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IMDb Search

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This is a small script for people to use in there scripts.This does not do anything on his own... I am posting this because I am using this in some other script hope some of u get some use of it....

when not providing a callback it will log the result in console. search on IMDb when found calls

    arg = {
             title:   string,      //Title to search (required)
             year:    string,      //year (not required)
             type:    string,      //movie,tv or game (not required) default movie
             node:    HTMLElement, //you can pass along a node that will be passed to the callback(not required)
             callback:function,    //set a callback function: function(info = object ,node = HTMLElement){your code....} (not required)
                                   //default function(info){console.log(info)}.
    } when you know the IMDb ID you can call this direct.

    arg = {
             id:      string,      //IMDb ID (required) ex. "tt2488496" 
             node:    HTMLElement, //you can pass along a node that will be passed to the callback(not required)
             callback:function,    //set a callback function: function(info = object ,node = HTMLElement){your code....} (not required)
                                   //default function(info){console.log(info)}.
    info returned:
         Title:         string,
         Year:          string,
         ID:            string,
         Rating:        string,
         ratingCount:   string,
         contentRating: string,
         Duration:      string,
         releaseDate:   string,
         Genre:         string,
         URL:           string,
         Poster:        string,
         Trailer:       string,
         InWatchList:   boolean,
         InLists:       array,//->[string,...] string = list ID
         Description:   string,
         Stars:         array,//->[object,...] object = {Name:string,Image:string,URL:string} 
         Creator:       array,//->[object,...] object = {Name:string,Type: string,URL:string} 
         Director:      array,//->[object,...] object = {Name:string,URL:string} 

IMDb.inLists(arg) see if the movie is in one of your lists.

    arg = {
             id:      string,      //IMDb ID (required) ex. "tt2488496"
             node:    HTMLElement, //you can pass along a node that will be passed to the callback(not required)
             callback:function,    //set a callback function: function(info = object ,node = HTMLElement){your code....} (not required)
                                   //default function(info){console.log(info)}.
    info returned:
         InWatchList:   boolean,
         InLists:       array,//->[string,...] string = list ID

IMDb.getYouTube(arg) this get a trailer from youtube

    arg = {
             title:   string      //Title to search (required)
             year:    string      //year (not required)
             type:    string      //movie,tv or game (not required) default movie
             node:    HTMLElement //you can pass along a node that will be passed to the callback(not required)
             callback:function    //set a callback function: function(info = object ,node = HTMLElement){your code....} (not required)
                                  //default function(info){console.log(info)}.
    info returned:
         Trailer:       string,