Greasy Fork is available in English.

Sergey Schmidt Submit

Fix buttons, clean instructions, use other scripts for individual HITs for efficient workflow. Make hide instructions from Kadauchi work for Sergey's (usual) formatting.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Sergey Schmidt Submit
// @description  Fix buttons, clean instructions, use other scripts for individual HITs for efficient workflow. Make hide instructions from Kadauchi work for Sergey's (usual) formatting.
// @author       ChrisTurk
// @require
// @include      /^https://(www|s3)\.(mturkcontent|amazonaws)\.com/
// @version
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

	if ($( 'body:contains(Instructions [-])' ).length) { SergeyPls(); }

function SergeyPls() {
	// Fix submit button, enable it just in case
	$( '#submitButton' ).css('display','block');
	$( '#submitButton' ).prop("disabled", false);

	// Creates button and hides instructions.
	$( '#instructions' ).before('<button id="toggle" type="button"><span>Show Instructions</span></button>');
	$( '#instructions' ).hide();
	$( '#sample-task' ).hide();
	$( '#please-note' ).hide();

	// Toggles instructions and changes toggle text.
	$( '#toggle' ).click(function() {
		$( '#instructions' ).toggle();
		$( '#sample-task' ).toggle();
		$( '#please-note' ).toggle();
		$( '#toggle' ).text() == 'Show Instructions' ? str = 'Hide Instructions' : str = 'Show Instructions';
		$( '#toggle span' ).html(str);
	}); //toggle function end
