Sort MetaFilter Comments

Adds a Sort by Favorites button. Also keeps the anchor tags in the right place, and allows restoring the original sort order.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Sort MetaFilter Comments
// @version     18
// @grant       none
// @match       *://**
// @description Adds a Sort by Favorites button. Also keeps the anchor tags in the right place, and allows restoring the original sort order.
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

/*  At a high level, this script treats the name of each anchor node as an identifier for the comment, as the anchor's name seems to be MetaFilter's ID for the comment. The link from ID to actual comment is stored in an object (bascially acts as a map).
    We store arrays with the anchors in original order and sorted-by-favorites order so the sorting is already done when the user clicks the button.
    Currently the script removes all the comment divs and then adds them back in the requested order. I tried moving the comment divs instead of wiping them out and starting over, but the delete + add method was substantially faster.
    In theory we could avoid the objects by giving each comment div an ID based on its associated anchor name and use getElementById and getElementsByName to access the divs and anchors, but accessing them via an object is much faster.

// Global variables created at script load.
var allAnchorNamesInOriginalOrder = []; // Create empty array to hold anchor names in original order.
var anchorNamesSortedByFavorites = []; // Create empty array to hold anchor names in sorted-by-favorites order.
var allCommentDivsObject = {}; // Create empty object to hold comment Divs addressed by Anchor number.
var allAnchors = {}; // Create empty object to hold anchor nodes addressed by Anchor number.
var t1; // For performance testing. Use with t1 =; and console.log('Sorting took ' + ( - t1) + ' miliseconds');. Easier to make it global and set it whenever we need to monitor performance.

// Run these on script load.

function getAllDivsAndAnchors() { // Runs on script load. Gathers all data we need and does the sort so that work is done before the button is pushed.
  let allCommentDivs = document.getElementsByClassName('comments'); // Get all divs with className 'comments'
  allCommentDivs = Array.from(allCommentDivs).filter(function (div) { return div.previousSibling.tagName == 'A'; }); // Some "comment" divs are not actually comments. Fake comments are not preceeded by an anchor tag, so checking the previous node filters the list down to only real comment divs.
  for (let [i, currentDiv] of allCommentDivs.entries()) { // Loop over the array to create:
    let currentAnchor = currentDiv.previousSibling;
    let anchorName =;
    allAnchorNamesInOriginalOrder.push(anchorName); // Store the anchor names in original order.
    allCommentDivsObject[anchorName] = currentDiv; // Create a map from anchor name to comment Div.
    allAnchors[anchorName] = currentAnchor; // Create a map from anchor name to anchor node.

  // Create an array of the anchors sorted by favorites.
  anchorNamesSortedByFavorites = allAnchorNamesInOriginalOrder.slice(); // first duplicate the array since Array.sort mutates the array.
  anchorNamesSortedByFavorites.sort(getFavoritesAndSort);  // Sort the new array.

function reGetAllDivsAndReSort() { // Gathers all the comment Divs again so they keep any updates such as "selected comment" text or added Favorites.
  allCommentDivsObject = {};
  for (let anchorName of allAnchorNamesInOriginalOrder) {
    allCommentDivsObject[anchorName] = document.getElementsByName(anchorName)[0].nextSibling; // Can't use allAnchors[anchorName] object because the anchors there aren't in the DOM, so allAnchors[anchorName].nextSibling is null. Have to actually query the DOM for that instance of the anchor.

function createWrapperSpan() { // Wrap everything that we will modify in a span. This makes deleting faster because wiping out the innerHTML of a single element is much faster than deleting thousands of elements one-by-one. String replacement is a bit slow on page load but it's the simplest way to wrap elements.
  let postsDiv = document.getElementById('posts');
  let postsDivInnerHTML = postsDiv.innerHTML;
  postsDivInnerHTML = postsDivInnerHTML.replace(allAnchors[allAnchorNamesInOriginalOrder[0]].outerHTML, '<span id="tehhundSortMetaFilterCommentsWrapperSpan"><br>' + allAnchors[allAnchorNamesInOriginalOrder[0]].outerHTML);
  let newCommentsDiv = document.getElementById('newcomments');
  postsDivInnerHTML = postsDivInnerHTML.replace(newCommentsDiv.outerHTML, '</span>' + newCommentsDiv.outerHTML);
  postsDiv.innerHTML = postsDivInnerHTML;

function getFavoritesAndSort(a, b) { // from
  let aCommment = allCommentDivsObject[a];
  let bCommment = allCommentDivsObject[b];
  let getFavorites = 'a[href*="/favorited"]';
  var a_text = aCommment.querySelector(getFavorites),
    b_text = bCommment.querySelector(getFavorites),
    a_favorites = extractFavorites(a_text),
    b_favorites = extractFavorites(b_text);

  return b_favorites - a_favorites;

function extractFavorites(anchor) { // from
  if (anchor === null) { return 0; }
  let favorite = anchor.text.split(" ")[0];
  if (!isNaN(favorite)) { return Number(favorite); }
  else { return 0; }

function addButtonCss() { // borrowed and slightly modified from
  var style = document.createElement('style');
  style.type = 'text/css';
  style.innerHTML = `.sortButton, .restoreButton {
    background-color: #88C2D8;
    color: #FFFFFF;
    display: block;
    float: left;
    font-size: 17px;
    button[disabled] { background-color: #E6E6E6; }
    button {
    box-shadow: none; } `;

