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Reddit - View deleted content

Click on a deleted post or comment and see what was there originally

بۈگۈن قاچىلانغىنى
جەمئىي قاچىلانغىنى
باھا نومۇرى
1 0 0
قۇرۇلغان ۋاقتى
يېڭىلانغان ۋاقتى

View deleted content

When you see a post or comment that contains [removed] or [deleted] you can click on that text to open Unddit showing the deleted content in a new tab.

Or hold shift and click on the text of any comment to open it on Unddit if you want to.

Adds an original post link after the link showing the number of comments.


3.0.0 (28.04.2024)

  • Rename script and tweak the link text for posts
  • Allow clicking [removed] in posts as well as comments
  • Fixed hover state for [removed] or [deleted] comment bodies

2.4.0 (17.04.2024)

  • Changed undelete source to

2.3.0 (03.08.2022)

  • Add @license field and consolidate @icon fields

2.2.0 (08.06.2021)

  • Replace Removeddit with Reveddit

2.1.1 (07.07.2019)

  • Deleted comments now don't require shift-click, have hover effect

2.1.0 (03.07.2019)

  • Shift-click on "[removed]" will open Removeddit for deleted comments

2.0.0 (03.07.2019)

  • Add Removeddit link to post buttons at top of page
  • Changed name and description to match functionality
  • Fixed icon metadata to use optimisied Reddit logo
  • Minor tidying up of code
  • Uploaded as a new user script to Greasyfork

1.2.1 (03.06.2019)

  • Merged with other copy of the script and updated the version to 1.2.1
  • Added timeout before opening Removeddit to prevent a new window being opened

1.2.0 (24.05.2019)

  • Removed button in RES floating toolbar
  • Holding shift when clicking perma-link on a comment opens it in Removeddit

1.1.0 (11.09.2018)

  • Add a "removeddit-link" to each comment

1.0.0 (13.07.2018)

  • Switched to watcher library instead of mutation-summary

0.1.0 (19.06.2018)

  • Initial version