1.style.width = '30px';
preset1.style.marginLeft = '5px';
preset1.style.height = '30px';
preset1.style.border = 'none';
// Set image as button background
preset1.style.backgroundImage = "url('https://i.imgur.com/91Z4AwP.png')";
preset1.style.backgroundSize = 'contain';
preset1.style.backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat';
preset1.style.backgroundPosition = 'center';
// Event listener for button click
preset1.addEventListener('click', function () {
// Show confirmation dialog
const userConfirmed = confirm('All colors will be replaced with Discord pallet. Proceed?');
if (userConfirmed) {
function updateCSSVariable(variableName, value) {
document.documentElement.style.setProperty(variableName, value);
updateCSSVariable('--G850', '#383A40'); //input
updateCSSVariable('--G900', '#313338'); //body
updateCSSVariable('--G950', '#232428'); //guide
// Hardcode the selected colors to local storage
const hardcodedColors = {
'guide': '#232428',
'input': '#383A40',
'body': '#313338',
'charbubble': '#383A40',
'userbubble': '#41434A',
'accent': '#3E4047'
localStorage.setItem('ImageSize', '42px');
localStorage.setItem('cpfpPaddingRight', '12px');
localStorage.setItem('upfpPaddingLeft', '8px');
localStorage.setItem('cpfpPaddingTop', '0px');
localStorage.setItem('removeTitles', 'block');
localStorage.setItem('removeUserImage', 'block');
localStorage.setItem('proseMarginTop', '0.8em');
localStorage.setItem('proseMarginBottom', '0.8em');
// Save hardcoded values to local storage
Object.keys(hardcodedColors).forEach(category => {
const newValue = hardcodedColors[category];
localStorage.setItem(`${category}_color`, newValue);
const preset2 = document.createElement('button');
preset2.style.marginBottom = '20px';
preset2.style.borderRadius = '3px';
preset2.style.width = '30px';
preset2.style.marginLeft = '5px';
preset2.style.height = '30px';
preset2.style.border = 'none';
// Set image as button background
preset2.style.backgroundImage = "url('https://i.imgur.com/PSkZ4Yq.png')";
preset2.style.backgroundSize = 'contain';
preset2.style.backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat';
preset2.style.backgroundPosition = 'center';
// Event listener for button click
preset2.addEventListener('click', function () {
// Show confirmation dialog
const userConfirmed = confirm('All colors will be replaced with ChatGPT pallet. Proceed?');
if (userConfirmed) {
function updateCSSVariable(variableName, value) {
document.documentElement.style.setProperty(variableName, value);
// Update CSS variables with the new values
updateCSSVariable('--G850', '#2F2F2F'); // input
updateCSSVariable('--G900', '#212121'); // body
updateCSSVariable('--G950', '#171717'); // guide
// Hardcode the selected colors to local storage
const hardcodedColors = {
guide: '#171717',
input: '#2F2F2F',
body: '#212121',
charbubble: 'transparent',
userbubble: '#2F2F2F',
accent: '#323232',
charbubbleMarginTop: '-10px',
charbubbleMarginLeft: '-5px',
fontWeight: '400'
// Save hardcoded values to local storage
Object.keys(hardcodedColors).forEach(category => {
const newValue = hardcodedColors[category];
localStorage.setItem(`${category}_color`, newValue);
// Set the boldTitles variable in local storage to 'bold'
// localStorage.setItem('boldTitles', 'bold');
localStorage.setItem('removeTitles', 'none');
localStorage.setItem('removeUserImage', 'none');
localStorage.setItem('cpfpPaddingRight', '16px');
localStorage.setItem('cpfpPaddingTop', '14px');
localStorage.setItem('upfpPaddingLeft', '30px');
localStorage.setItem('proseMarginTop', '0.9em');
localStorage.setItem('proseMarginBottom', '0.9em');
localStorage.setItem('ImageSize', '34px');
// Reload the page to apply changes
const preset3 = document.createElement('button');
preset3.style.marginBottom = '20px';
preset3.style.borderRadius = '3px';
preset3.style.width = '30px';
preset3.style.marginLeft = '5px';
preset3.style.height = '30px';
preset3.style.border = 'none';
// Set image as button background
preset3.style.backgroundImage = "url('https://i.imgur.com/wWpHDIj.png')";
preset3.style.backgroundSize = 'contain';
preset3.style.backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat';
preset3.style.backgroundPosition = 'center';
// localStorage.setItem('charbubbleMarginTop_color', '-20px');
// Event listener for button click
preset3.addEventListener('click', function () {
// Show confirmation dialog
const userConfirmed = confirm('All colors will be replaced with old.character.ai pallet. Proceed?');
if (userConfirmed) {