function addButtonToPage() { // This handles the initial load when there are zero existing buttons, and also handles error states where there is more than 1 button on the page.
  let previousButtonType = 'restoreButton'; // Assume we're adding the Sort button. Handles the initial load where there's no button.
  let existingButtons = document.getElementsByClassName('sortButton'); // If the first button is already a Sort button, assume the comments are already sorted by favorites and switch to adding a Restore button instead.
  if (existingButtons[0]) { previousButtonType = existingButtons[0].id; }
  for (let currentButton of existingButtons) { currentButton.remove();} // Just in case there's been an error and there is more than 1 button on the page, remove all of them.
  let newButton = document.createElement('button');
  newButton.className = 'sortButton';
  newButton.addEventListener('click', disableButtonAndStartSort);
  if (previousButtonType == 'restoreButton') {
    newButton.innerHTML = 'Sort by favorites'; = 'sortButton';
  } else {
    newButton.innerHTML = 'Restore original order'; = 'restoreButton';
  let sidebar = document.querySelector('#threadside');
  if (sidebar) { sidebar.appendChild(newButton); }
  else {
    document.getElementById('posts').insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', newButton);

function disableButtonAndStartSort(triggerEvent) { // First modify the button so it's clear to the user that something is happening.
  t1 =; = true; = "Working...";
  window.requestAnimationFrame(function (timestamp) { waitUntilButtonDisabled(triggerEvent); }); // requestAnimationFrame's callback runs before the next frame, so wait 1 frame before doing all the work so the change to the button is visible.

function waitUntilButtonDisabled(triggerEvent) {
  window.requestAnimationFrame(function () {
    if (document.getElementsByClassName('sortButton')[0].innerHTML === 'Working...') { // Check whether the button has been updated, and only then run the sort.
    } else {

function writeToPage(triggerEvent) { // Deletes all nodes and re-adds them.
  reGetAllDivsAndReSort(); // Start by getting all comment divs again so any updates are reflected in the object.
  let currentArray = anchorNamesSortedByFavorites; // Start by assuming we're sorting by favorites to avoid null issues.
  if ( == 'restoreButton') { currentArray = allAnchorNamesInOriginalOrder; } // If the clicked button was the Restore Order one, switch to original order array.
  let wrapperSpan = document.getElementById('tehhundSortMetaFilterCommentsWrapperSpan'); = 'inline-block'; = wrapperSpan.offsetHeight + 'px'; // Maintain height during DOM manipulations.
  wrapperSpan.innerHTML = "<br>";  // wipe out the contents of the container span so we can add the nodes back in.
  loopCurrentArray(currentArray, wrapperSpan);
  //addDivsFrameByFrame(currentArray, wrapperSpan);
  //addDivsRecursiveSetTimeout(currentArray, wrapperSpan);

function loopCurrentArray(currentArray, wrapperSpan) { // Adds comments with a simple loop, no waiting for animation frames or setTimeout.
  // Oddly, making this its own function instead of just looping within writeToPage() makes the whole thing run 8.7% faster in Firefox.
  for (let currentAnchorName of currentArray) {
    addComment(currentAnchorName, wrapperSpan); // Had setTimeout() here, but it didn't keep the page responseive and was 19% slower. Removing setTimeout() also prevents some script warnings on Android.
  let existingButtons = document.getElementsByClassName('sortButton'); // If the first button is already a Sort button, assume the comments are already sorted by favorites and switch to adding a Restore button instead.
  if (existingButtons[0].id.includes('sort')) {
    console.log('Sorting by Favorites took ' + ( - t1).toLocaleString() + ' miliseconds');
  } else {
    console.log('Restoring original order took ' + ( - t1).toLocaleString() + ' miliseconds');

function addDivsFrameByFrame(currentArray, wrapperSpan, index = 0) { // Call this function over and over so Divs are added slowly, frame by frame.
  let throwaway = window.requestAnimationFrame(function () {
    addComment(currentArray[index], wrapperSpan);
    if (currentArray[index + 1] == undefined) { // If there are no more Divs, stop sorting, remove the temporary height of the wrapper span, and change the button. = null; // revert height and display to default = null;
      console.log('Sorting took ' + ( - t1) + ' miliseconds');
    } else { return addDivsFrameByFrame(currentArray, wrapperSpan, ++index); } // If there's another Div, keep going every frame.

function addDivsRecursiveSetTimeout(currentArray, wrapperSpan, index = 0) { // Call this function over and over so Divs are added slowly using setTimeout to not block the event loop.
  setTimeout(function () {
    addComment(currentArray[index], wrapperSpan);
    if (currentArray[index + 1] == undefined) { // If there are no more Divs, stop sorting, remove the temporary height of the wrapper span, and change the button. = null; // revert height to default = null;
      console.log('Sorting took ' + ( - t1) + ' miliseconds');
    } else { return addDivsRecursiveSetTimeout(currentArray, wrapperSpan, ++index); } // If there's another Div, keep going every frame.
  }, 0);

function addComment(currentAnchorName, wrapperSpan) {
  /* tried several ways to reduce DOM changes and speed this up, but none worked:
       String concatenation followed by a single big innerHTML change, but performance was inconsistent and ranged from 20% worse to an order of magnitude worse.
       Tried DocumentFragment to build the DOM and then replace the entire wrapper span at once, but performance was identical to or a little slower than just adding the nodes directly as below.