RBLU JS - RocketBall Limit Unlocker
No Blur JS - Removes youtube blur video background
DRDL JS - Discord Recent Deletions Logger - view recent edits and deletions in console.
Loop Fix JS - Saving loop for current tab and fixes video repeating in playlist
Refresh Video JS - Auto refresh youtube if video freezed/stopped downloading
CWSS JS (Kitaplık) - Complete WebSocket Sniffer
WorkerTimer JS (Kitaplık) - Needs to setInterval/setTimeout times working normally
E-Code JS (Kitaplık) - Evades Coder
KPD JS (Kitaplık) - Kogama Packet Decoder
KWD JS (Kitaplık) - Kogama World Decoder
XHS JS (Kitaplık) - XML Http Sniffer
PPML JS (Kitaplık) - Pixel Place Map Loader
PPT JS (Kitaplık) - Pixel Place Tools
PPCC JS (Kitaplık) - Pixel Place Compile Client
PPIL JS (Kitaplık) - Pixel Place Image Loader
PPPC JS (Kitaplık) - Pixel Place Parallel Connections
PPConf JS (Kitaplık) - Pixel Place Config
RBDB JS (Kitaplık) - RocketBall Decoder Buffer