function updateCSSVariable(variableName, value) {
document.documentElement.style.setProperty(variableName, value);
updateCSSVariable('--G850', '#2B2C2D'); //input
updateCSSVariable('--G900', '#242525'); //body
updateCSSVariable('--G950', '#2B2C2D'); //guide
// Hardcode the selected colors to local storage
const hardcodedColors = {
guide: '#2B2C2D',
input: '#2B2C2D',
body: '#242525',
charbubble: 'transparent',
userbubble: '#2B2C2D',
accent: '#363838',
charbubbleMarginTop: '-10px',
charbubbleMarginLeft: '0px'
localStorage.setItem('removeTitles', 'block');
localStorage.setItem('removeUserImage', 'block');
localStorage.setItem('cpfpPaddingRight', '5px');
localStorage.setItem('cpfpPaddingTop', '0px');
localStorage.setItem('upfpPaddingLeft', '5px');
localStorage.setItem('ImageSize', '45px');
localStorage.setItem('proseMarginTop', '1.0em');
localStorage.setItem('proseMarginBottom', '1.0em');
// Save hardcoded values to local storage
Object.keys(hardcodedColors).forEach(category => {
const newValue = hardcodedColors[category];
localStorage.setItem(`${category}_color`, newValue);
// Create 'resetall' button
const resetAll = document.createElement('button');
resetAll.style.marginBottom = '20px';
resetAll.style.borderRadius = '3px';
resetAll.style.width = '80px'; // Adjust width for text
resetAll.style.marginLeft = '5px';
resetAll.style.height = '30px';
resetAll.style.border = 'none';
resetAll.textContent = 'Reset All'; // Button text
// Add event listener to 'resetall' button
resetAll.addEventListener('click', function () {
// Reset all colors to their default values
function resetToDefault() {
const categories = [
'italic', 'quotationmarks', 'plaintext', 'custom',
'charbubble', 'userbubble', 'guide', 'input',
'body', 'accent'
// Set default colors based on the current theme
categories.forEach(category => {
const defaultColor = getDefaultColor(category);
updateCSSVariable(`--${category}`, defaultColor);
localStorage.setItem(`${category}_color`, defaultColor);
// Delete additional values from local storage
localStorage.setItem('removeTitles', 'block');
localStorage.setItem('removeUserImage', 'block');
localStorage.setItem('cpfpPaddingRight', '0px');
localStorage.setItem('cpfpPaddingTop', '0px');
localStorage.setItem('upfpPaddingLeft', '0px');
localStorage.setItem('ImageSize', '24px');
localStorage.setItem('proseMarginTop', '1.25em');
localStorage.setItem('proseMarginBottom', '1.25em');
// Reload the page to apply changes
// Show confirmation dialog
const resetConfirmed = confirm('This will reset all settings to default. Proceed?');
if (resetConfirmed) {
// Append 'resetall' button to the document
// Function to update CSS variable
function updateCSSVariable(variableName, value) {
document.documentElement.style.setProperty(variableName, value);
// Function to get the default color for a category
function getDefaultColor(category) {
const currentTheme = document.documentElement.classList.contains('dark') ? 'dark' : 'light';
if (currentTheme === 'dark') {
const defaultColors = {
'italic': '#E0DF7F',
'quotationmarks': '#FFFFFF',
'plaintext': '#A2A2AC',
'custom': '#E0DF7F',
'charbubble': '#26272B',
'userbubble': '#303136',
'guide': '#131316',
'input': '#202024',
'body': '#18181B',
'accent': '#26272B'
return defaultColors[category];
else {
const defaultColors = {
'italic': '#4F7AA6',
'quotationmarks': '#000000',
'plaintext': '#374151',
'custom': '#4F7AA6',
'charbubble': '#E4E4E7',
'userbubble': '#D9D9DF',
'guide': '#FAFAFA',
'input': '#F4F4F5',
'body': '#ECECEE',
'accent': '#26272B'
return defaultColors[category];
const mainButton = createButton('', function() {
const colorPanelExists = document.getElementById('colorPanel');
if (!colorPanelExists) {
// Set the background image of the button to the provided image
mainButton.style.backgroundImage = "url('https://i.imgur.com/yBgJ3za.png')";
mainButton.style.backgroundSize = "cover";
mainButton.style.position = "fixed"; // Use "fixed" for a position relative to the viewport
mainButton.style.top = "10px"; // Adjust the top position as needed
mainButton.style.right = "10px"; // Adjust the right position as needed
mainButton.style.width = "22px"; // Adjust the width and height as needed
mainButton.style.height = "22px"; // Adjust the width and height as needed
// Function to insert the mainButton into the body of the document
function insertMainButton() {
// Call the function to insert the mainButton into the body
console.info('c.ai Text Color Button appended to the top right corner.');